The two of us were busy, but the two of us were busy.

"Go to your company? Now?"

Zhang Yi asked while looking up at the time.

It's already 6:30 in the evening.

They haven't gotten off work yet? ?

"No, it might be a little late today, huh? Tomorrow? Oh, then tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning... 9 or 10 o'clock, what do you think, Doctor Zhang?"

When Cheng Xin was on the phone, the editor-in-chief was actually next to him.

It was the editor-in-chief who suggested that Zhang Yi come to the company.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Yi frowned and said:

"Tomorrow? It may not be possible tomorrow. I have to work during this period... How about this, I am free at noon tomorrow. Do you think it is possible at noon?"


Cheng Xin quickly covered the receiver of the mobile phone and whispered to the editor-in-chief next to him: "Editor-in-chief, he said he is not free in the morning and can only be available at noon."

The editor-in-chief thought for two seconds and nodded repeatedly.


Noon is noon!

I have to meet this guy anyway!

Cheng Xin understood and immediately replied to Zhang Yi:

"Okay, no problem, then when will you come tomorrow at noon? I will send you the address of our company by text message later."

"Get off work at 12 noon, depending on the distance? I will arrive as soon as possible at 12:30."

"Okay, that's it."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yi realized that the editor said he wanted to ask questions?

Why did he hang up after making an appointment?

He didn't even ask questions?

Because the call was from an SCI journal, Zhang Yi guessed that the reason they wanted to meet must be related to his paper.

So Zhang Yi took out all the certificates he had kept in the bottom of his box.

A graduation certificate, a medical qualification certificate.

One can prove that he does have a bachelor's degree, and the other can prove that he does have a license to practice medicine.

The reason he called him specifically was nothing more than to check whether the paper was fake.

Zhang Yi planned to bring his computer with him, which contained editing records and the original draft of the paper.

In this way, you must believe that this paper was written by me, right? ?

At night.

Zhang Yi had just laid down and entered the simulated operating room, ready to practice surgery.

As a result, the phone rang.

At a glance, it turned out to be a call from the pediatric oncology department.

Zhang Yi immediately became much more alert.

Could it be that something happened to Bai Yufan?


"Doctor Zhang! The child's father has been found. He is really in his hometown. He said he will come to the capital tomorrow!"

The doctor of the pediatric oncology department was a little excited.

After so many days, from New Year's Eve to now, the child's father has finally been found!

"Oh..." Zhang Yi was relieved.

But he also became happy.

"That's good! It's good that the person has been found!"

"I'm sorry to bother you so late, Doctor Zhang. It's mainly because I just received the news and I'm very excited. I told you, I'll go tell the child now."

"Hey, don't, don't." Zhang Yi stopped him.

"How about this, don't tell him yet, wait till his father arrives tomorrow and give the child a surprise.

What if... I mean what if something unexpected happens tomorrow?

You've said that you have high expectations for the child, what if he's disappointed tomorrow?"

"That's right, the child's father is so unreliable, what if he doesn't come tomorrow? Well, then I won't tell the child yet."

"Well, did the child's father say what time he will come to the hospital tomorrow?"

"The police should accompany him, right? I guess he'll go in the afternoon."

"Okay, take care of the child, call me if anything happens."

"Okay, no problem, Doctor Zhang."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yi finally felt relieved.

His thesis is probably going to be in Zone 1.

Then, Bai Yufan's father has finally been found. No matter whether he really wanted to abandon the child when he left the hospital, as long as he still has a conscience and is willing to come back to take the child away, it's fine.

At least the child doesn't know that his father left without saying goodbye on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and the medical staff have always maintained the image of the child's father in front of him.

As long as the child's father appears, the medical staff's work over the past few days is not in vain.

In addition, the charity fund is getting bigger and bigger now.

In the future, in addition to children with cleft lip and palate, more patients in need of help can see the hope of survival in Zhang Yi Charity Foundation.

How wonderful.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Yi closed his eyes happily.



Early in the morning.

The news that Bai Yufan's father was coming to the hospital spread throughout the hospital early in the morning.

Because this matter has now become social news.

It is difficult for the entire hospital staff not to know.

"Hey, Zhang Yi, have you heard? Bai Yufan's father will come this afternoon. The police said so."

Chen Fang just came to work on the first day today and has already eaten all the melons that happened in the hospital during the vacation.

