The new factory is about to start operation.

(I have made up for the previous chapter)

It is the end of the year, and the factory that invested in medical equipment is almost ready for formal operation.

After the new year, it can start mass production.

At that time, Zhang Yi will have to go over and take a look from time to time.

Check the quality and production line. After all, he is an investor and a nominal medical equipment consultant.

Things with his own name on them should be taken seriously.

"The leader is here!"

"I heard that someone from the Health Bureau office will also come today."

"Really? Is the person next to Dean Jin from the Health Bureau?"

Suddenly, the discussion in the entire restless conference room gradually became quieter.

Zhang Yi looked up and found that the leader had come.

Jin Zhenglun led several middle-aged and elderly men wearing black fur-collared coats in.

Their hairstyles were similar, either Mediterranean or with only a few sparse silver and white hair on their heads.

"Please come in."

Jin Zhenglun was quite polite to the old men behind him.

He must be an official in the Health Bureau.

The old men were also quite polite to Jin Zhenglun and walked in with a smile.

Soon, the hospital etiquette lady distributed fruits, candies, melon seeds and so on on everyone's table.

Oh my goodness, it's really an annual meeting?

"Everyone be quiet, today's year-end summary is about to begin."

In the middle of the conference room, the host holding the microphone reminded everyone in the conference room.

Zhang Yi looked around, huh? Isn't this a doctor in the anesthesiology department?

What? An anesthesiologist also works as a host part-time?

"Hu Xu, he has a better accent in our hospital. I heard that he studied broadcasting in college. He has been the host of our year-end meetings and other major meetings in recent years."

Li Yong explained, and Zhang Yi nodded.

After all the leaders were seated, the host slowly spoke:

"Dear colleagues from Union Medical College, good afternoon, I would like to wish you all a happy new year..."

"Next, let's invite our Dean Jin to speak on behalf of us!"

After the host spoke, Jin Zhenglun came on stage.

Pa pa pa~!

The whole conference room burst into warm applause.

Jin Zhenglun walked to the podium with a smile and a kind face:

"Hello everyone, this year's year-end summary, overall we have made some progress compared to last year.

Including the patient's clinical satisfaction survey and the scientific research results of our hospital in the experimental base.

Compared with last year, we have indeed made progress this year.

Of course, next year I also hope that we can all continue to work hard and fulfill our duties at work.

We must become a good doctor for the people, a hope for patients, and a safe haven for their families.

Here, I would also like to thank all the staff in the hospital for their hard work this year..."

Jin Zhenglun's year-end summary was read from his own manuscript.

Zhang Yi listened to Jin Zhenglun's clear and logical words, and quietly took out the manuscript he had prepared.

Then he quietly read it again, hoping that he would not be so nervous that he would make mistakes when he went on stage to read it.

"Zhang Yi, I heard from them that you are one of the outstanding employees of the year at Union Hospital this year. Awesome. Will you be rewarded?"

Chen Fang approached Zhang Yi and asked in a low voice.

Zhang Yi shook his head: "I don't know, but I heard from them that the annual outstanding employees seem to get more red envelopes."

Chen Fang immediately smiled and said: "Okay, you treat us tonight."

Zhang Yi rolled his eyes at him.

Jin Zhenglun's summary lasted more than 20 minutes, and after the summary, he made plans and hopes for the next year.

Among them, Zhang Yi only picked up a few important ones.

The first is patient satisfaction.

Next year, the patient satisfaction survey will be changed to every patient who is hospitalized and needs to fill out a satisfaction survey when he is discharged.

See if the patient is satisfied with the work attitude of his or her ward nurse and attending physician.

The monthly performance of each department is allocated based on the satisfaction given by the patient.

High satisfaction means that the person has done a good job and provided good service, so he or she can get more salary.

Low satisfaction rate means that the person may have a bad attitude, and the patient is not satisfied, so the salary will be reduced.

Of course, this is only the case in a few cases, and there will be changes every month.

Low will not always be low. I believe that most doctors and nurses provide very good services.

Otherwise, Union Hospital would not stand out from the crowd and rank first every year.

The second is the issue of scientific research direction.

Last year, more doctors published academic papers in Union Hospital than the year before.

But the overall level has not improved significantly. In other words, there are too many papers published in SCI Zone 3 and Zone 2.

There are almost no papers in Zone 1, let alone The Lancet.

Next year, Jin Zhenglun will set up a reward mechanism.

Anyone who has made contributions in academic papers can receive rewards ranging from 10,000 to 100,000.

The premise is that the paper is of high quality and has a wide range of impact factors.

Once this reward mechanism comes out, there will definitely be more and more academic papers of ordinary level.

But just like the great waves washing away the sand, perhaps there will always be a surprising paper with scientific research value.

As long as one is published, it will be very meaningful to Union Hospital and the entire Chinese medical community.

Hearing this, Zhang Yi was slightly moved.

It was not for the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of yuan, but for what Jin Zhenglun said:

"Our Union Hospital is the best hospital in China, so we must achieve something in the field of scientific research. Not only must we have it, but we must also achieve it.

Just because we are the first, we must shoulder the responsibility of being the first.

Not only for everyone present, but also for our younger generations!

The newly released reward mechanism is also to hope that more doctors will participate, and I hope that everyone can still create academic papers with scientific research value after work."

As soon as the voice fell, there was another round of applause from the audience.

After Jin Zhenglun finished speaking, the leader of the Health Bureau began to speak again.

Bala Bala spoke for another half an hour, and only after he finished speaking did he start to award the annual outstanding employees.

Each department has a quota, some have two or three, and some have only one.

For example, there are three in the emergency department, and these three are Zhang Yi who participated in the first aid training and got the top ten and the first place.

Zhang Yi, Wang Yufei and Yang Caini.

As he was about to go on stage to receive the award, Zhang Yi took out the year-end summary from his bag and took a look at it. He also looked at Wang Yufei next to him and asked:

"Where is your year-end summary? Why don't you take it out and take a look? What if you say something wrong later?"

Wang Yufei asked with a frown:

"Year-end summary? I didn't write it. Director Kang didn't let me write it?"

"Huh? Didn't they say that all outstanding employees would write it? And they have to read it on stage?"

Wang Yufei shook his head:

"Who told you that? Not all of them have to write it. I guess you are either speaking on behalf of outstanding employees or making a special speech."


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