The five-year-old boy is facing the possibility of being abandoned by his biological parents, and also faces high medical expenses.

Nephroblastoma: I believe that everyone can find out the cause and treatment of this disease by just reading a book or searching on the Internet.

Especially for malignant tumors, which can only rely on chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery as the primary treatment measures.

The cost of chemotherapy is to choose the corresponding anticancer drugs according to the type of cancer.

At present, the prices of anticancer drugs for chemotherapy in China are generally not low.

So in the treatment The medical expenses are also a big challenge for this child!

I posted this video for two reasons.

First, I want to ask netizens to help me find the father of this child...

Or the father of this child, if you see my video, please don't turn it off in a hurry.

Please come to the hospital as soon as possible. We can all help you find a way to treat the disease.

But you left a five-year-old child in the hospital during the New Year... I really can't understand it! "

Zhang Yi's voice became a little louder when he spoke.

After letting out a sigh of relief, he continued:

"The second is about the child's medical expenses. Netizens who follow me should know that I have a charity foundation.

There are donations from many kind-hearted people or entrepreneurs.

I have said before that I use these donations specifically for children with cleft lip and palate for surgery.

However, today I will use this video to announce one more thing.

From today on, the donations in Zhang Yi Charity Public Welfare Fund will not only be used to treat children with cleft lip and palate, but also for extremely rare diseases, rare diseases, and some children in extreme poverty!

I know that these donations are the most sincere kindness of netizens.

So I plan to spread this kindness a little further, so that every child who needs it can I can feel the kindness and warmth.

Of course, the same thing.

Zhang Yi Charity Foundation Platform accepts the supervision of netizens and donors.

The flow of funds is rolling in real time, and everyone can see the details of inflow and outflow clearly.

There will be absolutely no greed.

So, at the end of the video, for this five-year-old child with nephroblastoma, I hope everyone can do their best to be kind.

As for the child's parents, I hope you can come to the hospital to take care of the child after seeing this video.

The child's clothes have not been changed for several days, and the family members of the next bed helped to change them...

Okay, the video is recorded here. I will post a few pictures of the child's medical records for everyone to watch. Thank you! "

After the recording is completed, Zhang Yi clicked Save.

Then he logged into the page and clicked Send on Weibo and Douyin.

And the title is:

'Shock! A five-year-old child with malignant tumor was abandoned in the hospital by his family...'

Well, this title is good and eye-catching.

It seems that I have learned a lot from Chen Fang after such a long time~

After the video was released, Zhang Yi immediately edited a few photos and released them.

The specific identity information of the child in the photo was coded, and only the hospitalization information and specific medical records were clear.

After posting, Zhang Yi could see that his background data was rising rapidly.

There was no less than 'news 999+'.

After posting, Zhang Yi looked at the time and it was almost time to go to work at noon.

Simply let the news ferment for a while, and then see how it fermented in the evening.


For the whole afternoon, Zhang Yi was in charge of the patients under observation in the emergency ward.

It was not until Jin Zhenglun's phone suddenly flashed that Zhang Yi realized that the heat of the matter had risen so high in just a few hours in the afternoon?

In Jin Zhenglun's office.

Jin Zhenglun looked at Zhang Yi excitedly and asked:

"Zhang Yi, did you check your phone?"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "No, I've been running around the ward all afternoon and haven't had time to check it. What's wrong?"

Jin Zhenglun smiled and said:

"I just checked the background of the charity fund. Guess how much money your charity fund has now?"

Zhang Yi frowned slightly: "Hmm? Eight million?"

"Haha, that's not right!"

"Then... one thousand?"

"Hahaha! That's not right either!"

"Oh, Dean Jin, I checked it myself if you didn't tell me."

When did Dean Jin...

At that time, he even started selling gourds!

"Hahaha, it's 30 million!!"

"Ah??" Zhang Yi was about to take out his phone from his bag, and when he heard Jin Zhenglun say 30 million.

He was immediately shocked and got goose bumps!

Oh my god!

It's only been a few hours? ?

From the time he posted the video to now, it's only been more than three hours at 5:12!

It actually rose to 30 million? ? !

It might not have risen so much before, what's the situation this time?

