The patient was in a state of panic, and the patient was in a state of panic.

Beep, beep!

The ECG monitor rang!

Blood pressure suddenly began to drop! Oxygen saturation was also dropping!

Zhang Shengwei immediately felt like a bad mouth!

Damn, why did he become abnormal just after he finished speaking?

Looking at the numbers on the monitor, Zhang Shengwei quickly ordered inside:

"Hurry up and give me an epinephrine!"


Outside the door, Zhang Yi looked at the blood box next to the operating table and reminded:

"Zhang Shengwei, just transfuse that pack of red blood cells."

"It seems that her family hasn't paid yet?" Zhang Shengwei had already transfused a pack of whole blood to the patient.

The family didn't pay in the first place, so why give her a transfusion?

"It's important to save the person first! I'll go out and talk to the family and ask them to raise money as soon as possible."


Zhang Shengwei didn't say anything more, and took the last bag of blood and transfused it into the person.

The scalp is very rich in capillaries, so don't underestimate these capillaries.

It looks ordinary, but if the area is large, it can also cause hemorrhagic shock at a critical moment.

The woman just now was in shock, and the rescue medication plus blood transfusion brought her back from the brink of death.

Now I have to continue the blood transfusion, otherwise the blood pressure will not be stable.

The most effective rescue method for hemorrhagic shock is blood transfusion.

The bag of blood was soon empty, and the patient's condition also improved visibly.

"Give me another injection of sodium carbazochrome sulfonate."

Seeing that the patient was fine, Zhang Yi left after saying this.

Sodium carbazochrome sulfonate is a drug that reduces vascular permeability. This drug is mainly used in cases of excessive capillary bleeding.

It mainly promotes capillary contraction and reduces vascular permeability, thereby achieving the effect of hemostasis.


In the operating room, Zhang Shengwei quickly finished bandaging while applying the medicine.

The patient's condition is now completely stable.

In other words, a life has been saved, but the family members still have to make up for the subsequent treatment costs as soon as possible.

The hospital is not a charity. It has already performed surgery on you in advance without you paying.

The hospital cannot pay for the subsequent treatment costs.

Outside the operating room.

Seeing that Zhang Yi came out not long after entering, the family member immediately stepped forward and asked:

"Director, how is it? Is my sister okay?"

"It's okay. She is out of danger for the time being. She will have to be transferred to the ICU for hospitalization later.

But... the cost of going to the ICU will definitely not be low. How much is the hospitalization fee here?"

Just now, Zhang Yi heard that the family members seemed to be calling to borrow money.

I don't know if they borrowed it.

The family member's face flashed with embarrassment, and then he nodded:

"Don't worry about the money. I have asked a co-worker to borrow it for me. He will transfer it to me immediately. I will pay the money when it arrives. Is that okay?

The money may not be enough, but we will definitely not default on it! We will definitely make up the difference!"

"It's okay. Just pay the money. You must have money in your account to go to the ICU, otherwise they can't deduct the money from their computer."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Director Zhang! Thank you so much!"

Zhang Yi realized that the family member actually called him Director Zhang? ?

"Ahem, I'm not the director yet. I'm the assistant director."

"Oh, they're all the same. I'm a rural person. How can I tell the difference between your doctors' titles? They're all directors anyway."


Zhang Yi was too lazy to explain~

Just at this time, the patient was pushed out.

The operation was very successful. Now he is waiting to be transferred to the ICU for hospitalization.

But the ICU has to be hospitalized first, and he has to pay for hospitalization.

Including the surgery fee, at least 20,000 yuan must be paid.

After waiting outside the emergency room for a long time, the family member's mobile phone finally rang with a text message notification tone.

"Oh, the money has finally arrived!"

The family member immediately went to the cashier's office to pay the money.


Although she has only paid 10,000 yuan now, it is enough for staying in the ICU for the time being.

Soon, the patient was sent to the ICU.

Zhang Yi didn't know how this person's hair was messed up until he left.

"You don't know the blood on her head when she came just now. My god, the hospital she was sent to seems to be Pingbei People's Hospital. The gauze wrapped on her head was all covered with blood when she came.

No one responded to her shouting. I almost thought she was hopeless. Fortunately, her heartbeat was still there.

Anyway, the family member said that when she was working in the factory, she was about to tie her hair, but her hair was thrown to the back and accidentally entered the machine.

