The doctor said that the two family members were really scared by what the doctor said.

Although they were indeed mentally prepared.


When the incident really happened, they, as children, still felt very uncomfortable!

The old mother was 85 years old.

Although one foot had stepped into the coffin, she could live one more year and enjoy one more year of happiness.

"Do we need to ask the director to come and see her?"

The doctor nodded: "Yes, I have to take your mother's film to the director of our respiratory department to see it. If necessary, I have to ask the cardiologist to come for consultation."

"Consultation? What does consultation mean?"

"Consultation... consultation means asking the cardiologist to come and help check the situation. After all, they are doctors who specialize in heart diseases and are more professional than our respiratory department."

"Well... okay then! Thank you, doctor! Although my mother is really old, I still hope you can do your best..."

The family member spoke with a heavy nasal tone, and while speaking, he also looked at the CT film hanging on the film reading lamp.

At first, they didn't think there was anything strange.

Until the doctor took out a normal CT film for comparison...

The contrast is simply too big!

If a normal heart is the size of a person's fist.

Then... now her mother's heart has changed from a fist-sized heart to a watermelon-sized heart! !

And it's the kind of big watermelon that can explode at any time!

Thinking of this, the doctor hurriedly took the film upstairs to find the director.

This CT scan must be consulted by the cardiology department.

Maybe the cardiac surgery department should be consulted.

Because if it is confirmed that the aneurysm is in danger of rupture at any time, surgery will definitely be required.

It is still very risky to do this surgery at the age of 85.

In short, the patient's cough is no longer her most important problem now.

The aneurysm is!

Respiratory Department.

The doctor hurried back to the department and went straight to the director of the department as soon as he entered the office.

"Director! Take a look at this film!"

Regardless of what the director was doing now, the doctor put the film in front of the director.

The director was a little angry at first.

I'm busy here!

But when his eyes swept over the film, a very surprised expression instantly appeared on his face.

"Whose CT scan is this? From our department?"

The director of the respiratory department was surprised and then confused.

This is obviously a heart problem, and it has nothing to do with the respiratory department, right? ?

How can a little bronchitis compare to these extra-large aortic aneurysms? ?

The outpatient doctor nodded and said:

"It's from our department. The patient is an 85-year-old lady who has been coughing for more than two weeks and came to see me today.

I originally wanted to see if she had an infection in her lungs, but the result of this photo was...

Who knew that the heart problem was so serious? It's hard to estimate the diameter of this aneurysm because there is more than one.

The descending aorta is tortuous here, and there is also a huge aneurysm in the ascending aorta.

I thought that this matter must be consulted by people from the cardiology department or even the cardiac surgery department, so I hurried up."

The director of the respiratory department frowned tightly and said nothing.

After observing this CT film under the reading light for a long time, he said:

"First, arrange for the patient to be hospitalized, and then call the cardiac surgery department directly and ask them to come for consultation."

The director gave the order, and the doctor nodded immediately.

Aortic aneurysm, especially those growing on the large blood vessels of the heart.

Once it ruptures and bleeds, the blood in the blood vessels will flow out like a faucet that can't be turned off.

And this tumor is so big! !

The director of the respiratory department directly gave an order, and there was no need to find the cardiology department, because this disease could not be treated conservatively at all.

You can only find the cardiac surgery department!

Such a large tumor can only be solved by surgery!


"Okay, I'll go right away!"

The outpatient doctor nodded repeatedly, took the CT form and went back to the outpatient department.

The old lady and her family were still sitting on the bench in front of the outpatient department.

The family member held up the mobile phone and seemed to be calling someone, and there was a trace of panic on his face.

The outpatient doctor waved at them:

"Guan Hua? Come on, come in."

"Okay, okay! Come right away!"

The family members hurriedly pushed the old lady into the clinic.

As soon as they came in, the two family members looked nervous, afraid that the CT film would be

After the director has finished reading, he will come down and give them an ultimatum.

" did your director say?"

"It's like this, our director recommends that you apply for hospitalization immediately, and then we will notify the doctors of cardiac surgery to come for consultation and discussion to see how to solve the old lady's aneurysm.

As for the problem of bronchial infection, you don't have to worry too much.