Why did it suddenly rise so much?

Did some big guy donate a large amount?

Jin Zhenglun smiled happily, and his face was full of the words: "It's great to have Zhang Yi in our hospital."

Zhang Yi is now in Union Hospital.

Although the charity fund belongs to him alone, he is listed in Union Hospital.

He has a good reputation as a "good doctor", which can also be a bonus for them Union Hospital.

As expected, Zhang Yi is the one who can make Union Medical College even better!

"Zhang Yi, I saw the video you posted this afternoon. You said that in addition to helping children with cleft lip and palate, you also want to help those with malignant tumors?"

Zhang Yi put away his phone. It was still amazing to receive 30 million in a few hours.

Although he was a little excited, Zhang Yi soon calmed down.

It's just 30 million in a few hours.

System? ? You can do it too~ (Zhang Yi winked...)

[System: What did you say? The wind is too strong and I can't hear you. 】

"Ahem, yes, Dean Jin, have you heard about the child with pediatric tumors in our hospital this time?"

Speaking of this child, the smile on Jin Zhenglun's face gradually disappeared: "Well, I know about this. I agreed to Wei Zhe's request to invite the media to interview him today. Otherwise, it would be a problem if the child's parents could not find him."

"I happened to be in the pediatric oncology department at noon. The child's current condition is not good or bad.

He has just undergone radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and the side effects are not obvious for the time being, but continuing to do it in the later stage is not only a problem in terms of economy, but also a problem of whether the child can bear it.

Anyway, I also have a charity foundation, and the money in it is accumulated by everyone's love bit by bit.

I think this love should be used on people who really need it, and it is right to spend money on the right things.

So I wanted to record a video to tell the majority of netizens about this matter, and by the way, help the child find his father, and hope that the mother can come to the hospital to fulfill her mother's responsibilities a little bit."

Jin Zhenglun looked at Zhang Yi's young and handsome face.

This momentum...

This ambition...

This mind...

It's just like when I was young~

Oh no, Zhang Yi might be even more awesome than when I was young!

"Zhang Yi, since you want to do it, I will support you with all my strength!

I, Jin Zhenglun, vice president of Imperial Capital Union Hospital and director of cardiac surgery, will donate 100,000 yuan to your charity fund on behalf of myself!"

"100,000? President Jin, you..." Zhang Yi opened his mouth in surprise.

Jin Zhenglun raised his hand to interrupt him:

"You don't need to say more. As the dean, it's my duty to donate 100,000 yuan.

I donate 100,000 yuan, and only those directors and ordinary doctors can follow suit.

I am a leader, and I have to take the lead."

Jin Zhenglun's words touched Zhang Yi's heart.

Zhang Yi's annual salary is 2.2 million yuan.

He is currently the highest paid person in Union Hospital, no one else.

Then there are the top talents hired by very few hospitals, some of whom have returned from studying at famous foreign universities, or have been academic masters since childhood and entered Union Hospital with full marks.

The next is the positive dean of Union Hospital, that is, Dang Shuji of the hospital.

Then there are Jin Zhenglun and other vice deans.

These people also have high salaries, of course, 1 million, but none of them exceed Zhang Yi.

So Jin Zhenglun can donate 100,000 yuan, which is also his intention.

"Since Dean Jin said so, then I will accept it.

Since you have donated 100,000, then as the founder of Zhang Yi Charity Public Welfare Fund, I have to follow your footsteps and donate.

I... will donate 1 million!"

"How much... more?!" Jin Zhenglun stared at Zhang Yi with his eyes wide open.

Good guy, this kid donated 1 million!

He knew Zhang Yi's salary.

The annual salary is more than 2 million, which is 180,000 per month.

But he has only been in Union Hospital for less than three months, and he has only received two months' salary.

How can he have one million? ? ?

Tsk tsk...

After all, I underestimated Zhang Yi.

I didn't realize this guy is quite rich?

It should be that he was in Tian before.

He's annual salary is not low, otherwise he wouldn't have invited Zhang Yi repeatedly, but Zhang Yi didn't come.

He only nodded and agreed to come after he offered two million.

Hmm~ Thinking of this, Jin Zhenglun couldn't help but feel that he was quite smart.

