The doctor said that the doctor was very careful.

"Don't go! I won't let you treat my mother! I'm worried about you being so young, I want the director to treat my mother!"

This scene stunned Kang Yanming and the security guards around.

Big sister!

Do you know who you rejected? ? !

Tsk tsk tsk~!

Zhang Yi turned his head and glanced at her.

Okay, if the family members don't let me save them, I can't force them.

Otherwise, they will really find me responsible.

"Okay, in that case, I'll leave work. By the way, Director Kang, I suggest that you try fecal transplantation for pseudomembranous colitis. It seems to be very effective at this stage."

Kang Yanming looked at the family member and then at Zhang Yi:

"Okay, I know, you go off work first."

After that, Zhang Yi left without looking back.

It's not that Zhang Yi didn't want to save the patient, it's that the family member himself refused to let him save the patient.

This is not his fault.

Behind him, Kang Yanming looked at the family member who was throwing a tantrum, sighed, and said nothing.

In the emergency room.

The old lady's condition is very bad. Because the antibiotics are ineffective, the pathogenic bacteria in her body have not been killed yet.

The diarrhea has not been cured.

She keeps getting infusions, electrolytes, and nutrients, but she still gets diarrhea.

Thus, she falls into a vicious circle, and she gets diarrhea no matter how much she gets infused.

And it's all water.

In addition, the toxins produced by bacteria are released into the blood, which may cause heart failure.

So it is correct to say that the old lady in front of us is in critical condition.

The treatment method for pseudomembranous colitis, which is currently the most commonly used and effective in clinical practice, is the fecal transplantation that Zhang Yi just mentioned.

Kang Yanming also thought of this.

So he also brought Tang Guihua's eldest son in at this time.

"Your mother is in a very dangerous state now. I asked you to come in just to let you see her current situation.

The cause of her illness is that she took too many antibiotics, which led to intestinal flora imbalance. A kind of bacteria in the intestines multiplied too much, and the entire flora was unbalanced, so she had diarrhea.

In addition, she is drug-resistant, so starting with antibiotics has no effect.

If you want to treat it, you can only consider fecal transplantation, which is to select a normal person's feces, filter and dilute it, and take the fecal water containing normal flora and transplant it into the old lady's intestines.

In this way, she can restore a normal intestinal flora, and the problem of diarrhea will disappear."

"Fecal transplantation? Is what the young man just said true?"

The uncle was slightly surprised.

Before the young doctor left, he also said that fecal transplantation was necessary for treatment.

Didn’t expect the director to say that?

Kang Yanming nodded:

“Yes, do you think he is an ordinary young doctor? He is the youngest assistant director of our Union Hospital.

There are many people who seek his help. If you don’t believe me, just search the name Zhang Yi on the Internet and you will know.”

The uncle thought: I can’t believe that such a young guy is actually a big shot? ?

Soon, the uncle told the other family members outside everything that Kang Yanming had told him.

“Do you really need to do fecal transplantation? That guy just said fecal transplantation! When did feces also cure diseases??”

The aunt in the down jacket couldn’t believe it.

She really thought that the words fecal transplantation were just said by the guy named Zhang Yi.

Unexpectedly, it was true!

"What should we do? Let's transplant quickly? How long will the transplant take?"

"Director Kang said that it takes two or three days to extract fecal bacteria, but the operation only takes half an hour.

But the problem is that we are afraid that our mother will not last two or three days.

Director Kang said that my mother's condition is very dangerous now, and the doctor is still rescuing her. He used pressor drugs and other drugs.

It depends on whether we can temporarily save my mother's life, and then do the transplant quickly, which may stop the diarrhea and solve the problem of intestinal flora imbalance.

He also said that if the rescue is successful, the person will be sent to the ICU upstairs for hospitalization."

"Send to ICU?"

The aunt in the down jacket screamed and asked: "ICU is expensive. It costs a lot of money to stay in the ICU for a day!"

The three children looked at each other, and no one spoke again.

When it comes to money, they are very frugal with words.

No one spoke, and they looked at each other.

The second child wanted the eldest child to pay, the eldest child wanted the third child to pay, and the third child wanted the other two to pay first.

In the end, the

The old man couldn't stand it anymore, and fumbled out a passbook from the innermost bag.

"Your mother and I still have pensions, so we don't need you to give them."

Then the old man took the passbook to pay the fee.

He had to stay in the ICU anyway, no matter how expensive it was, to save his life!

Seeing the old man leave, the three children hurriedly followed him.

"Oh, Dad, we didn't mean that, don't be angry."

"That's right, we didn't say we wouldn't give it, your much is it? Is it enough for hospitalization? If not, I'll give you more!"


After Zhang Yi walked out of the emergency hall, he didn't leave the hospital directly.

Instead, he turned around and went to the VIP ward.

It has been almost two weeks since Zhang Wanqing's surgery, and he should be out of the isolation ward today.

Patients who have just completed a transplant must stay in the isolation ward.

At this time, the patient's immune system is extremely low, and ordinary wards are prone to infection if they are not careful.

So they can only stay in the isolation ward with an air microbial filtration system.


Xiangcai has something to say:

Dear fellow villagers~

I am so unlucky, I feel like a sheep...

My throat has been hurting since yesterday, as if it was about to spit fire, dry, astringent and painful.

Then it hurt even more when I woke up this morning, as if my head was filled with lead, and I felt dizzy.

I felt really uncomfortable just now and took my temperature, 37.5...

It's a bit of a low fever...

Now my entire neck, back and shoulders are in a state of pain when touched.

Especially the neck, the entire tonsil is swollen...

What's even more unlucky is that I had my period today... The whole waist and back pain plus stomach pain are all present...

Triple torture... It's worse than death...

But my family didn't buy antigen test strips, so I can't be sure whether it's a sheep or not.

But it seems meaningless to test or not at this time...

Because it is open, everyone will be sheep sooner or later...

I was not in the right state when I was typing today. I felt dizzy and forced 4,000 words to come out.

If it is not well written, I apologize in advance. I will revise it when I am in a better state tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

But I was really uncomfortable today. I am really sorry.

I will take some medicine and rest today. If the fever is over 38 tomorrow, I may have to take a leave...

No one wants to get sick, but now it is open, and you may be sheep if you are not careful.

I hope that friends who read my book will wear masks.

This thing must be avoided as much as possible, because it is really uncomfortable to be sick...

Now I feel like I am a fire-breathing child. I can spit fire when I open my mouth...


It is really uncomfortable...

I won’t say more. I will take some medicine and sleep. I hope everyone is healthy and safe to prepare for the New Year.

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