When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 353: to harvest

"Is Patriarch Li serious?" Li Xiu looked at Li Xianchun and asked.

"As long as you are willing, I will fetch the item and trade with you immediately." Li Xianchun said immediately.

"Since Patriarch Li is so sincere, then so be it." Li Xiu said.

"President Li, before the transaction, I wonder if you can let me take a look at this gem... Don't get me wrong, I have no other intentions. This transaction will use up the entire family of the Li family. Although I am the head of the family, I have to give my tribe an explanation, and I hope Chief Li can understand..." Li Xianchun seemed to be begging.

"It should be. The owner of the Li family paid a high price, so he is naturally qualified to see the goods." Li Xiu didn't say much, took out the small gold box containing the gems of the gods, and opened it in front of Li Xianchun.

The moment that blurred and dreamy mysterious brilliance came into his eyelids, Li Xianchun was sure that it was indeed a real gem, and his heart couldn't help beating faster.

Li Xianchun reached out his hand to get the gemstone of the **** inside the box, but before his finger touched it, Li Xiu directly pressed the lid off.

"I didn't see the truth liquid or the corpse of the demon spirit. It's better for Patriarch Li to stay still for the time being." Li Xiu said lightly.

"It should be, when can we trade?" Li Xianchun suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked Li Xiu.

"I can do it anytime." Li Xiu said casually.

"I don't know if it's convenient for President Li to go to my Li's house to trade tomorrow. It's okay to send other things to the house. The corpse of the **** and demon spirit is really inconvenient to move. I'm afraid President Li will need to pick it up in person. Li Xianchun obviously remained vigilant, and did not completely lose his mind just because of the appearance of the gemstone.

"Yes." Li Xiu said.

Li Xianchun said goodbye and left. He also needed to go back and prepare all the items on the list. In addition to the truth liquid and the corpse of the **** demon, there were still a lot of resources to prepare.

As long as he can create a god-level tester for the Li family, even if it means ruining his family, Li Xianchun will not hesitate.

It's just that things went so smoothly, which made Li Xianchun feel a little uneasy.

The arrival of the kite turned Li Xianchun's uneasiness into apprehension.

"Why are you here?" Li Xianchun frowned when he saw that Kite came directly to Li's house to look for him. Kite's move was tantamount to revealing his identity. "There is something I have to let you know. It's too late to make contact, so that's the only way to go." Kite said directly: "Mr. No. 7 Courtyard."

Li Xianchun's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, he couldn't hide Grandma Han's whereabouts from him, and I'm afraid his whereabouts couldn't be hidden from Grandma Han either.

Mrs. Han actually borrowed resources directly from the houses of the Han family, probably because she knew about the deal between him and Li Xiu, and she wanted to fight again before he made the deal.

Now Li Xianchun began to worry that if Li Xiu was moved by Grandma Han, he would exchange the gemstones to Grandma Han tonight, and everything would be over.

Now Li Xianchun regretted it a bit, why didn't he choose to trade with Li Xiu on the same day, he had already confirmed that Li Xiu possessed the real gem of a god, why are he still hesitating.

If Mrs. Han takes the lead, it will be very difficult for the Li family to return to the top.

Li Xianchun gritted his teeth, and asked his confidants to inquire about the news, while loading all the prepared resources into the car, ready to go at any time.

Soon the news came back, Mrs. Han really went to the Han's house, and brought a few big carts of things, although she moved quietly at night, she still couldn't hide it from anyone.

*** Han is so urgent, obviously determined to win.

Li Xianchun didn't hesitate any longer, and directly ordered the assembled convoy to set off, and rushed to the No. 7 courtyard without stopping.

"Mr. Jia, please inform me. I want to see Mr. Li." Li Xianchun knocked on the door and said to Lao Jia with a slight salute.

"Sorry, the chief is receiving guests, and it should be this time, so I'm afraid it's inconvenient. If there is something to do, Patriarch Li, please come back tomorrow." Old Jia said and was about to close the door.

