The doctor said that the operation was not a good idea.

While waiting for the operation to start, someone suddenly raised such a question.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.


Phipps had just roughly described the specific question of this foreigner in the video link.

He even released a 3D image of the basilar artery aneurysm, in which there was a huge aneurysm at the bifurcation of the basilar artery, with irregular shape and even no aneurysm neck.

This kind of aneurysm is difficult to handle whether it is interventional or surgical.

Especially this Professor Phipps chose to operate? ?

Isn't this even more difficult? ?

Is it just to show the power of their second-generation robot? ?

The young people around him fell into deep thought for a while.

Anyway...if the operation fails halfway, they can't take over.

It depends on whether the hospital directors in front can do it.

"Haha, oh, I'm just talking casually. Today's 5G network must be monitored in real time by Befa Technology. Let's not think too much. There will be no problem."

After the man said this with a dry laugh, the others nodded.

Zhang Yi listened to their chat, and in fact, he was also simulating the surgical steps in his mind.

If he were to do this operation, he would definitely choose intervention first.

Because as a doctor, he must give priority to the method with the highest safety factor for the patient.

Half of the reason why Professor Phipps chose surgery should be related to this second-generation robot.

Only by reaching the human brain and the operation is successful can the accuracy of this robot be highlighted.

"Everyone be quiet, the operation will start soon."

In front of the podium, Dean He took the microphone and prompted, and the whole conference room immediately became silent.

Everyone was holding their breath and waiting to see how this robot was operated.

Even the media beside the conference room, when they heard that the operation was about to begin, all raised their cameras and aimed at the patient's head.

This meeting was live-broadcasted by Huaxing Technology and Dingxiang APP.

But not everyone can enter this live broadcast room, you need an invitation code.

Invitation codes can either be purchased with money or only received by professionals.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yi and his team received an offline invitation to witness the exhibition in person, and the people in the live broadcast room were invited online to watch the live broadcast.

Whether online or offline, almost all of them are professionals. After all, considering the bloody scene, the total number of people in the live broadcast room is only more than 2,000.

At this time, in the online live broadcast room, the number of barrages also shows that these 2,000 people are also waiting nervously.

"It's started!"

"My goodness, I spent more than 100 yuan to enter this live broadcast room. What about you? Did you buy it or receive an invitation code?"

"Why am I a little nervous? It's my first time watching Professor Phipps' surgery live!! So excited!"

"No, why did I see a familiar handsome face in the crowd?"

"It's moving! The robot's instrument arm is moving!"

At the same time, in the conference room, the LCD screens also cut the screen to the robot.

The cold instrument arm suddenly moved!

It means that the operation has officially begun!

Even Zhang Yi focused his eyes on this latest generation of robots.

On the operating table, the foreigner's head was already bald, and even shiny.

The robot's instrument arm turned, and one of the arms with a scalpel cut a knife along the marked position on the patient's head!

The speed was very fast!

In just one second, the scalp began to bleed.

Without the help of the nurse next to him, the robot's other arm picked up a piece of gauze and began to wipe the blood oozing from the scalp.

At this moment, people around Zhang Yi kept making small exclamations.

"Wow, awesome..."

"This is the first time I've seen a robot that can perform surgery... Although it is remotely controlled, it is also awesome!"

"You can watch the live broadcast and the scene at the same time. The split screen of the live broadcast room shows the operation of Professor Phipps."

Someone prompted him, and Zhang Yi also turned on his mobile phone to watch the live broadcast and the scene at the same time.

The focus of this meeting is not only to showcase the latest technology, but also to provide an opportunity for young doctors to come and learn Phipps's operation.

Including Zhang Yi.

The system gave him a lot of things.

Things, but learning is endless.

Learning more is always useful.


Entering the live broadcast room actually costs money? !

Forget it, just think of it as paying for knowledge.

Zhang Yi spent 138 yuan to become a member to enter the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, there are two split screens, one of which is the screen of the robot operating in the conference room, and the other is the screen of Professor Phipps operating on the other side of the ocean.

In the picture, Phipps is sitting in a high-tech operating room. While watching the patient's condition transmitted back in real time in front of him, he uses his hands tied with data cables to operate in front of the touch screen.

As long as Phipps's hand moves, the robot's arm will move with it!

There is also a doctor with a data cable connected to his hand next to him. It seems that he should be his assistant.

Whatever the assistant's hand is doing, the second set of mechanical arms of the robot in the conference room will make the same movement.

Seeing this picture, Zhang Yi can't help but sigh again that the rapid development of technology has indeed brought a lot of convenience to mankind.

If this kind of robot can really be mass-produced, it can even be deployed in designated hospitals.

Then once a very difficult and complicated operation is encountered, the doctor does not have to fly a long way to perform the operation, and can directly control it remotely.

In short, when seeing this, Zhang Yi no longer has too many opinions about this robot that can remotely control the operation.

At least for patients, it is indeed beneficial.

The entire conference room is very quiet, with only the buzzing sound made by the robot arm when it rotates.

Although the sound is not loud, it is precisely because the conference room is quiet that even such a small sound can be heard clearly.

After cutting the scalp, start drilling the skull.

Phipps's surgical method only drills a circular hole with a diameter of two centimeters at the position of the skull on the base.

Try to reduce the scope of the surgical field as much as possible to reduce postoperative trauma and complications.

To be honest, after seeing the size of this incision.

The big guys sitting in the first row of the conference room couldn't help but frown.

Wow, is this little old man so skilled? ?

You can fix a vertebral basilar artery aneurysm by opening two centimeters? ?

Wen Kang looked at the picture in front of him and secretly sweated in his heart.

If it were him, it would be at least four centimeters.

Four centimeters, the skill ensures a clear surgical field and makes it easier for doctors to operate.

Because this is not an ordinary aneurysm, this is a huge basilar artery aneurysm growing on the brain stem!

Suddenly, Jin Zhenglun, who was sitting next to him, whispered something, which shocked Wen Kang, who was already in a state of unrecoverable mood, and almost couldn't sit still!

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