At this moment, the family member no longer had the arrogant look she had when she came in just now.

Li Pingping originally disliked her a little.

But when she saw how pitiful she was now, she couldn't bear it.


You said that if you had come to the hospital earlier, you might have been able to say a few words to the patient.



I'm afraid you can only say goodbye to the corpse.

The family member was crying and grabbing Zhang Yi's clothes.

She even knelt down to Zhang Yi in front of everyone.

The change in attitude was so fast that before everyone could react, the woman had already knelt down.

"Doctor Zhang, please save him! Please save him!"

This woman is not stupid.

There are so many doctors here, even the director of the emergency department is here.

As a result, everyone, including the director, has to listen to Zhang Yi's opinion.

That means whether to continue the rescue depends on whether Zhang Yi is willing to nod.

Zhang Yi quickly pulled the family member up, and said with a heavy brow: "Don't cry first, rescue... continue, but I will explain it to you again very seriously. Zhao Xiaolong's condition is very bad, and we can only rescue him for another 20 minutes at most. If we still can't do it after we try our best, we can only declare him dead."

"I... wuwuwu... no... save him, please save him!"

Obviously, the family members still find it hard to accept.

It's a pity that he died suddenly at the age of just over 30.

But multiple organ failure is already a fact, and even if Zhang Yi is present, it can't change it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

He originally thought that his strength had been greatly improved with the help of the system, and he was already quite strong.

But in the face of these unpredictable diseases, it still seems so inadequate.

Sure enough, medicine still has a long way to go for Zhang Yi.

Looking at the crying family member in front of him, Zhang Yi could only comfort her:

"Sorry, I am also a human, not a god. If I can save him, I will definitely save him. If I can't save him, I hope your family members can mourn."

After that, Zhang Yi stood by the bed and took over Li Mingliang's rescue work.

Kang Yanming pursed his lips. Seeing that Zhang Yi was still unwilling to give up the rescue, he couldn't say anything.

If Kang Yanming thought it was his own way, there would be no point in continuing to rescue this person.

If the autonomous heartbeat cannot be restored, even if an ECMO machine is installed for him, it will not be of much use.


Forget it.

Listen to Zhang Yi.


The four bed legs still made friction sounds.

It seemed to stimulate the senses of the female family member, causing the tears on her face to never dry up until now.

"Does he have any other family members besides you? Where are his parents?" Li Pingping asked while putting a stack of notices in front of her again.

This time the female family member finally agreed to sign.

She choked up while signing:

"His parents died when he was a teenager, and his uncles and aunts are not particularly close. The only elderly person who is still close to him is his grandmother in his hometown.

Wow... If he dies, I don't know how to explain it to his grandmother...

He was raised by his grandmother, and his grandmother is almost 80 years old this year.

I don't dare to think about what his grandmother will do after knowing this news..."

"Then do you know when Zhao Xiaolong started to have abdominal pain? In addition to abdominal pain, did he have other symptoms? For example, chest tightness, chest pain, and dizziness from time to time?"

The female family member shook her head:

"I don't know... We have been in a cold war for almost half a year. In the past six months, we rarely communicated. Every day after get off work, we would start quarreling after saying less than two sentences.

But we didn't quarrel before. During the fight, I didn’t hear him say that he had a stomachache, nor did he feel any other discomfort…

Wow… If I had known, I wouldn’t have blamed him. He was laid off last year, and the financial pressure on the family suddenly increased. I always complained that he didn’t earn enough…

At first, he didn’t argue with me, but later, maybe because I scolded him too much, he started to refute me.

I have a bad temper, and the more I argue, the more excited I get. During that period, we both argued and fought…

Later, it evolved into a quarrel after just two sentences, and even cursed each other to die every day…

Oh my God, I really regret it.

Doctor, is his illness related to the quarrel? "

Li Pingping shook her head: "Not necessarily, the cause of the disease has not been found yet, so it’s hard to judge."

"If I had known, I should have paid more attention to him. Who knew he would get

Tumor... Please save him, doctor, you must save him! Please!"

Li Pingping handed her the tissue to wipe her tears again and nodded silently.

He will be saved.

If Dr. Zhang insists, maybe a miracle will happen.

It's a pity that I haven't found out anything after asking for a long time.

It seems that I can only wait for the results of catecholamine test.

The results of catecholamine generally take about seven days to come out in small hospitals.

Because of different instruments in larger hospitals, they can come out in 2-3 days.

So now, whether Zhao Xiaolong has pheochromocytoma or not has to wait for the test results in 2 days to be confirmed.

But the most important question at the moment is whether Zhao Xiaolong himself.

It's hard to say whether he can hold on until the results come out.

The emergency room gradually became busy.

Soon another patient with a sharp head injury came.

When he came in, his head was already bandaged, but he was still not awake.

Transitioning in the emergency room, he was admitted to whichever department upstairs had vacancies.

It just so happened that the injured person was bandaged by those foreigners.

As soon as they came in, they saw that Zhang Yi was still rescuing him.

Sari walked up to Zhang Yi and asked curiously and puzzledly:

"Doctor Zhang, is this patient already dead?"

Zhang Yi didn't have time to answer him at this time, so Kang Yanming helped Zhang Yi explain:

"Almost, it's been almost an hour of rescue. "

Kang Yanming spoke in a foreign language, but he didn't expect that the female family member could understand.

Instantly, her tears grew bigger.

She knelt in front of Zhang Yi again, and said with a look of repentance and despair:

"Doctor Zhang, you are a miracle doctor. Please, you must save Zhao Xiaolong. I beg you! Please!"

Zhang Yi didn't reply, but looked at the two apprentices next to him: "Take the family members out first, the emergency room needs quiet."

"No... No! I won't go out. I want to watch him. Please, Doctor Zhang, save him! "

The woman didn't want to leave. Even though Li Pingping pulled her, she still held on to Zhang Yi's clothes tightly and refused to let go.

The two apprentices finally took the man out, and the emergency room finally quieted down.

But Zhao Xiaolong still had no signs of recovering his heartbeat.

Zhang Yi's expression was very solemn. He thought about it and decided to try again.

The last time!

"One intravenous injection of lidocaine, one intravenous injection of norepinephrine, and one intravenous injection of lobeline!"

Try again!

If it still doesn't work the last time.

Then let the patient go, and let yourself go.

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