Li Xianchun hastily stretched out his hand to block the door and said: "

Mr. Jia, the matter is very important, please do me a favor, the Li family will never forget your great kindness. "

"Patriarch Li, it's not my old man, I won't help you, it's really the chief who ordered me to see no one today, so please come back." Lao Jia said and wanted to close the door again.

Li Xianchun's eyes flashed, and the palm of his hand suddenly burst into divine light, and he shook the door open with force, and rushed inside like a phantom.

Lao Jia was furious. He never thought that Li Xianchun would be so presumptuous that he dared to force his way in and let him shake the door open without any precautions.

"Get out of here." Lao Jia's hand was cold, and he grabbed Li Xianchun's neck instantly, so fast that Li Xianchun didn't even have a chance to dodge. But when he grabbed Li Xianchun's neck, he realized that it was actually a phantom fake body, which was shattered and turned into light and shadow bubbles as soon as he grabbed it. And Li Xianchun had already rushed into the courtyard, and immediately saw a lot of boxes in the courtyard, Li Xiu and Mrs. Han were standing in front of the hall talking, and immediately shouted: "Mr. Li, I came here as promised." , allow me a word."

Lao Jia chased after him like a ghost, and appeared behind Li Xianchun strangely, reaching out to grab him.

"Old Jia, let him come over and close the door." Li Xiu said.

After Lao Jia heard this, he retreated. Li Xianchun walked up to Li Xiu, without looking at Mrs. Han, and said to Li Xiu, "Mr. Li, I have brought all the things for the transaction. Can you please come as promised?" Trade with me?"

"This..." Li Xiu looked at *** Han beside him.

***Han smiled and said: "Master Li didn't sign a contract with you, Chief. Naturally, the Chief has the right to choose. Since ancient times, the one who pays the highest price gets it. Even if it is first come, first served, I have talked with you first. This time...and you have seen my sincerity, all my things are here."

"President Li, there are some things that only our Li family can get out, please consider carefully." Li Xianchun said, opening the box containing four bottles of truth liquid: "Other things, except for the corpses of gods and demons, need you to personally Except for receiving, it is already outside the door, and you can check it at any time.”

"Since Patriarch Li is so sincere, let's keep the things." Li Xiu said with a smile.

"What does Mr. Li mean?" Li Xianchun heard that something was wrong with Li Xiu's voice, and immediately closed the box, staring at Li Xiu and asked.

Li Xiu stretched out his hand and took out the jade card, so that Li Xianchun could see the jade card clearly, and said lightly: "Didn't the owner of the Li family already say that I want to use the jade card to borrow resources from various families? If you come here, then I will accept it with a smile.”

Li Xianchun stayed there all of a sudden as if he had been hit hard, staring at the jade tablet, his whole body trembling.

"You really have a jade card... You are trying to destroy my Li family..." Li Xianchun's eyes were blood red, like a trapped beast that chooses someone to devour.

"Patriarch Li's words are biased. You repeatedly provoked my relationship with Vice President Han and ruined my affairs. I didn't bother with you. You know that I have a jade card in my hand. , want to borrow resources, but still send them to your door, how can this mean that I want to destroy your Li family? Li Xiu said calmly.

Li Xianchun's face was distorted, and his expression was extremely ugly. He turned around holding the box and was about to rush out.

"If you want to leave, I won't stop you, as long as you think carefully." After Li Xiu said, he ordered Lao Jia to open the door.

Li Xianchun stood in front of the open door, breathing heavily like a dying beast.

The opened door was right in front of you, and no one was blocking it, but Li Xianchun stood inside the door, but he didn't take that step for a long time.

His face was extremely distorted, his whole body was trembling, he didn't say a word for a long time, his teeth were gritting.

It's easy to step out, but this is in Changshengtian. If you don't listen to orders when you see the jade plaque, if you don't listen to the president's orders, if you do this, the Li family will have no way to survive in the future.

"Move everything in." After a long time, Li Xianchun gritted his teeth and gave an order to the convoy outside the door.

After finishing speaking, Li Xianchun turned around and walked in front of Li Xiu, and handed the box containing the truth liquid to Li Xiu, as if using all his strength to suppress the anger in his heart, he squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Write an IOU .”

