The results of Li Xiaojun's drug sensitivity test came out three days later.

There are three drugs that are most sensitive, and the blue-shaped bacteria in the culture dish are almost dead under the attack of these three drugs.

They are amphotericin B, itraconazole, and voriconazole, which are the most effective.

The respiratory department also immediately changed the drugs according to the test results.

First use amphotericin B and itraconazole to fight fungal infections, and then add some liver protection drugs to reduce the burden on the liver.

Five days later, Li Xiaojun's condition really improved a lot.

When Zhang Yi and Kang Yanming went to the respiratory department to see him, Li Xiaojun had already been transferred to the general intensive care unit.

The wound on the surface of the skin is still there, but it has begun to heal and there is no pus.

It seems that Li Xiaojun is still very lucky.

He has no drug resistance to this drug.

After taking it for a week, you can temporarily stop taking the drug to see the patient's own recovery effect.

"Doctor Zhang, Director Kang and Director Huang, you are here!"

Li Xiaojun spoke with a lot of strength, and his spirit and energy were much different from the day he was admitted to the hospital.

"The recovery is good. The drug will be stopped in two days. After stopping the drug, a full set of examinations will be done.

If the recovery is good, you can consider discharge."

Hearing Huang Qi say this, Li Xiaojun and several family members next to him instantly made a look of relief on their faces.

"Thank you, doctor, I am finally cured! I am finally going to be discharged!"

For the past few months, my family has been tortured by illness.

It's finally over now!

"No need to thank me. This disease is indeed rare, but the possibility of cure is generally high. In addition, if you want to thank someone, thank Dr. Zhang.

He spent the whole night looking up information and literature to find your pathogen."

Huang Qi smiled and pointed at Zhang Yi who was standing next to Kang Yanming.

The family looked at Zhang Yi gratefully:

"Thank you, Dr. Zhang. From the time we were hospitalized to now, we have seen and remembered every bit of your help. Thank you so much!"

This thank you was really sincere, because Zhang Yi received 200 gratitude points.

In fact, Zhang Yi was a little moved by the patient's words.

It seems that his ups and downs during this period were not in vain.

We are all human beings, and we are all emotional advanced animals.

If you are good to patients, both patients and their families can feel it.

Being a doctor is not for anything. First, it is a sense of professional mission. Second, people come to the hospital and it is already hard, difficult and poor. Do you want to make money?

That's definitely not possible.

So, I just want to say thank you, and also hope for the understanding of the family members and patients.

"It's okay, you're welcome."

On the way back to the emergency room from the respiratory department, Zhang Yi saw Kang Yanming's face was relaxed and happy.

It was like a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but ask curiously:

"Director Kang, can't you let go of that girl five years ago? It seems that you have always remembered it in your heart."

When he said this, the smile on Kang Yanming's face was restrained.

He sighed inconspicuously, hesitated for a while, and then slowly spoke:

"Alas, five years ago, the blue-shaped bacteria of Marneffei were even rarer than they are now.

Many doctors had never heard of this pathogen.

The girl was also introduced by an old patient of mine.

It was also a situation very similar to Li Xiaojun's. After half a month of treatment in her hometown, she didn't see any improvement, so she transferred to our Union Hospital through connections.

At that time, I had only been promoted to vice president for less than two years.

When the girl's family heard that I was the vice president of Union Hospital, they all placed their hopes on me.

To be honest, I was also very high-spirited at that time, holding several kinds of antibiotics. Combined treatment.

But the girl didn't get better at all, and she changed to antifungal and antiviral drugs after two days.

But the girl's body seemed to have tolerated it, and the effects of various drug treatments were very poor.

At that time, Tian Feilong was just like me, and he was very concerned about this patient.

On the first day of admission... Tian Feilong suggested that I use antifungal drugs.

But I didn't listen to his advice and used second-line antibiotics.

Later, after the drug was changed, the girl tolerated the drug, and Tian Feilong came to argue with me.

He said that the girl was very likely to have a fungal infection and that I didn't change to antifungal drugs in time...

At that time, I was also arrogant, and I was also

The director of the department and the vice president, so I quarreled with him.

That was the most intense argument between us.

As a result, the girl died two days later.

The infection spread very seriously. When she was admitted to the hospital, she could still laugh, eat and talk.

But when she died...


Speaking of this, Kang Yanming stopped, and the picture in his mind seemed to emerge again.

A pale and skinny corpse, and the corpse was covered with pus and ulcer-like corroded wounds...

The grief-stricken cries of the family members echoed in Kang Yanming's ears along with this picture.

"You are a quack! What did you say at the beginning? You said you could definitely cure my daughter! But what about now? A quack! You are still the president of Union Hospital? ! Bah!"

"You quack! Give me my daughter back! Didn't you say you could cure her? Woo woo... my daughter! You are only 17 years old... why are you gone! ”

“Kang Yanming! Don’t be a doctor with your skills! Go home and retire!”

“Why don’t you know the cause of death in your hospital? Why? Aren’t you from Union Hospital?!”

The family members cursed for a long time outside the office, and Kang Yanming accepted it all without saying a word.

Because the cause was not found, the girl’s family agreed to an autopsy.

The examiner found patches of mold in the skull.

At that time, the mold was also sent for examination, but only the flower shape could be seen.

And the diagnosis on the death certificate was also written as: Pulmonary blastomycosis to be investigated?

Because the antifungal drug is not effective, it can only be pulmonary blastomycosis to be investigated.

Zhang Yi looked at Kang Yanming and asked:

“What happened later? Didn’t you suspect the blue fungus Marneffei?”

Kang Yanming shook his head:

“I did suspect it later, but the girl had been dead for two years.

What’s the use of suspicion? The person is dead. "

When he said 'everyone is dead', Zhang Yi heard the helplessness in Kang Yanming's tone.

Since then, the two directors have never gotten along.

Tian Feilong didn't want to work with Kang Yanming, and he couldn't resign, so he applied to Jin Zhenglun to open another emergency group 2.

Jin Zhenglun saw that the two were incompatible and had no choice but to agree.

Until now, the two are still like this.

One manages group 1, and the other manages group 2.

In silence, the two returned to the emergency room one after the other.

As soon as they came back, they heard a burst of urgent ambulance sirens outside.

"Director Kang, a patient with purple hands and blisters for unknown reasons has come! Go and see him!"

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