The patient was diagnosed with leukemia.

"You said bedside hemodialysis?"

"Yes! Let's try it again and see if it works."

Although Zhang Yi was unsure.

I don't know if the patient will get better after hemodialysis.

But this is the only way. If you don't do it, there will be no hope at all.

If you do it, maybe there will be 1% hope? ?

When the family heard it, they turned their heads and knelt down to Zhang Yi without even looking at Kang Yanming!

"Do it! Do dialysis! Do dialysis right now! I'll do it as long as there's a little hope!

Woo woo... hold on a little longer...

My daughter is still on her way... woo woo... she can't not even see her father for the last time...

Please help us! We'll do it no matter how much it costs!"

"Get up, family member. There's no need to kneel down. Get up quickly."

Zhang Yi quickly pulled the person up.

But the family member was already exhausted physically and mentally, and she had no strength left after crying.

It was only when the nurse pushed a wheelchair over that she reluctantly sat on it and took a breath.

Kang Yanming saw that the family members had agreed, and he immediately called the dialysis room.

Although he didn't have any hope in his heart, he would do it if the family members asked him to.

After a while, the doctor in the dialysis room came down with the dialysis machine.

After connecting the arteries and veins at both elbows, the machine started moving soon.

Before dialysis, Kang Yanming ordered two more doses of norepinephrine.

Raised the blood pressure a little.


The machine was running fast.

The bright red blood was filtered by the machine and then injected into the patient.

This was the only way Zhang Yi could think of at the moment.

Of course, Zhang Yi also knew that the patient might not survive even after dialysis.

But at least he tried his best and the family would not have any regrets.

The dialysis lasted about two hours.

During this period, the patient's daughter also rushed to the hospital.

The only thing to be thankful for was that the dialysis was actually effective after it was done!

This dying man was able to open his eyes!

Although he couldn't speak, he could see the person in front of him.

When the doctors around saw that the patient's condition had improved, they all walked over to Zhang Yi and started to flatter him.

"Oh, Doctor Zhang, you are the one who dares to take the risk... If it were me, I wouldn't dare to take the risk of dialysis."

"That's right, it's mainly colon cancer plus Vibrio vulnificus infection, which is too difficult to treat.

After spending money, it still can't be cured. I'm afraid that the family will cause trouble."

"If you ask me, Doctor Zhang is really good. He can even associate this with Vibrio vulnificus."

Several doctors surrounded Zhang Yi and talked.

Zhang Yi didn't have time to listen to what they said.


Zhang Yi always felt that this dialysis...

only played a role in delaying time, and there was no effect of treatment?

On the bed, the family clung to each other.

After a while, several other family members came.

Considering that the patient is still in critical condition, although he can open his eyes and is conscious, his condition is still not good, and the possibility of another critical condition cannot be ruled out.

So Zhang Yi put them together in the emergency room to reminisce.

What if...

This is the last time they meet?

Kang Yanming and Zhang Yi have the same idea.

They were all worried that dialysis was just a delaying tactic and could not eradicate the disease.

So they had not relaxed their vigilance yet.

However, seeing that the patient's physical signs had improved a little, Kang Yanming did not want to make himself so nervous.

Do your best and leave it to fate, Kang Yanming arranged for the other doctors to do other things.

"Zhang Yi, you stay and watch this patient. Notify me immediately if there is any situation."

The medical resources of the emergency department are also limited, and it is impossible to stay with a patient for a long time.

In just a short while, another patient with unexplained vomiting blood came to the emergency department.

"Okay, leave it to me." Zhang Yi nodded in agreement.

Seeing Kang Yanming walking away, Chen Fang looked at the family members and then asked in a low voice:

"Zhang Yi, can this man survive?"

Zhang Yi's expression was solemn: "It's hard to say."

"Dad? Can you hear me? Dad? Can you nod?"

"Dad? Look at me? Dad... Don't ignore me, Dad..."

"Grandpa, I'm Bubu, can you look at Bubu?"

The family gathered together and kept shouting the patient's name.

Unfortunately, the patient was always in a semi-comatose state.

"Let me take a look." Zhang Yi walked forward and took the flashlight in his bag to shine on the pupil


Slow light reflex...


This dialysis is still useless.

"Doctor... How is it? Will this dialysis be effective after it is done?"

The 50-year-old lady asked with red eyes.

For a moment, the whole family looked at Zhang Yi.

However, Zhang Yi did not give them hope.

"No, it still doesn't work after dialysis. You... prepare for the worst."

The next second, there was another howling in the emergency room.

Just now, one family member was crying, and now the whole family is crying.


Zhang Yi looked helpless, but he had no choice.

More than ten minutes later.

The indicators of this patient infected with Vibrio vulnificus began to decline rapidly!

The ECG monitor also sounded the low indicator prompt again.

Zhang Yi immediately knelt beside the bed and started chest compression.

Although it is unlikely to be effective, Zhang Yi is also comforting the family members next to him by doing this.

"Family members, please go outside first, our medical staff are going to rescue him."

Chen Fang quickly sent the family members away and helped Zhang Yi start the rescue.

The nurses in the emergency room also rushed over.

But no matter how many people came or how many medicines were used, it would be useless.

Thirty minutes later.

A bright sweat stain appeared on Zhang Yi's forehead.

"Forget it, stop. The patient has lost his spontaneous breathing and heartbeat. The time is 4:32 pm. He was declared dead after the rescue was ineffective."

Zhang Yi issued an order that the rescue was ineffective, which was also the last medical order for this patient.

When Kang Yanming rushed over and saw that the patient had sunken cheeks, pale complexion, and no vitality in his body, he knew that this person could not be saved.

Even if dialysis was used, it was the same.

A colon cancer patient, long-term radiotherapy and chemotherapy is already a person who has lost half his life.

As a result, he was unlucky to be infected with the pathogenic bacteria Vibrio marineus.



Originally, he could have lived for a year or two.

Now he died.

"Let the family come in." Kang Yanming raised his head and gestured.

Soon, the family rushed in again.

The whole emergency room was filled with this suffocating and oppressive sobbing all day long.

Zhang Yi walked to the side of the 50-year-old lady, patted her shoulder gently and said:

"I'm sorry... I suggested dialysis, but... I still couldn't save her, and you spent money."

The family member raised her head with sobs, and it could be seen that she was in grief for losing her family.

But she still nodded gratefully to Zhang Yi:

"No... Thank you, it's okay, I know you tried your best, just try your best."

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