The elevator door opened just as Jin Zhenglun finished speaking.

Zhang Yi looked up and saw several foreign friends standing at the door of the conference room.

Some of them were the ones he had met at the New Taipei Hospital yesterday, namely Jack and his friends.

There were two people Zhang Yi had never seen.

Zhang Yi guessed that one of the two should be Mr. Charlie.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the foreigners around the conference room also cast their eyes.

After seeing Zhang Yi, Jack immediately whispered something in the ear of one of the foreigners in a black suit.

Then the foreigner smiled and walked towards Zhang Yi politely.

"Hello! Are you Mr. Zhang Yi?"

Zhang Yi nodded and shook his right hand back:

"Yes, I am Zhang Yi. You are the general manager of Beifa Technology, Mr. Charlie, right?"

"Yes, hello Mr. Zhang, let me introduce myself. My name is Charlie Edward.

This is my business card. I hope that Beifa Technology will have the opportunity to cooperate with you, Mr. Zhang in the future."

Charlie took out his business card from his bag and said frankly.

Zhang Yi took a look and took it in his hand.

After the two of them finished chatting, Jin Zhenglun asked them to go to the conference room.

Today's meeting was also notified at short notice.

Because the response to the operation yesterday was so enthusiastic, Zhang Yi, a young doctor, could actually perform blind cutting? ?

This operation is quite explosive in any industry!

So, the leader of the Health Bureau that night, that is, Director Li who was on the scene yesterday, received the above notice.

It is said that a meeting will be arranged early tomorrow morning.

It was both a commendation meeting and a meeting for the news media.

Such a big thing should be spread through official media.

Let the domestic people and foreign netizens know that China also has a highly skilled doctor!

We can even look forward to the future!

Our Chinese medical technology may surpass the West in the near future!

That's why there are so many reporters carrying cameras at the entrance and inside the Union Hospital today.

These reporters all have passes, and they can't enter the hospital without them.

Soon, more people came to the conference room.

Some were doctors and technology company leaders who attended the meeting yesterday.

More were journalists from various media and newspapers who came after hearing the news.

After about fifteen minutes, the conference room with more than 500 people was full of people.

Coincidentally, several leaders also came to the entrance of the conference room.

In addition to Director Li, Zhang Yi had also seen several others.

But he had only seen them on the news.

Today... it's the first time I've seen him in person~!

The leaders walked to the front row of the podium, and Director Li introduced them first:

"Mayor and Secretary Chen, Mayor Yuan, Assistant Qin, this is Zhang Yi."

Several city leaders looked at Zhang Yi's face.

The same inquiring look was in their eyes.

It turned out that this young man was the doctor from yesterday.

He looks so young!

Is he 25? ?

Not only young, but also handsome.


Not bad~

Our great Hua country is really full of talents~!

The mayor and secretary were more and more satisfied, and looked at Zhang Yi politely:

"Zhang Yi, you really made our Hua country proud yesterday, thank you."

Zhang Yi immediately shook his head and smiled:

"Leader, you are too polite, why thank me, I just did what a doctor should do."

The mayor and secretary said thank you to me? ?

This is my first experience in life!

It may not happen once in a lifetime~

The mayor and secretary nodded and talked to Zhang Yi about the treatment of Union Hospital and Zhang Yi himself.

It was equivalent to asking about Zhang Yi's resume.

After hearing that he was a bachelor's degree graduate, the mayor, secretary and the mayor next to him were obviously stunned!

What? ?

Bachelor's degree graduate? ?

Union Hospital is now recruiting doctors with bachelor's degrees? ?

It's really rare!

Obviously, these leaders only knew yesterday that Zhang Yi was a very powerful and potential genius doctor in Union Hospital.

But, they didn't know that this genius doctor actually graduated from college!

In the imperial capital, where there are a lot of master's and doctoral students.

Can a bachelor's degree graduate have this kind of operation, and can withstand such great pressure and succeed in blind cutting? ?

For a while...

In the eyes of these leaders

Another flash of shock!

Zhang Yi, his future is limitless!

Maybe... he is a figure that can be written into the history of Chinese medicine?

Of course, this depends on Zhang Yi's subsequent development.

At this moment, these leaders can only imagine.

What the future will be like is still unknown.


Almost everyone in the conference room is here.

A simple media meeting officially begins!

After Jin Zhenglun's brief introduction on the podium, it is the turn of Zhang Yi, the protagonist of this meeting!

Pa pa pa!

Not only the eyes of the audience greeted Zhang Yi, but also warm applause.

This meeting can actually be regarded as a collective report and praise from major domestic media.

Yesterday was a live broadcast, and many details of the operation may not be understood by the audience.

Today's interview was not live broadcast. After a unified explanation, the article will be published after the interview.

"Doctor Zhang, I would like to ask if you have ever thought about failure before doing this operation?"

A female reporter in the corner stood up and asked a question.

Before everyone shifted their gaze from the reporter to Zhang Yi, they heard Zhang Yi's voice:


The next second, there were bursts of dark gasps throughout the whole process.

Good guy!

You didn't even think about failure? ?

Are you so confident? !

"Then... Doctor Zhang, I would like to ask, how did you practice your surgical operations to such a high level? Did you have a teacher?"

Another reporter asked.

"I had a teacher when I was in school, but most of my operations were still practiced silently by myself."

Good guy!

There were gasps in the conference room again!

It is estimated that when Zhang Yi answers a few more questions, the air in this conference room will be sucked dry.


Hearing Zhang Yi say this, some doctors in the conference room have begun to be eager to try!

Since Zhang Yi can practice such an awesome operation, why can't they?


Believe in yourself!

You can definitely be as awesome as Zhang Yi!

Afterwards, the reporters in the conference room asked a lot of questions one after another.

Most of them were about the details of yesterday's operation.

Finally, except for a male reporter wearing glasses.

He stood up, looked at Zhang Yi with a little excitement, then looked at the foreigners sitting in front, and then asked:

"Excuse me, Dr. Zhang, yesterday, Beifa Technology Company said that after the operation is successful, it will give you a thank-you money of 10 million US dollars, which is about 60 million Chinese yuan.

Have you received this money now?"

As soon as the words came out, the people in the conference room were envious again.

Of course, there was more curiosity.

Beifa Technology Company said so, but has Zhang Yi really received the money now?

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