The doctor said that the patient was not seriously ill.

Several people looked at the form distributed to them and nodded:

"No problem."

This form is like a reflected answer sheet.

There are five questions on it.

1. How to diagnose the patient's injury?

2. What is the most important rescue measure for the patient?

3. Which examinations should be completed first after admission?

4. How should the patient take medicine?

5. Assuming that the rescue is successful, what follow-up care measures should be taken?

Zhang Yi quickly scanned it and had a rough answer in his mind.

Zhang Yi started writing while others were still thinking.

"The primary diagnosis of this patient is 1. Hemorrhagic shock to be investigated? 2. Lumbar fracture 3. Intracranial hemorrhage to be investigated? 4. Pneumothorax to be investigated? 5. Tibial fracture to be investigated?"

For the first question, Zhang Yi gave all "to be investigated".

Because this was a drill, the cosplay uncle only painted red paint on the injured area.

It is still unclear what the disease is and whether there is bleeding.

So we can only add the word "to be investigated" after the diagnosis.

The second question.

"The most important rescue measures for this patient at present are to find the bleeding point and stop the bleeding, then oxygen, fluid infusion, expand blood volume, reduce intracranial pressure to avoid brain herniation and brain edema, solve the chest tightness and shortness of breath caused by pneumothorax, and perform surgery on lumbar and calf fractures as soon as possible."

The third question is examination.

"First, the exact bleeding point should be checked, and then CT scans of the brain, chest, abdomen, and calf should be performed to check for bleeding and fractures.

The key point is that the lumbar spine should be examined for MRI to check if the nerves are damaged and the patient cannot move.

In addition, routine blood tests, four coagulation tests, four infectious tests, B-ultrasound, and electrocardiograms should all be completed."

The fourth question is medication.

"Assuming that the patient is diagnosed with shock, first rehydrate, first crystalloid and then gelatin, potassium supplementation based on urine, and then blood transfusion to solve the problem of insufficient blood volume.

Assuming that intracranial hemorrhage is confirmed, the amount of bleeding and the location of bleeding should be considered to determine whether it should be solved surgically or by drugs.

In general, if the amount of bleeding is less than 10 ml, it can be observed first, and mannitol and furosemide can be used for diuresis to reduce cerebral edema.

Use one dose of snake venom hemocoagulase plus 100 ml of sodium chloride to stop bleeding, and another intramuscular injection of vitamin K1 can be used to stop bleeding.

If the amount of bleeding is greater than 10 ml and the bleeding does not stop, surgical drilling and drainage should be considered."

The fifth question.

"After the rescue is successful, we should pay attention to the sequelae of intracranial hemorrhage, and prevent hemiplegia, limb movement, language and other functional disorders.

The second is postoperative care for fractures and pneumothorax, especially lumbar spine problems.

Generally, patients who injure the cauda equina have difficulty recovering after surgery, and severe cases may never stand up.

So the psychological care of patients should be taken as seriously as drug treatment."


Zhang Yi took a pen and wrote down everything in his mind in one go.

"Instructor, I've finished it."

As he said, Zhang Yi handed the form in his hand to the instructor.

For a moment, other people around looked up.

"Ah? You've finished it?!" Mao Xiaoyuan was surprised, but the next second he thought it was natural.

Who is Zhang Yi?

He is a genius!

It's natural to write fast!

Don't be envious, you can't envy this kind of thing.

The instructor was also stunned for a moment. It's only been a few minutes?

Others haven't written half of it yet, and he has finished it first? ?

"Okay, give it to me."

After taking the form, the instructor took a look at it first.

Although he did not decide the final result, he could also take a look in advance.

Before these instructors came, they all knew the specific situation of the "injured" in this exercise.

It mainly depends on whether Zhang Yi and other emergency doctors have remembered the key information Liu Congren said, and then combined with the situation of the injured on the scene to make the correct rescue measures.

It mainly depends on Zhang Yi and his observation and analysis abilities.

When going out for rescue, the judgment of emergency doctors is very important.

If you encounter a patient who can speak or has family members around, it may help the doctor make a better judgment.

But the injured in this exercise is not good. First, there are no family members around, second, the terrain is remote, and third, he is still unconscious after arriving at the scene.

No response can be given, and the doctor can only make a judgment based on the only information.

This analysis and observation ability is particularly important here.

In his hand is the answer that Zhang Yi just wrote.

Instructor, hurry up

After a quick scan, a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

This Zhang Yi, just before he went down to rescue, was the one who gave advice on the plane.

It can be seen that he has very strong leadership ability, and secondly, the judgment he gave is also very accurate.

In fact, there is no final standard answer for this exercise.

Because it is a drill, it is impossible to really put a patient who is so seriously injured there waiting for rescue.

So as long as it is close to the standard answer, it will be considered qualified.

And Zhang Yi's answer captured the most critical information.

Especially the sentence "unable to move and unable to stand".

After looking at the answer sheet in his hand, the instructor looked up at Zhang Yi again.

That meaningful smile appeared again.

"What's wrong, instructor? Is the answer I wrote wrong with the rescue measures?"

Zhang Yi saw that the instructor's expression was a little strange, so he took the initiative to ask.

The instructor shook his head and said:

"I won't answer it first, Coach Liu will look at it himself later."

After leaving this curious sentence, the instructor did not speak again.

Zhang Yi was confused, but he didn't ask any more questions.

He felt that even if his answer was not the most standard, it should not be too wrong, right?

Did he think too much?

Did the patient just have a simple fracture and contusion?

No other serious bleeding and pneumothorax?

Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it.

So be it.

Anyway, the answers have been submitted, and there is no point in thinking about it.

The other four people on the side lowered their heads and continued to write their answers.

More than 20 minutes later, the helicopter began to slowly descend.

The familiar playground appeared again.


After landing on the ground, the instructor, Zhang Yi and the injured person got off the plane together.

After seeing Zhang Yi, Liu Congren raised his eyebrows imperceptibly~

At this time, only Zhang Yi and his helicopter were parked on the playground.

After handing the answers of these five people to Liu Congren, the instructor took the other five emergency doctors back on the plane.

Of course, the uncle who played the injured person finished his cosplay work in the middle of the night and sat lazily on the playground waiting for the drill to end.


The helicopter came and left in a hurry.

When the whole playground was quiet, Liu Congren had already checked the five answer sheets in his hand.

Liu Congren smiled but said nothing, which made Zhang Yi and the other five people flustered.

What's going on? ?

Why are you just laughing?

Just tell me!

The remaining fifty or so people on the playground were also a little confused about Liu Congren's expression.

Why did he suddenly laugh?

The person who laughed was so scary.

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