The patient was still alive, but the blood was still in the blood.

At this time, the hemodialysis was over.

Qin Fang's heart rate recovered to about 120 beats/minute.

Zhang Yi immediately arranged for potassium supplementation.

I hope that after a hemodialysis, potassium supplementation will be successful!

About two hours later, the blood potassium level finally rose to 2.5moml/L after another re-examination.

Seeing this rising number, everyone was completely relieved.

Wang Yufei patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Hey! It's a good thing that you did the hemodialysis in time, even if it was a few minutes later, there might not be the current result."

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said, "It's okay, as long as the person can be saved. After all, no one thought it was barium chloride poisoning."

"Yes, it's really strange to talk about this. Don't medical students know that this kind of barium chloride can't be taken? The blood potassium is as low as 0.9, which is simply a walk through the gates of hell."

Qin Fang has not woken up yet.

So whether it was poisoning or accidental ingestion, no one can make a conclusion.

But at this time, Qin Fang's parents finally arrived.

As soon as they arrived, Zhang Yi led them into the emergency room.

Looking at their son lying on the bed with a pale face and various tubes inserted into his body, the couple couldn't help crying instantly.

"Son, wake up, I'm your mother, wake up and look at your mother."

"Fang? Can you hear Dad? Fang? Wake up?"

Looking at this scene, the nurses nearby were also moved.

Qin Fang almost died.

The two parents almost saw a corpse.

After comforting Qin Fang's parents for a while, Zhang Yi explained the whole story to them.

When he heard that Qin Fang was poisoned by drugs and did not rule out the possibility of poisoning by others, his father's eyes instantly ignited with rage!

"Poisoning?! How could it be?? They are all students!! How could they poison and kill their classmates??! It's really abominable!"

"Don't worry, we have called the police, and the police will get to the bottom of it, don't worry too much. And Qin Fang's condition has improved now. As long as the blood potassium level rises a little, he will wake up. Then you can ask Qin Fang yourself whether he took it by mistake or was really poisoned."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Zhang! We were so scared on the way here, thank you! Thank you for saving my son!"

"Yes, we were really scared, and our tears almost dried up along the way. Thank you so much!"

As they said this, the two parents were ready to kneel down to Zhang Yi to express their gratitude.

Zhang Yi quickly pulled them back.

"No, no, no, saving lives is our duty as doctors. A thank you is enough. Don't be so polite."

Looking at Zhang Yi's handsome and meticulous expression, Qin Fang's father couldn't help but sigh:

"I've heard that you are both virtuous and talented, Dr. Zhang. Today I know that what you said is true. Thank you!"

The few people exchanged greetings for more than half an hour. Suddenly, Qin Fang, who was lying on the bed, moved his eyelids slightly.

The nurse was sharp-eyed and immediately said, "Doctor Zhang, come and see Qin Fang. Is he waking up?"

Zhang Yi and his family members hurried to the bedside.

Qin Fang really opened his eyes slowly.

Qin Fang woke up!

He finally woke up!

Zhang Yi quickly arranged for the nurse to re-measure his blood potassium to see the value.

And his parents lay on the bed and cried with joy.

"Awake! Fang? You finally woke up! You really scared your parents to death!"

"Awake... It's good to wake up, it's good to wake up!"

Although Qin Fang woke up, he was still a little confused at the moment.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

Zhang Yi gave Qin Fang a basic examination. The pupils on both sides were equal in size and round, and the reaction was sensitive. The heart and breathing sounds were normal.

Except that the heart rate was still a little fast, in general, the person was out of danger.

"Dad... Mom?"

Qin Fang murmured and shouted, and then his brain gradually woke up.

He remembered that he seemed to be playing games on the bed, and he didn't know why he felt dizzy, nauseous and wanted to vomit, and then he didn't remember anything.

Unexpectedly, he woke up in the hospital.

"What's wrong with me?"

Zhang Yi walked to the bedside and asked seriously:

"Qin Fang, you were admitted to the hospital because of hypokalemia. You are a medical student and you should know that barium chloride can inhibit potassium ions, right? Did you take it yourself?"

"Chlorine... barium chloride? Isn't that an analytical reagent in the laboratory? Why should I take this?"

Qin Fang gradually woke up. As his blood potassium continued to rise, he not only spoke clearly, but also had more strength.

Zhang Yi and a group of doctors nodded.

It seems that he didn't want to commit suicide by taking medicine.

"You were poisoned by barium chloride, which caused your blood potassium to drop to 0.9moml/L. You had ventricular fibrillation twice, and it took all-out rescue to pull you back from the gates of hell. If you didn't take barium chloride because you wanted to commit suicide, is it possible that you took it accidentally? Or... think about your roommates and classmates in the dormitory. Do you have any enemies, because it is not ruled out that others want to poison you."

"What?! Classmate? Roommate? Want to harm me??!"

Qin Fang widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that his classmates would harm him? ?

"Son, don't be afraid. Your parents are here. You must tell the doctor what you know. They are here to save your life. The doctor has just called the police. No matter what the result is, the police will investigate and give you justice."

Qin Fang frowned.

He still couldn't figure it out.

Is it really his classmates and roommates who want to harm him?

But he usually has a good relationship with everyone in the class, right?

And those roommates too. They go to class together, do experiments together, eat together, and play basketball together.

How could they become enemies? !

He really couldn't imagine who would do such a thing that violates the law!

Seeing that Qin Fang couldn't figure it out for a while, Zhang Yi suggested: "Forget it, it's okay if you can't remember it. You should rest more. Your blood potassium is not within the normal range now. You may still feel some muscle weakness or dizziness and vomiting. Wait a little longer, and it will be fine when the blood potassium returns to normal."

Just at this time, the nurse also measured it: "Doctor Zhang, the blood potassium is 2.8moml/L."

"Well, not bad, it's steadily rising. Don't worry, the blood potassium is rising, which is a good thing. Wait until it returns to normal and observe it again."

"Okay, thank you, Doctor Zhang!"

The family members thanked Zhang Yi repeatedly.

Qin Fang finally passed the critical period, and Zhang Yi could breathe a sigh of relief and go to see other patients.

Whether it was homicide or not, just leave it to the police.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, it was close to the time for the night shift to change shifts.

At the entrance of the emergency room, a young couple in their thirties got out of a parked taxi.

Among them, the man held his stomach and wailed in pain:

"Ouch~ Ouch... It hurts! Ouch, it hurts so much! Doctor??! Where is the doctor?! Help! Come and give me a painkiller!"

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