The money was paid out of my pocket! ! !

(I added a chapter above)

The staff in the billing office looked up.

"Huh?? Doctor Zhang?! paid for the patient out of your own pocket??!"

The staff in the billing office looked incredible.

It's okay to pay, but you actually paid 100,000! !

"It's not me, it's the money in the charity fund."

"Oh oh oh~ I was shocked. I said, Doctor Zhang, you are really a saint! You actually paid 100,000 for the patient!"

It's so scary~

If this is really paying for the hospitalization fee, then isn't Chunchun a good person who was wronged? ?

Unless Zhang Yi is really rich.

But to be honest, they are all in the same hospital, how high can the salary be?

High-tech workers only earn a little over one million yuan a year, and houses and cars are free in the capital? ?

Donate 100,000 yuan at a time? ? !

Either he has a big heart or his brain is stuffed with garlic!

The staff member was obviously relieved. She was really worried that Zhang Yi was the kind of person who had his brain stuffed with garlic...

Such a handsome man...


Afterwards, the staff member didn't even swipe the medical card, but directly swiped 100,000 yuan into Bai Yufan's account through the backend.

After paying the money, Zhang Yi opened the backend of the charity fund.

He found that the current liquidity has now become 35,265,371.54 yuan!

More than 35 million!

Netizens are really awesome!

Zhang Yi walked towards the pediatric oncology department while clicking on the transaction record to check the bill.

The bill shows the name of the donor, how much money he donated, and the note he left.

Some people used online nicknames, while others used their real names.

Zhang Yi also saw that some companies also donated money, using their company names.

For example, Crunchy Potato Chips, Wangwang Dog Enterprise, Xiaoganma Food Co., Ltd., etc.

They are all well-known old companies.

Crunchy Potato Chips donated 10 million yuan!!

10 million yuan!


Big companies are really amazing!

Tonight, Zhang Yi will passionately order two bags of Crunchy Potato Chips to show his gratitude!

And Xiaoganma Food also donated 5 million yuan.

Touched, so touched!

Xiaoganma Zhang Yi has been eating since he was a child. When cooking noodles or fried rice, put a little of their sauce in, and it will be delicious instantly.

Don't worry! I will also order two more bottles of Xiaoganma tonight!

In addition to these large companies, there are also many small companies whose names are rarely heard, which have quietly donated one or two million.

The rest are basically donated by passers-by.

There are hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands.

There are also one dollar, ten cents, and even one cent.

But no matter how much the money is, it is a little thought from everyone.

Zhang Yi has nothing else to say except thank you.

Thank you very much!

While looking at the phone, the elevator reached the seventh floor.

Pediatric Oncology Department.

Zhang Yi has to report to the doctor here. The child now has money in the account, and the treatment and medication can be completely followed.

There are more than 30 million in the fund, isn’t it enough for treatment?

"Doctor Li? Is Doctor Li off work?"

Zhang Yi walked in and asked.

Doctor Li stretched out his hand and waved it, while greeting Zhang Yi and continuing to answer the phone.

Zhang Yi walked in and didn't rush to disturb him, waiting for him to finish the call.

Gradually, the expression on Dr. Li's face suddenly became excited!

Then he looked at Zhang Yi, and then at the director of the department who was walking over not far away.

"Really? Okay, okay! If the police over there are willing to assist in the case as soon as possible, I believe the child's father can be found faster!"

"Okay, okay, thank you! Goodbye!"

Other people in the department who had not yet finished get off work saw Dr. Li's appearance and came over to ask him:

"What's wrong, Li Bo? Did the police send a message?"

"Yes, the police contacted me and said that the Fangzhou police have confirmed that they can help the Imperial Capital police enforce the law across regions.

They promised to help find Bai Yufan's father as soon as possible.

Of course, this credit should be attributed to your video, Zhang Yi. You don't know that as soon as you sent out the video at noon, the police received the news.

In this world now... Hey, the pressure of public opinion is really great.

Once under pressure, the police can act quickly."

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"Don't give me all the credit. If it weren't for my video, Huachen Daily wouldn't be

Will it be issued as well?

By the way, I came here to tell you that I have already paid the money in Bai Yufan's account.