At present, the most fatal problem of the old lady is the aneurysm on her heart, which is equivalent to a time bomb in her heart.

Bronchal infection is insignificant in front of this time bomb, understand?"


After hearing this, the family members were so scared that they trembled when they spoke.

"That's right! So we have to quickly arrange for a doctor of cardiac surgery to come for consultation to see how to solve the time bomb in your mother's heart."

The outpatient doctor typed on the computer while talking, and issued an admission certificate for the old lady named Guan Hua.

Soon, the admission certificate was issued.

"Take this to the sixth floor and go directly to the doctor. They will arrange a bed for you.

When you need to pay, just come down to the first floor and pay."

The family members nodded repeatedly and prepared to push the old lady to go to the hospital for hospitalization.

How scary it sounds to say "time bomb"!

The old lady's hearing is not very good. She was pushed around by her daughter and son-in-law in a wheelchair.

She coughed from time to time.

Every time she coughed, the doctor and the family members would be frightened.

I'm afraid that the aneurysm will burst if I cough too hard? ? !

"Wenhui, where are you taking me? Don't you want an IV?"

The old lady looked around blankly, then looked up at her daughter.

Her daughter had to lie down beside her ear and explain:

"It's nothing, you're not feeling well, the doctor said you need to stay in the hospital for a few days!"

"I just have a cough, I don't need to be hospitalized, right?"

The old lady's hearing was poor, but her speech was still very clear.

She could accurately express her thoughts.

The daughter was also afraid that the old lady would worry, so she didn't explain in detail, just said she needed to be hospitalized.

At this time, Zhang Yi, who had just come down from the laboratory, ran into this family head-on when he came out of the elevator.

The old lady sitting in a wheelchair and holding an oxygen pillow attracted Zhang Yi's attention.

In fact, when Zhang Yi was in the hospital, he would subconsciously glance at any patient passing by to see what the patient's condition was and whether it was serious.

This old lady was the same.

While breathing oxygen and sitting in a wheelchair, Zhang Yi's first reaction was that there should be a problem with the heart and lungs.

As a result, he looked at it! !

Wow! !

This is not just a problem with the heart and lungs! ! !

This is a big problem! ! !

Zhang Yi only took a glance and was almost stunned!

How could it be...

How could there be such a large aneurysm? !

And it definitely didn't grow in one or two years!

It must have been more than five years...


It could have been more than ten years! !

And there are more than one dangerous places on this heart!

It is a huge ascending aortic aneurysm, type A aortic dissection and severe aortic tortuosity!

It's amazing!

With such a serious heart, this old lady actually... lived for a long time? ?

From Zhang Yi's point of view, this heart has never been operated on.

There is no trace of surgery at all!


This case is interesting!

Seeing Zhang Yi staring at the old lady too intently, Chen Fang, wrapped in the checklist in his hand, tapped Zhang Yi's forehead:

"What's wrong? You've been single for so long that you don't even let the old lady go?? Do you think the old lady is pretty now?"

Zhang Yi looked back at Chen Fang and said speechlessly:

"Teacher Chen!"

Chen Fang took the opportunity to look at the family members, then pulled Zhang Yi away a little before speaking:

"Look at the look you had just now! You stared at the old lady with your eyes straight, and the family members kept staring at you."

"Okay... I'm just curious about what disease this old lady has."

Zhang Yi realized that he was looking a little too much, so he retracted his gaze.

Mainly, this rare aneurysm really interested Zhang Yi.

If this aneurysm and aortic dissection really need surgery, it will be very difficult.

"What's wrong? Most of these old ladies are patients of the cardiology or respiratory medicine department, right?"

Seeing Zhang Yi still looking at the elevator, Chen Fang touched Zhang Yi's arm:

"Okay, stop looking, go back! This is not a patient in our emergency department."

Zhang Yi then followed Chen Fang back to the emergency department.

The emergency department was also busy.

The girl who had previously had her gastric lavage turned into a lung lavage appeared

Infection, sent to ICU for monitoring early this morning.

Two more patients who were in a car accident came early in the morning.

Zhang Yi and Chen Fang went to the laboratory to urge them to issue the patient's examination form as soon as possible.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon.

The emergency department received a call.