Li Xiu took the box containing the truth liquid and said with a smile, "You don't need to move the things outside. I just want the truth liquid and the corpse of the **** demon spirit." Li Xianchun was slightly stunned, and seemed to understand something in a flash, and waved his hand Order the people from the Li family to stop carrying them.

After Li Xiu left the truth liquid, wrote the IOU and stamped it with his fingerprints, Li Xianchun left the No. 7 courtyard without saying a word.

***Han watched the whole process from the sidelines, feeling a chill in her heart.

Li Xiu didn't want the other resources brought by Li Xianchun, not because Li Xiu was kind, nor because he didn't like those resources, but because he wanted to use them to catch more big money.


Now that this matter has come, it is estimated that other families have already got the news, knowing that Li Xianchun brought things to Li Xiu's place, what Li Xianchun wants to do, they will understand with their toes.

Now that Li Xianchun has pulled the things back, others will think that Li Xianchun's attempt to change the **** gems will not work, and Li Xiu did not keep his resources. What Li Xianchun said before will be self-defeating. At that time, I am afraid that everyone will come to find it even more frantically. Li Xiu, I want to exchange for the **** gem.

Li Xianchun suffered such a big loss, but this time, he would never tell the matter, even if he was killed, he would not say it, and he would swallow it in his stomach if his teeth were broken.

It wasn't because he was afraid of Li Xiu, and it wasn't because he was worried that Li Xiu wouldn't return what he had borrowed. In fact, even if there was an IOU, the possibility of Li Xiu being able to return it to him was very slim.

What really frightened Li Xianchun was that the Li family had lost such an important thing, and their strength had been severely damaged again, and the gap with other families had become even wider. Since the strength gap cannot be narrowed, the Li family can only remain among the others only if the other families are also damaged.

So even if he knew Li Xiu's plan and was cheated so badly by Li Xiu, Li Xianchun would still help Li Xiu to complete his plan, and he even hoped that the plan would succeed more than Li Xiu. It's better if it's worse.

People are in the game, already involuntary.

"This man is so ruthless, it's really frightening." Mrs. Han looked at Li Xiu with a complicated expression.

"You can also transport the things back." Li Xiu said, looking at the boxes brought by Mrs. Han overnight.

The resources contained in these boxes are all real, but they are of no use to Li Xiu. The real top treasure of the Han family is already in Li Xiu's hands.

"President Li, please don't forget your promise." Mrs. Han sighed.

"As long as I'm still alive, you will definitely have one of the **** gems I got." Li Xiuxiu said sternly.

Although Miss Han is not willing to hand over the initiative to Li Xiu, this is not her style, but now there is no other way but to hope that Li Xiu can keep his promise.

Part of the facts that happened that night quickly spread to all the families, and early the next morning, all the families crowded at the gate of No. 7 Courtyard to look for Li Xiu.

The high-level executives of each family are now gnashing their teeth with hatred for Li Xianchun, and they all think that Li Xianchun deliberately spread the news in order to change the **** gem for themselves.

Li Xianchun was also a dumb man who couldn't tell what the pain of eating Coptis chinensis was, so he could only swallow this bitter fruit. The life of the Li family in Changshengtian became even more difficult.

Li Xiu turned on the harvesting mode, as long as he took his fancy, he collected them one by one, leaving white notes one after another.

The families that were harvested by Li Xiu were almost all in the same mind as Li Xianchun. If one's own family was damaged, it would naturally not make other families feel better, otherwise how would they gain a foothold in the City of Longevity in the future.

They all tacitly agreed not to mention their own losses, and the Longevity City was peaceful, and every family smashed their teeth and swallowed it in their stomachs.

The Sun family and the Mo family were the only two families that were not reaped by Li Xiu. The Sun family was because Sun Tianbing sent things to Li Xiu in advance, and the Mo family was probably because the old immortal gave a warning in advance.

It wasn't until Li Xiu completed the harvesting mode that the heads of the various families went to the president to complain in tears. Unfortunately, no matter what they said, they were finally dismissed by the president.