Ouch, he screamed on the spot and the machine was not turned off in time, and the scalp fell off.

The family member was still holding the scalp and kept hoping that I would connect it.

I thought how could I connect it, it was completely taken off and I definitely couldn't connect it, so I called you.

But you worked hard today, and you ran to the hospital late at night.

How was the TV program recording today? Did it go smoothly? I was so busy just now that I didn't watch your live broadcast. "

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded:

"Live broadcast is good, anyway, you can earn some extra money by popularizing science."

"Oh~ Assistant Zhang, you are getting richer and richer, we ordinary people can't compare with you!"

"Don't come on, your monthly salary is not small, right? ”

After chatting for a few words, Zhang Yi went back.

Originally, he came here to see how the patient was doing. If he needed help, he would help. If he didn't need help, he would just forget about it.

Then, Zhang Yi rode his motorcycle out of the hospital again.

After returning home, Zhang Yi washed up and turned on his phone to check.

He usually doesn't watch Weibo and Douyin, and only occasionally goes online to check.

Just now, when I was having dinner, I heard a few people on the TV station say that he was on the hot search again today, so I wanted to see what was going on.

The hot search has disappeared now, but my Weibo background is full of 999+ private messages.

I clicked in and took a look. Most of them were thanking me for popularizing these first aid tips.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi rarely posted a blog post:

"Thank you for watching "Medical Classroom". I am also very happy to share my first aid experience with you.

If I have the opportunity in the future, I will continue to share other medical tips with you.

Finally, I hope everyone can be safe, healthy, and free of illness and disaster. Good night everyone. ”

As soon as it was released, fans immediately commented below.

“Ahhhhhhh, I actually caught Dr. Zhang alive!”

“Ahhhh! I’m in the front row, what should I say? ? !”

“Okay, Dr. Zhang, thank you for your popular science, I understand a lot, good night~”

“Good night, Dr. Zhang.”

“I love you, Dr. Zhang, marry me! !”

Zhang Yi glanced at the comment area and laughed while reading.

I didn’t expect that I could have so many fans.

The next morning.

While at work, the patient in the Department of Nephrology who was poisoned by his wife was finally discharged today.

This person had a little money, and when he was discharged, he brought Zhang Yi a bunch of gifts and a bright red silk banner!


“Oh, Dr. Zhang! I’m discharged today, thank you so much! "

At the door of the emergency doctor's office, Jiang Yimin came in with a lot of fruits and gifts in large and small bags.

Zhang Yi saw him in this state and thought that he would not come to give him a gift?

As a result, he saw him put the things on the desk and said:

"Hey, Doctor Zhang, you have to accept it. I bought so many things. The nephrologist upstairs didn't accept them. You won't accept them either, right?"

Zhang Yi really guessed it right.

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I really don't accept them. You can take these things back. We doctors don't accept these gifts."

"Ah? Are you doctors at Union Medical College so honest? You don't accept any gifts at all?"

Jiang Yimin is a boss. Usually, giving gifts is a business transaction. After getting used to these behaviors.

It doesn't work in the hospital?

Zhang Yi shook his head firmly: "We really don't accept them. I don't know about others, but I won't accept them anyway. Thank you for your kindness.

I can take this silk banner. Mr. Jiang, please take the other things back. "

Seeing Zhang Yi's firm attitude, Jiang Yimin had to give up.

"Okay, Dr. Zhang, thank you so much for this, the medical staff of the Nephrology Department upstairs and you, I am grateful.

If you hadn't found out that I was poisoned, I might not be able to be discharged now.

Worse, I might not even know whether I am alive or dead...

Ah! It's really sad!

Life is unpredictable, you never know what tomorrow will be like or what will happen.

In short, thank you, without you I can't be discharged smoothly, thank you! "

Jiang Yimin bowed to Zhang Yi and the others.

When he was discharged from the hospital, Jiang Yimin was discharged alone. His wife is still waiting for sentencing in the police station.

I don't know where his son has gone.

Zhang Yi has never seen his son come to the hospital since the last time the police arrested him.

Today, when Jiang Yimin was discharged from the hospital, he didn't seem to have much smile on his face.


I don't know how this family ended up like this.

One wrong step leads to another!

Looking at Jiang Yimin's back as he left, Zhang Yi sighed silently.

Then he looked down at the banner in his hand.

