Zhang Yi held his forehead.

He didn't know whether to scold her husband or the doctor.

Young man, you have good intentions but bad results!

Zhang Yi said helplessly: "Yes, pregnant women can also eat hawthorn and jujube, but everything must be in moderation. If you eat a certain food for a long time without restraint, there will definitely be problems, especially for pregnant women."

After sighing, Zhang Yi asked again: "How much jujube and hawthorn does she eat every day?"

Her husband thought for a while and said: "It's hard to say, sometimes one or two kilograms, sometimes four or five kilograms when the appetite comes..."

"How long have you been eating like this?"

"Not long, half a month?"

"No wonder, no wonder you have abdominal pain!"

The pregnant woman covered her belly and asked with tears in her eyes:

"Doctor, what's wrong with me? I can't Will it affect my baby? "

"Hawthorn, sour jujube, persimmon, even guava, tomato and other fruits can be eaten at ordinary times, but not too much at one time, because some of these fruits contain tannic acid, which will combine with stomach acid to form water-insoluble precipitates. Or persimmons contain pectin and gum, which will also produce water-insoluble precipitates after combining with stomach acid. This is called gastric stones in our medicine."

"Ah? Gastric stones? Woo... What should I do now? Woo... Husband... Woo I'm sorry... Is the child going to be lost... Woo..."

When the pregnant woman heard this, she immediately burst into tears.

Her husband was also very distressed and immediately hugged her to comfort her.

The two of them were intimate as if no one was around, and Zhang Yi's face was full of black lines!


Do you want to do this??

I'm still in front of you!

Zhang Yi closed his eyes, exhaled the anger in his chest, and interrupted them mercilessly:

"Ahem, wait a minute, I haven't made a diagnosis yet, why are you crying so quickly?"


"Oh...yes, the doctor hasn't spoken yet, let's not worry, listen to what the doctor says."

The couple quickly turned their eyes back to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi then explained earnestly:

"Don't worry, this disease is also easy to solve. I'll prescribe you seven days of sodium bicarbonate and come back for a checkup after seven days."

As he said this, Zhang Yi was ready to write a prescription.

Her husband seemed to not believe that it was so easy to solve the stomach stones, and hurriedly stopped Zhang Yi and asked: "Isn't it... that simple? Just take medicine? Just one medicine?"

"Yes, she has plant-based stomach stones, which are caused by eating too many foods containing tannic acid. Sodium bicarbonate or carbonated drinks sold in supermarkets can reduce the acidity of gastric acid, and can also form soluble calcium bicarbonate with calcium ions and bicarbonate ions in stones, greatly reducing the hardness of stones and helping stones to be excreted from the body.

But you are pregnant, don't drink too much carbonated drinks, the sugar content is too high, and cola contains caffeine, which is not good for pregnant women. Just take sodium bicarbonate.

But you shouldn't take too much sodium bicarbonate, I'll prescribe you seven days of medicine, come back after seven days to check if the stones have disappeared."

"Ah? So simple!" The pregnant woman was a little unbelievable.

Zhang Yi nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it's that simple."

After that, he handed them the list in his hand: "Go get the medicine. Remember to eat any food in moderation, especially if you have gastric stones. In the future, you should eat less hawthorn, sour jujube, persimmon, guava, and tomatoes. Also, remember not to drink too much alcohol after eating big fish and shrimp. Ethanol will also cause the protein in the stomach to coagulate and form stones. Remember?"

The two young couples nodded in confusion: "I know..."

"Okay, go get the medicine."


The two young couples slowly left the office.

But they still didn't understand it in their hearts.

This trip to Union Hospital... was diagnosed without any examination? ?

Is it just gastric stones?

Doesn't the doctor look too young?

What if he is unreliable?

Be careful not to misdiagnose!

"Wife, how about we find an older doctor?"

The young pregnant woman had the same idea in her mind. After all, she was pregnant and couldn't afford to make any mistakes.


So, the couple didn't rush to get the medicine. They endured the pain and looked around in the emergency room.

Finally, they saw a middle-aged man with glasses and a slightly fat figure coming over.

At another glance,

, the name on his work badge actually says "Director of the Emergency Department"!

Oh my god!


It's definitely right to ask the director!

"Hello, hello? My wife is six months pregnant and her stomach suddenly hurts a lot. Can you help?"

The husband didn't care about anything and took a big step to block Kang Yanming's way.

Kang Yanming frowned slightly, but when he heard that it was a pregnant woman, he quickly squatted down to check.

"What's wrong with her? How long has she had abdominal pain? Is she nauseous and vomiting? Is she having diarrhea? Is she having a fever? Is she bleeding from her lower body?"

Kang Yanming took out a stethoscope from his bag and asked questions quickly.

"Uh... It hurts for a long time. It started in the morning. I feel a little nauseous and want to vomit, but I don't have diarrhea, no fever, and no bleeding from below."

After listening to the family's explanation, Kang Yanming also pondered in his heart.

If there is no diarrhea, it may not be gastroenteritis.

There is no fever, and it is estimated that there is no inflammation.

Then maybe she has eaten something that upset her stomach, or she needs to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department for a color Doppler ultrasound.

Just as Kang Yanming was about to get up and explain the situation to the two, he suddenly saw that the pregnant woman's husband was holding a prescription from their hospital in his hand?

"Huh? What's this?" Kang Yanming pointed at his hand and asked.

Her husband said embarrassedly: "Haha, a young doctor just examined us, and the doctor prescribed us medicine without doing any examinations. After all, my wife is six months pregnant. We are afraid that the young doctor is unreliable and made a blind diagnosis, so we want to find a new doctor to prescribe some examinations, so that we can feel at ease."

Kang Yanming raised his eyes and looked at the couple with a little surprise.

Haha, I only heard that patients clamored for fewer examinations and less fees.

I haven't seen anyone rushing to get an examination.

However, young doctors do lack experience.

It is understandable that patients have this worry.

Kang Yanming thought for a moment and said, "Let me see your prescription. What's the doctor's name?"

"Oh, I didn't pay attention to the name. I just looked at his face."

He's handsome, so I just looked at his face.

As a result, when Kang Yanming opened the prescription and his eyes fell on the signature in the lower left corner, he found that the young and inexperienced doctor they were talking about was Zhang Yi!

Then he burst into laughter: "Hahaha... It's Zhang Yi? Hahaha..."

The couple was even more confused.

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