Li Xiu wanted to fight on behalf of Changshengtian. If they wanted to get back their things, they could do their best instead of Li Xiu.

After Li Xiu finished harvesting, he kept

Not staying behind closed doors, not even going to the Trial Contest, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

This time, so many resources were obtained, which was enough for him to be promoted to the peak of casting spirit.

A few days later, Li Xiu came to Li's house and saw the corpse of the demon spirit that Li Xianchun said.

It was completely different from what Li Xiu had imagined. It was not a rotten corpse, but a complete demon corpse.

The corpse, which was bigger than a blue whale, was like an orange gemstone, exuding a blurred and dreamlike brilliance.

The shape of this monster is a strange monster with a crab-like lower body and a human-like upper body, three heads and six arms, and six arms like knives.

From a distance, it looks like a huge gemstone statue made of orange and sapphire. It is strange and bright, like an evil **** descending.

"Patriarch Li, what is the origin of this demon spirit?" Li Xiu asked, looking at the corpse of the demon spirit.

Li Xianchun had no temper at all in front of Li Xiu, and said blankly: "This is an elder from the older generation of the Li family. I asked the chairman to help hunt down the demon spirit. I only heard the name of the trial place where it is located. For Huoyanshan, when the elder discovered it was giving birth, he asked many friends to help him, trying to kill it while it was giving birth, but he suffered heavy losses. Even when it was giving birth, it was still fierce and unparalleled. It was beyond the reach of a few casting spirits, and finally the president was invited to kill him."

Li Xianchun paused and continued: "It's a pity that this demon spirit didn't produce the demon gemstones, and nothing was even exposed. Only this corpse was left. The god-level demon core has already been dug away. Now All that's left is this body material."

"Why didn't your Li family use such advanced materials?" Li Xiu felt that this matter was a bit strange.

God-level materials, even without any technical refining, are just polished into weapons or armor, and they have a very powerful effect.

Such a corpse is more than enough to make a dozen sets of armor, and there will only be more if the blade is polished. How could it be left here for decades without being used.

Li Xianchun showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "If we want to use it, we must be able to use it. The energy contained in this corpse itself is very strange. If the body of the tester is in contact with the brilliance it emits for a long time, the body will develop disease. .”

"Disease?" Li Xiu was a little surprised.

"It's similar to cancer." Li Xianchun pouted and said.

"Is this similar to nuclear radiation?" Li Xiu finally knew why the Li family sealed this thing in a secret room deep underground and hadn't used it for so many years.

Armors and weapons made of such materials are afraid that no one will dare to wear them on their bodies and use them. It is no different from suicide.

"Li Xianchun, this guy, no wonder he is willing to exchange this thing. It turns out he doesn't need it at all. He probably wants to see my jokes at this time." Li Xiu thought for a while, and asked Li Xianchun to send someone to give it to the old official. a letter.

Not long after, the old official came to the secret room with people and instruments.

Unexpectedly, the old official brought Professor Xu and several old researchers here. They were all wearing special protective clothing.

The moment they saw the corpse of the divine demon spirit, the eyes of the old official, Professor Xu and all the old researchers lit up, like hungry wolves that saw blood. The complete material of the **** level...it's really great..." No need for Li Xiu to order~www.readwn.com~ All the people set up their instruments and began to test the material. Li Xianchun watched coldly and didn't say a word.

He didn't believe that Li Xiu could really use this corpse. In the past, the elders of the Li family had asked someone to study this corpse. If there was a way, they wouldn't leave it here.

The old official led a group of old men to fiddle with the corpse. After a long time, the old official came to Li Xiu with a serious face.

Seeing the old official's face, Li Xianchun couldn't help sneering secretly, thinking that the old official and the others were also helpless.

"How are you, old man?" Li Xiu looked at the old man and asked.

"This thing is a bit evil," said the old official with a strange expression.

"How evil?" Li Xiu asked again.

"This thing...may be alive..." the old official

This sentence made both Li Xiu and Li Xianchun change color.

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