The more you spend, the more money you will have.

(Sorry, sorry, I added the words in the previous chapter)

Damn it!

He is the director of neurosurgery and vice president of Union Hospital!!

After adding the year-end bonus and deducting taxes, the maximum you get is only more than 700,000 yuan!

It's about 50,000 or 60,000 yuan a month.

The entire Union Hospital!

Except for those very few high-tech ones who have an annual salary of more than 1 million yuan.

The salaries of these few deans are the highest.

I didn't expect it!!

There are actually people who can get 2.2 million!!

"Jin Zhenglun! You really dare to give such a salary!"

Jin Zhenglun spread his hands:

"Don't worry, I have asked for instructions on the money.

Also, isn't it worth buying a doctor who can write high-level papers with only a bachelor's degree for 2.2 million?

Isn't it worth buying a doctor who has no rivals among his peers in the hospital for surgery?

Isn't it worth buying a doctor who is willing to set up a charity foundation for patients?

Isn't it worth buying a doctor with such a high reputation and nearly 40 million fans on the Internet??"

Jin Zhenglun's questions really stumped Wen Kang.

If you say that, it must be worth it!

Which hospital has a doctor like Zhang Yi with so many titles? ?

It's really worth buying such a unique genius for 2.2 million.

"Well, okay, I'll talk to Zhang Yi about this later."

After a moment of silence, Wen Kang hesitated and spoke.

Jin Zhenglun nodded:

"Well, Zhang Yi is very free in the hospital. I told him before that as long as he is in our hospital, any department is fine.

So he basically chooses which department he wants to go to.

Dean Wen, if you really like Zhang Yi's ability, just go to Zhang Yi himself."

"Okay." Wen Kang nodded and went out.

Anyway, he remembered Zhang Yi.

As for asking Zhang Yi to come to the neurosurgery department, he is not in a hurry.

Wait until one day when he is free to talk to Zhang Yi.

In the office, Jin Zhenglun did not stop him.

It was not until Wen Kang left that Jin Zhenglun smiled with an expression of watching the fun and not minding the trouble:

"I didn't expect that you, Wen Kang, would also be defeated by Zhang Yi??

I wonder how it feels to lose to the emergency department?? Haha~"


In the evening, Kang Yanming invited the employees in the department to eat hot pot as promised.

When the second group heard the news, they were so envious that tears almost flowed from their mouths.

But later, Tian Feilong seemed to say that he wanted to have a dinner party, so the second group also went to eat.

What a coincidence that they booked a hot pot restaurant.

Although the two directors of the emergency department did not get along well.

But the employees still treated each other as they should in private.

Especially since they had attended the emergency training together before.

In the lobby of the hot pot restaurant, the doctors of the first and second emergency departments sat at two tables next to each other.

Although the two directors were not interested, Tian Feilong still liked Zhang Yi very much.

He sat down next to Zhang Yi with a glass of wine in his hand.

"Zhang Yi, come on, have a drink!

I heard today that the score of your paper came out, and it was 10 points!

Then... then you can definitely enter the first zone of SCI!"

"Haha, thank you Director Tian, ​​I should be able to enter." Zhang Yi modestly clinked glasses with Tian Feilong.

My goodness, how come these directors drink liquor like water? ?

He drank it with a gulp!

Zhang Yi was fine drinking beer, but drinking liquor was too much of a pain.

It was too spicy for the throat, and the aftereffect was particularly strong, so Zhang Yi could only take a sip quietly when Tian Feilong wasn't paying attention.

Fortunately, Tian Feilong didn't see Zhang Yi dealing with the wine.

Just as Tian Feilong was holding the bottle and preparing to pour it again, Zhang Yi looked up and suddenly saw a familiar figure.


The man was wearing a yellow coat and a small yellow hat.

Alas? ?

Isn't this Bai Yufan's father? ?

At this time, Bai Yufan's father had just finished picking up the meal and was about to go out.

Zhang Yi stood up and called him:

"Bai Yufan's father?"

The man turned around and smiled when he saw Zhang Yi:

"Doctor Zhang? Why are you here? Are you guys coming to eat?"

Zhang Yi also smiled and said:

"Yes, the department is having a dinner party, you are out there delivering food, where is Bai Yufan? Is he at home?"

