The office of the vice president of Union Hospital.

Jin Zhenglun was talking to a leader inside.

The assistant knocked on the door and walked in.

He waited until Jin Zhenglun finished the call before he spoke:

"President Jin, the notice has been sent."

"Well, OK, as long as the notice is in place, they can understand what I mean.

Anything else? If not, I will go to the school for a meeting."

"Oh, yes, just now the SCI journal China region called the hospital and said they wanted to inquire about someone."

Jin Zhenglun frowned:

"SCI journal?? Inquire about who?"

There is no medical student who doesn't know SCI journal.

SCI can take the initiative to contact the hospital, and it's just to inquire about one person.

Who? ?

Who can be so awesome? ?

"Zhang Yi!"

Immediately, the pen in Jin Zhenglun's hand fell on the table.

"Zhang Yi?!"

After a brief shock, the smile on Jin Zhenglun's face began to become more and more obvious.

"Haha! They actually called to ask about Zhang Yi? What's wrong? Did they say what it was specifically about?"

Jin Zhenglun suspected that it was related to the paper.

He remembered the bet between Zhang Yi and the neurosurgeon before.

It has been more than half a month, so the paper should have some clues.

"No, they just asked if there is a person named Zhang Yi."

"Hahaha, you can probably find this by searching Baidu, right? Why would they contact the hospital specifically?

This means that they have something important that needs to be confirmed by our hospital in person!"

Jin Zhenglun is really smart.

After a simple thought, he guessed that Zhang Yi had probably submitted the paper.

Now, they can let the people of SCI China region ask the hospital in person, which means that they have entered the inspection and scoring stage.


How many surprises can Zhang Yi bring him?

Or, how many times will Zhang Yi's return rate be after paying out this annual salary of 2.2 million?


Just thinking about it, Jin Zhenglun feels that he has made a lot of money!

Before leaving get off work, Jin Zhenglun told Zhang Yi that SCI had contacted the hospital.

Although Zhang Yi was surprised, he felt that there must be no problem with his paper.

So he was not afraid of him checking.

Seeing Zhang Yi's confident look, Jin Zhenglun smiled and teased:

"Zhang Yi, what if your paper does not enter the first zone? What if you lose the bet with the neurosurgeon?"

Jin Zhenglun originally just wanted to chat a little.

Zhang Yi said very casually and nonchalantly:

"What can I do? I'll just quit. I'm not as good as you, so I'll just go back to Tianhe and work hard for a few more years."

"Oh, no, no, no, you can't leave! Don't worry, if you really lose, I'll...

I'll just send a notice saying that doctors are not allowed to make bets in private as a joke, especially if the bet damages the interests of the hospital!

Don't worry, I won't let you quit no matter what I say."

Seeing Jin Zhenglun's nervous look, Zhang Yi wanted to laugh but held it back.

Dean Jin, don't be nervous, I was just joking.

Although I don't know how many points SCI will give, even if I lose, I won't lose much face.

First, Zhang Yi originally has a bachelor's degree, and it's not easy for him to write a paper seriously.

How many undergraduates have you seen writing papers?

So, it's not shameful for an undergraduate to lose to a doctoral student.

Second, even if Zhang Yi's paper is not good, his surgical skills are still among the best in the hospital, right?

And it's not that his paper is not good, it's just that his paper didn't enter the first zone.

Taking a step back, there are more hospitals that want Zhang Yi than just Union Hospital.

Where can't he go to work? ?

Of course, Zhang Yi is still confident.

He has checked so many literature materials, and the essence is the essence!

He doesn't believe that his full article can't enter the first zone!

SCI Journal China Office Building.

"How is it? It's almost time to get off work, how is the research going?"

The editor-in-chief walked out of the office with a suit jacket and asked the editor in charge of the first zone.

"Editor-in-chief, Union Hospital does have a doctor named Zhang Yi, and there is only one.

And it just happens that this Zhang Yi really has a bachelor's degree.

And he just got his graduation certificate last year and just passed the medical qualification certificate!"

An incredible expression flashed across the editor-in-chief's face again:

"Oh my god, there really is such a person?!

Then check if he wrote this paper alone...

Is there a contact email or phone number in the submission information? Ask him directly."


Papers of this level are likely to enter the first zone.

So it is necessary to confirm whether there is plagiarism before scoring.

"By the way, ask if he wrote this paper alone. Are there no other authors?"

"Okay, I'll ask right away."

Generally, such a ten-point paper has more than one author.

A high-level paper is definitely the result of a team's careful research.

It is difficult for one person to write it.

Papers in not only the first zone, but also the second and third zones basically have a first author's name in front, and several second authors' names in the back.

Generally, whoever's name is at the front is the first author.

Just like Kim Jong-ryun's previous paper.

He is a leader, so when it was published in the Lancet, his name was the first in the author column, and his assistants were behind.

The second author usually works with the first author to research and find information and write papers.

In this case, if you really enter the first zone, most of the honors and credits will be counted under the name of the first author.

In contrast, the first author actually contributes much more than the second author.

But Zhang Yi's paper is very strange!

Written by one person? ? ?

Or an undergraduate? ? ?

The editor-in-chief couldn't help but wonder if this guy had omitted or missed the name of the second author? ?


Union Hospital Luxury Apartment.

Zhang Yi had just returned home from get off work, and before he had time to cook, the phone in his bag rang.

He took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

But was it from the capital?

"From the hospital?"

Zhang Yi picked up the phone carefully:

"Hello? Hello?"

"Hello, may I ask... are you Zhang Yi?"

"Um... I am, may I ask who you are??"

Zhang Yi held up the phone, took out a quilt and poured water to drink while asking.

"Hello, I'm the editor of SCI China, my last name is Cheng!"

Zhang Yi paused while pouring the water!

Yo? ?

The phone call came to me?

Didn't you ask if there was a person like me in the hospital this afternoon?

Now that you've confirmed it's me, you're calling me?

"Hello, I'm Zhang Yi, what's the matter with you?"

"It's like this, I've received the draft of the paper you sent me.

Now I mainly want to ask you a few questions.

Of course, if it's convenient... could you please come to our SCI China headquarters?"

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