The patient was seriously ill.

The redness of the left chest means that the infection has completely invaded most of the fascia and fat of the patient's entire upper body!

Zhang Yi's eyes can see through the skin.

This patient is a little fat, and the subcutaneous fat is relatively thick. At this moment, her local fascia and fat are all gray-pink.

This means that a large area of ​​infection has occurred under the skin of the entire upper body.

Even though Zhang Yi believes that he and he are both top-notch doctors with first-class debridement technology.

But at this moment, he cannot guarantee that the patient will survive after the operation.

Even if he can get off the operating table alive, it is not certain!

"Teacher Chen, this person... may not survive even after the operation."

After a few seconds of silence, Zhang Yi slowly spoke.

Chen Fang was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Is it impossible?

Is it not possible to ask Zhang Yi to perform the surgery?

The family members standing next to him also heard what Zhang Yi said, and immediately turned around and knelt down in front of Zhang Yi!

"Doctor Zhang! Please think of a way! Save my mother! Save her!"

"Wuwuwu... Doctor Zhang, you are such a great doctor, you can definitely save my mother, please! I just read a lot of news about you on the Internet. You are so good at medicine that you can save a young man who jumped into the river and died half an hour ago. Please save my mother, too, please, Doctor Zhang!"

The two girls knelt in front of Zhang Yi and cried.

At more than six o'clock in the emergency department, except for other critically ill patients on the rescue bed, the entire rescue room was left with the "beeping" sound of various instruments.

The surroundings were unusually quiet and silent.

Zhang Yi looked at the two girls, who were probably only a few years younger than him.


Zhang Yi didn't want them to lose their mother at such a young age.


Sometimes it's not that Zhang Yi is incapable, but that some things can't be solved by ability alone.

"You guys get up, Wei Xiaojuan's condition is too bad, but... I can do a debridement surgery on her again.

But you also have to be mentally prepared that she won't be able to get off the operating table alive.

She has been in the hospital for a lot of rescue measures since she entered, but you have seen that the effect is not good.

Before dialysis, I also told you that it cannot be guaranteed that dialysis can cure her.

Now it seems... dialysis really only played a role in delaying her death.

Large-area skin tearing itself is very susceptible to external microbial invasion.

It just so happens that your mother has been infected with multiple pathogens.

Now, I don't have a better way."

Zhang Yi knew the result as soon as he walked in and saw the patient's condition.

But since the family still has the last bit of hope, Zhang Yi is willing to give them another chance of hope.

Anyway, since they are here, it doesn't matter if they go back after the operation.

The two girls stood up with the help of their father.

In fact, they were very desperate and knew that their mother might not survive.

But as Zhang Yi said, they were still unwilling to give up the last bit of hope.

Although this hope will be shattered in the end, it is their mother lying on the bed.

No matter what, they will try again even if it costs a lot of money!

"Thank you... Thank you, Dr. Zhang... Thank you!"

The family nodded to Zhang Yi to thank him.

One or two words of thank you can't express their current mood.

Soon, the dying patient Wei Xiaojuan was rushed to the emergency operating room again.

This time, the surgeon was Zhang Yi.

Chen Fang was his assistant.

The emergency department outside was temporarily in charge of Mao Xiaoyuan and several other doctors on duty.

"Although the result may still be death, we still have to do our best and treat the dead horse as a living horse."

"Okay, you do your best and I will help you."

The operation began.

First, start from the left clavicle and cut along the clavicle with a scalpel.

As soon as it was opened, Chen Fang could see that the left side of the skin was already like this.

"She is contagious too fast... Why is it all gray?"

"Fasciitis is contagious fast. Normal people may develop necrotizing fasciitis in less than a day, let alone her."

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he pointed to the spare basin next to him with his elbow:

"Bring the basin over, I'm going to start peeling."


Cut off all the fascia and fat on the right chest, and add

The blood vessels under the upper part of the breast to prevent blood clots.

Zhang Yi's freeing movements were fast and careful.

No matter how many times he watched, Chen Fang felt that Zhang Yi's technique might not be mastered even if he was given another ten years.

Similarly, no matter how many times he watched, he would still be shocked by Zhang Yi's various operations.

While freeing, the heart rate and blood pressure monitor on the side suddenly rang!

'Beep, beep, beep'!

The sound was not loud, but Zhang Yi heard it very harsh.

The nurse said with a disappointed tone:

"The blood pressure... has dropped, and it has dropped so fast... It's only 50..."

Chen Fang looked up suddenly, and there was a trace of loss and melancholy on his face.


The blood pressure dropped to 50mmhg, and the heart rate began to drop wildly, as low as 35 beats/minute.

Chen Fang looked at the ECG monitor and then at the patient on the operating table.

The face was pale, and there was a bit of lifeless waxy yellow in the paleness.

Chen Fang had seen this kind of yellow except on dead people and on cadaver teachers.

"Zhang Yi... this person is dying, should we save him?"

Chen Fang hesitated for a while and asked.

Zhang Yi's hand holding the scalpel stopped in mid-air.

Chen Fang knew what Zhang Yi was thinking. This operation was actually not very meaningful, but sometimes it could give the family members a little comfort, and they might feel better.

At least they knew that the doctor tried his best.

After a few seconds, Zhang Yi's Adam's apple rolled:

"Finish the operation, I will move faster, you don't need to help me, go outside and tell the family members, and bring a stable family member in in ten minutes to see the patient for the last time."

"... OK!"

After saying that, Chen Fang took off his gloves and walked out of the operating room.

In the operating room, Zhang Yi was still completing the peeling of the infected fascia and fat on the upper body.

In fact, in Zhang Yi's sight, he had seen the patient's heartbeat weaken before the alarm sounded on the instrument.

Gradually, the amplitude became smaller and smaller until the monitoring alarm sounded.

It was not that Zhang Yi did not want to save the patient, but he had tried his best but the patient still could not resist the fierce attack of the pathogenic bacteria.

So the rescue was no longer meaningful.

After this operation, it was just an explanation to the family.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Yi had just cleaned the fascia of the upper body at the fastest speed and started to suture.

Outside the operating room, Chen Fang also came in with his family.

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