"Well, he is usually very obedient when he is alone at home. I go back to cook at a certain time, and come out again after dinner. The child is at home reading comics or something


Zhang Yi nodded after hearing this:

“That’s fine. If the child feels uncomfortable, send him to the hospital immediately. If that doesn’t work, you can call me.

Work hard. Now that your burden is not so heavy, you should make money to take care of the child. OK?”

“Ah!” Bai Yufan’s father nodded heavily.

“Thank you, Dr. Zhang. I’ll leave first. I have to rush to deliver the food.”

Bai Yufan’s father pointed to the packaging box in his hand and said.

“Okay, okay, then you go quickly. "

After saying that, Bai Yufan's father hurried out of the restaurant.

Zhang Yi looked back and saw him put the lunch box on the car and rode away in a hurry.

Alas, it is a bit tiring to deliver food, but after all, you still earn money with your own hands.

At the dinner table, Chen Fang also glanced out the door and stretched out his hand to pull Zhang Yi back to his seat:

"Don't look at it. If you work hard to deliver food, you can make tens of thousands a month.

And as for this family member, I feel that his current state is completely different from when he was just admitted to the hospital."

Zhang Yi turned his head and glanced at Chen Fang: "What's the difference?"

"Spirit! Don't you see that he is full of energy all over his body? Especially his eyes, which are brighter than before."

Zhang Yi nodded slightly: "It seems to be true..."

Speaking, Chen Fang gave Zhang Yi a thumbs up:

"So it has to be you. If you didn't help him with the hospitalization fee, Bai Yufan might have become an orphan! "

Speaking of this, Chen Fang toasted Zhang Yi with a glass of wine.

Tian Feilong next to him also toasted Zhang Yi with another glass of wine, and said with a smile while drinking:

"Chen Fang is right! Your charity fund has helped the family a lot, you are a great philanthropist! Come on, have a drink!"

Speaking of this, Tian Feilong looked at the people at the table again:

"Come on, everyone toast Zhang Yi with a glass!"


Zhang Yi's alcohol tolerance is really average, and he felt dizzy when the dinner was about to end.

Seeing Zhang Yi like this, Kang Yanming laughed and complained:

"Haha, Zhang Yi, I thought you were good at everything, but I didn't expect that you still have times when you can't do it? Haha!"

Mao Xiaoyuan also patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said:

"Look, look, I finally have a place that can surpass Zhang Yi, that is, alcohol tolerance~!"

"Pfft... Look at your achievements! ”


At night, Zhang Yi was sent home by the designated driver they called.

SCI China Office Building.

Early in the morning, Cheng Xin, who had just come to work, started his daily work and looked through the papers submitted in Area 1.

I don’t know if it’s because of Zhang Yi, but now every time he checks the submitted papers, he will first look at the academic qualifications and work units.

Anyway, in the past few days, except for Zhang Yi, who has a bachelor’s degree and submitted to Area 1, all the others are postdoctoral fellows.


“Doctoral student…”

“Postdoctoral fellow…”

“Doctoral student…”

“Doctoral student…”

“Doctoral student… huh? This person is also from Union Hospital? ?”

A paper with the work unit of Imperial City Union Hospital caught Cheng Xin’s attention.

“In the same hospital as Zhang Yi? ”

Union Hospital is really amazing. Two people submitted their papers to Zone 1 within a month?

And it seems that they are both... related to neurology??

It’s really interesting.

“Could this person know Zhang Yi? ? This paper can also be ranked 10 points? ? ”

After talking to himself for a while, Cheng Xin clicked on the paper and read it.

After a while.

Cheng Xin’s eyebrows were all squeezed together!!

“What the hell? ? ”

After saying a Chinese quintessence, Cheng Xin sent the paper to editor-in-chief Zhou Zhengguo again.

I’m afraid the editor-in-chief will have to review this paper!

Union Hospital.

Outpatient Department of Respiratory Medicine.

An old lady with a persistent cough was supported by her family to register for an appointment with a respiratory physician at Union Hospital.

It is impossible to get an appointment with an old expert, so she can only register with some young doctors in advance.

Fortunately, although the doctor in the clinic today is the attending physician, he has several years of experience in seeing patients.

The family members looked at the young doctor in front of them, and although they were a little worried, he was a doctor from Union Hospital after all.

It’s better than other hospitals, right?

“Doctor, can you help take a look at my mother? She has been coughing for almost two weeks and it hasn’t gotten better.

