The money was not enough.


Money? ?

Zhang Yi didn't know how to answer this question.

Because he really hasn't received the money yet!

As a result, the next second, Mr. Charlie stood up.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Mr. Charlie first said something in the ear of the person next to him, and then the person stood up and left the meeting room.

After that, Mr. Charlie turned around and walked towards Zhang Yi on the podium.

Mr. Charlie doesn't speak Chinese. He walked up to the podium, looked at Zhang Yi, and said in English:

"I think I should answer the reporter's question just now."

"Then I'll take this opportunity to introduce myself to you all."

"Hello everyone, I'm Charlie Edward, the general manager of Beifa Technology.

Yesterday, the live broadcast of the surgery that shocked the world was created by our Beifa Technology.

Although... the remote-controlled surgery was disrupted by criminals in the middle.

However, I declare again that our Beifa Technology absolutely does not treat the patient's life as an experimental subject!

The remarks made by the staff member yesterday do not represent the position of our Beifa Technology.

He is just a temporary employee of our company's business in China. Actually, it has nothing to do with my company.

I will ask him to explain and apologize to everyone later.

Of course, let's talk about the thank you money.

The operation yesterday was forced to be interrupted due to an accident. Although I was in Boston at the time, I was also very anxious.

What if there is no doctor who can take over the operation for the patient in China who participated in the experiment? ?

Wouldn't the patient be in danger? ?

Fortunately, fortunately Dr. Zhang appeared!

I would like to thank Dr. Zhang again for helping us complete the remote operation that was forced to be interrupted yesterday.

Dr. Zhang, your superb medical operation is really rare. I believe that if Professor Phipps saw it, he would also appreciate you extra.

So, I will formally present this 10 million thank you money to Mr. Zhang Yi in front of everyone! "


Zhang Yi smiled after listening.

This foreigner really speaks like an old sow wearing a bra.

The next second, the door of the conference room opened.

The foreigners who just left came in carrying several large black boxes!

Ten million US dollars weighs about 100 kilograms.

At this time, the foreigners came in with five big black boxes with expressionless faces.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on the big black boxes.

Is it money? ?

Is there ten million US dollars in it? !

Tsk tsk!

If it is converted into Chinese currency, it will cost more than 60 million!


Is it so that you can see but not touch~~


Another day of envy for Zhang Yi!

Not only those ordinary doctors, but even the big leaders sitting in the front row are a little jealous!

Wow, he made more than 60 million for an operation!

What a concept? ?

No expert veteran or academician of the Academy of Engineering in the whole of China can afford to charge 60 million for an operation!

Although Zhang Yi's 60 million also has some reward elements in it.

But the 60 million was actually given.



Seeing the boxes in front of him being placed in front of him.

Everyone's expression showed a desire for money, except Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi glanced at the black boxes, his eyes calm.

It seems...

It seems that he doesn't care about money? ?

Or does he look down on the 60 million? ?

"Doctor Zhang, here is 10 million US dollars. We at Beifa Technology have always kept our promises, and this is also the core of our company's founding!"

Charlie asked people to open the boxes.

Dark green banknotes appeared in front of everyone!

"Wow! This Charlie really came to China with money?"

"How can 10 million US dollars be so little? Why are there only five boxes? I thought it would fill at least one room."

"This is US dollars. 10 million is about 100 kilograms!"

"Oh, I won't look at it anymore. The more I look at it, the more jealous I am..."

"Zhang Yi has made a fortune. I heard from the emergency room that Zhang Yi is going to treat us to dinner tonight!"

Looking at the money, people in the conference room began to talk again.

Even the leaders below the stage were whispering to each other.

"Chen Shu

Remember, when we were having dinner yesterday, Zhang Yi said that he would give 5 million yuan to each of the assistants who performed the surgery yesterday, and he would donate all the rest. "

When Secretary Chen heard this, a flash of shock flashed across his face again.

"Really? This kid... donated all? !"

Director Li nodded heavily:

"It's true. He said it in front of several deans during dinner yesterday.

I have to say that this young man has a really good character. "

Secretary Chen also nodded, and there was more appreciation in his eyes when he looked at Zhang Yi.

Such a young man didn't want a penny after getting such a large sum of money, and donated it all??

This is too generous.

If his family is not very rich, and he doesn't care so much about the 10 million US dollars...

It means that he is not interested in money.

Regard money as dirt??

Then what is he after??

Secretary Chen thought for a long time in his heart before turning to look at the president of Union Hospital, Jin Zhenglun, and asked:

"President Jin, does Zhang Yi only have a salary of more than 2 million in your hospital? No other commissions?"

Jin Zhenglun shook his head respectfully:

"No, the salary was negotiated before he came, there is no doubt about this.

This kid is too honest. In addition to the salary, he donated almost all of his other income, either to his own charity fund.

Or to help other patients pay for hospitalization fees.

He has already paid several times out of his own pocket to help those patients who have no money to pay for the hospitalization fees.

Otherwise, why do those patients in the hospital say that he is a good doctor. "

"Oh? He also has his own charity fund? ? What's its name?"

"It's called Zhang Yi Charity Foundation. You can search it online. All the amounts in it are open and transparent. The money in it is donated by his former patients' families or netizens online.

At present, he has helped many children with cleft lip and palate to have free surgery. There is also an orphanage that is about to close down, and Zhang Yi also helped. I heard that the orphanage now has so many supplies that the children can't finish eating. "

When talking about this, Jin Zhenglun's face was full of pride.

It was as if he was talking about his own son.

Hearing this, Secretary Chen's curiosity became more intense.

He turned his head and looked at Zhang Yi on the podium.

How come this young man sounds so steady and generous in his behavior at such a young age?

Other people are doctors with little love, muddling through, and treading on thin ice.

As a doctor, his heart seems to be filled with great love.

It makes him, the secretary of the municipal party committee of Didu City, feel a little ashamed and embarrassed??

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