I have added 100,000 yuan, so you can use the good drugs for the treatment later.

The child is young, and the imported drugs are more effective, so the chance of survival in the later stage is also greater. "

"What? You paid 100,000 yuan? !"

"Did you pay it yourself or which fund gave you the money?"

"Oh, don't get excited, it's the fund that gave you the money."


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, since Zhang Yi, you have already added the money, then you can rest assured, our pediatric oncology department will definitely take good care of this child. "

Wei Zhe made a promise to Zhang Yi.

Now that the money is in place, the doctors in the department have nothing to worry about.

Although money is not everything, it is absolutely impossible to live without money.

After making arrangements, Zhang Yi went to the ward and secretly glanced at Bai Yufan.

Because of the ulcer, the child was not willing to eat.

He was unwilling to eat the meatball soup stewed by the grandmother of Suzhou in the next bed, saying that it hurt when he put it in his mouth.

But this child is easy to coax.

After a few words of persuasion, he ate the meal with tears in his eyes.

In the Department of Pediatric Oncology , in fact, there are many such children.

Because of the side effects of anticancer drugs or radiotherapy, some have oral ulcers, some have gastric ulcers, and some have fever every other day due to low immunity.

Parents at home feel heartbroken, and so do doctors?

But in order to survive, many children are actually very obedient, and they are so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.


If possible, Zhang Yi really hopes that these little angels can suffer less pain for one day.

Each of them is only a few years old, and they come to this world to enjoy life and feel happiness.

You don’t have to face this kind of suffering that even adults can’t bear right after you are born.

After returning home, Zhang Yi first made himself a simple dinner to cope with it.

After eating, he started to browse the news.

As expected, since the release of his video, it has received a lot of attention.

Now many well-known media on the Internet have begun to reprint and report this news.

Although the Huachen Daily that interviewed Wei Zhe at noon did not take the specific information of the child, they released the footage of the interview with Wei Zhe.

Wei Zhe is a The director of the hospital's pediatric oncology department.

This information can be found on the official account of Union Hospital.

So their video has also received a lot of attention.

In short, it's good that this matter can be spread.

I hope the child's parents can be moved!

Then, Zhang Yi transferred one million from his card to the charity fund account.

He took a screenshot after the transfer.


The screenshot was because Zhang Yi wanted to post another Weibo to thank the netizens and entrepreneurs who donated.

"From the afternoon to now, I have received your concern and love.

The Zhang Yi Charity Public Welfare Fund has received more than 35 million in donations!

Thank you! I sincerely thank you for your love!

As the founder of the Zhang Yi Charity Public Welfare Fund, I solemnly promise to everyone here:

The money in the fund will definitely be used by those who really need it!

I will pass on this warmth and love further and wider!

Finally, I also contributed money myself and donated a total of one million yuan in my personal name.

I hope to continue this charity work with everyone, thank you all!"

Under the text, Zhang Yi posted a screenshot of his transfer.

Then click Send.

In less than an hour, Zhang Yi's hot search once again rushed to the headlines of various news software!

'Zhang Yi donated one million!'

'Zhang Yi donated one million to his foundation in his personal name!'

'Zhang Yi is such a good doctor!'

'Surprise! Zhang Yi actually donated to complete his charity work...'

Several entries with Zhang Yi's name were listed on the Weibo hot search list, and Toutiao also posted an eye-catching topic.

For a while, Zhang Yi became the subject of discussion again.

Netizen Gongting Yuye Wine How Much Is a Cup Leaves a Message:

"Oh my God! He is such a young doctor and he actually donated so much money? ! Poverty really limits my imagination! ”

Netizen 塰の菋道魚倁 posted a message:

“I donated 50 yuan before, and this time I saw that the child was indeed pitiful, so I donated another 100 yuan.

I hope Dr. Zhang can take my money and help the child!

In addition, I hope that the parents who abandoned their child will quickly fulfill their responsibilities as parents!

How can you let the child stay alone in the hospital? ”

Netizen Longcheng Zhourun posted a message:

“If this pair of parents really don’t

If you take care of the child, you will definitely be charged with the same crime.

If the child is already 18 years old, it will definitely be okay, but this child is only five years old!