Fortunately, he raised the price, otherwise how could he have poached Zhang Yi?

"Yes, as a founder, you took the initiative to donate one million, which is both a thought and an attitude."

"Hahaha... You are worthy of it! Okay, I won't delay your work. I asked you to come up to talk to you about this.

Now your afternoon video has begun to be reposted by many netizens on the Internet. You can take a look after work.

I will ask my assistant to organize the donation and post it in the hospital group."

"Okay, thank you, Dean Jin."

"Why are you being polite to me."

After greeting Jin Zhenglun, Zhang Yi turned around and returned to the emergency department.

As soon as I came back, I saw Wang Yufei holding the department's phone and said:

"Zhang Yi, someone from the Internet Publicity Department is looking for you."

"Internet Publicity Department?"

Zhang Yi walked over and answered the phone.

"Doctor Zhang?"

"Well, hello, I'm Zhang Yi."

"It's like this, our Internet Publicity Department has received invitations from several news media.

They said they want to interview you, and by the way, interview the child with a malignant tumor you mentioned in the video.

I want to ask if you have time. These media are all very authoritative media.

Like First News, Imperial Capital Daily, and China Morning Post."

The two at noon were reporters from China Morning Post, which is also a veteran media.

But compared with China Morning Post and First News, it is still a little younger.

Of course.

Although these three media are not very powerful.

"Oh, no, I've made it very clear in the video, there's no need to accept additional interviews.

And the child is also recovering peacefully, I hope the media won't disturb the child.

If necessary, I will announce the child's condition myself to everyone."

"Ah? Oh... okay..."

The person from the Internet Publicity Department hung up the phone reluctantly.

All media interviews were rejected by Zhang Yi.

The main purpose is to protect the child.

Now there are too many media on the Internet to attract attention and earn traffic, white can be said to be black, and black can be washed white.

Even the old media can't do it.

So, Zhang Yi only plans to rely on himself.

He himself is the traffic, even if he can't publicize this matter to everyone in the country, it's good to attract the attention of some people.

"What's wrong? What does the Internet Publicity Department want to talk to you about?"

Seeing that Zhang Yi's expression was a little solemn after hanging up the phone, Wang Yufei looked at him and asked.

"Nothing, I just rejected a few media interviews."

"Ah? Another media wants to interview you!" Wang Yufei screamed with envy and jealousy.

Zhang Yi, how come the media always come to him every other day!


Zhang Yi looked at him puzzledly:

"Didn't you see the news this afternoon? I posted videos on Weibo and Douyin."

"Ah? Video? What video? I've been tired in the emergency room for a day. I didn't touch any other software except calling the laboratory department."

"Then it's okay, wash your hands and go off work."

After saying that, Zhang Yi was ready to wash his hands and go off work on time.

Today he was in charge of the observation ward, so he was not as busy as the emergency room.

Wang Yufei looked at Zhang Yi's back and whispered:

"What's going on? Still so mysterious? Are you on the hot search again?"

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it! !

Good guy!

It really is!

On the search list of Toutiao, Zhang Yi's video ranked first!

The title is still "Zhang Yi speaks out for children with malignant tumors abandoned by their parents"!

And on Weibo, the fifth hot search is also the topic of "Zhang Yi speaks out for children with malignant tumors abandoned by their parents"!

Tsk tsk tsk...

I can't tell, Zhang Yi!

You are really good!

You posted a video and it became a hot search again!


After get off work, Zhang Yi didn't rush home, but went to the billing office of the hospital.

Usually, the billing office of the outpatient department is closed at night, and only one or two windows are left on duty at night.

There are not many people queuing in the billing office at this time.

Zhang Yi took out his mobile phone and prepared to recharge Bai Yufan's account with 100,000 yuan.

Ensure that chemotherapy and radiotherapy are sufficient, and with money, the radiotherapy area is also expanding.

The child currently has lymph node metastasis.

Chemotherapy alone may not be very effective, and it still needs to be combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

I didn't have enough money before, so I only did the kidney positioning X-ray. Next time I have more money, I can add more parts.

"Hello, please do me a favor and help me add 100,000 yuan to Bai Yufan's account in the pediatric oncology department for hospitalization fees."

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