The firefighters had fenced off the factory.

The firefighters had fenced off the factory perimeter.

After seeing the ambulance, the villagers who were watching the excitement made way for the ambulance.

"Make way, another ambulance is coming!"

"Oh my God, how many people died here? Why are there so many ambulances?"

"The fire has been put out, and we will probably know how many people were killed or injured soon, right?"

The people around were talking non-stop.

Zhang Yi and Wang Yufei carried a stretcher and quickly passed through the crowd to the factory gate.

After seeing the mess in front of him, Zhang Yi was also shocked.

Except for the doctors and nurses from the district hospital who came in advance, all the people lying on the ground were injured.

They were wearing the same work uniforms, but at this time, their uniforms were already in tatters, and their faces and bodies were blackened by smoke.

Look carefully, there were all horrifying wounds under the dark masses.

Some had large blisters, and some had the surface skin burned and curled up, exposing the bleeding subcutaneous tissue.

There were occasional wails at the scene.

But most of the injured had a sense of confusion after surviving a disaster in addition to pain on their faces.

They were almost scared silly by the sudden explosion.

Their dull eyes stared at a certain place empty.

They would not come back to their senses until Zhang Yi squatted down to treat their wounds.

"Hiss..." A man in his forties frowned.

"Bear with it for a while, the skin of your entire arm is blistered, I will disinfect and cool you down first, you must be careful not to break the blisters, otherwise it will be infected."

The uncle responded with difficulty.

Soon, Zhang Yi rushed to deal with the next one.

The firefighters have carried out many injured people.

There are currently 10 seriously injured people, and 7 of them have been sent to the district hospital for follow-up treatment.

There are still three left. The doctors of the district hospital are currently treating them on the spot, waiting for the ambulance from Union Hospital to come and send them away together.

Zhang Yi and his team are now helping to treat the lightly injured patients.

As for those who have been declared dead, he just took a look and they are indeed dead.


At this time, the district hospital saw the people from Union Hospital coming, and they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Oh my, the big guys from Union Hospital are here, and now they can finally feel relieved!

Otherwise, with so many injured people, their small community hospital can't afford it at all.

Some people even saw Zhang Yi with sharp eyes, and their eyes lit up immediately!

Fog grass! !

Zhang Yi? ?

It turned out to be Zhang Yi? ?

Zhang Yi, the big guy, actually came to see a doctor? ?

"Doctor Zhang! Doctor Zhang?"

A doctor from the district hospital suddenly shouted at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi looked up and found that he did not know this person.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, hello, I am Wang Xiaoyu from the emergency department of the district hospital. Can you come over to help deal with this injured person?"

The boss is here, so I have to ask for advice and learn some skills to take back?

Zhang Yi responded and walked over.

Now I am too easy to be recognized by colleagues I don't know.

There is nothing to be surprised about.

The injured person is surrounded by several doctors and nurses from the district hospital.

Only when I got closer did I find that he was a severely burned worker.

There is actually a simple formula for calculating the burn area: three three three five six seven, thirteen, thirteen, twenty-one, five buttocks and one perineum, thirteen calves and seven feet.

That is, the head, face and neck each account for 3%; the arms and humers each account for 5, 6 and 7%; the buttocks account for 5%, the feet account for 7%, the calves account for 13%, the thighs account for 21%; the torso accounts for 26% and the perineum accounts for 1%.

The depth and area of ​​burns are also divided into light, medium, severe and extremely severe.

Mild burns refer to erythema, dryness and burning sensation on the surface of the skin. Because the epidermis has strong regeneration ability, it can generally heal within three to seven days.

Superficial II degree burns refer to burns that have reached the dermis, and there will be redness, swelling and even blisters of varying sizes. There is yellow pus in the blisters, and the pain is obvious. From a distance, it looks like a "soup dumpling" with thin skin and large fillings. This type of burn relies on the dermal germinal layer, sweat glands and hair follicle epithelium for regeneration and repair. If there is no infection, it can generally heal in 1-2 weeks.

Deep II degree burns have reached the lower layer of the dermis, bordering the subcutaneous tissue, with varying depths and red and white surfaces, and blisters will also appear, but the pain of deep II degree burns is not obvious. It can be repaired by regeneration of the remaining upper dermis, but it takes a long time, 3-4 weeks, and it is easy to cause hyperplasia and leave scars.

Third degree burns are the most serious

It is also the most dangerous one.

The injury touches the entire skin layer and reaches deep into the subcutaneous tissue. Muscles, bones, internal organs, etc. may be involved. The wound surface appears waxy white or burnt yellow, or even carbonized.

The pain of this degree of burn is not obvious (nerves are burned), but it is very easy to be combined with infection, inhalation burns and multiple organ failure.

In the later stage, skin grafting is also necessary for repair.

The skin is the largest natural barrier of human beings, which can help the human body resist external pathogens.

Deep third-degree burns will cause the epidermis to disappear, and various pathogens will take advantage of this opportunity to enter.

Once the autoimmunity is destroyed and pathogens invade, the patient will most likely not survive the anti-infection barrier.

The total burn area of ​​this seriously injured patient is about 40%, of which 15% are third-degree burns, 15% are deep second-degree burns, and 5% are shallow second-degree burns.

The right arm and thigh were covered with blisters of varying sizes. The epidermis on the chest and face had disappeared, and the red and white subcutaneous tissue was exposed to the air.

Zhang Yi's face darkened when he saw this.

Severe burns should not be underestimated.

Not to mention combined inhalation burns and infections, the most feared thing is shock.

There are three types of shock that burn patients may experience.

The first is hemorrhagic shock. After losing the protection of the skin layer, a large amount of body fluid will be lost, and the main component of body fluid is plasma. Insufficient blood volume in the body will lead to hemorrhagic shock.

The second is traumatic shock. The second-degree burn just touches the subcutaneous nerves, which will cause severe pain in the patient, resulting in traumatic shock.

The third is infectious shock.

As a result, the next second, the patient who was whimpering in pain and even able to answer questions suddenly gasped and did not respond no matter how he shouted.

Zhang Yi quickly squatted down and took a look.


What you think is coming true!

This guy is in shock!

Due to the large area of ​​burns on his chest, the doctors at the district hospital did not connect him to an ECG monitor.

At this time, the ECG monitor values ​​could not be seen, and no one had realized that this person was in shock.

Only Zhang Yi quickly checked other intact parts of the patient.

Trying to find a needle point for puncture and fluid infusion.

But unfortunately, several large blood vessels were all covered with blisters!

If the needle is inserted into the blood vessels on the feet and calves, the distance from the heart is too far to be effective the fastest.

After only thinking for a few seconds, Zhang Yi immediately made a decision:

"Come on! Follow me to carry the person to the ambulance. Wang Yufei, go to the car first to prepare the arterial puncture catheter! Then prepare the rescue medicine for shock! Hurry up!"

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