The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Yang Caini rolled her eyes at Wang Yufei and turned to walk up to the platform.

Liu Congren glanced at Zhang Yi and smiled without saying anything.

In fact, Yang Caini looked so beautiful, but she seemed to be weak.

But in fact, her temperament was like that of a female man.

After Liu Congren taught her once, the girl jumped down without thinking.

The speed was still very fast, and she also mastered the more important points that Liu Congren said.

It was just that she was a little slow when landing, probably because she was afraid.

But it would be fine after practicing a few more times.

Next, Wang Yufei, who was in front of Zhang Yi, started practicing.

Wang Yufei was about to ask Zhang Yi why he had taken a photo of him, which made him embarrassed in front of Charlie Young.

But Liu Congren waved at him and said:

"Come here, are you afraid of heights?"

Wang Yufei tiptoed over and shook his head:

"No, no, no, I... I'm not afraid of heights."

"Haha, really?"

Liu Congren's laughter made Wang Yufei feel creepy, and he nodded quickly to confirm: "Yes, I'm really not afraid of heights."

"It's good that you're not afraid of heights. Look carefully, this rope here can fix the speed. After jumping down, just hold this rope and you can control the speed of landing at any time.

You can land slowly for the first time, but remember! You must pull this rope well and control the speed yourself, otherwise it's not my fault if you fall to death~"

"Ah? I... OK, I get it."

Wang Yufei swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva.

Good guy, how can this involve life and death? ?

What if I don't hold on firmly...

What if the rope breaks? ?

In just a few seconds, several possibilities appeared in Wang Yufei's mind!

He was so scared that sweat broke out on his forehead!

Damn it, a training will not let me die here? ?

Is there no place on the platform to control the speed of the rope? ?

It's not really so dangerous that people jump down? ?

Wang Yufei looked left and right, trying to find a switch for the rope.

But after looking around, he didn't find the switch.

"Okay, it's fixed, jump, remember the points I said.

You can go slower, but you must hold the rope, understand?"

Wang Yufei nodded hurriedly, holding the rope around his waist tightly and moving towards the edge of the platform bit by bit.

The space on the platform is still quite large, enough to accommodate ten people standing on it at the same time.

The appearance is similar to the diving platform on bungee jumping, and there are railings on the edge.

Wang Yufei moved forward while holding the railing and dared not look down.

"Hurry up, there are still many people behind, don't waste time!"

Seeing Wang Yufei hesitating, Liu Congren urged.

"Okay... okay."

Wang Yufei swallowed his saliva, stretched his head and looked down, and his heartbeat accelerated instantly!

Oh my god, it's more than ten meters high? ?

If I don't grab this rope, I will be dead! !

"Jump, what are you doing?"

Liu Congren's urging voice kept ringing in my ears.

Zhang Yi stood behind and laughed and teased:

"Wang Yufei, you have to hold the rope tightly, otherwise you will not be able to see the sun tomorrow morning."

Wang Yufei's heart skipped a beat when he said this!

He took a half step back and looked back at Zhang Yi and was about to speak, but Liu Congren lost his patience.

He stretched out his foot and kicked Wang Yufei down with a snap.

"Go down, you, a grown man is so slow!"

"Ah!! No!!!"

A scream came from near and far, and then from far to near.

In fact, the rope can be controlled on this high platform.

It was right next to Liu Congren's hand, but Wang Yufei was too nervous to see it just now.

It is easy for an unprofessional person to jump from this platform of more than ten meters.

So Liu Congren only needs to pull the rope in his hand lightly, and the rope will be tightened.

In the end, Wang Yufei landed safely.

But he felt that he couldn't raise his head in front of Yang Caini...

On the high platform, Liu Congren tied the rope to Zhang Yi and explained it to Zhang Yi again in detail.

Zhang Yi nodded:

"No problem, I know everything."

After that, Zhang Yi grabbed the rope and jumped down.

The first thing that came was a slight sense of weightlessness!

But as long as the rope was pulled, the speed would slow down.

Zhang Yi tightened and loosened his grip on the rope, jumping down.

The doctors watching below all looked

Shocked expressions:

"Hey! He is indeed a genius!"

"It has to be Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi knows whether he is good or not as soon as he makes a move!"

Some people are puzzled:

"Why can Zhang Yi do everything? Isn't he afraid of heights?!"

After Zhang Yi landed and untied the rope around his waist, Han Lian patted him on the shoulder and asked:

"It's OK. Have you practiced before?"

"No, it's my first time jumping today."

Han Lian raised his eyebrows:

"You have good athletic talent. You are suitable for being a soldier."


The whole team has been practicing the diving platform for the whole morning.

Just like Liu Congren said.

Afraid of heights?

What heights?

You won't be afraid of heights after practicing a few more times.

I don't know if the four people who raised their hands at the beginning were numb from practicing.

After jumping a few times, now they just close their eyes and start jumping down.

They are really not afraid of heights anymore.

At noon, Mr. Wang also found this place.

Outsiders could not enter, so Zhang Yi could only sign the contract with Mr. Wang in the guard room at the door.

Zhang Yi read the contents of the contract carefully.

In addition to being the supervisor of the medical device production line, Zhang Yi is also a shareholder of "Yixin Medical".

He holds 40% of the shares, and the year-end dividend will be distributed according to 40%.

Zhang Yi read it once and signed it if there was no problem.

Mr. Wang also assured Zhang Yi that he always pays attention to conscience in doing business.

Unconscionable companies will not grow bigger like him.

Zhang Yi nodded and said:

"Don't worry, since I am a supervisor, I will also regularly select products on the production line for inspection."

The two chatted happily, and Mr. Wang did not leave until they gathered at two o'clock.

In addition to physical training, the afternoon training continued to practice high jump.

However, actual drills were added in the afternoon.

There were three people in a group, and there were folding stretchers and first aid kits on the high platform.

One person plays the role of the injured person under the platform, and two people jump down from the platform with a stretcher and first aid kit to save people.

After fixing the injured person on the stretcher, connect the rope and then send the injured person on the stretcher to the platform.

The whole process is the process of helicopter rescue.

There are only five teams that failed this time.

It has become less visible to the naked eye.

It shows that these people have started to take it seriously and regard this as a real drill.

In the end, those who failed naturally did not escape the "reward".

Until the evening after washing and returning to the dormitory.

The several big men in the dormitory all looked depressed.

It's not that they are really unhappy, they are just too tired to talk (except Wang Yufei who is really unhappy).


Late at night, everyone in the dormitory went to bed very early.

One is because they have to get up before dawn the next day, and the other is because they are tired, really tired!


A series of loud bangs came from the air not far away, along with gusts of whistling wind!

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