The family members were completely panicked! Zhang Yi was dragged so hard that he almost dropped the debridement bag in his hand. "Don't get excited first. If you get too excited and delay our rescue, we will have to ask you to leave!" Zhang Yi frowned and snorted, and the family member let go of his hand in dismay. This is why the family members are often not allowed to enter the emergency room. When they see that their relatives are about to die, their minds are confused and they can't care about anything. When the family members are emotionally broken, it is easy to affect the rescue work. "Let me tell you, we currently suspect it is a marine Vibrio infection, also known as Vibrio vulnificus infection.

This bacterium is widely distributed in the ocean and freshwater, and is a disease shared by humans and fish.

It is very likely that you accidentally got infected when you went to the seafood market to choose seafood."

"Ah?" The family member was confused: "Then why am I fine? I also touched the shrimp, and I also ate it, I'm fine!"

Zhang Yi explained:

"It may be related to personal physical fitness. Your husband is a colon cancer patient. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy will cause his immunity to decrease.

Any infection is difficult to cure, not to mention that this is marine Vibrio, which is a very invasive pathogen.

So we will notify you in advance. We will try our best to rescue the patient. His hand I will also clean and disinfect the blisters immediately.

If necessary, I may even choose to amputate the hand to save his life.

Of course, this is just a rescue plan.

The premise of the plan is that he can hold on until he goes to the operating room, or he can still hold on under the dual risks of infection and amputation.

But I want to give you a shot of prevention, his current condition is very bad.

There is an 80% probability that he cannot be saved!

I suggest you call other family members and ask them to come over. "

"Eight... eighty? ? Eighty percent probability that he cannot be saved? ? !

Oh... no, doctor... woo woo... please help!

Please! Doctor, please help!"

The family member's legs softened and he fell to the ground with a plop.

One cried and begged.

But she was only answered with silence and comfort.

No doctor dared to give her a definite answer: her husband can definitely be cured.

Even Zhang Yi couldn't do it.

Chen Fang heard Zhang Yi's last words after he rushed to the emergency room.

Who is Zhang Yi?

A person who can guarantee a 99% success rate to the family members!

But now...

When facing this patient with cancer and Vibrio vulnificus infection, Zhang Yi can only admit defeat.

It's like a small cold. For ordinary people, it can be cured without taking medicine.

But for patients with low immunity, it's like a terminal illness that is very difficult to cure.

It's a mountain that is difficult to cross.

Chen Fang glanced at Zhang Yi, and he knew that Zhang Yi wanted to save him.

But he was helpless. This person might not be able to survive until Zhang Yi said that he would amputate to save his life.

Soon, the family member was taken out of the emergency room by another doctor and nurse.

Chen Fang took the critical illness form for her to sign.

After the family member read the content on it, they began to cry again.

This is not a word.

This is a death notice!

The family member's hand holding the pen was shaking constantly, and it took a long time for him to write his name.

"No matter what, doctor, please do your best..."

Before Chen Fang took the list and prepared to go back to the emergency room, the family member grabbed Chen Fang's hand and begged.

At this moment, the doctor was the family's only hope.

Chen Fang knew that she didn't have the ability to bring the dead back to life, so she could only comfort her:

"Okay, we will do our best."


In the emergency room, Zhang Yi had already started drainage and debridement.

Punctured all the blisters on the entire arm and took out the pus inside.

But at this moment!

The ECG monitor sounded an alarm that all medical staff didn't want to hear.

Beep beep beep!

"Not good, blood pressure is starting to drop again!"

"The carbon dioxide partial pressure has dropped to 28mmhg!"

"Director Kang, the patient has no urine at all, and the examination cannot be done!"


The situation has become worse!

Chills, fever, oliguria, carbon dioxide partial pressure below 28!

It's not just an infection!

I'm afraid it's sepsis!

Septic shock may even occur at any time!

Just at this time, the blood routine test came back.

White blood cells, plasma C reaction

Protein, creatinine, and bilirubin are all over the limit!

Looking at the row, all of them are upward arrows.

In addition, thrombocytopenia also means coagulation disorder.

And lactic acid is as high as 2.1mmol/L!

So far, more than half of the fluids have been transfused on both sides.

But no yellow liquid has appeared in the urine bag.

It means that there is a problem with kidney function!

When several doctors saw this scene, they all felt that this person was almost hopeless.

Infectious shock will develop into sepsis and septic shock if it is delayed to the later stage.

This is caused by the continuous reproduction of bacteria in the blood.

The most fatal point of sepsis is that it will cause organ failure.

In addition, this person is a chemotherapy patient with poor immunity.

So when he saw this, Kang Yanming was going to give up.

It's not that he didn't save this person.

It's that he can't save him anymore.

"Has the critical illness been lifted? Communicate with the family and explain the cause of the disease."

Kang Yanming said to Chen Fang who was standing next to him.

Chen Fang nodded:

"I have asked for signatures, family members... let us do our best."

Kang Yanming sighed helplessly:

"We have tried our best. We have used the necessary drugs, including albumin, proton pump inhibitors, antibacterial drugs, colloidal liquid crystal fluid, vasodilators, etc.

All the rescue drugs are used. It's just that the patient's physical condition is too poor.

There is no other way, we just have to do our best.

How about this, call the family members in, and let them come in to take a look at the last time."

After Chen Fang responded, he called the family members outside in.

At first glance, the person lying on the bed was almost dead.

The family member lay on the bed and cried silently.

He kept shouting, asking him to wake up.

Unfortunately, the patient couldn't hear at all and couldn't give any response.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi felt uncomfortable.

This is another patient Zhang Yi has encountered who makes him feel helpless after the patient who drank paraquat.

That feeling of powerlessness is like having a lot of kung fu but having no place to use it.


The family members cannot accept the fact.

The indicators on the monitoring are getting lower and lower.

Kang Yanming's order is that the patient is already in the stage of organ failure and it is meaningless to continue to rescue him.

Meaning, rescue is useless.

Although it is cruel, the existing medical methods do stop here.

The doctor is also helpless.

But the next second, Zhang Yi suddenly raised his head and said:

"Wait a minute, Director Kang! Otherwise... try dialysis at the end?!"

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