The patient was in a state of emergency, but the doctor said that he was not going to take care of the patient.

Zhang Yi nodded: "I hope so, but you still have to go outside and tell the family members that the situation is definitely not good. If they can survive tonight, there is hope. If they can't survive, let them be mentally prepared."


Zhang Yi and Chen Fang left the emergency room together.

After helping a little, it's time for Zhang Yi to go back now that it's over.

As soon as they reached the door, the three family members came up to them.

"Doctor, doctor! How is my mother now?! Is there a big hope for her survival?"

Chen Fang shook his head:

"It's hard to say. After the dialysis, the situation has indeed stabilized. Now the results of the laboratory have come out, confirming that she has been infected with multiple pathogenic bacteria.

This infection is very difficult to treat for her current low immunity.

We have prescribed the right medicine, and hope she can survive tonight.

I came out to tell you that if she can survive tonight, the situation may be clearer.

But if she can't survive, you must also be prepared for your loved ones to die.

But no matter what, don't worry, as a doctor, I will definitely do my best."

When Chen Fang was halfway through his words, the two girls had already started to cry.

Today, the tears shed by these two girls may be comparable to the tears shed in the past ten years.

"Wow... Doctors, please help me, please help me, save my mother."

"We will definitely save her if we can, otherwise we wouldn't even think of dialysis.

The purpose of dialysis is to try again to see if we can save her life.

Otherwise, if there was no dialysis just now, your mother might have died now.

Of course, dialysis is still useful at present, at least she has saved half her life now.

But the infected pathogens will not be filtered out by dialysis at one time.

It still depends on drugs and her own resistance and immunity.

We have used the drugs, all of which are symptomatic drugs.

Alas... We doctors are also helpless, we came out just to tell you that we will definitely try our best.

But the final result now depends on God's will and her herself."

"Wow... Mom..."

"Mom... Don't leave us... Mom..."

After hearing this, the two girls hugged their heads and cried.

A sense of despair spread from the cries to every corner of the emergency room.

The emergency room was still brightly lit at night.

But it could not illuminate the sorrowful and dark hearts of this family.

Zhang Yi looked at the uncle in his fifties next to the two girls.

He was not tall, about 1.7 meters, slightly fat, and had few hairs, which were all silver and white.

At this moment, he pursed his lips tightly, his eyes were red, and although he did not cry loudly, Zhang Yi believed that he was no less upset than the two children.

He turned his head and blinked, and a tear flowed from his vicissitudes and tired eyes.

He choked for a while, and then said "thank you" to Chen Fang and Zhang Yi.


Zhang Yi felt very uncomfortable.

No family wants such a thing to happen.

But it happened to be their family that was unlucky enough to encounter it.


Zhang Yi felt mixed emotions.

After saying goodbye to Chen Fang, he returned home.

I didn't feel like playing PUBG anymore, so I went to bed to rest as soon as I got home.

Zhang Yi didn't practice surgery these days, but focused on reading books.

For doctors, appearance is as important as inner appearance.

Reading more medical literature will also help with your thesis.

Zhang Yi didn't want to write this stuff originally.

But the Chinese medical system is like this.

If you don't write a paper, and don't produce a few valuable articles, you can't get promoted? ?

It's busy enough in the hospital every day, and you have to find time to study papers.


It's still hard to be a doctor.

Zhang Yi has a cheat, so it seems easy.

Let alone a paper, Zhang Yi can write several contributing papers for the surgeries he did before.

But other hard-working doctors can't do that.

They stay up late every day and work in three shifts, and they have to figure out the paper when they go back.

If you don't write a paper, you can't get promoted, and some of them may not be published in SCI.

Otherwise, why do eight out of ten doctors have less hair?

It’s all caused by staying up late and being anxious, multiple tortures.

Just like that, Zhang Yiben thought he could read peacefully until dawn.

The result...

“It rained all night, and my love overflowed like...


The phone rang again!

Zhang Yi was alert, and he shuddered when he heard the voice!

He wondered if the call was from Chen Fang.

He opened his eyes and saw.

It was really him!

It was 6:23 in the morning.

No need to think, the old lady's condition must have worsened again!


"Zhang Yi! The condition continues to worsen! I suspect that the infection has not only spread to the side without skin, but the left chest may also be infected!

You are close to the hospital! Come and do a debridement operation!

I know how good my debridement skills are. Considering that the patient's life is paramount, you should do this operation! "

Chen Fang can do this operation, but for the patient's life, Chen Fang plans to find the best doctor to debride her directly.

The success rate of debridement is also higher in this way.

The patient's chance of survival...maybe it can be higher??

"Okay! "

Zhang Yi didn't say a word.

When it comes to human life, even if you are sleeping soundly at three in the morning after staying up all night, as a doctor, you have to get up and serve life.

This is the doctor's duty.

Swish, swish, swish!

Zhang Yi got up and dressed as quickly as possible.

He walked too fast and only put on one sock before going out.

At six in the morning, the dim yellow street lights shone on the snow-covered road, stretching Zhang Yi's back quite long.

A roar of motorcycles flashed by, and Zhang Yi's figure also stretched and flashed quickly under the street lights.

In front of the hospital.

The security guard who was dozing off woke up instantly when he saw Zhang Yi.

"Huh? ? Why is Doctor Zhang here again? It's only six in the morning? Do they start work so early in the emergency department? ? "

Zhang Yi didn't have time to greet the security guard, he parked the car and ran directly to the emergency department.

At this time, the three family members had not closed their eyes all night, and they were all called into the emergency room.

Because the patient's condition has deteriorated again.

Two hours ago, Chen Fang found something wrong during the ward rounds.

Originally, the infected area was only on the right chest where the skin was lost.

But at this moment, the skin on the left chest and under the clavicle all turned red.

Not only that, the skin on the right side began to turn gray again!

The fresh tissue turned gray, which indicated that it was a sign of impending necrosis!

When you go to the market to buy meat, you will always think of picking meat with bright red color to make it fresher, and the same is true for human tissues.

Gray means it is broken!

The patient's heart rate and breathing are also gradually increasing at this time, and the heart rate is as high as 140 beats/minute!

Chen Fang knew that this was not only the infection that was not controlled, but it was getting worse, and it spread from the right to the left!

‘Ding ding’

The door of the emergency room rang.

Then Zhang Yi walked in, exhausted.

Zhang Yi walked over while putting on his clothes and asked:

“Where has it spread to?”

“Look at the left chest, the skin is starting to turn red.”

Zhang Yi walked over and took a look, wow!

In this situation, debridement may not work!

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