The wounded man was injured, but the wound was still alive.

"Yeah, I just think it's weird that this old man is waiting for us here alone..."

"Okay, stop chatting, start bandaging and send the man up!"

Zhang Yi interrupted the two, put down the first aid kit behind him and started to treat the injured.

"The patient is unresponsive, head injury is considered and intracranial hemorrhage cannot be ruled out.

The abdomen and right calf are injured and bleeding, and fluid should be immediately replenished to expand blood volume.

Also, this person has been confirmed to have injured his calf, but he said on the phone that he could not move or stand.

So now it can be confirmed that what I said on the plane just now about the injury to the lumbar spine is true.

It is very likely that this person injured the lumbar spine and caused damage to the cauda equina, which caused the lower body to lose consciousness and be unable to stand and move.

So when we carry him, we must carry him according to the standards of lumbar fracture.

Keep the lumbar spine, thoracic spine, and cervical spine on the same horizontal line."

Zhang Yi gave instructions while starting to bandage.

A simple bandage was made on the places where the red paint was applied on the injured person.

Further rescue work can only be continued after he is sent to the helicopter.

"Okay, open the stretcher and carry the person.

Let's move as fast as possible!

This is a drill, which not only tests our first aid knowledge, but also our first aid speed.

If this person really has a fracture and bleeding or even intracranial hemorrhage, then our speed of rescuing people is far from enough.

It took several minutes just to come down and find someone!"

As he said this, Zhang Yi also blamed himself in his heart.

The speed is still slow, just like what he said just now.

If this person really has a fracture and intracranial hemorrhage, so much time has passed, I'm afraid the person is already dead.

"Okay! Let's do it as soon as possible. Zhang Yi, you go up first, and we will go up later."

Qi Fei said while quickly opening the stretcher.

He looked up at Zhang Yi and then continued:

"You move quickly. I believe you will be more reliable than the two above when you go up to rescue."

It was originally decided to let Zhang Yi pick up the injured on the plane.

It was because Zhang Yi did a very good job in rescue that he was asked to wait up there.

As a result, because they were afraid to get off the plane, Zhang Yi decided to get off by himself.

In this way, Zhang Yi also completed the rescue missions of both the upper and lower parts at the same time.

"Okay, hurry up!"

The three people worked together to slowly lift the injured person with his eyes closed onto the stretcher.

The injured with lumbar fractures are as precious as those with pelvic fractures.

Be careful not to move too far, otherwise it is easy to cause secondary fractures in the patient.

Especially the patient in front of him is very likely to have injured his nerves.

One careless mistake may cause paralysis for the rest of his life.

A few minutes later, the three people carried the stretcher to the bottom of the helicopter.

On the helicopter, Charlie Yeung saw the flashlight in Zhang Yi's hand and shouted immediately:

"They are back! It's pretty fast, it's only been a short time!"

The instructor stared at her and scolded:

"You call this fast? Eleven minutes have passed! It's been eleven minutes since we got off the plane and the patient hasn't come up yet!"

Charlie Yeung didn't dare to speak again.

Oh my god, it was pitch black and it took a long time to find someone.

The time to find someone should also be counted as... the time to rescue? ?

It's a bit unfair...

Soon, Zhang Yi fixed the four corners of the injured and the stretcher.

Charlie Yeung and Mao Xiaoyuan pressed the switch of the rope and began to pull the person up.

Another two minutes passed before the stretcher appeared visibly next to the cabin door.

"Hurry up! Lift the person up!"

Mao Xiaoyuan grabbed one end of the stretcher, and Yang Caini grabbed the other end, and with a push, the stretcher entered the cabin.

Under the stretcher, Zhang Yi also came up.

Yang Caini was surprised:

"Huh? Zhang Yi, are you coming up to rescue too?"

"Nonsense! First, a bottle of 250 ml mannitol, and then saline..."


Zhang Yi was talking about the rescue measures when the instructor on the side interrupted him.

The three looked up, full of confusion.

Aren't they rescuing? Although it's a drill, they have to pretend, right?

The instructor looked at the two people who hadn't come up yet and said:

"Wait a minute, wait for someone to come up and answer together."

The three were puzzled. Answer? What does that mean?

Could it be that instead of actual drills, they had to write the rescue process on paper?

A few minutes later, Qi Fei and Zhang Shengwei finally climbed up.

The cold wind that kept pouring into the cabin was finally blocked by the door.


When the door was closed, several people shivered at the same time.

It's so cold!


The helicopter began to move slowly and headed towards the training base.

When looking far away, you can see that there are still two helicopters hovering at two other landing points.

Haven't the rescuers in those groups finished yet?

Could it be that their group is still the fastest?

Zhang Yi felt a little proud.

As a result, the next second, the instructor roared:

"Slow! Too slow! It took 12 minutes and 51 seconds from landing to carrying the injured up!"

"What? Why are you all looking at other rescue planes? You don't think you are excellent just because you are faster than them?!"

"I tell you, it's bad! Very bad!"

"12 minutes and 51 seconds is too slow! A patient is about to encounter a dangerous patient, and you still need to rescue him? He would have died long ago!"

The instructor was angry and said that the few people dared not say a word.

Before he spoke, the five people in the cabin thought they were the fastest group.


Still scolded...

The instructor sighed silently and reported a string of numbers:

"5 minutes and 03 seconds, which is the fastest result so far. But it's not your batch of first aid team members, but another batch of specially trained first aid team members."

"So, are you still complacent now? Do you feel the gap?"


Five minutes... five minutes and three seconds? !

Oh my god!

All five people in the cabin were shocked.

Even Zhang Yi was secretly shocked.

Wow, the task was completed in five minutes? ? !

How fast is that? !

It's not just that the gap is felt, the gap is simply huge.

Zhang Yi nodded and replied:

"I understand, we... are still too slow. The patient's condition must be very dangerous for a fall injury on a mountain like this.

We should complete the rescue mission as quickly as possible. No matter what the reason, it's slow, and we will continue to work hard later."


Hearing Zhang Yi's words, the instructor nodded with satisfaction.

There was a strong appreciation in his eyes.

"What's your name?"

"Zhang Yi."

"Which hospital did you come from for the training?"

"Union Medical College Hospital."

The instructor's eyes lit up: "Union Medical College? No wonder."

"Okay, let's start the rescue now. Take these forms."

As he spoke, the instructor took out a few forms from his bag.

"There are questions and answers corresponding to this exercise. They are mainly to test how you, as doctors, should complete the follow-up rescue work after the rescue is completed.

Take this form, everyone remember, fill out this form and hand it to me before the plane returns to the training base.

You are all clinical doctors who have worked in the hospital for several years. I believe you should be able to handle this kind of rescue with ease, right?"

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