The sound was like...

Like the propeller of a helicopter! !


The sound was getting louder and louder!

The noise woke up everyone in Zhang Yi's dormitory.

"Oh my god, what's so weird?!"

Mao Xiaoyuan poked her face out of the quilt and said dissatisfiedly.

Zhang Yi also opened his eyes and heard the sound? ?

Something is wrong!

The sound outside is like a helicopter!

Zhang Yi reacted immediately and said to everyone in the dormitory:

"The sound outside is a helicopter! Get up quickly! We may be pulled out for a drill in the middle of the night!"

Qi Fei jumped up from the bed:

"What??! A drill in the middle of the night?? Are you kidding me? At this time, the temperature is almost below zero, and we are going out for a drill?!"

Zhang Yi got out of bed, put on a coat, opened the door and looked out!

Wow! It's really a plane!

It's a helicopter for rescue!

There's more than one! There are four!

The plane hasn't landed yet, but there are already several people standing in the middle of the playground!

Liu Congren happened to be there!

This guy is really weird!

Staying up late at night to do this? ?

"Get up quickly, there must be a drill!"

After entering the room, Zhang Yi reminded others.

Helpless, the six people in the dormitory had to start dressing while cursing.

Just at this time, the emergency bell of the dormitory building rang!

Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling-ling!

The deafening bell instantly woke up everyone who was sleeping soundly in the whole building.

Liu Congren had mentioned this bell before.

As long as it rings, it means you have to get up and gather immediately.

And you must arrive at the playground immediately within five minutes.

"Oh shit, the bell really rang!" Qi Fei burst out a Chinese quintessence, and the action of dressing became faster.

Swish, swish, swish!

The six people in one dormitory got up a little earlier than the other dormitories.

When the other dormitories were still getting dressed, Zhang Yi and his team were about to go out.

The military medical team upstairs also acted very quickly.

They got up the moment the bell rang.

They almost went downstairs with Zhang Yi and his dormitory.

On the playground, a group of people quickly ran to the location where the helicopter was parked to gather.

It was cold, so everyone wore cotton clothes, and they wore the special work clothes distributed outside the cotton clothes.

There was no light in the center of the entire playground, it was pitch black, and only a headlight was lit in front of the helicopter.

It was too cold, and everyone's nostrils were fogged from time to time.

Looking more carefully, all the doctors who gathered had swollen eyelids and had just woken up.

Liu Congren glanced around with a cold face:

"What?! Didn't sleep well last night?!"

Everyone shook their heads hurriedly.

No, no, it's fine~!

It was a temporary emergency gathering, and fortunately the clinical medicine team rushed to get everyone together within five minutes.

Otherwise, with Liu Congren's current face, he would definitely have to wait for another 2.5 kilometers.

"Everyone, listen up! It's an emergency meeting now!

Ten minutes ago, we received an emergency call. A 50-year-old male victim accidentally fell while climbing on Pingdingshan Mountain!

The current injury is unknown, but the patient said that he had abdominal pain, leg pain, unable to stand or even move, and shortness of breath and chest tightness.

Considering the danger of Pingdingshan Mountain, we specially sent our rescue helicopter to go there.

There are now four helicopters in total, and five people will board the plane in a group. You can form a team by yourself!

Get on the plane in the arranged order. Those who haven't boarded will wait here and wait for the plane to come back and board next time.

Hurry up, hurry up, form a team within one minute and get on the plane!"

Zhang Yi and his team didn't have time to choose people, so they were still the same five people as last time.

Zhang Yi, Qi Fei, Mao Xiaoyuan, Zhang Shengwei and Charlie Yeung were in one group.

"Hurry up and get on the plane! Let's go!"

This is almost what it means to force a duck to climb a tree.

Charlie Yeung was still confused, and she was forced to board the plane.

Bang, bang, bang!

The propellers started to spin rapidly again.

The whole plane gradually began to rise.

This was the first time for them to ride in a helicopter, and it was a rescue helicopter.

Zhang Yi looked at the furnishings in the cabin, which included ECG monitoring, rescue drugs, safety ropes, bandages, oxygen, etc.

The equipment was the same as that of an ambulance, except that this was a plane.

There were also two people sitting in the cockpit, one was the pilot and the other was probably the actor.

The instructor who was training.

Seeing Zhang Yi and the others so excited, the instructor asked:

"Is this your first time riding a helicopter?"

Several people nodded in unison: "Yes, it's the first time."

"Have you learned how to lift and lower? How to fix the injured and the stretcher?"

"I have learned everything. Fix the ropes on the four corners of the stretcher to keep the balance before sending the patient to the plane."

"Remember the information that Coach Liu gave you just now. What is the patient's condition and how to deal with it? You must have a treatment plan in your mind in advance.

Don't wait until you get to the scene to start cramming. Although you are a group, I will watch everyone's operation.

I will report to Coach Liu if you are unqualified."

"Okay, we understand!"

After that, the instructor turned around and sat in his seat without saying anything.

Instead, Qi Fei muttered in a worried voice:

"What's going on? I didn't really listen to Coach Liu just now. What did he say? What did the patient do in Pingdingshan?"

Yang Caini rolled her eyes at him:

"Climbing in Pingdingshan! Then he accidentally fell! Uh... Then... What was it?"

Oh no, Yang Caini forgot it too!

How can they remember the case that was only mentioned once!

At this time, everyone looked at Zhang Yi.

Hehe~ You are a great god, you should know it, right? ?

Zhang Yi glanced at a few people and said helplessly:

"He fell while climbing Pingdingshan Mountain. The specific injury is not clear, but the patient reported chest tightness, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, and pain in both legs, unable to stand or move."


"Wow, Zhang Yi, you have a good memory!"

Zhang Yi rolled his eyes helplessly again:

"Who told you not to listen carefully?"

After sighing, Zhang Yi continued:

"Let's analyze it first. First of all, this person said that the injury is unknown, but from the self-reported situation, chest tightness and shortness of breath after the fall cannot rule out the possibility of pneumothorax.

There is also abdominal pain. Abdominal pain after a fall is likely to be soft tissue contusion, but it may also be spleen or abdominal organ injury, which cannot be ruled out.

We must be prepared for the patient to bleed and we must stop the bleeding in time.

There are also legs The problem of being unable to stand or move due to pain. "

Yang Caini frowned and said:

"Broken bone! The patient's leg must be broken!"

Zhang Yi nodded and said in a tone of denial:

"It is a fracture, but it may not be completely a fracture. I also suspect that the lumbar nerve is injured.

The current information is that he did not say which part of the leg was injured.

But after an ordinary calf fracture, the thigh can definitely move, no matter how painful it is, it can move, but it cannot stand.

On the contrary, if the thigh is injured but the calf is fine, it is possible that it cannot stand up and move.

In short, it is certain that the patient has a fracture, but I do not rule out the possibility that the lumbar spine is injured and the lower limbs are paralyzed. We must be prepared in advance. "

Zhang Yi and the others discussed it seriously.

The instructor sitting in the cockpit turned his head slightly and glanced at Zhang Yi.

There was a barely perceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.

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