The blood was drawn from the right hand, but the blood was still flowing.


The machine started to work quickly, drawing blood from the right hand, purifying it, and then returning it to the body from the left hand.

In the hospital, only some patients can rely on this technology to save their lives.

But many patients can't stand this last hurdle.

At this tense moment, the phone in the emergency room suddenly rang.


Everyone shuddered with fear.

The nurse hurried over to check the caller ID and said that it was from the laboratory department, and then picked up the phone.

"Hello, emergency room."

"Yes, Qin Fang is our patient."

"What??! OK... OK! I'll notify Dr. Zhang right away!"

The drug test results of the laboratory department are out!

"Doctor Zhang, the result of the drug test conducted by the laboratory department is... barium chloride!"

Zhang Yi frowned: "Barium chloride?! Damn! It turned out to be barium chloride!"

Not only Zhang Yi, but also the doctors and nurses in the emergency room understood it at this time.

It turned out to be drug poisoning!

And it was barium chloride poisoning!

It's not just those clinical drugs that can react chemically with potassium ions.

There is also industrial chemical reagents such as barium chloride!

In addition to being used as analytical reagents and dehydrating agents, barium chloride can also be used in instrumentation, electronics, metallurgy and other industries.

But the main reason for its poisoning is that it can react chemically with potassium ions in the body, causing potassium ions outside the cells to enter the cells and not come out.

Therefore, hypokalemia is caused.

"Oh! It turned out to be barium chloride poisoning! No wonder potassium can't be transfused. I have been wondering if it was antipsychotic drugs that caused low potassium, but I didn't expect it to be barium chloride?!"

Wang Yufei clapped his hands and suddenly realized it.

Antipsychotic drugs can also cause potassium ions to enter cells but not leave, causing hypokalemia.

Even Zhang Yi thought at first that it might be caused by psychiatric drugs.

He even suspected that Qin Fang had schizophrenia, but he didn't let his family and classmates know that he was secretly taking medicine.

Now the truth is finally out.

It turned out to be caused by barium chloride!

"Now we can make a diagnosis, but there is still a problem."

Looking at the endless red blood in the machine, Zhang Yi's expression was still not relaxed.

"What's the problem?" Wang Yufei asked.

"How did he take this barium chloride? Did he take it by accident? Or did he take it intentionally?"

"Yes, this does involve another problem, that is, taking too much barium chloride is very dangerous and may even be fatal. So did Qin Fang take it himself or was it someone else who deliberately made him take it?"

Thinking of this, the nurse next to him shrank her neck in fear and said:

"Doctor Zhang, this matter... I don't think it's simple. Otherwise, let's call the police first? What if it's really poisoned?"

What the nurse said makes sense.

Doctors are only responsible for treating diseases and saving lives. Now that the cause of the disease has been found, did he take it by accident or was he poisoned by others?

This is not within the jurisdiction of doctors.

"Okay, Wang Yufei, go to the office and call the police quietly. Don't let Qin Fang's classmates and teachers outside know."


Wang Yufei nodded and quickly called the police.

In the emergency room, the hemodialysis machine was still running non-stop.

But Qin Fang's condition did not improve at all.

This inevitably made Zhang Yi worried.

He had no problem performing the surgery, because the technique was in his own hands.

However, Zhang Yi had no control over the toxic drug reaction.

It all depended on the patient himself, to see if he could withstand the magical attack of this wave of drugs.

During this period, Zhang Yi's mobile phone kept receiving calls.

Almost all of them were Qin Fang's parents asking about their son's current situation.

Zhang Yi could not guarantee that Qin Fang would be safe, and could only comfort the family that he would do his best to rescue him.

After settling inside, Zhang Yi went outside to explain the situation to Qin Fang's teachers and classmates.

"Hemodialysis??! Barium chloride poisoning??!"

"Yes, only hemodialysis can save Qin Fang now. His blood potassium is as low as 0.9, and he is also barium chloride poisoning. We have done everything we can, but whether he can be saved depends on him."

Hearing about barium chloride poisoning, the teacher's face flashed with shock.

Barium chloride? ? !

Isn't that the reagent used for laboratory analysis and identification? !

And the teacher also said that these reagents must not be taken!

How could it be? ?

How could Qin Fang have taken it by mistake? ?

After thinking about it, the teacher felt a chill on his back.

Was it an accidental ingestion?

Or was he really poisoned?

Zhang Yi looked at the expression on the teacher's face and then at the students.

Their faces were almost all filled with disbelief.

"How could he be poisoned by barium chloride? It's so scary!"

"Did Qin Fang mistake that thing for salt or sugar?"

"Could it be that Qin Fang really wanted to commit suicide? So he secretly brought the reagent out of the chemistry lab?"

"Oh, what if it was poisoning!"

The students also thought of this belatedly.

Then they looked at each other.

No way!!

They have a good relationship with their roommates, how could they harm Qin Fang? ! ?

"By the way!! It seems that there is... one less person in our dormitory!"

Suddenly the student with glasses exclaimed.

Everyone looked around and found that the person he was talking about did not come.

"No way, Li Jun... Li Jun would not poison Qin Fang, right?!"

"Impossible, although Li Jun is usually quiet and doesn't like to talk, he is a good person and often brings specialties for us to eat. It can't be him."

After hearing the discussion of these classmates, Zhang Yi asked:

"Li Jun? Is he your roommate?"

"Yes, he is also in our dormitory."

"Then why didn't he come?"

Several classmates shook their heads blankly: "I don't know, the situation was too urgent at the time. When we saw Qin Fang's eyes were white, we didn't care about others and immediately sent him to the hospital."

Just when Zhang Yi wanted to ask something else, a police car suddenly came to the emergency door.

At this time, Wang Yufei also walked out of the emergency room.

He gave Zhang Yi a look and quickly went to the door to explain in detail to the police.

The teachers and students saw it and realized that the doctor had called the police.

Only then did they realize the seriousness of the matter.

The teacher thought about it and reported the results of the hospital examination to the school director again.

It was indeed barium chloride poisoning, and their school could not escape responsibility no matter what.

It would be better to cooperate with the police investigation and find out the matter clearly.

In addition, they had to pray that Qin Fang would not die.

If he could be saved, their joint responsibility might be less.

But if he died, this matter would be a big deal.

An hour later, after the police learned the details of the whole matter, they took the rescue records and examination materials from the hospital and the teachers and students to their school to continue the investigation.

And Qin Fang still did not wake up.

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