Well, fortunately the banner is real.

And it was also the first banner he received since he came to Union Hospital~haha~!

"Hmm?? Zhang Yi, what are you holding?"

Yang Caini, who was walking through the hall with a stack of medical records, happened to see Zhang Yi standing at the door in a daze, so she walked up and asked.

Zhang Yi smiled: "You haven't seen it before? The banner my family gave me~"

Yang Caini's eyes lit up immediately:

"Wow? You... your family actually gave you a banner?"

There was no lack of envy in her tone.

She has been in Union Hospital for several years...

She hasn't received one yet.

I didn't expect that Zhang Yi had only been here for two months, and there were actually patients who sent him banners!



"What else, envy, right? Haha."

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows at Yang Caini, then took the banner back to their group's office.

Behind her, Charlie Yeung pouted:

"Hmph, childish, I'm not envious~"

In the office, Zhang Yi had just hung up this conspicuous silk banner when Kang Yanming came back.

An extra silk banner on the wall must be very conspicuous, and Kang Yanming saw it as soon as he came in.

"Hey? Zhang Yi, was it given to you by a patient?"


"That's right, everyone should follow Zhang Yi's example, with a silk banner and appearances on TV. There is no one else in our department except Zhang Yi."

Kang Yanming saw that everyone was in a good mood, so he announced another piece of news.

"Listen everyone, I just came back from a meeting. The Chinese New Year is coming in half a month.

Our hospital will definitely be busy before the Chinese New Year. The inspection by the Health Bureau may start this week.

All of your medical records should be checked by yourself first, and all should be updated to the latest date within this week.

Also, the whole hospital will hold a year-end summary meeting at 5 pm next Monday.

At that time, except for the staff on duty, everyone else, whether on vacation or not, must come back to attend the meeting, otherwise it will be treated as absenteeism."

When they heard that there would be a year-end summary meeting, many people in the office seemed to be happier.

"What's wrong? Why are you so happy to have the annual meeting?" Chen Fang asked Li Yong curiously.

"Stupid! We basically hold an annual meeting every year to summarize and then start giving out red envelopes!"

"Oh~" Chen Fang suddenly realized: "It's the New Year, haha, do our new employees get it?"

Li Yong shook his head: "I don't know, you have only been here for two months... You should get it, right? At least a few hundred yuan."

"Ah? A few hundred yuan?" Chen Fang complained helplessly: "Then how much can you get?"

Hearing them talking about salary issues, Zhang Yi was also a little interested.

Although he is not short of money, when he hears about other people's income and compares it with his own, he will feel... well~ he is still very awesome~

"This is linked to the department. If the department's performance throughout the year is good, it will be divided more, and if it is not good, it will be divided less."

"Oh~ Anyway, the annual meeting is equivalent to getting red envelopes, no matter how much, basically everyone will get one, is that what you mean?"


Seeing Zhang Yi thoughtful, Chen Fang asked curiously:

"Zhang Yi, will you go back for the New Year this year?"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "I don't know. My uncle called me last night and I didn't answer. I guess he also asked me about this. I will see during the New Year. If the schedule is tight, I will work. If it is not tight, I will go back for a few days."


The hospital is very busy before the New Year.

Not only do we have to deal with the year-end inspection of the Health Bureau, but also various hospital ratings.

Why is Union Hospital always ranked first among hospitals in the country? It has the highest score in the year-end evaluation.

Whether it is scientific research or clinical satisfaction.

Union Hospital's scores are very high.

Of course, it is still thanks to every front-line staff member who struggles in the hospital.

Soon, it was Monday.

The year-end summary meeting of Union Hospital.

The day before yesterday, Jin Zhenglun found Zhang Yi and asked Zhang Yi to write a separate year-end summary, which he had to read at the meeting.

Zhang Yi was still wondering.

This year-end summary meeting is the hospital's summary meeting, why should he read it alone?

Later I learned that the hospital also selects annual outstanding employees at the end of each year.

Those who can write year-end summaries are likely to be selected as outstanding employees.

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

All employees of the hospital except those on duty came to the largest stepped conference room of Union Hospital.

It's almost the New Year, and today is a good day for handing out money, so the whole conference room is buzzing.

The leaders haven't come yet, and everyone is chatting happily.

Zhang Yi is looking down at WeChat. He is talking to Mr. Wang about something.

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