Looking at Zhang Yi's questioning expression, he looked like a person who had eaten melons in a melon field until he was full.

Zhang Yi looked up at him and said, "Do you think I know this, Mr. Chen?"

"...You know this?"

"I knew it the first time last night."


"Tsk tsk, these parents are so irresponsible! If you hadn't spread the video, I don't know if the father of this child would come back to see the child under the pressure of public opinion!

Damn, what's this!

Some people don't want to have children after giving birth. I want a child, but I can't get pregnant for a long time. I'm worried!"

Zhang Yi laughed: "What's wrong? Is it you or your sister-in-law who can't do it?"

"What do you know? Why do you ask so many questions, single dog!"

Zhang Yi: →_→!

"I mean, you two have been trying for half a year. If it doesn't work, go to the hospital for a checkup."

Chen Fang had an anxious expression on his face. After thinking for a while, he said:

"Hey, try again. I'm only 30, and my wife is only 28 this year. She's still young.

Try again. If it doesn't work... I'll ask you to help us."

"Puff..." Zhang Yi almost spit out a mouthful of water: "Teacher Chen, do you think I'm an all-round doctor? I didn't say I can treat infertility!"

"Aren't you an all-round doctor? Why are you being modest? Don't be modest in front of me, little bastard~!"

Zhang Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

Can't I be modest~~? ?


In the morning, Zhang Yi had just finished checking the room when the ambulance brought a boy who had drowned while skating by the river in the middle of winter.

He was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

My goodness, his whole body was frozen when he came.

How can he be saved? ?

I heard that it took more than half an hour to fish him out from under the ice.

The temperature in the capital has been minus 4 or 5 degrees these days, and it will be even colder in the river!

If the little boy doesn't drown, he will freeze to death.

The family members knelt on the ground and cried and begged for more rescue.

But what can I say.

Zhang Yi is not a god. Liu Luo rescued him very timely that time and pulled him out just after he drowned.

This child was not pulled out after being submerged for more than half an hour.

In addition, the temperature was too low...


Zhang Yi could only shake his head to show that he was powerless.


Until the funeral home's car drove to the emergency door, the family members were still crying outside the hall.


Think about it.

A good child just died like this.

Outsiders feel sorry, let alone the child's parents.

In the hall, the boy's mother almost cried and fainted.

She had no strength in her body and couldn't even stand up.

Zhang Yi could only sigh helplessly when he saw this, and turned to the nurse next to him and said:

"Go and measure the blood pressure and oxygen saturation of the family member."


Crying for a long time may cause hypoxia.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the nurse squatted down, the blood pressure measuring instrument was thrown away by the family member.

"I don't want it... wuwuwu... I want my son... Don't touch me! I want my son!"

The nurse looked embarrassed, stood up and looked at the family member and then at Zhang Yi.

There was no way, the family member didn't appreciate it, and Zhang Yi could only wave his hand and let the nurse do something else first.

The family member wailed in the hall for a long time, and was finally comforted by other family members while holding their arms and taking them out.

After the people left, the emergency room finally became a little quieter.

"Hey, what else can this kid do now? He has to go skating by the river in the middle of winter, ah!"

In the office, several doctors were also sighing because of the boy's death.

"That's right, he was a cute kid, what a pity."

"By the way, have you donated to Zhang Yi's charity fund?"

"Oh, if you didn't tell me, I almost forgot. Have you donated?"

"I donated two hundred."

"I haven't donated yet? How much did Director Kang donate? How much did Director Tian next door donate?"

"Who knows? These two old men are probably competing secretly to see who donates more?"

"Hey, no matter how much they donate, they can't donate as much as Zhang Yi."

"That's true."

Just then, Zhang Yi walked in.

"What are you talking about? Why did I hear my name?"

Zhang Yi walked in and took a sip of water with a cup.

Xiao Long shook his head and said, "Let's talk about donations

Well, everyone says that you are the doctor who donated the most in the entire Union Hospital, and no one can beat you. "

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"Haha~ This matter depends on you, and I won't force you, so don't worry too much."

"That won't work. Dean Jin has said such a long list of words in the group. Don't we have the foresight to do this? ? We have to donate a little bit."

