The more you think about it, the more you will be able to do it.

I never thought there would be such a trick!

Zhang Yi finally understood the whole story!


They are really a magical species!

It's better not to provoke him, otherwise he might not even know how he died...

"It seems that his wife was lying from the beginning. In the afternoon, the police asked her in the ward if she knew that her husband was looking for a mistress outside. She actually said she didn't know in front of the police.

Haha! Oh! This matter is really hard to comment on.

This man deserves it, but his wife's behavior is really extreme.

Oh! It's hard to say~!"

"That's right. His wife followed him when he had nothing. Now that he has money, he is raising a mistress outside. Do you think the original wife can tolerate it?

If it were me, I wouldn't tolerate it either, but I had to poison and kill people... This is not right.

But it's indeed Jiang Yimin who deserves it!"

In the office, everyone sighed for a while and it was time to get off work.

Before leaving, Zhang Yi took a look at the door of the ICU.

Before he got close, he could hear a burst of ghosts and wolves howling inside.

Jiang Yimin seemed to be very emotionally broken. It seemed that the doctor had told him the final result.

His son was not in the ward at this time, and no one knew where he had gone.

However, it must be very painful and devastating to think about it.

The emotional entanglement of parents, in the end, hurts the children.

His own mother poisoned his father to kill him.

Two close relatives hurt each other...


Zhang Yi thought about it, if it were him, wouldn't he be miserable?

How should he face and accept this?


The world!

It's all suffering!

When he returned to the emergency department, Chen Fang and the others just changed their clothes and came out.

Zhang Yi glanced at them and said:

"I will take the New Year's Day holiday tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Don't call me when you are on duty, don't disturb my rest."

Chen Fang grinned:

"Don't worry, I'm on night shift tomorrow night. If there is anything, I will find you and not anyone else. I won't let you sleep well."

Zhang Yi snorted and rolled his eyes at Chen Fang:

"Okay, then I curse you to be busy all the time on night shift!"

"Hey, you kid!"

As he said that, Zhang Yi had already slipped out of the hospital gate.

In the weather in January, the cold wind in the air seemed to be slapping the faces of pedestrians on the road.

The faces of the people who were slapped were red and painful.

Zhang Yi wore two pairs of pants, but it didn't seem to work. He was still cold.

Just at this time, a drop of rain suddenly fell on the tip of his nose.

"Oh my god, it's raining?"

Zhang Yi quickened his pace, wanting to go home early.

Unexpectedly, the drizzle started to fall very quickly.

Zhang Yi looked up at the heads of the pedestrians on the road and found that it was not drizzle.

It was snow!

It was snowing!

After a while, the pedestrians on the road had a layer of fluffy snow hats on their heads.

"It's really snowing?"

Zhang Yi shrank his neck and quickened his pace to rush home.

He bought some vegetables on the way back.

When you are away from home, even if you live alone, you have to take care of food and drink and can't treat yourself badly.


The snow in the north falls as soon as it is said.

And the trend of the snow is getting heavier and heavier. It was still drizzle yesterday, and the whole street was white the next day, just like a white blanket.

At the same time.

Near Xinbei Road.

A construction mixer truck was driving on the road.

Although the driver was very careful when turning, he still didn't notice an aunt riding an electric bike to work.

Danger always happens in an instant.

The old lady on the electric bike was rolled into the wheel before she could even scream!

"Ah!! Ah..."

The driver of the construction vehicle didn't notice it at all! !

It wasn't until he drove ten meters away that the driver of a small black car next to him honked to remind him.

A lot of people immediately gathered at the scene.

Another car accident! !

It was still a very tragic car accident!

From the place where the construction vehicle turned, the middle-aged woman who was rolled under the car was dragged nearly ten meters.

Originally, there was pure white snow on both sides of the road, but now it was instantly stained with bright red blood.

"Oh my God, that woman is still under the car!"

"Call 120! Call 120!"

"How pitiful! I was waiting here to cross the road just now. I saw with my own eyes that the woman also wanted to turn, but the construction vehicle driver didn't seem to see it and directly messed up the small electric bike.

Got under the car! Ouch!"

"There's so much blood, call 120! Pull the person out!"

The driver was also confused!

He got out of the car and saw a line of blood behind his car.

He was so scared that his legs went limp!

He wanted to run, but there were so many people at the scene that he couldn't run!

Soon, the nearest Union Hospital sent an ambulance to rescue.

The traffic police car also arrived.

The woman riding the battery scooter was slightly fat. When everyone worked together to pull her out from under the wheel, her entire right arm was already in a state of being broken.

It can be said that the bones inside were all broken, leaving only some skin and muscle tissue hanging like this, connecting the arm and shoulder together.

Not to mention the clothes, except for the pants on the lower body , the clothes on the upper body were completely torn away along with the hand.

Even the skin on the right chest was torn apart, leaving only the bloody subcutaneous tissue and muscles.

The whole bottom of the car was covered with a large pool of blood.

The passers-by were almost physically sick.

The police dispersed the crowd around and waited for the doctor to give the first diagnosis.

See if this person is dead or not.

It happened that the doctor who was on duty at Union Hospital today was Wang Yufei.

Although the patient's skin on the right chest and the entire right arm were gone, the left side was not rolled by the wheel.

Wang Yufei felt the pulse on the left side and listened to the heart sound.

After a while, Wang Yufei raised his head and shouted:

"There are still vital signs! Send him back to the hospital! "

Hearing that the patient was still breathing, the engineering truck driver was relieved.

The patient was not dead... it would be better to pay less...

Soon, the medical staff quickly sent the patient to the car.

The traffic police also called the patient's family with the missing ID card to explain the situation.


The shrill ambulance sirens sounded.

A few minutes later, the ambulance stopped at the gate of the Emergency Medicine Center of Union Hospital.

Coincidentally, Chen Fang was on night shift today.

"Prepare the operating room, this patient needs to be cleaned up quickly!"

As soon as I got off the car, I was hit by a smell of blood and a bloody scene!

"Okay! I'll notify you right away! "Chen Fang nodded in response.

He looked at the injured person on the cart. Wow, it was all blood! Half of his chest was gone! The skin and flesh were all torn off??


And the hand!

The hand was also completely broken! Only a little skin and flesh were left hanging...

Tsk tsk tsk!

In the emergency operating room dedicated to the emergency department, Wang Yufei and Chen Fang performed an emergency debridement operation on the patient.

First of all, this hand must not be kept. From the film taken back, it can be seen that this person has a comminuted fracture and complete detachment.

It can't be connected at all, so it is directly amputated.

The second is the debridement of the chest skin, first do a large area of ​​cleaning, and then disinfect.

What this kind of patient fears most is infection, especially at this time.

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