The helicopter was in a state of panic, but the sound was so strong that it could not fly.

Thump, thump, thump!

The sound of the whistling wind and the rotation of the propeller almost drowned out the sound.

After discussing for a while, Zhang Yi and his friends decided to send two people down after arriving at the destination to see if they could bring the patient up.

If not, one more person would go down, leaving two people on the plane to meet and provide follow-up emergency treatment.

On a helicopter, getting on and off is not an easy task.

You must discuss first and make a plan before doing it.

Half an hour later, the plane hovered.

The first aid instructor turned around and said to the people behind him:

"This is it. The patient's mobile phone location shows that it is here. Look down to see if there are any injured people."

"Ah? Here?!" Yang Caini looked down with her mouth open in astonishment.

The plane hovered about 10 to 20 meters above the ground, which was about the same as the descent height during training.

But when everyone looked down, it was almost pitch black below.

The moonlight was dim and blocked by clouds, so they could only use the light in the helicopter cabin to find where the patient was.

This mountain belongs to the suburbs of the imperial capital, and it is even a distance away from the suburbs, almost to the border of the next city.

It was not even four or five in the morning.

The moonlight was invisible, and the sun had not risen yet.

Yang Caini pouted and said:

"I... I'm a little scared. It's so dark below... There won't be any wild animals? Bears or... tigers or something?"

The other people were also a little scared.

Looking down from a high place requires not only overcoming the fear of heights, but also the fear of darkness.

Although the injured person cannot be seen at present, it can be seen from the weak light that there are many trees below.

Although there are not many leaves in winter, these trees are also very obstructive to vision at this distance and light.

"This... are we going down now?" Qi Fei looked down and shrank his neck.

The instructor glanced at a few people, and opened the cabin door in a flash.

In an instant, a piercing cold wind whistled in!

Swish, swish, swish, it hurts people's faces.

Several people in the cabin shrank back in fear.

"Ah! It's so cold!"

"What... what should we do... who will go down first!"

"Didn't I just say that Qi Fei and Zhang Shengwei will go down first to take a look, and we will stay up there to pick up the injured!"

Qi Fei and Zhang Shengwei looked at each other, and there was a trace of timidity in their eyes.

Come on, this is my first time jumping from a helicopter!

It's pitch dark!

It's more than 10 or 20 meters high!

It's completely different from the platform on the playground, right? !

Who knows what will happen after he gets off!

At this time, Zhang Yi suddenly opened a tool box in the cabin.

There was indeed a lighting lamp inside.

When these people were complaining about the darkness, Zhang Yi thought that there must be flashlights for lighting on the plane.

Even if there is no big flashlight, there must be a small flashlight for medical care.

It's just that the instructor didn't remind him.

Fortunately, he flipped over and found it.

Zhang Yi raised the flashlight in his hand and said:

"Can't we see it now? Forget it, I'll take the lead.

I'll go down first, Qi Fei and Zhang Shengwei, you two follow!"

"Ah? You're going down first? Well... OK, be careful, I'll follow closely!"

For some reason, when Qi Fei heard that Zhang Yi was going to go down first, he felt relieved instantly.

The boss is going ahead of me, hehe~ Maybe I can win again this time~

After Zhang Yi tied the safety rope around his waist, he jumped down with the first aid kit on his back.

At this time, the temperature plus the strong wind above his head, it would be a lie to say that it's not cold.

Zhang Yi felt that his hands were a little numb from the cold wind.

He held the rope with one hand and slid down as fast as possible.

He had to use the flashlight in the other hand to explore the way.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi had good eyesight and strong execution, and he came down in less than two minutes.

Zhang Yi felt more secure after his feet stepped on the soft mud.

Thu thu thu!

The noise from above and the strong wind from the propeller were still very strong.

It was not only cold, but also painful.

"Land safely!" Zhang Yi made an OK gesture to the people above and started looking for people with a flashlight.

I don't know if the people above saw it.

"Is there anyone? We are the rescue team!"

Zhang Yi began to shout towards the dark surroundings.

But the noise of the helicopter above was really

It was too big, Zhang Yi could only shout and look for people with a flashlight.

Logically, the ‘injured’ should be awake, otherwise he would not call the rescue team.


It is also possible that, as Zhang Yi thought just now, the abdominal pain was caused by bleeding caused by injury to the abdominal organs during the fall.

After such a long time, it is also possible that he was in hemorrhagic shock? That's why he didn't make a sound?

"Is there anyone? We are the rescue team!"

After shouting several times, there was no response around.

Zhang Yi understood that the patient should be in a coma!

Now we must find this ‘injured’ who fell while climbing the mountain as soon as possible!

"Zhang Yi... wait for me! I'm coming!"

Qi Fei and Zhang Shengwei also came down after waiting for a few minutes.

After quickly catching up with Zhang Yi, the three began to look for the injured together.

The range is so large. Since the helicopter has landed here, the injured must be nearby.

"Is there anyone? We are the rescue team!"

It was pitch black all around. Except for the noise of the helicopter overhead, there was no other sound in response to Zhang Yi's shout.


Qi Fei pointed to a pine tree not far away and said:

"There! Is there a pair of white sneakers exposed under it?!"

Zhang Yi turned his head and looked over, holding a flashlight to see!

Sure enough, there was a person wearing white sneakers lying under the tree!

However, the man's upper body was blocked by the tree, and only the exposed calves and white sneakers could be seen.

"Yes, go and save him!"

Although it was a drill, Zhang Yi's actions were still very fast.

He walked to the bottom of the pine tree in two steps.

A middle-aged man was lying under the tree.

Zhang Yi looked around and found that there was no injury on his body.

That is...

On the clothes and pants, red paint was applied in a special position.

It should represent the part where he was currently injured.

The right calf, abdomen, chest, and forehead are all marked with red paint.

Zhang Yi looked at the uncle with his eyes closed.

He secretly admired him.

Uncle, you are really awesome.

In this wilderness, in the middle of the night, at your age, you are still playing cosplay with us? ?

Thank you for your hard work~!

On the side, Qi Fei looked at the uncle and asked with some doubt:

"This... is this a rehearsal? Why do I feel so real?!"

Zhang Shengwei pointed at the wound of the injured and said:

"This must be a rehearsal! Otherwise, how can the wound be like this??"

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