The patient was in a state of shock, but the patient was still alive.


When Zhang Yi said this, the doctors around him became nervous.

Burns combined with shock, everyone knows what will happen next.

This person is in great danger now!

It is necessary to immediately infuse fluid to correct shock and then combine anti-infection drugs.

After several people reacted, they immediately lifted the patient into the car.

There was an arterial puncture catheter brought by Union Hospital in the car.

Generally, arterial puncture must be done by doctors with certain experience.

But the reason why the doctor at the district hospital didn't have time to do it just now was, firstly, because his own skills were not good enough, and he was afraid of puncturing the blood vessels by mistake, and secondly, because the victim had blisters and wounds on several large blood vessels, which made it difficult to puncture at all.

At this time, doctors from several district hospitals were looking at Zhang Yi eagerly.

They wanted to see where Zhang Yi would choose as the puncture point.

As a result, the next second, after seeing Zhang Yi's actions, several people's eyes flashed with surprise.

What the hell? ? ?

Take off pants? ?

Is he going to... ? ?

Sure enough!

Everyone is a doctor, and when they saw Zhang Yi start to take off the patient's pants, they roughly guessed which blood vessel he would choose.

Either the abdominal aorta or the femoral artery.

But this patient is fat and the abdominal aorta is too deep for operation, so it should be the femoral artery.

The femoral artery is in the perineum, and this patient's perineum just didn't get burned.

The situation was urgent, and Zhang Yi's actions were also very fast.

Everyone understood that whether this person could survive depended on whether Zhang Yi could get the needle in place in one go.

The femoral artery was still easy to find, just near the root of the inner thigh.

You can also feel the elasticity of the blood vessel by touching it with your hand.

But Zhang Yi's target is not only the femoral artery.

After Zhang Yi determined the puncture point, he inserted the needle tip. He immediately felt the resistance of the needle tip about to pierce the blood vessel, and then moved forward a little, and the resistance disappeared.

With the touch of his hand, he could already feel the needle tip entering the blood vessel.

In Zhang Yi's sight, a thin and sharp silver needle was lying in the thumb-thick blood vessel.

But this is not enough.

Zhang Yi inserted the guide wire from the catheter sheath, and the guide wire slowly extended into the blood vessel along the needle tip.

Seeing this scene, the others opened their mouths in surprise!


Zhang Yi, what are you doing...

Where are you going to send the guide wire without an image perspective? ?

Sending such a long guide wire in... What if it punctures the blood vessel wall? ? !

Wang Yufei was also shocked.

Is Zhang Yi going to send it blindly? ! !

Without vision!

Such a long guide wire? ? !

It's incredible!

In the shocked eyes of the crowd, Zhang Yi quickly sent the guidewire to the position of 15 cm below the lower end of the ascending aorta.

Almost there.

This position is relatively safe.

Then, the catheter was quickly pulled out, and the blood and qi analysis needle was inserted into the catheter sheath on the other side.

The whole set of actions took no more than two minutes!

Done in one go!

It ended like flowing water!

Everyone was stunned.

But Zhang Yi's voice sounded again in his ears:

"It's OK, quickly put on a group of 500 ml of dextran, and then add two groups of balanced solution, 50 ml of tramadol, and one cedilanid and one dopamine! Also, quickly measure the blood pressure and vital signs and blood and qi analysis!"

Aside, the nurse swallowed her saliva, suppressed the shock in her heart, and hurriedly did as she was told.

The doctors at the district hospital were so curious that they couldn't help asking:

"That... Doctor Zhang, where did the guidewire you just sent... stop?"

There was no imaging device in the ambulance, let alone angiography.

Where did the long guidewire that Zhang Yi sent go?

Can you be sure that the guidewire is still in the blood vessel?

Will it penetrate the blood vessel and be sent to other places?

Human life is at stake.

It's not that they don't believe Zhang Yi's operation, but they really can't believe that someone can send a guidewire blindly!

Even the big experts in the interventional department may accidentally pierce the blood vessel wall when they see the guidewire and the blood vessel.

Not to mention Zhang Yi's blind delivery.

It's too dangerous!

Zhang Yi stood up calmly and said, "Don't worry, the needle must be in the blood vessel. Send the person to the hospital first. The conditions here are limited and the subsequent rescue can only be done in the hospital."

Somehow, Zhang Yi's age is obviously much younger than these doctors in the district hospital.

But just say

The words he said were very powerful.

Let them silently regard Zhang Yi as their leader.


He is indeed a young talent!

After saying that, Zhang Yi hurriedly got out of the car to deal with other injured people.

In the car, a famous young doctor secretly regretted:

"Hey! I wanted to see Zhang Yi's operation so that I could learn from him, but I couldn't learn from him!"

In this case without vision, angiography must be performed to send the guide wire to the designated position.

But Zhang Yi only operated it in a few steps, what can others learn?

Zhang Yi was finished before they could even see clearly.


Just when some people thought that the guide wire might not be in the blood vessel, the patient's condition gradually improved.

Just now, the nurse quickly pushed the medicine into the patient.

Various infusions were also dripped in quickly.

The patient's condition was indeed improving visibly.

Several people looked at each other.

There was disbelief in their eyes!

WTF? ?

Is there anyone who can deliver a guidewire blindly? ?

How did he do it? ?

One of the oldest doctors frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Take them back to the hospital for a checkup!"

So, the ambulance from the district hospital took several injured people back first.

Zhang Yi stayed at the scene to continue the rescue.

Because it was an explosion and fire at a fireworks factory, the incident also attracted the attention of the surrounding people and even the citizens.

Many reporters from TV stations soon came to the scene to report.

Among them was the Imperial Capital TV Station.

Zhang Yi had done a health education program at the TV station before, and this time it was Wang Bingbing who came to the scene for the interview.

Wang Bingbing did not let her long wavy hair fall to her waist today, but tied it into a low bun and put all her hair up, looking neat and tidy.

A tight black suit skirt perfectly set off her perfect figure.

At this moment, Wang Bingbing's eyes suddenly froze as she looked at the scene, and then her eyes lit up.

Zhang Yi? ?

Zhang Yi actually came to the scene for a medical consultation? ?

Then she immediately said to the camera:

"It is said that the number of casualties in the firecracker factory is still being counted, but it has been confirmed that the death toll has reached four!

Looking at the injured everywhere at the scene, I estimate that there are about 20 people with minor injuries.

It can be seen that the casualties of this explosion are indeed heavy.

And here, several ambulances from different hospitals, and even doctors from Union Hospital have rushed to the scene to participate in the rescue.

I heard that Dr. Zhang Yi is also at the scene. Next, I will try to see if Dr. Zhang can accept our interview."

As she said, Wang Bingbing walked in front of Zhang Yi with a microphone.

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