The doctor said that the patient was very sick.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the ward, I looked inside and found that although Zhang Wanqing had left the isolation ward, he still had to continue to be observed in the ordinary ward.

Various testing instruments on his body were definitely indispensable.

No matter what transplantation was done, transplant patients had to stay in the isolation ward for a long time after surgery.

Even within half a year after discharge from the hospital, they could not go out to eat, drink, or even get a haircut.

Otherwise, it would be easy to get infected. If the immune system was low and the patient was infected, then there would be basically no hope.

Seeing Zhang Yi standing at the door, Zhang Wanqing's husband came up enthusiastically to open the door.

Since the last transplant, Zhang Yi had no time to come here to see.

Basically, the VIP doctors here reported the situation to him on time.

"Doctor Zhang, you're here."

"Well, Zhang Wanqing is doing well these days, right?"

"Well, she's OK. Her appetite is good. It's not like when she was having chemotherapy before, when she vomited everything she ate."

As they spoke, both of them looked at the woman on the bed.

She's still thin, still thin.

She's still a little short of the feeling of a great beauty that she gave Zhang Yi when they first met. She needs to gain some weight.

"Remember, the food must be clean and fully cooked." Zhang Yi reminded again.

"I know. Wanqing's meals are all made by myself now. Now I have to disinfect them every day when I enter the ward."

Zhang Yi walked closer to see Zhang Wanqing's condition.

When she had myelofibrosis before, her bone marrow was full of rows of hay, without any vitality.

Now after the transplant, the situation is completely different.

The fibrotic cells before have been killed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Now, fresh and vibrant hematopoietic stem cells are fully active in her bone marrow, continuously reproducing blood for her.

This is the power of science.

A person who was doomed to die has now survived.

Zhang Yi nodded:

"You have recovered well. You can be discharged after another week of observation. Remember, after you are discharged, you must keep the surrounding environment clean and try not to catch a cold.

You must also eat and drink cleanly. Don't eat spicy food, and don't eat outside."

"I understand. Thank you, Doctor Zhang."

Zhang Wanqing's husband nodded to Zhang Yi.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhang Yi turned and left.

From the chat, I learned that Zhang Wanqing's sister did take half of Lu Jin's property.

It is equivalent to giving half of the annual profit of the entire group to his sister.

It would be a lie to say that I don't feel pain, but fortunately, in Lu Jin's heart, Zhang Wanqing is more important than money.

Tsk tsk.

This is an unprecedented love~

After Liu Luo and Su Xiaoxiao, this is another couple that Zhang Yi envied in his real name system!


The next morning, Zhang Yi went to work in the cold wind.

The old lady with diarrhea was gone.

Zhang Yi thought, she wouldn't have died in such a short night, right? ?

"Hey, Li Yong, where was the old lady Tang Guihua yesterday? The one who took random medicine and had diarrhea."

"Oh, she went to the ICU upstairs. It took an hour of rescue to stabilize her condition at night, and then she was transferred upstairs."

Zhang Yi was relieved to hear this.

In any case, it's good that the old lady is not dead.

Although the family members are disgusting, it has nothing to do with the old lady.

"Did you take a sample for fecal transplantation?"

"Yes, it was taken from his eldest son."

"That's fine."

Soon, the emergency department started a busy day.

As a result, after a while, another police car was parked in front of the hospital.

Zhang Yi looked around and thought, what happened to Union Hospital recently?

A few days ago, the patient in the Department of Nephrology, his wife poisoned himself and just called the police.

Which department is it today? ? Why did they call the police again?

The Chinese New Year is coming soon after New Year's Day. It's not good to have bad luck before the New Year.

"What's wrong? What's going on? Why are the police here again?"

"Is it the police car or the health department's car?"

"Can't you see the three words 110? It must be the police!"

"I heard that something happened in the pediatric department. A family member beat up a nurse. Her face was swollen. The hospital called the police."

Zhang Yi frowned when he heard it:

"Huh? The nurse was beaten? Why was she beaten?"


"I don't know, pediatrics? Could it be because of the infusion?"

"It's possible. Isn't it the most difficult to give injections in pediatrics? Maybe it's because of the child's injection."


Doctors are okay, but pediatric nurses have a really hard time.

Especially now, winter is coming, and seasonal diseases such as influenza and pneumonia are all here.

Not only children, but adults are the same.

But it is easy to get an injection when adults come to the hospital for infusion. The blood vessels are thick, and a nurse with a little skill can get it in with one shot.

Children are different, especially those under one year old.

The bones on the back of the hand are not developed and glued together, and there is a lot of subcutaneous fat, so it is difficult to see the blood vessels.

You can only choose the scalp vein or the thinner subcutaneous fat on the back of the foot for injection.

