The two couples were even more confused!

What's wrong with this director? ?

Why did he suddenly laugh?

After Kang Yanming recovered his breath, he looked at the two young couples in front of him and asked, "Don't you know Zhang Yi?"

The couple shook their heads in confusion: "Zhang Yi? We... don't know him."

Kang Yanming understood.

Yes, yes, China is so big, with a total population of 1.4 billion, and we can't expect everyone to recognize Zhang Yi.

Even if they have seen Zhang Yi's video on the Internet, they may not be able to remember his face immediately.

"Haha, it's like this, Zhang Yi is the best doctor in our Union Hospital, and his diagnosis for you is definitely correct, because after I did a preliminary examination on you just now, I also suspect that you have damaged your stomach because of what you ate. Did you eat anything strange a few days before you had abdominal pain?"

Kang Yanming asked this, and the two had to tell everything they had eaten before.

After listening, Kang Yanming shook his head: "Isn't this still gastric stones? Eating several kilograms of hawthorn and candied haws, if it were me, I would also consider gastric stones first."

The husband of the pregnant woman also retorted: "But he didn't check it? He has to do an examination or something, right? He didn't check it and just let us take medicine directly..."

Kang Yanming's patience was a little worn out.

This guy is going to ask me again, and he doesn't believe my answer!

Is there something wrong? ? ?

It has been said that Zhang Yi is the best doctor in their Union Hospital...

Oh, forget it, this kind of person will not give up if they don't give them a checkup order.

Anyway, it's also to give the hospital performance, if you want to do it, then do it.

Then, Kang Yanming didn't say anything more, just left a sentence: "Wait a minute."

After that, he turned and walked into the office.

Then after typing a few lines on one of the computers, two checkup orders were automatically printed out on the printer.

He handed the checkup order to the pregnant woman's husband and said: "This is the B-ultrasound checkup order and the gastroscopy checkup order. Considering that pregnant women cannot have anesthesia for gastroscopy, we can only bear the pain and do a gastroscopy without anesthesia. And this B-ultrasound..."

"Ah??! Gastroscopy without anesthesia? Oh, that's not possible! Woo woo... I'm afraid of pain..."

Before Kang Yanming finished speaking, the pregnant woman started to yell.

Her husband quickly began to comfort her again.

Kang Yanming wanted to roll his eyes, but he held back his eyes because of his professional ethics.

"You said Zhang Yi didn't prescribe any examinations for you. Do you know why he didn't?"

The couple looked up at Kang Yanming.

"Because you are pregnant, there are many examinations that pregnant women can't do. You said you have abdominal pain, you should have done a full abdominal CT scan, and gastric stones can also be seen through CT scan, but you can't do it.

There is also gastroscopy, which is the most important means of examining gastric stones, but you are afraid of pain and can't do ordinary gastroscopy.

Then there is X-barium meal, which has radiation like CT scan, and you can't do it because it affects the fetus.

So what is left? Blood test and B-ultrasound.

But according to the doctor's clinical experience, you probably The probability is gastric stones, so there is no need to draw blood, then you only have one B-ultrasound left.

But B-ultrasound is not actually the main means of examining gastric stones, because there is gas in the stomach, which may not be particularly clear, and it can only be said to be a rough look.

So now do you understand why Zhang Yi did not prescribe an examination for you? "

The couple saw Kang Yanming's gloomy face, and they couldn't help but feel a little scared~

Oh my God, this director's dark face is so scary~~

Seeing that the two did not speak, Kang Yanming thought they did not understand.

This time he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

No matter how high his professional quality is, he can't help it!

He rolled his eyes fiercely and continued to explain with a smile:

"Because of your physical condition as a pregnant woman, it is not necessary to do so many examinations in combination with clinical practice. It is a waste of money and unnecessary. So just one medicine can solve your problem. Do you understand now?"

The couple immediately nodded in unison: "I understand, I understand."


Kang Yanming breathed a sigh of relief: "It's OK if you don't want to do a gastroscopy, just go for a B-ultrasound. Remember to tell the doctor that it is to check the stomach, not the fetus."

"Okay... okay... then... then..."

"Yes, just a B-ultrasound, go quickly, and take the medicine directly after the examination." Kang Yanming waved his hand and asked the two to leave quickly.

The couple took the list and followed the crowd into the elevator.

Kang Yanming let out a long sigh of frustration!

This couple is really a perfect match!

An hour later.

The couple finally got the test results as they wished.

The B-ultrasound list said: High echo masses were found in the stomach, the stomach wall was thickened, there was a liquid dark area in the stomach cavity, and there was a strong echo mass.

Her husband still asked the B-ultrasound doctor, and the answer he got was indeed gastric stones.

"Gastric stones are highly suspected. If you are not afraid of pain, you can go for a normal gastroscopy."

Now even the B-ultrasound doctor said so.

The couple finally believed Zhang Yi's words.

But the next second, they began to feel that it was a bit wasteful to spend more money.

This B-ultrasound also costs more than 100 yuan...

If I had known earlier, I would have just taken medicine and not come for a B-ultrasound.


Of course, Zhang Yi didn't know what the couple was thinking.

He had a more difficult patient in front of him.

It was an old lady who came to the hospital because of a sore hand.

She was also screaming in pain, and the whole treatment room was filled with her wailing.

"Ouch... Check gently, doctor! Be gentle!" the old lady shouted with tears in her eyes.

Her daughter was a little embarrassed by her shouting, and looked at Zhang Yi and the nurse next to her and said, "My mother... is quite noisy, please don't mind it."

"It's okay, how long has her hand been hurting?"

"Half an hour ago."

"No, I mean how long has it been since the first pain?"

Her daughter and the aunt looked at each other and said in unison, "Almost three years, right?"

Then the aunt wiped her tears with her healthy right hand and began to tell her medical history:

"I remember it was three years ago, my hand was not so serious at the time, just a little stinging and stinging feeling, very mild, but I didn't care, and then it developed to the point where it started to sting after touching cold water, and the pain worsened, so I thought it was rheumatism, and went to the rheumatism I went to the hospital and was given a lot of medicine.

But I didn't feel better after taking the medicine, so I went to see the doctor again. They told me to stay in the hospital for intravenous drip. I couldn't bear to spend thousands of dollars, so I just took the medicine he prescribed for me.

But the medicine didn't work after I took it several times.

Not only did it not work, but my hand became worse. It used to hurt when I touched cold water, but now it hurts whenever it's cold.

Some time ago, I bought that kind of painkiller at the pharmacy. It's quite effective. I didn't feel any pain after taking it.

Then at noon today, I thought that since the pain was gone, I would cook something to eat. Who knew that when I touched the cold water, it hurt so much that I broke out in a cold sweat!

It hurts so much... It's like someone is drilling my finger with an electric drill..."

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