The patient started to cry while talking.

A grown man was lying on the bed crying non-stop.

He looked very pitiful.

But Zhang Yi just felt that he deserved it.

Who told you to have one at home and one outside?

Whether it was the wife or the mistress who poisoned him, it could only be said to be karma.

Of course, although Zhang Yi thought so in his heart, this person was at least a patient he had treated, so he could only comfort him:

"Mr. Jiang, don't cry in a hurry. The paraquat content in your body is very, very low, probably less than 0.1 ml.

This trace amount of toxicity does not cause serious damage to the body and can be cured, don't worry.

Now we know what the poison is. According to the diagnosis and treatment plan, I will give you detoxification, kidney and liver protection medicine, and you will be fine soon."

"Hu... That's good, that's good! Thank you, Dr. Zhang.

Look at what happened, it really makes you laugh."

Zhang Yi laughed dryly twice.

You also know that this is a joke for all of us?

Haha, it's more than just a joke.

It's like watching a play or a TV series!

The specific poison has been found, and the nephrology department naturally has a general direction.

If the poison cannot be completely discharged through urine, you can also try dialysis.

Pesticides like paraquat are really scary to hear about.

1 ml can kill a person, 5 ml will definitely kill a person.

But if it is a trace amount, timely rescue may still have a chance of survival.

Emergency Department.

Seeing Zhang Yi running down again in a hurry, Li Yong asked curiously:

"Zhang Yi? What are you doing today, going up and down? What's wrong? What happened in which department upstairs? It seems that the police are here?"

Zhang Yi took a sip of water and explained:

"Don't mention it, it's like watching a large-scale palace fighting TV series."

"What's wrong? So mysterious?"

"There is an inpatient in the Nephrology Department upstairs, a man in his forties. I did a preliminary examination on the day of admission and found that his renal function was weak.

It's very strange, his renal function is weak for no reason.

The blood potassium is a little high, so I let him be hospitalized for treatment, Once the blood potassium level drops, he can be transferred to the outpatient clinic for infusion.

As a result, this morning, his condition worsened, and it was found that his liver and kidney functions were all damaged.

It was obvious that the liver and kidney functions were damaged due to poisoning, so their department called me and asked me if there were any missed tests or chief complaints on the day the patient was admitted to the hospital.

I thought to myself that I was a very reliable person, so how could I miss it?

Then I went upstairs and saw that the patient could walk and jump a few days ago, but today he was lying on the bed in a serious condition. "

"Poisoning? Where can you get poisoned these days? It's not like he drank pesticide to commit suicide." Li Yong complained.

"Hey, you really guessed it!"

When the other doctors in the emergency department heard it, they all came up to listen to Zhang Yi's story.

After a while, everyone showed an expression of seeing the world!

"Oh my god?? The mistress I raised poisoned me?! Or paraquat?!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! This kind of man is really disgusting, he deserves it!"

"It may not be the mistress who poisoned me? It may also be the original wife."

"Hey! Women, no matter who poisoned me, I want to say, why do they do this?

Ending the rest of their lives for a scumbag?

When the police find the real murderer, he may not be sentenced to more than ten years in prison."

"Yes, this is called attempted murder, and he will definitely be sentenced to a long time."

Everyone sighed.

Both of them are the people by my side...

The world is so big that there are so many strange things!


Before leaving get off work in the afternoon, Zhang Yi received a WeChat message from the nephrologist.

It said that the real murderer had been found.

The police questioned him for more than three hours before he let go.

Zhang Yi replied curiously:

"Who is it? Is it the mistress?"

"No, it's his wife."

Zhang Yi shook his head with a sigh.

It was indeed his wife. He felt that something was wrong with his wife the day she came to the clinic for treatment!

"Then how did his wife poison her? Paraquat is difficult to control the dosage. Drinking a small amount can easily kill people. How did she manage to only make Jiang Yimin start with renal failure?"

Zhang Yi was not shocked to hear that it was his wife who poisoned him.

Because no matter whether it was the mistress or his wife, the final result was expected.

Except for this method of poisoning.

Paraquat is not an ordinary pesticide.


Its harmful properties directly caused the manufacturer to stop producing pesticides.

Soon, the nephrologist sent another message:


"Ah?!? What??!"

Zhang Yi's eyebrows were twisted into an eight-shaped shape!

What's going on? ?

Underwear? ?

Poisoning from underwear? ?

Zhang Yi was really curious, so he went directly to the nephrologist's office.

It happened that all the doctors in the nephrology department were talking about this patient at this time.

"What do you mean, Dr. Huang? You just said you poisoned the underwear?"

"Yes, the police said his wife tampered with the underwear. She originally wanted to put it directly in the food, but she knew that the drug was very toxic.

If he took it, he would die within a short period of time, and the police would easily suspect her.

So she thought of a compromise and poured paraquat into the clothes when washing them.

In this way, Jiang Yimin's clothes would be covered with paraquat.

It would not kill him immediately, but it would poison him slowly.

She wanted to kill people by boiling a frog in warm water.

But later she was worried that the poison would remain in the washing machine, and that she and her son would also be poisoned, so she changed her method.

Changed to

Underwear is washed separately, so she would pour some paraquat when washing Jiang Yimin's underwear!

In this way, the underwear would be stained with pesticides!

Or she would directly drop a few drops on the underwear or Jiang Yimin's clothes that had been dried.

The poisoning lasted for more than a year, almost from the time his wife found out that he had a mistress outside and bought a house for her. "

"Tsk tsk! It's really scary to think about it! Drop the medicine on clothes and underwear? ? It's really a pity that she could think of it!

No wonder the paraquat content detected is so low, it's not drunk, but put on the clothes and slowly absorbed from the skin? ! "

I have to say, this idea is really rare!

This is the first time Zhang Yi has heard of this way of poisoning and killing.

It took nearly a year for Jiang Yimin to come to the hospital for treatment!

If it drags on...

Tsk tsk, this person will definitely be gone.

Zhang Yi suddenly thought of something and asked:

"Why did Jiang Yimin's condition worsen after he went out last night? Why?"

"His wife was scared. She was afraid that we would find out something, so she poured the remaining little paraquat into her underwear.

She wanted to use it up quickly and then destroy the empty bottle.

Didn't he just ask for leave last night? His wife gave him the underwear coated with the medicine.

I guess the amount was too much, so his condition suddenly became serious.

But fortunately, he returned to the hospital in time, and the medicine was not taken all at once.

So he was saved. Let's wait and observe for a few days. At present, it seems that he doesn't need dialysis."

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