The first time, the second time.

Immediately, the staff member in the Zhonghua District Office Building of the SCI Paper Database clicked on the submission article titled "Research Progress on the Evaluation of Bispectral Index for Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury and Patient Prognosis: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Controlled Chinese Clinical Study".

In fact, the title of the paper was not the most attractive part for him.

What attracted him most was the information introduction in the front.

Name: Zhang Yi.

Gender: Male.

Education: Bachelor's degree.

Graduated from: Department of Clinical Medicine, Imperial Capital Medical University.

Bachelor's degree? ? !

How dare you submit a bachelor's degree to the area I am responsible for? ?

Are you kidding me? !

The editor even suspected that he had read it wrong.

After confirming that he really has a bachelor's degree, he became interested in this article.

Generally, the most articles are in the 5-point area, which is zone 3.

The second is zone 4. Zone 2 is relatively rare because it is difficult.

But the least is zone 1!

A 10-point paper!

Who is sure that their paper can get 10 points! !

Even if someone really submits, it must be the director or dean of a large hospital who takes the lead in doing scientific research papers.

Or it may be that some academic leader has made innovations in addition to scientific research!

Such talents dare to submit to zone 1 with full confidence!

But now! !

There is actually an undergraduate who submitted to zone 1!

Is the sun really rising from the west? !

And judging from his identity information, he seems to be not even 26 years old!

This guy!

Is he a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers or is he joking? ?

With such curiosity, he opened this paper.

"Haha, I've really seen the King of Hell in broad daylight. Let me see what this undergraduate student wrote. He actually submitted it to Area 1?"

Just as he was about to take a look, another staff member next to him looked over with a surprised expression.

"Ah? Did an undergraduate submit his work to Area 1?"

"Yes! I was shocked. I'll just take a quick glance to see the quality. If it's written randomly, I'll immediately reject it and warn him!"

The man next to him waved his hand and said:

"Oh, you're making a fuss. Maybe he clicked the wrong one? An undergraduate student can't write a paper with more than 10 points. He must have submitted it to the wrong one."

After chatting for a few words, the editor in Area 1 turned his eyes to the computer.

Generally, people who have been working as editors for a long time can basically judge the main content of the manuscript by just taking a glance.

Whether the writer is writing randomly or not can be distinguished by just taking a glance.

They have to read a lot of manuscripts every day, and the function of "taking a glance" is practiced every day.


A few seconds later, the editor was suddenly stunned!!

Then he uttered two words: "Fuck?!"

Fuck? !

This is...

This is written by an undergraduate? ? !

Are you kidding me? !

The editor's expression changed from a smile to a serious one!

He took off his glasses, wiped them, and put them back on. This time, he wanted to read it from beginning to end without missing a word.



Cause and effect...


Even the bold and innovative argument at the end of the article made the editor's eyes light up!!!

"Oh my god... this... this guy... is an undergraduate?!"

Hearing the editor of Zone 1 talking to himself in shock, the colleague next to him also asked curiously:

"What's wrong? Did the undergraduate vote for the wrong one? I told you, undergraduates are generally self-aware, they will not vote for Zone 1, at most they will vote for Zone 3."

"No, no, no! You... come and take a look! Take a look first!"


Seeing the editor so excited, the colleague next to him had to bend down and start to look.

More than ten minutes later, almost the same expression, the same tone, and the same sentence also jumped out of the editor's mouth:

"What the hell?!"

Then, the two looked at each other.

Their eyes were full of shock, disbelief, and unbelievable! !

"Did this person... write down the wrong education background?"

"Maybe, look at where he works in his profile?"

"Let me see... Hmm?? It's Union Hospital?! That's wrong, how can Union Hospital accept undergraduates?"

The editors in this area immediately felt overwhelmed.

How come there are so many unsolved issues just after the Chinese New Year?

Huh? ?

First of all, it is impossible for an undergraduate to write such a high-level paper!


Absolutely impossible!


Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Imperial Capital Peking Union Medical College Hospital!

A hospital ranked first in the country in terms of professional level and scientific research results, it is impossible for it to accept undergraduates!

They basically start with a master's degree, and there are a lot of doctoral degrees.

Twenty years ago, undergraduates might still be able to enter Peking Union Medical College with hard work.

But now, there are a lot of masters and doctors, and it is impossible for undergraduates to enter Peking Union Medical College.

