The doctor said that the patient was very serious.

Zhang Yi looked calm:

"Don't panic, don't panic, let me take a look first."

Hanging the gray-black film on the reading lamp, soon, a clear image of the entire chest and abdomen appeared.

"Sure enough, there is a problem with the left abdomen, and something has grown in the stomach.

Look here, three shadow groups of different sizes, the density is similar, it should be the same thing.

The shape does not look like a tumor, but like a stone."

"Ah?! Stones?! What do you mean?? Stones can grow in the stomach?!"

The family members were shocked.

I have heard of urinary stones, kidney stones, and gallstones.

But... this is the first time I have heard that stones can grow in the stomach!

Zhang Yi turned his head and frowned as he asked the family members:

"Has the child eaten any other foreign objects? Has he taken calcium or bismuth drugs for a long time? Has he eaten fruit pits, persimmons, tomatoes, etc. that are easy to cause stones?"

After hearing Zhang Yi's question, the family members suddenly realized!

"Ah? My daughter likes to eat tomatoes the most! She often eats a tomato with milk in the morning and feels full.

I thought milk and tomatoes are also protein and vitamin C... It's okay to eat them together, right?

How can she get stones? Oh my... If I had known, I would not let her eat!"

The family members regretted it.

I didn't expect that eating a tomato could cause stones in the child's stomach.

At this time, the father who had been silent all the time suddenly said:

"It seems... I bought persimmons when I got home from work the day before yesterday... Jingjing, do you remember how many persimmons you ate?"

The little girl pouted and whispered:

"It seems like four or five..."

Zhang Yi shook his head and said:

"You are all in trouble. The two foods that are most likely to cause stones in the stomach are persimmons and tomatoes. You ate them all.

She should have stones accumulated from eating tomatoes for a long time, and stones that suddenly grew after eating persimmons.

But it doesn't matter, you don't have to worry too much, this kind of stone is also called plant stone.

It's not as hard as ordinary stones, it will be slightly It's a little soft, and we can take it out with gastroscopy later."

The family member was relieved and asked:

"Okay, okay, thank you, Dr. Zhang.

We can just do gastroscopy to take it out, right?

No... no need to open the abdomen to take out the stones, right?"

"No, your child must have had symptoms of bloating and belching a long time ago, right?

It's just that the child didn't realize it, and you parents didn't observe it.

If you find it earlier and come to the hospital, you don't even need to do a gastroscopy.

Go home and drink some carbonated drinks, and the stones will disappear."

"Ah? Drink drinks? Drink drinks can cure diseases? ?"

The family member's mouth grew into an 'O' shape.

Good guy.

Don't you say that carbonated drinks should be consumed less? It will be detrimental to the growth and development of children.

How come this thing has become a medicine in the hospital?

"Because the reason for the formation of this plant-based stone is that tomatoes contain a lot of pectin. After the pectin reacts with the gastric acid in the stomach, it is easy to condense into some indigestible lumps.

The second is persimmons. Eating too many persimmons suddenly will aggravate the formation of this stone.

Because persimmons are rich in tannic acid, some water-insoluble precipitates will be generated under the action of gastric acid.

When pectin and tannic acid are combined, the stones will only increase, not decrease.

That's why she suddenly had abdominal pain and bloating in the past few days.

It was because of the addition of persimmons that the stones in the stomach had another grand party.

It just so happens that the cola in carbonated drinks can dissolve this kind of stones.

Remember, you must eat less tomatoes in the future."

After explaining to the family members, Zhang Yi stretched out his index finger and tapped the tip of the little girl's nose.

The little girl blinked and shrank her neck, and leaned back in her mother's arms.

"Okay, okay, so that's what's going on!

Then it seems that I really can't eat this tomato in the future, no matter how much I like it!"

Zhang Yi hurriedly said:

"No, no, don't be so sure, tomatoes are good.

Just don't eat them on an empty stomach or eat too much every day, one is enough.

If the child really likes it, you can also make fried tomato and eggs for her, and it's okay to cook it occasionally for her to eat.

Just don't eat it on an empty stomach every morning like before, because it will easily cause stones."

Zhang Yi said as he typed the consultation process on the computer.

Soon, Zhang Yi gave them a prescription for gastroscopy.

Gastroscopy plus stone removal under gastroscopy, and anesthesia.

After the family members took the bill and paid the fee, Zhang Yi followed them to the gastroscopy room.

Before going, Zhang Yi also took a large bottle of Coke.

The principle that Coke can dissolve plant stones is that in addition to being a carbonated beverage, it also contains a substance called phosphoric acid.

Phosphoric acid can effectively interrupt the combination between tannic acid and protein, and can destroy the aggregation of plant gastric stones.

Therefore, if plant gastric stones appear clinically, Coke can be used to treat them depending on the situation.

Go to the gastroscopy room to irrigate with Coke, or let the patient go home and buy Coke to drink.

Of course, Coke treatment of gastric stones is limited to plant stones.

Other stones such as gastric stones caused by insufficient gastric motility, hair, foreign bodies, etc., must be removed by gastroscopy or dissolved with special drugs.

In the gastroscopy room.

The little girl was nervous and scared, and she refused to let the nurse give her the injection.

There was really no other way, so two family members held the child down, and Zhang Yi held her hand, and the nurse inserted the needle.

As the milky white anesthetic was pushed into the blood vessels, the little girl calmed down completely.

Opener, gastroscope, coil.

The coil is used by Zhang Yi to cut stones.

Use the loop to fix the stone first, and then tighten the coil until the stone is cut off.

The structure of the stone is soft inside and hard outside.

If you use cola to dissolve it at the beginning, the effect will be poor.

You need to cut it to expose the softer part inside, so that the effect of flushing with cola will be better.

When Zhang Yi was operating, the family members were watching intently.

On the display screen, as the camera continued to go deeper, the three stones that looked like shit were soon found.

Yes, it really looks like shit.

It looks sticky and a bit earthy yellow, and there is another one that is yellow with a reddish brown color.

It's really disgusting.

The family members frowned:

"Oh my god, the stones inside look like this?"

"Yes, so you must pay attention to your child's diet in the future.

Especially since you drink tomatoes and milk together, the combination of acid and protein will easily cause indigestion even if there are no stones."

The family members were ashamed:

"Okay, okay, we will pay attention to it in the future."

Soon, three stones of different sizes were taken out by Zhang Yi in batches.

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