The woman in front of me was dressed quite fashionably.

The weather in May was still a little chilly, but she had already begun to show her legs boldly.

She wore a black leather jacket with dark black stockings, and walked towards the crowd with a thick smell of powder on her face and spit flying across her face.

When Zhang Yi answered the phone just now, he felt that this woman had a bit of a temper.

Unexpectedly, seeing the real person really confirmed his guess.


The man who was being rescued on the hospital bed gradually stopped the domineering woman.

The noisy shouting and cursing also stopped abruptly.

"You are Zhao Xiaolong's family member, right?" Zhang Yi walked up to her and asked.

The woman didn't answer, and her attention was all on the bed.

She seemed to be shocked by the rescue work in front of her.

At this time, Li Mingliang still didn't give up Zhao Xiaolong, he was still rescuing him!

The four bed legs were constantly making creaking sounds.

When the female family member saw this scene, she not only stopped, but also showed an unbelievable expression.

She stared at the person on the bed with slightly panicked eyes.

It seemed that she couldn't believe that the calls she just received were all true!

Zhao Xiaolong really had an accident! !

But... how could it be possible? !

They had a big fight yesterday!

Zhao Xiaolong was so lively yesterday, and the two were still poking each other's spines!

How could it suddenly...




It must be fake!

Seeing that the female family member looked tense and didn't speak, Zhang Yi didn't bother to ask, and directly told Zhao Xiaolong's situation.

"Let's get straight to the point. Zhao Xiaolong...I'm afraid he can't make it. Although we haven't given up on rescuing him, we have taken all the necessary medicines and measures so far. His illness started too quickly. It took only more than 40 minutes for him to be in the emergency room.

I hope your family members will be prepared for the worst.

The cause of his illness has not yet been determined, but it is initially suspected to be a kidney tumor, which is called pheochromocytoma, a benign tumor.

Originally, this disease could be surgically removed, but he discovered it too late, resulting in such a rapid progression of the disease.

If he had come to the hospital for examination earlier when he had symptoms of chest tightness, abdominal pain, and unexplained hypotension, the results might have been different.

This is the rescue process since he was admitted to the hospital. Take a look and please sign it."

After speaking, Zhang Yi took a few notices from Li Pingping and handed them to the woman.

After listening to such a long explanation, the woman still looked at the person on the bed without blinking.

It seemed as if she didn't hear what Zhang Yi said just now.

Zhang Yi tilted his head slightly and looked at her, only then did he realize that tears were accumulating in the woman's eyes?

What happened? ?

Didn't this woman just say on the phone that she wanted to divorce Zhao Xiaolong?

Didn't she say she wouldn't come even if he died?

Didn't she hope for his death?

Why did she cry when she saw that the person was really dying?


These people are really...

You have to lose something before you know you've really lost it.

As a result, the next second, the woman shook her head violently, and tears also swayed from her eyes.

"No! Impossible! This is not Zhao Xiaolong! How could Zhao Xiaolong have a kidney tumor! No! He's only in his thirties! How is it possible!"

The woman shook her head frantically to deny.

It seemed that as long as she denied it, the person on the bed would not be Zhao Xiaolong.

Faced with the sudden emotions of the family members, the doctors could understand.

Many family members had this reaction.

When I saw that the person was dying when I arrived at the hospital, I couldn't accept it for a while.

Li Pingping couldn't bear it, so she took out a tissue from her bag and handed it to the family member, but as soon as she raised her hand, she was thrown away by the female family member!

"Zhao Xiaolong can't be sick! You are fake! You are a liar! I don't believe it! I won't sign! Unless Zhao Xiaolong wakes up and talks to me in person!"

Li Pingping frowned in pain after her hand was suddenly thrown away. Before Zhang Yi could speak, Li Pingping couldn't help but start to retort:

"Please wake up! This is Union Hospital, everything can be fake, but the disease in the hospital is not!

Zhao Xiaolong actually has a tumor in his body, and this tumor has caused his multiple organ failure, and it is very likely that he will die without rescue!

We understand your current mood very well, but at the same time

I hope you can understand that we have tried to contact you many times before this.

What happened? You didn't answer our calls several times. As doctors, we always hope that the family can come to the hospital as soon as possible so that we can discuss the treatment plan with you and communicate with you about Zhao Xiaolong's condition as soon as possible.

If it doesn't work, you can see Zhao Xiaolong for the last time and say the last words to him as soon as possible!

But you come now and call us liars?

Can you please be reasonable? Our hospital is a place to treat diseases and save lives, not a place for you to make trouble unreasonably! "

After saying this, the patients in the beds next to him silently applauded Li Pingping.

Well said!

She was so noisy as soon as she came, it was so noisy!

Zhang Yi also tilted his head to look at Li Pingping.

I didn't expect that this girl, who usually looks introverted and timid, is someone who can actively stand up and deal with things when something happens.

Not bad.

These two apprentices are good~

After being scolded, the family member wanted to continue to scold.

But at this time, Kang Yanming looked at the various values ​​on the monitor and said: "Li Mingliang, stop it, it's useless. "

Li Mingliang panted slightly. He was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Zhang Yi, as if waiting for Zhang Yi's answer.

Stop means to declare death.

Because as long as he doesn't press the patient's heart, it is almost in a state of stopping.

If he doesn't do CPR, he will die immediately.

Do you want to give up?

Not only Li Mingliang, but everyone present looked at Zhang Yi.

They were all waiting for Zhang Yi to speak.

In these few seconds of silence, Zhang Yi was also thinking and hesitating.

Do you want to give up?

Multiple organ failure...

Can it be saved?

Will luck favor Zhang Yi this time?

Or will it favor Zhao Xiaolong?

But pheochromocytoma is not a simple tumor.

It's more serious than drowning!

Just when Zhang Yi was about to make a decision, the family member next to him suddenly burst into tears!

"Wuwuwu... Save... Save! Please save Zhao Xiaolong! Save him! "

Faced with the family members who suddenly collapsed, several doctors frowned and didn't know what to say to comfort them.

She walked in with an arrogant face a few minutes ago, but she burst into tears a few minutes later.

I thought there was really a huge gap between the couple.

Unexpectedly, she couldn't let go at the critical moment.

"Please, Dr. Zhang, you are a miracle doctor, please, Dr. Zhang! I'm sorry for making fun of you on the phone, sorry, sorry, I apologize, please save Zhao Xiaolong! Please! Save him!"

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