This is also a weird point.

"I wonder! How is it possible?!"

It took a long time for the editor of Zone 1 to recover.

This matter is completely beyond his cognition, so...

So he must ask the leader to help take a look!

Thinking of this, the editor of Zone 1 immediately stood up from his chair.

In a panic, he almost forgot to copy the paper submitted by Zhang Yi.

"Don't get excited, slow down, if he is really an undergraduate, it means that he is extremely talented.

Even if he has an undergraduate degree now, he will definitely be able to pass the postgraduate entrance examination in a few months.

And... the paper has been submitted to SCI, so the work unit cannot be fake.

Do you know any doctors in Union Hospital? You can ask if their hospital has admitted an undergraduate named Zhang Yi."

The editor of District 1 held his forehead, as if he had not recovered yet.

The level of this paper... is ridiculously high!

It is so high that it does not seem like something that an undergraduate can write!

So you must check it out.

Don't let this kind of paper fraud happen!

"Okay, I'll take it to the editor-in-chief to have a look first."

With that, the editor of District 1 took the copied paper materials away.


Editor-in-chief's office.

The editor of District 1 stood at the door and knocked.

Then a very deep voice came from inside: "Come in."

The door opened.

The expression on the face of the editor of District 1 still retained a trace of fear.

Seeing him like this, the editor-in-chief sitting on the computer chair in the office smiled and asked:

"What's wrong, Cheng Xin? What's the matter?"

Cheng Xin pursed his lips, took a long breath and said:

"Editor-in-chief, please take a look at this paper in my hand first."

"Hmm? Paper? Is it the paper submitted to you?"

"Well, I saw it when I was looking at the submissions in the background this morning..."

"Hehe, you look strange, what's wrong? This paper is very good, can it reach the standard of District 1?"

"You... take a look first."

As he said, the editor-in-chief took the paper document in his hand and read it.

"Oh? It's about neurology? There's something. Neurology is not easy to write."

Just by looking at the title, the editor-in-chief has already started to praise.

"No... No, don't rush to read the content, take a look at the personal profile in front of the title first."

"Personal profile?"

The editor-in-chief moved his eyes upwards after saying that.

Two seconds later, the editor-in-chief finally found the point!

"Bachelor's degree?! And from Union Hospital?!"

"Yes!!" Cheng Xin nodded heavily.



Damn, you finally saw the point!

"Oh, no? How could Union Hospital have a doctor with a bachelor's degree? What era is this? Even if I don't study medicine, I know that places like Union Hospital at least start with a master's degree and a doctorate?"

The editor-in-chief couldn't believe it either.

He hasn't seen the quality of the paper yet, and can only be shocked that there are people with a bachelor's degree in Union Hospital.

If he reads the content later, he will be shocked again...

A doctor with a bachelor's degree can actually write such a high-level paper!

Cheng Xin shook his head:

"This... I don't know either. I plan to ask someone to see if there is such a doctor named Zhang Yi in Union Hospital."

"Well! I really have to ask and find out. It is rare for undergraduates to write papers.

Especially after writing, they dare to submit to your section. It's simply arrogant!"

At this time, in the editor-in-chief's mind.

This undergraduate who came to the first section to submit his paper without knowing the height of the world is arrogant!

"Editor-in-chief, you... why don't you take a look at the content?"


Although angry, the content still needs to be read.

Otherwise, the editor of this section has no reason to come to me for this matter.

One minute later...

The expression on the face of the editor-in-chief was just a slight frown, and there was no big change in emotion.

But five minutes later... he changed!

His eyes began to stare like a copper bell! !

His mouth opened slightly, and I don't know what he wanted to say.

Cheng Xin, who was standing opposite the editor-in-chief, witnessed all of this.


Said: So I just looked so inexperienced just now...

Fifteen minutes later.

The article was finally finished.

But the editor-in-chief sat on the chair in a daze, and did not speak for a long time.

Cheng Xin glanced at him: "Editor-in-chief? What do you think?"

After a long time, the editor-in-chief sighed:

"What else can I think? I'll sit and read!"

"What I mean is..."

"I know." The editor-in-chief raised his hand to interrupt Cheng Xin.

"I know what you mean. This paper is of very high level. The logical cause and effect plus the positive and negative arguments are also very clear.