Zhang Yi reached out and patted Xiao Long on the shoulder:

"I'm serious, you can do whatever you want, donate if you want, and don't donate deliberately if you don't want to. ”

That being said, the emergency department staff also donated several hundred yuan privately.

Even Kang Yanming donated 30,000 yuan after careful consideration.

Director Tian was not to be outdone. As soon as he heard that Kang Yanming donated 30,000 yuan, he donated 30,010 yuan.


That’s a full 100 yuan more!

Director Tian won this time~

I guess Tian Feilong can look cool in front of Kang Yanming for a while.

At noon, Zhang Yi got off work a few minutes early.

The lunch break is two hours.

You can go home or eat in the cafeteria directly.

Before, Zhang Yi just thought it was convenient to eat in the cafeteria, but today, he had to rush to the appointment in advance.

On the phone, the specific address sent by the editor was in Shunyang District, about seven kilometers away from Union Hospital.

I hope that this appointment, which I didn’t even rush to eat lunch, will have a good result!

Half an hour later.

Zhang Yi came to the headquarters of the SCI Journal in China.

As soon as he came out of the elevator, the familiar capital letters came into view.


“Hello, I’m looking for an editor named Cheng Xin.”

Zhang Yi took a quick look at the environment and walked to the front desk to ask.

The receptionist looked up at Zhang Yi, with a lazy expression and a hint of indifference.

But after seeing Zhang Yi’s face, she immediately became energetic.

“Ah? Looking for… looking for editor Cheng? You... please wait a moment~”

While saying this, the receptionist combed the loose hair behind her ears with her hands.

Oh my goodness!

Where did this handsome guy come from??

When did editor Cheng invite a handsome guy to the company without even saying hello to the receptionist??


Soon, the receptionist's phone was connected.

"Hello, editor Cheng? There's a handsome guy at the front desk looking for you."

"Handsome guy? Okay, let him wait, I'll be there soon."

Cheng Xin glanced at the time and guessed that it should be Zhang Yi at this time.

After hanging up the phone, he hurried to the front desk.

When he saw Zhang Yi for the first time, Cheng Xin felt that he was more handsome in person than the photos and videos on the Internet...

He even felt a little nervous?!


It was Zhang Yi who came to see him, why was he so nervous??


Come on, Cheng Xin!!

"Hello? Are you Zhang Yi? "Cheng Xin asked proactively.

"Yes, I'm Zhang Yi, hello, you are editor Cheng Xin, right?"

Zhang Yi took a quick look at Cheng Xin, a well-behaved young worker.

He looked a bit literary with a pair of glasses, and his age was probably around 35.

"Hello, come with me first, I'll take you to the editor-in-chief."

As he said that, Cheng Xin led Zhang Yi into the company.

Zhang Yi was confused, what was going on??

I had to ask the editor-in-chief to ask a few questions??

Could it be...

My paper can really enter the first zone??


Zhang Yi was a little excited.

After entering the company, I found that it was quite large.

Although the office area of ​​the Greater China region is not of the same scale as the overseas headquarters company.

But looking around, it can be considered a good scale with more than 200 employees.

When Cheng Xin took Zhang Yi through the office area with more people.

The employees of the entire company raised their heads from their computers.

"Wow! Look at the handsome guy!"

"Wow, so handsome! Is he a new employee?"

"You're dreaming, he's a doctor! Have you heard of Zhang Yi?"

"Ah? Doctor? What does a doctor do in our company?"

Amidst the discussion, the two stopped at the door of the editor-in-chief's office.

'Knock knock'!

"Come in."

Cheng Xin then hurriedly opened the door and immediately introduced the editor-in-chief:

"Editor-in-chief, Zhang Yi is here!"

The editor-in-chief sitting on the chair immediately brightened his eyes and looked behind Cheng Xin.

Hey, his eyes brightened even more!

" are Zhang Yi?" The editor-in-chief looked at the handsome guy in front of him and was a little bit unbelievable.

Why is he so handsome?!

From yesterday until this morning, the editor-in-chief has been studying Zhang Yi's information and background on the Internet.

You don't know until you check, and you'll be shocked when you check!

This guy really has some skills.


After graduating from Imperial Capital Medical University, he did not stay in Imperial Capital, but went to a second- or third-tier small city in Yunnan Province for internship.

Unexpectedly, after more than a year, the president of Union Hospital would personally invite him to work there! !

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