Moreover, children are not very cooperative. They struggle a lot. If they move a little, the needle tip will be deviated, and the needle will fail soon.

So, it is really difficult to be a pediatric nurse. It is common to be scolded for not being able to get an injection.

Generally, parents will feel resentful when they see their children get an injection but it doesn't go in.

If the second injection doesn't go in, those with bad tempers may have to do it directly, or yell for another nurse.

Of course, there are some nurses who have just started working and their skills are really not good.

But generally, when they see a child who is difficult to inject, the old nurses will go by themselves, and only when they see a child who is easy to inject will they let the young nurses go.

Which nurse wants to be scolded by the family members?

Unless it is really difficult to inject, and the overall quality and skills of the nurses in Union Hospital are higher than those in ordinary hospitals.

There are exams every month, and the operation and theory are exchanged.

The purpose is to improve the skills and provide better services to the children.

So, this pediatric internal medicine department has an accident. Is it really because of the nurse's injection?

Of course, this is just an episode, after all, it is the pediatric department's business.

Why is Zhang Yi, an emergency department, so worried?

As a result, the phone in the emergency office rang soon.

"Hello, emergency department group one?"

"Ah? Looking for Assistant Zhang? Okay, I'll notify him right away!"

Turning around, Zhang Yi received a notice.

"Doctor Zhang, the pediatric internal medicine department asked you to go up now."

Zhang Yi's face was full of question marks? ? ?

"Looking for me? What does the Pediatrics Department want me for?"

As he asked Zhang Yi, he walked towards the Pediatrics Department.

The Pediatrics Department is on the seventh floor of the inpatient department.


As soon as the elevator door opened, a curse that could be heard from a long distance came from the corridor of the Pediatrics Department:

"What's wrong with the nurses from Union Hospital? Can the nurses from Union Hospital bully us ordinary people?!

What's wrong with my son? You said my son is fat?? Who are you discriminating against?!

You are thin, right? How can you not beat me when you are so thin? Huh?!"

On the side, the police stopped him:

"What are you doing? Don't fight. Let's talk it over!"

Zhang Yi could see from the elevator entrance that the cursing family member was a big and strong adult woman.

She was 1.7 meters tall and weighed at least 180 kilograms!

With this physique, she is more than enough to practice weightlifting.

The pediatrician turned around and saw Zhang Yi coming, and hurried forward to explain the reason to Zhang Yi.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang, for your help."

Zhang Yi glanced at the nurse who was beaten in the corner. Ouch, her cheeks seemed to be swollen.

Tsk tsk.

This family member was really cruel.

"What's wrong? What happened in your department?"

The pediatrician pulled Zhang Yi a little further away and said:

"Hey, it's the family member who was yelling over there. Her son had a high fever and came to apply for hospitalization. He waited for eight hours before getting a bed. Maybe she had no patience.

Then her son was also very fat. The nurse gave him an injection but no blood came out. She got angry all of a sudden.

She pointed at the nurse and cursed a few words. Our department has been very busy during this period. The corridors are full of extra beds.

There was almost no room inside and outside. The nurse was probably too busy to be patient. She said that your son is a little fat and it's hard to give him an injection. Then the woman slapped him and kicked the nurse.

My face was swollen and my stomach hurt.

I The nurse didn't fight back, but the family member started to make a scene, and the head nurse called the police immediately.

I don't know who the family member called, and then the director of the Science and Education Department contacted me and asked me to find the nurse with the best skills to give his son an injection.

I thought this person must be related, and I thought it was you after a long time.

I have seen the rescue video of your first aid training before, and you can find the aorta in such a bloody state at one time.

Giving an injection to a fat kid shouldn't be difficult for you, right?

Well, the main thing is that this person knows the director of the Science and Education Department, so I guess he must have some connection, so just consider it as a favor, right? "

It is a fact that the beds in Union Hospital are crowded, especially in this flu season, and the corridors are full of people.

It is not just Union Hospital that has added beds, all other hospitals are basically like this.

Because there are too many children with colds and fevers, there are not enough beds, so they can only add beds in the corridor to accommodate so many people.

Since you choose to be hospitalized in Union Hospital, but you don’t want to wait... Isn’t this a contradiction?


Zhang Yi is a doctor. When facing such medical disputes, he will definitely stand on the nurse’s point of view to look at the problem.

It is definitely wrong to hit someone so hard.

"Okay, take me to see the child."

"Okay, thank you!"

The pediatrician kept thanking him and led Zhang Yi to the crowd.

"Here he comes, the best doctor in our hospital is here."

The pediatrician shouted, and the family members and several doctors and nurses who were watching turned their heads.

"Ah? They actually called Zhang Yi?"

"Doctor Zhang?"

