The little girl was so tired that she was lying on the ground.


Zhang Yi glanced at the contents of the little girl's stomach...

It should hurt.

It would be strange if it didn't hurt to have a stomach full of "foreign objects".

Zhang Yi put on a pair of gloves and smiled at the little girl, trying to persuade her in a gentle tone:

"Little sister? Can you pick up your clothes so that your uncle can check it?"

The little girl's beautiful eyebrows twisted together, and she shrank her neck cautiously.

Her parents beside her were also whispering to persuade her:

"Jingjing, be good, this uncle won't give you an injection. Didn't you say you felt uncomfortable in your stomach? Can the doctor take a look and help you check it? The pain in your stomach will go away after the check, okay?"

The little girl leaned on her mother's arms and nodded aggrievedly.

Zhang Yi then carefully lifted the girl's cotton coat.

In the winter, children usually wear a lot of clothes.

It was not until the two family members helped to expose the whole smooth belly that they found that their child had more than just a stomachache.

"Doctor Zhang, why is my daughter's belly so hard? What's going on? Could it be... could it be a tumor inside?!"

The girl's mother was so nervous.

I didn't see her belly so hard a few days ago!

Something was wrong since yesterday. I wanted to see a doctor but I was afraid that I would not trust the doctor's skills.

So I used my connections and paid to get an appointment with Zhang Yi.

They had heard of Zhang Yi's name.

The previous news bulletins said that Zhang Yi was a very powerful and skilled famous doctor.

That’s why they found Union Hospital.

Now, they are afraid that their daughter has a terminal illness.

So even if Zhang Yi does a good job in the operation, he is afraid that his child will not survive.

Zhang Yi pressed the little girl’s belly with his fingertips, about two centimeters below the xiphoid process and a little to the left.

When you press here, it is not the usual soft touch, but it feels like there is something hard inside.

If Zhang Yi could not see it, he would probably think it is a tumor.

Of course, this child is not.

"Does it hurt here, little sister?"

The little girl still nodded aggrievedly: "It hurts..."

"What about here?"

"Woo... it hurts..."

"What about here?"

"It doesn't hurt..."

Zhang Yi took off his gloves and asked the two parents:

"The pain is around the stomach. Did you eat anything that caused bloating or indigestion?"

The two young couples looked at each other:

"No, right? We usually eat normally at home... protein, staple food, plus fruits and so on."

Zhang Yi glanced at the yellow mud-like lumps in the girl's stomach again.

It was obviously caused by eating something.

"It's hard to say at the moment. Let's do an X-ray first. See if it's a stomach problem. If it is, then do a gastroscopy later.

If not, then do a chest and abdominal MRI.

This way you can spend less money on the examination."

Some doctors write out all the examination orders at once, because they themselves can't be sure whether it's a stomach problem, so they do MRI and CT.

Second, it's money.

An MRI and CT scan at Union Hospital costs nearly 2,000 yuan.

Zhang Yi thought that since he already knew what the problem was, he could just do an X-ray to find out the problem.

Then do a gastroscopy, which only costs a few hundred yuan.

Saving the patient a little bit is also worthy of his conscience.

"Okay, okay! Thank you, Dr. Zhang, thank you!

By the way, just an X-ray? Blood draw or something? No?"

Zhang Yi shook his head and said:

"Not for the time being, because your daughter only has abdominal pain and bloating plus indigestion, and then a mass in the abdomen. These symptoms can be seen by X-ray or CT first.

No need to draw blood. If the problem is a bit serious after the X-ray comes out, then do other tests."

"Oh, okay, okay! Thank you, Dr. Zhang!"

The family thanked him repeatedly and took the child out for examination.

Only after the door was closed did Zhang Yi helplessly shake his head and whisper:

"This parent is really careless. Why did he feed his child so many persimmons? Now he has vegetative stones."

Calling the number.

The next patient came in.

At the same time, Chen Fang also came to the clinic to help after finishing his work.

This patient is a child with cleft lip and palate.

He came from Fucheng, more than 800 kilometers away.


The conditions were also very bad. I had to register two weeks in advance before I could get an appointment with Zhang Yi.

However, the cleft lip and palate of the child in front of me was relatively serious.

Cleft lip and palate are also divided into cleft lip, cleft palate and cleft lip and palate.

A slightly easier one may solve the problem with one operation.

But many children with cleft lip and cleft palate need more than one operation, and may need two repairs.

It also depends on the age of the child. It is best to have the operation within one year after birth.

At this time, the child is young, and the scar will be smaller after the later development and maturity.

Cleft lip and palate involves the development of the child's entire oral palate and face, so after the operation, the child's facial development should be checked regularly.

Some children with cleft lip and palate also have hearing and pronunciation problems.

It is necessary to conduct reexamination, correction and improvement after the operation to completely cure the series of sequelae caused by cleft lip and palate.

For example, the child in front of me.

He is three years old, but he can only babble when speaking. If you listen carefully, you can feel that his pronunciation is problematic.

It is very likely that cleft lip and palate have affected his language function.

There is no problem with hearing.

The current solution is to have surgery immediately.

The surgery should have been done two years ago, but the family is not well off so it has been delayed until now.

Even the travel expenses and hospitalization fees to the capital were saved up.

"Don't worry about the hospitalization. Our doctor Zhang's charity fund is all-inclusive. You don't have to pay a penny. Don't worry about the treatment."

Chen Fang explained to the family while helping to write the list.

The family held the child with red eyes and kept thanking.

Before they came, they heard that Dr. Zhang would treat cleft lip and palate for free, but...

After all, they were going far away, and they were worried that in the end they would not give it for free?

So they scraped together and borrowed a total of 30,000 yuan to come to the capital.

"Thank you, thank you, Dr. Zhang!"

Afterwards, Chen Fang took the family to the hospital.

The surgery was also scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Zhang Yi calculated with his fingers that once the operation of this cleft lip and palate child is over, the system will reward him a big sum!

Zhang Yi is waiting and watching~!

Waiting to see how much money the system will reward him~

An hour later.

The little girl named Jingjing and her parents came back.

The child was holding an X-ray examination form in her hand.

The family member looked unhappy and asked hurriedly:

"Doctor Zhang, please take a look, are these shadows in my daughter's stomach really tumors??!"

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