How can this be? If it were me, I would not give up the child even if I sold everything I had and begged at the door of the hospital. ”

A netizen transplanted his Erlanger to lift up the earth and left a message:

“Alas… You don’t understand the pain of being poor at all… If it were me… I had a poor child and a terminal illness… I would probably make the same decision as this father…”

Among the netizens’ comments, most people’s comments were pitying the child and denouncing the child’s parents.

Only a very few people showed sympathy for the parents.

Of course, even if they did, they would be immediately scolded by people with different opinions and shut up.

Zhang Yi has been browsing the comments of netizens on the Internet.

It is normal for everyone to have different opinions.

But Zhang Yi still hopes that this normality is based on moral standards.

Abandoning minors is not only against the law, but also immoral, and should not be imitated.

Suddenly, the mobile phone page changed from the news page to the caller ID.

Zhang Yi looked at the number and found that it was Zhang Wanqing’s husband calling.

Zhang Wanqing recovered well after the operation and was discharged from the hospital a few days before the New Year.

Is there anything that Lu Jin called at this time?

“Hello? Hello, Mr. Lu. ”

“Hello, Doctor Zhang. I hope I didn’t disturb you at this time.”

“No, is there something you want to talk about? Is there a change in Zhang Wanqing’s condition?”

“Hehe, Doctor Zhang, don’t be nervous. Wanqing is fine. I just saw the video you posted online.

I promised you before. I said that as long as Wanqing can be cured, I will donate 100 million to your fund.”


Zhang Yi was shocked!

He stood up from the sofa!

Good guy!

This guy is not really going to donate 100 million!!!

Just when Zhang Yi hadn’t figured out how to answer.

Lu Jin spoke again on the other end of the phone:

“It’s like this, Doctor Zhang…”

It can be heard that Lu Jin’s tone is still a little restrained.

“Doctor Zhang, before… I did say that I would donate 100 million, but… now the company’s structure has changed, so I…”

“Hey, don’t, don’t, Mr. Lu, you are too deliberate in saying this.

I never treat patients to repay me, I really don't need it.

Donation is also voluntary, it doesn't mean you have to do this or that.

I hope you, Mr. Lu, will consider your own affairs first, and then talk about donations. "

Zhang Yi understood what Lu Jin meant.

Before, Zhang Wanqing's sister agreed to give blood, but the price was money.

Lu Jin seemed to have really given her sister a lot of shares and cash.

So it would be difficult to talk about 100 million at this time.

Zhang Yi also understood that donations are never forced.

Donate if you are willing, donate if you don't, it's normal.

Lu Jin smiled softly on the other end of the phone and said:

"Doctor Zhang, I don't mean that... Anyway, don't worry, the donation is absolutely voluntary.

Will you go to work tomorrow? I will probably come to Union Hospital in the afternoon to talk to you about the donation in person."

"Talk in person?"


"Okay, thank you for your kindness, Mr. Lu! ”


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yi looked at his phone and muttered:

“How much is the donation? You even came to the hospital in person?”

Afterwards, Zhang Yi looked at his phone for a while and then turned on his computer to see if his submitted paper had been approved.

It was still under review??

It has been several days. The editor in the backend is not still celebrating the New Year?

Has the holiday not ended yet??

It seems that I can only wait a few more days.

At this time, more than half a month has passed since the two-month bet with Wang Ziwei.

Zhang Yi has already submitted it, and it depends on when Wang Ziwei submits it.


Early the next morning.

An office building in the capital.

A middle-aged man in a white turtleneck sweater walked slowly. He took a cup of coffee and walked to his workstation.

Everyone was reluctant to go to work on the first day after the Chinese New Year.

But in order to make money, they had to come no matter how reluctant they were!

After turning on the computer, the middle-aged man continued to open the network background on the computer as usual.

Check if there are any new files in the area he is responsible for.

Of course, there are definitely some.

But the area he is responsible for is too advanced, and generally there are very few people who submit papers.

So his work is relatively leisurely.

The mouse clicks left and right, up and down on the computer screen.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up!

"Huh??? Who is this??! He dares to submit his paper to my area with only a bachelor's degree.


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