"Consultation? Who are you looking for? Director Kang?"

"Ah? Zhang Yi? Okay, I'll notify him immediately."

Mao Xiaoyuan answered the phone, and after hanging up, he shouted to the emergency room next door:

"Zhang Yi, the cardiac surgery department wants you to consult!"

"The cardiac surgery department wants me?"

"Yes! Go quickly!"

Zhang Yi didn't ask any more questions, he took off his gloves and prepared to go to the cardiac surgery department.

On the way, Zhang Yi's mind flashed the old lady he met in front of the elevator in the afternoon.

Could it be that the cardiac surgery department specifically asked him to consult because of this patient?

Sure enough!

The cardiac surgery department's office.

When Zhang Yi first came in, many doctors from the entire cardiac surgery department, anesthesiology, interventional medicine, and even respiratory medicine department came.

Then look at the two family members sitting in the corner of the office.


It seems to be the case of the old lady at the elevator entrance.

"Zhang Yi, come and sit down, President Jin will be here soon."

Qin Huajun, Jin Zhenglun's number one assistant, waved to Zhang Yi.

He had worked in the cardiac surgery department for a while before and was familiar with the people in the department.

Zhang Yi sat down next to Qin Huajun, looked around and asked:

"Teacher Qin, what kind of patient is this? Do you want me to come for consultation?"

"It's an old lady, with a rare giant ascending aortic aneurysm, type A aortic dissection and severe aortic tortuosity!

She has just been sent for an enhanced CT scan. The operation is too complicated, and the patient is 85 years old.

The operation is very difficult, so we have to call several departments to discuss the operation plan.

Of course, after I told Dean Jin about this case, Dean Jin also believed in you very much, and immediately asked me to notify you to come for consultation."

Zhang Yi nodded, and made a very With a surprised expression, he asked:

"Such a serious disease? A huge ascending aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, and aortic tortuosity??!"

Qin Huajun also had a tangled expression on his face:

"Yes, if it was a young man, it would definitely be easy to solve. Just hold a meeting to formulate an operation plan. The operation is quite difficult, but young people recover well and have fewer underlying diseases. It is challenging but not difficult to do it.

This old lady can't do it. Her blood sugar is high and her blood pressure is not low.

She has underlying diseases, plus bronchial infection, and she is 85 years old.

The anesthesiology department has to consider it carefully before giving her anesthesia."

What Qin Huajun said is true.

It is indeed difficult for elderly people with too many underlying diseases to undergo surgery.

If it is a minor operation with the first point of difficulty, the doctor has good skills, then it can be done.

But the problem is that this old lady is not ordinary.

With several time bombs installed in the chest cavity, she may die at any time.

Zhang Yi turned his head to look at the two family members and asked Qin Huajun:

"Teacher Qin, how long have the time bombs in this old lady's heart been there? Do the family members know?"

Qin Huajun shook his head:

"I don't know. The family members only found out when they came to the hospital today. They thought it was just ordinary pneumonia. Unexpectedly, the CT scan directly scanned out several time bombs."

Isn't aortic dissection a time bomb in cardiac surgery?

"The family members don't know?" Zhang Yi frowned and murmured.

Such a big cardiovascular problem has never been checked before? ?

No way? ?

Look at the diameter of this aneurysm, it must be at least five years.

This old lady hasn't been to the hospital for a checkup in five years? ?

It's really strange.

After a while, Jin Zhenglun came.

"Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time. Let's start."

The consultation officially began after Jin Zhenglun sat down.

"The patient is a female, aged 85, and came to our outpatient clinic today because of 'coughing and shortness of breath for two weeks or more'.

The following is the enhanced CT scan of the patient, you can take a look."

The old lady's CT list was displayed again on the projector.

The other doctors in the office who were called for consultation exclaimed.

This is the first time they have seen such a large heart malformation!

"Is this... an ascending aortic aneurysm? The diameter is about 7.5 cm! It's a giant ascending aortic aneurysm!" A doctor exclaimed.

"The diameter of a normal person's aorta is about 2.8-3.5 cm, and this old lady's is 7.5 cm!!"

"This operation is very difficult, and the old lady is 85 years old! She has underlying diseases!"

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