The blood circulation of the human brain is divided into anterior circulation and posterior circulation. The posterior circulation includes the posterior cerebral artery, basilar artery and vertebral artery. The basilar artery lies on the brainstem and supplies the blood circulation of the brainstem.

It is equivalent to that half of the blood in the whole brain is supplied by these two blood vessels.

The danger of vertebral basilar artery aneurysm lies in that its blood vessels are too close to the brainstem and the blood vessel wall is very thin.

Once this blood vessel has an accident, the brain is prone to ischemia, which causes a series of reactions.

For example, subarachnoid hemorrhage, ischemic stroke in the brainstem, cerebellum and other parts, and other serious reactions.

There is a very high mortality and disability rate.

Aneurysms in this position can actually be operated by remote control using a machine? ?

Zhang Yi instantly became interested.

The combination of humans and technology, Zhang Yi wanted to see if this difficult surgery could really be done by remote control.

If it really can...

Then can robots really replace doctors? ?

After waiting for more than half an hour, the conference room was gradually filled with people.

There were media reporters, the president of a technology company, the leader of the Health Bureau, the assistant of the deputy mayor's office, etc.

These big leaders were basically all present.

Of course, there were people from other hospitals that Zhang Yi knew.

In addition to the Union Hospital, there were the neurosurgery department of West China Hospital, and Ruijin Hospital, etc.

As long as it was a well-known hospital in China, basically everyone came.

Zhang Yi turned his head and looked around, originally thinking about whether he could see some familiar faces.

As a result, when he turned his head, the doctors in the two rows behind him all looked over at him.

"Damn! Where did this handsome guy come from?!"

"Hehe, this guy is quite handsome? Which hospital is he from?"

"Zhang Yi?! This guy is Zhang Yi! Zhang Yi is also attending this meeting?!"

"What? Zhang Yi?? Where? Where? Why can't I see him?"

"There! In front! The handsome guy in a suit is Zhang Yi!"

"Oh my god, I can actually see Zhang Yi!"

Zhang Yi turned his head and instantly caused a commotion around him.

Just when everyone wanted to say hello to Zhang Yi, the front door of the conference room was suddenly opened!

The entire conference room instantly became quiet.

After the door opened, a white bed was pushed in from outside. A closer look revealed that there was a patient lying on it.

The patient was a foreigner with white skin and a high nose bridge, but his eyes were tightly closed and his skin was pale with a bit of gray.

He looked like a dying person.

It seems that the gossip that the people around him were talking about just now was true.

Beifa Technology really spent 10 million to buy a patient to do live experiments.

The patient was followed by several family members, who should have come on the same flight.

Whether the operation today was successful or not, it would probably be acceptable to their family.

Soon, the patient was carried into the transparent sterile glass room in front of the conference room, and then a nurse came to connect the electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram instruments to prepare for the operation later.

On the side, a robot with tentacles on its limbs was standing there coldly.

Beifa Technology's researchers were also preparing to connect the host of this robot.

At this time, several large LCD screens around the conference room were also turned on.

There was one right in front of Zhang Yi, and the picture inside was facing the head of the patient being operated.

This means that in this operation, the doctors sitting in the back row can also observe every step of the robot's operation very clearly and in real time.

The staff turned on the host and operated the computer for a while.


The tentacles of the robot moved!

Just when everyone in the conference room was slightly surprised.

The director of Xinbei Hospital walked up to the podium and began to speak.

"Hello everyone! I am He Zhendong, the director of Xinbei Hospital!

The main purpose of today's exhibition is to show you the second-generation robot "Bailey" that can remotely control surgery, which was newly developed by Beifa Technology.

Compared with the first-generation robot, the second-generation "Bailey" has greatly improved the operation accuracy.

It was originally accurate to within 2 mm, but the second generation can be accurate to within 0.1 mm!

This technology is a major breakthrough for Beifa Technology!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but gasp.

It is indeed an era where technology and medicine go hand in hand.

5G information technology

Before the full coverage, they were able to develop a surgical robot that can be remotely controlled and accurate to 0.1 mm.

Tsk tsk.

I have to say that the R&D personnel are really amazing.

On the podium, Dean He continued:

"So, today we will show the remote control surgery of vertebral basilar artery aneurysm at this exhibition.

The surgeon in this surgery was Professor Phipps of the Mass General Hospital in Boston, Merry Country!

Next, let's connect with Professor Phipps in Boston!"

As soon as the voice fell, the screen in the entire conference room switched from the patient's head to an office in the Mass General Hospital more than 10,000 kilometers away.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Dr. Phipps!"

In the picture, a little old man with silver hair and a high nose was smiling and waving to everyone.

After a simple courtesy and introduction, the main topic began.

Professor Phipps first told everyone the steps of the surgery in general.

In fact, even if it is controlled by a remote robot, the steps of the surgery are almost the same.

Entering directly from the outside of the vertebral basilar artery, there are roughly two ways to solve aneurysms in any part of the brain.

One is intervention, and the other is surgery.

Professor Phipps chose surgery.

Combined with the size and location of the patient's tumor, and the doctor's confidence in his own surgical operation.

Don't underestimate self-confidence, sometimes this self-confidence can really be the key to the success of an operation.

People without confidence often fail, and doctors are no exception.

This operation is difficult, especially with Phipps's craniotomy method.

Of course, he is confident in his skills.

After Phipps explained to everyone, the operation was about to begin.

While waiting for the preparations, everyone in the conference room began to discuss enthusiastically again.

"I heard that there was a conjoined twins separation surgery at the Mass General Hospital before, and the brain separation was performed by Professor Phipps, and the surgery was successful in the end."

"I know, although Phipps is over 60 years old, his hands are so steady!

And I heard that he also works out, running, skipping rope, and pull-ups every day, and his body is very strong. No wonder he is still a leader in neurosurgery. It's all because of his long-term persistence!"

"Hey! It would be great if Professor Phipps could take me as his apprentice... I'll go to the Mass General Hospital to learn the technology, and I'll come back to teach you after I finish learning~"


"But what?"

"Professor Phipps is amazing, but what if the 5G communication technology suddenly freezes?

And Phipps chose the most difficult surgical method...

By then... what if something happens, what about the patients here?"

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