He also gave examples to discuss the severity of craniocerebral injury by the bispectral index of electroencephalogram.

His paper is indeed of research significance, and the key point is..."

After a pause, the editor-in-chief still found it incredible!

"The key point is... Is this person only a bachelor's degree?? Is it wrong?"

See, ten people will be so suspicious after reading the content.

How can an undergraduate write such a high-level thing? ?

Cheng Xin shook his head: "I don't know..."

"Forget it, let's check it out first to see if it was written by this undergraduate named Zhang Yi.

We need to find out whether this paper is fake, and then determine the score to see if it can enter the first zone."

"Okay, I'll call and ask right away."

Then, Cheng Xin left the office to contact people.

In the office, looking at the article left behind.

The editor-in-chief couldn't help but tut his lips and said:

"What's going on?? This is the first time in my life that an undergraduate can write a paper of this level.

How can it not enter the first zone?!

If the final score result is in the first zone...

Then this guy is the first in history!! The paper written by an undergraduate entered the first zone of SCI!!"

"Tut tut tut..."

Just thinking about it makes the editor-in-chief feel unbelievable!

Undergraduate papers are not inferior to research papers written by postdoctoral fellows or even some directors leading their teams.

Just thinking about it gives me goose bumps!


At the same time, Imperial Capital Union Hospital.

At this time, Zhang Yi didn't know that his paper had been seen by the editor.

At this moment, the entire editorial department of District 1 was busy with his almost impossible paper.

Suddenly, the nurse walked to the door, knocked on the door and said:

"Doctor Zhang, there is a family member looking for you at the nurse station."

"Looking for me?" Zhang Yi raised his head from the computer.

"Yeah, it's a handsome guy."

"Okay, got it."

Is this young nurse talking about Lu Jin?

Yesterday, he called and said he would come to donate money today.

Zhang Yi stood up and looked outside.

Sure enough.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!"

"Hello, Doctor Zhang!"

The two shook hands politely.

Zhang Yi looked at the young man behind Lu Jin, who was holding a small sign in his hand.

What did it say about donation?

Could it be that Lu Jin had to hold a small ceremony to donate money?

"Doctor Zhang, this is it. I promised you before that I would donate money to your fund as long as Wanqing can be cured.

This is the purpose of my coming today!"

As he said this, he took the small sign from the young man next to him.

Only then did Zhang Yi see clearly what was written on it.

"Huihai Group donated 50 million yuan to the 'Zhang Yi Charity Public Welfare Fund'."

"50 million?!" Zhang Yi was slightly surprised.

Didn't this guy give a lot of money to Zhang Wanqing's sister?

He could actually donate 50 million? ?

It seems that his Huihai Group is really profitable.

"That's right. If I hadn't shared the 100 million I mentioned before, the cash flow would definitely be enough.

It's just a pity that I don't have much money now. I hope Dr. Zhang, don't mind it."

Zhang Yi waved his hands quickly:

"Oh, Mr. Lu, what are you talking about?

Fifty million! How many poor children can it save? Enough, enough! Thank you so much!"

Fifty million!

This is the first donation with such a large amount of money.

How could Zhang Yi care about it when he couldn't even thank me enough?

"That's good. Then... Dr. Zhang, can we take a photo together? I'll also promote our group."

"Okay, no problem."

Many large companies do charity to build a good reputation for the company.

Lu Jin actually meant the same thing.

It just so happened that Zhang Yi posted those videos again yesterday, and the popularity of this matter is very high.

Their Huihai Group donated 50 million at one time, which can be regarded as taking advantage of this popularity to promote themselves.

So their company is definitely not at a loss.

Click, click, click.

Many people came to the hospital to see a doctor when taking pictures

The patients and their families were also watching.

Donated 50 million!

The money that ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime was donated by Huihai Group for charity.


This company is really a good company.

After receiving the money, Lu Jin left the hospital, and before leaving, he said that he would treat Zhang Yi to dinner next time.

Zhang Yi smiled politely.

Brother, you donated so much money, it's almost time for me to treat you...

After seeing people off, Zhang Yi went back to the office to continue his work.

It was not until noon that he and Mao Xiaoyuan rushed to the cafeteria to have lunch.

As a result, as soon as he got out of the elevator, he ran into the doctors in the neurosurgery department.

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