She received three days of intravenous drips at the clinic downstairs from our house, and her hands were swollen, but there was no improvement. ”

The young doctor looked at the gray-haired old lady sitting on the chair with an oxygen bag and asked her age.

“My mother is 84 this year, and will be 85 soon.”

“Does she cough with phlegm? Or does she cough up blood?

?” the doctor asked.

“Yes, yes, there is phlegm, and if you cough too hard, there seems to be some blood.” The family members recalled one by one.

The doctor of respiratory medicine examined the old lady with a stethoscope again.

After asking about other medical history, he prescribed several tests for her.

“This is a CT scan, which is done on the underground first floor of the laboratory. This is a sputum test, which requires a cotton swab dipped in sputum and then handed over to the outpatient clinic on the third floor. "

The family members nodded repeatedly and took the old lady out of the clinic.

It is actually quite common for the elderly to cough and feel chest tightness.

When people get old, their heart and lung functions are prone to problems.

Some elderly people have oxygen concentrators at home so that they can breathe in oxygen in time when they can't breathe.

So, this old lady has been coughing for more than two weeks, and the doctor in the respiratory department also thought it was a lung infection or bronchial infection.

The examination shows that the right medicine can almost cure it.

Unexpectedly, an hour later.

When the family members came back with the CT scan report...

The doctor in the respiratory department was so scared that he almost stuttered on the spot! !

" this CT scan for this old lady? ? "

The doctor in the respiratory department couldn't believe it!

After looking at the CT scan report, he looked at the name on the report.

Guan Hua.

Yes! It's this old lady!

But this CT scan...why is this?!

"Doctor? What's wrong with my mother's CT scan? Is there anything wrong with it? Or is my mother's condition very serious? ? "

The family member is also an old lady in her sixties, and there is an old man of about the same age next to her.

"That's right, doctor, just tell me what you have to say. After all, my mother is so old, and we can bear whatever you say."

Seeing that the doctor's expression was not right, the two family members had already thought of the worst plan.

At the age of 85, one foot has already stepped into the coffin.

As children, they have already made mental preparations.

As a result, the doctor first shook his head vigorously while looking at the CT film, and then nodded.

Finally, he pointed to the chest cavity of the CT film, that is, the position of the entire heart and lungs, and said:

"See this position? This is your mother's heart. "

While saying this, the doctor traced the edge of the heart with a pen.

The two family members nodded in unison.

They didn't quite understand, but they responded to what the doctor said.

Then, the doctor lowered his head and rummaged through the drawer in his office for a while.

He found a chest CT film that was also gray and black.

Then he stuck the two CT films on the reading light.

After comparing them, the difference immediately appeared.

Even if these two family members didn't know anything about medicine, they could see how big the problem was with their old mother's heart and lungs!

"'s wrong with my mother? ?

Why is the edge of the heart so much bigger than the one you took out! "

The family members couldn't stay calm, and they were shaking when they spoke.

Although they were prepared for the worst, they were still shocked and heartbroken when they saw this comparison picture!

The doctor of the respiratory department sighed heavily and said:

"At present, judging from the CT scan alone, your mother Guan Hua should have a tumor on the heart wall.

And there is more than one place. Look here. The normal direction here should be the same as the one I took out, which is vertically downward.

Because this position is the descending aorta, but your mother's here is tortuous and widened, which is not normal.

And here, the density here and here is very high, which is different from the descending aorta below. "

When the doctor explained, the two family members took out their reading glasses from their bags at the same time.


"Yes, here is the ascending aorta and the aortic arch. The density here is higher than the descending aorta, which means there are aneurysms in these two places!

And the diameter of the upper and lower aneurysms is also very large. It can be said that this is the largest aneurysm I have ever seen since I started practicing medicine! "

After talking about the heart, the doctor continued to look down.

Bronchi and lungs.

"The density of lung shadows has slightly increased, and the lung texture has become thicker and more numerous. There may be bronchial infection.

After the sputum results come out, we can prescribe the right medicine. Cough can be cured.

But at present, I cannot rule out whether your mother's cough is related to the time bombs in her heart.

Let me take this film to the director.

It's too rare. Such a large aortic aneurysm, and several combined aneurysms...

This is too dangerous. It is very likely that your mother will cough too hard in the next second and the aneurysm will rupture and bleed.

At that time, life and death will be decided in an instant!"

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