The patient was in a state of panic, but the patient was still alive.

"He had ventricular fibrillation half an hour ago, and now his heart rate is getting faster and faster.

If he has another ventricular fibrillation, this guy will definitely not survive!

So he can only do dialysis to filter all the blood and remove the toxicity, so that he can replenish potassium."

Zhang Yi said with a serious expression.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to see Zhang Yi showing such a serious expression.

That means the patient's condition is really very dangerous.

Immediately, another doctor immediately called the dialysis room.

Wang Yufei was still a little worried: "We only suspect that it is drug poisoning. What if... I mean, what if the patient dies during dialysis and the family members haven't come yet? Don't make a fuss at that time, it will affect you. You are very well-known now."

Zhang Yi also knew that Wang Yufei was thinking about him.

Now Zhang Yi's fans on several platforms on the Internet add up to more than 70 million.

This influence is even greater than that of popular stars in the entertainment industry.

If there is a little news, negative news will definitely flood him.


He is a doctor.

Everything must be based on the patient's life and health as the main goal.

Follow the normal process, there will be no big problem.

Even if the patient dies during the rescue, there is nothing we can do.

"I understand what you mean, but now potassium cannot be supplemented. It is likely related to drug poisoning. Let's rescue according to the normal process. I will take responsibility for anything that happens. Just rest assured to cooperate with me."

Zhang Yi is like the Dinghaishenzhen in the emergency room.

Everyone was a little flustered, but after he said that, they suddenly calmed down.

"Okay! Got it!"

Everyone nodded obediently.

Soon, the life-saving bedside dialysis machine was delivered.

The nurse quickly inserted needles to create two venous arterial channels.

And Zhang Yi called Qin Fang's parents again.

"Hello, Doctor Zhang? What's wrong? What's wrong with my son?"

Qin Fang's parents' eyelids twitched when they saw the caller ID.

They also wanted to come to Union Hospital to accompany their son as soon as possible.

But the car was going so fast.

Because of their anxious mood, the journey of hundreds of kilometers seemed to have become tens of millions of miles, and they could never finish it.

"Qin Fang's condition is not good. He cannot be supplemented with potassium. We suspect that it may be caused by poisoning. The only way to save him now is hemodialysis.

Filter the blood in the whole body, filter out the toxic substances, and then supplement potassium. There may be hope for survival."

"What? Hope of survival? You mean... my son is dying now?!?"

"Yes, it's very dangerous. This call is to tell you that his condition is very dangerous. Hemodialysis may or may not be able to save him. You must be mentally prepared."

"Ah!!! Doctor, please save him, save my son, I beg you! Please!"

On the phone, the father with a slightly hoarse voice could no longer hold back his tears.

Zhang Yi just wanted to say a few words of comfort, but Qin Fang's ECG monitor sounded an alarm!

Beep beep beep!

"No! Ventricular fibrillation again?!?" The nurse exclaimed.

Zhang Yi didn't have time to say more, and immediately hung up the phone and started rescue.

On the other end of the phone, after hearing a noisy sound from Zhang Yi, Dr. Zhang hung up the phone before he even finished speaking.

Qin Fang's parents were even more anxious now.

The two of them cried and kept asking the driver to drive faster and faster.

At least let them see their son for the last time!


At the same time, outside the emergency room.

The atmosphere of the teachers and classmates was also quite solemn at the moment.

After ruling out Qin Fang's suicide by taking medicine, the teacher had to suspect that someone else had drugged Qin Fang to harm him.

But she looked at the classmates in front of her.

She had a good relationship with Qin Fang, and often saw them playing ball together and doing experiments in a group.

How could it be?

Could it be that she misunderstood?

Or was Qin Fang not poisoned by drugs? Just another rare disease?


After thinking about it, the teacher's head was about to explode.

Such a thing happened suddenly on a good day.

If Qin Fang really died, she, as a teacher, and the school would not be able to escape responsibility.

Just then, the school director sent her a message.

"You just said that you suspected that Qin Fang was poisoned by drugs caused by human factors. I immediately went to the monitoring station.

"Alright, thank you for your hard work, Director. I'll wait for the doctor's final diagnosis. Qin Fang's condition seems to be very bad. I'll let you know if there's anything." She checked the surveillance but didn't find any suspicious people. For a moment, her mind was in a mess. Just at this time, a young doctor came out in a hurry and took out several critical illness notices for the teacher to sign. The teacher couldn't help shaking his hands when he saw that they were all critical illness notices. "These... all signed? Is Qin Fang dying?" "Yes, ventricular fibrillation again, they are rescuing him inside!" "Ah? ! Ventricular fibrillation again? What should I do..." "Oh my God, Qin Fang, hold on, your parents haven't arrived yet, hold on, don't die!" "God, God, please bless Qin Fang. "

Hearing the doctor say this, the students next to them were almost scared to tears.

Although they are all medical students and should take life and death lightly, they are still college students who have not been to clinical practice.

After all, they are only in their early twenties, and it is normal for them to have low psychological defenses.

The teacher calmed down and signed the letter tremblingly.

Seeing that the doctor hurried into the emergency room again, the teacher gently comforted the students:

"Don't cry, Qin Fang... You can hold on, everyone, keep a good attitude, don't get too excited."

Thinking for a while, the teacher asked again:

"By the way, Qin Fang doesn't have any enemies in school, right?"

"Enemies? No, teacher, Qin Fang is a little careless, but he hasn't made enemies with anyone yet. "

We didn't have any enemies at school...

Then I guess... it wasn't someone else who poisoned me?


In the emergency room.

Qin Fang had ventricular fibrillation again, and he didn't even start the hemodialysis machine.

This time Zhang Yi started with 200 joules.



The frightening sound of electricity kept coming from the bed here.

"Two norepinephrines and one lidocaine, intravenous push, hurry up!"

"Okay! "

The drug was quickly injected into the patient's body.

Norepinephrine and lidocaine are both necessary for rescue.

The former is mainly a cardiotonic drug for the treatment of acute cardiac arrest.

In addition to being a local anesthetic, the latter is also a rescue drug for the treatment of arrhythmias.

With two approaches, the drugs quickly took effect.

The heart rate returned to normal, and it was no longer a tangled line.

But the situation has only improved a little.

The heart rate is still at a very dangerous threshold.

"Hurry up and turn on the machine to filter blood. There is no time to delay!" Zhang Yi said.

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