"Who called Doctor Zhang? Isn't this a waste of talent?"

The family member also glanced at Zhang Yi, and immediately became even more dissatisfied:

"What do you mean? After all this time, you only found such a young doctor, right?! Didn't you say that you would find the best acupuncture doctor in your Union Hospital?!"

The family member was fat, so he spoke loudly.

With a loud voice, it sounded like he was yelling and scolding.

Zhang Yi was just about to speak.

At this time, Kang Yanming suddenly came over for some reason.

He walked closer and looked at the family member who was making trouble, then looked at Zhang Yi, and then said decisively:

"He, Zhang Yi, is the doctor with the best acupuncture skills in our hospital!"

Kang Yanming looked fierce and majestic. When the family member saw Kang Yanming coming, he also glanced at his work badge on his chest.

Director of the emergency department, or vice president? ?

This is a big boss!

Since... the big boss said so.

All right then!

"Ahem, okay! Hurry up and give my son an IV! Don't think I'm afraid of you because the police are here! I took action because you insulted my son first!

Also! If you want to take me away, you have to wait for my man to come, otherwise my child will be left alone and you won't be responsible for anything that happens!"

The four words "arrogant and domineering" can completely describe the fat family member in front of him.

Zhang Yi didn't say anything and decided to go in and see the child first.

As soon as he entered the ward, he saw a little boy with dark skin, a fat body, and who looked very similar to the family member outside sitting on the bed.

Half of his eyes drooped, looking very listless.

Zhang Yi touched his forehead, it was a little hot, probably above 38.

The pediatrician said:

"It's 39 degrees, he's had a fever for two days, and the temperature didn't go down after taking the medicine."

Then, Zhang Yi looked at the child again, it should be an infection caused by a cold.

There are no other major problems.

The only major problem is that he is too fat.

At the age of eight, the normal weight should be around 50 kilograms, and if he is a little fatter, it should not be more than 60 kilograms.

But this child looks almost 80 kilograms.

Think about the child's mother, it is probably hereditary obesity.

If this child does not lose weight, the entire ankle and knee joints will be affected for a long time, which will not only affect development, but also cause many other unnecessary diseases due to obesity.

"It is best to pierce it in one go! My son is such an obedient child, and his blood vessels are so easy to pierce, but the stupid nurse just didn't pierce it!

Damn, this is still Union Hospital? Are all the nurses so rubbish??"

The woman complained while staring at Zhang Yi's hand without blinking.

Zhang Yi tied the cuff, disinfected it, and took the indwelling soft needle without even looking at it, and pierced it in!

Such a fat hand! !

The subcutaneous fat is very thick!

Zhang Yi actually hit the blood with one shot!

All the nurses in the pediatric department almost fell to their knees under Zhang Yi's suit pants and shouted "Big Brother 666"!


Even if the head nurse of their department came, she might not be able to give such a fat child a shot at a glance!

But Zhang Yi actually hit the nail on the head!


The family member was also slightly surprised when he saw it.


This doctor looks young, but I didn't expect that he is quite capable?


Xiangcai has something to say:

Thank you for your concern, I am alive.

Damn, this disease is really not for humans.

I took a day off on the 14th. I was really sick that day. I didn't eat the whole day after lying down.

I vomited everything I ate, even drinking water.

The highest fever reached 38 degrees, and my head was about to explode. I was dizzy, painful, and hot.

I even ate two ice creams to reduce the fever during my period, but it didn't work.

My entire neck and back felt like someone had hit me with a hammer.

It hurts so much!

I was half asleep at night

Half awake, I couldn't sleep well at all.

My chest suddenly started to hurt in the middle of the night, especially when I slept on my side. It would be better if I lay flat on my back.

After a night of hard work, I woke up on the 15th and felt a little better, but I still had mild headaches and dizziness.

I thought I would end my COVID experience like this.

I didn't expect to start coughing in the afternoon...

And the coughing got worse and worse...

The kind with blood in the sputum...

My chest and throat hurt when I coughed, and I would feel dizzy when I coughed hard.


It's really a sin...

I don't know how I can sleep tonight...

Of course, the most uncomfortable time is when I have a fever.

I'm not creating panic. This stage of fever is really uncomfortable. Coughing is bearable, but fever is really uncomfortable.

I still hope that everyone can avoid it.

There are people in my circle of friends who have a fever of 39 or nearly 40 degrees. I don't know how they survived.

I feel like I'm going to die at 38. I've never had such a serious illness since I can remember.

Well, I won't say anything. I hope that readers who read my book will not be infected with this damn virus.

Back off! Back off! Back off! All back off!


I hope that everyone will give me some small gifts when they see that I am writing while sick~

Good people will be rewarded. I hope that the friends who send gifts will never get the new crown! !

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