When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 354: Maternal Miracle

"Alive? It's impossible...the magic core has been dug out...how could it be alive?" Li Xianchun felt that the old official was simply insulting his IQ.

The corpse of this divine demon has been here for decades. If it was alive, how could it have stayed here forever.

Even if he didn't rush out and kill the Li family, he should have escaped. How could he stay here for decades.

And the magic core has already been dug out, how could it be still alive?

Li Xiu didn't say anything, just looked at the old official, waiting for his explanation.

The old official glanced at Li Xianchun, and then said: "According to our inspection, the light energy in this corpse is active, so it must be alive, otherwise it cannot explain why the light energy is still active."

After all, the old official looked at Li Xianchun and asked, "When you hunted down this **** monster, was it giving birth?"

Before, they didn't tell the old official about the origin of their demon spirit, nor did they tell him about the demon spirit giving birth.

The old official was able to check that the demon spirit was giving birth when it was killed, which surprised Li Xianchun.

"Not bad." Li Xianchun nodded.

"Then it's not wrong, what about the demon larva it gave birth to?" the old official asked again.

"I was taken away by the president." Li Xianchun replied.

"How many?" The old official's sudden question made Li Xianchun startled slightly.

"Of course there is only one. It is impossible for a monster of this level to give birth to too many young." Li Xianchun said truthfully.

The old official pondered and said: "According to the analysis of the available information, this demon spirit should have given birth to two larvae at first, and it was killed after it gave birth to the first larva, and the second larva has not yet been born. , and stayed in its corpse. But the larva that did not come and give birth did not die, it continued to grow inside the corpse of the demon spirit.”

"It means that there is a larva in this demon's body?" Li Xiu asked in surprise

"Maybe it's no longer a larva. After so many years, it has been absorbing the light energy of its mother. Maybe it has grown up." The old official said.

"Can you detect what level it is now?" Li Xiu asked.

"I'm afraid it's hard to detect it." The old official shook his head and said.

Li Xiu stared at the corpse and frowned in silence. If the larva inside had grown to the level of a god, then he might not be able to kill it.

Stuff is a good thing, but if you take it back, it might be a big trouble instead.

"I want to take it back, what do you think?" Li Xiu asked the old official.

"Although it's a little troublesome, you can take it home and study it." The old official said with a deadpan expression.

Li Xiu's heart suddenly became clear, he really knew the old official too well, and seeing the old official's expression, he knew that he was bound to get this thing.

"In that case, thank you, Patriarch Li." After Li Xiu finished speaking, he said to the old official, "Take the things back."

Li Xianchun's expression was changing. If there was really a descendant of a god-level demon spirit that was still developing, maybe it could be promoted to the god-level level.

If you can trap it now, you can kill a **** monster at a very low cost in the future.

If the gemstone of the gods is revealed, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the Li family.

Even if the gems of the gods are not revealed, some magic skills and demon spirits can be produced, which is enough to greatly increase the strength of the Li family.

But now he could only watch Li Xiu's men take the corpse away, Li Xianchun was so depressed that he almost wanted to vomit blood.

He obviously calculated well, but in front of Li Xiu, he always seemed to suffer a lot.

Li Xiu slapped a white note and pulled the demon corpse back.

Originally, Li Xiu wanted to take the corpse of the demon spirit to the research institute first, but after leaving Li's house, the old official came closer and said in a low voice, "This thing has to be taken to the No. 7 courtyard, not in the research institute. hospital?"

"Why?" Li Xiu asked.

"Just now that Li Xianchun was here

, I didn’t explain clearly, the demon larva in the mother’s body was not fully developed when it gave birth, and it hadn’t cut off the connection with the mother’s body. It regarded the mother’s body as a part of itself. Melting into one body, the mother body has really become a part of its body. It can be said that this corpse has now become a new demon spirit. "

The old official whispered excitedly: "Now it is a god-level monster, but it has not learned to fight, and it can't even move. This is a living treasure. Kill it now, and everything will be lost." possible."

Li Xiu was also overjoyed when he heard the words, he already understood what the old official meant.

Everything is possible, which means that it is possible to burst out **** gems, magic rings, skill rings and so on.

The key is that it has no ability to resist, and killing it is much easier than killing a real **** monster.

"The research institute can't stand the toss. Your No. 7 courtyard has a special defense system. If there is any accident, it can withstand one or two." The old official said.

"Okay, then take it to the No. 7 courtyard." Li Xiu nodded slightly, and asked them to send the demon corpse to the No. 7 courtyard.

After the corpse was brought to the No. 7 Courtyard, the old official and Professor Xu sent some instruments to re-examine the corpse.

The result was no different from what the old officials and the others had predicted before. It was certain that the larva became part of the mother's body and combined with the corpse to form a new demon spirit.

However, because the larva itself is not fully developed, it has not acquired various inheritance abilities and knowledge, but only integrates with the mother's corpse by instinct, and relies on the energy of the mother's corpse to maintain the growth of life.

It only knows how to absorb the energy of the mother body, and it doesn't know anything else. It is equivalent to an idiot vegetable **** and demon.

"If you want to kill it now, there will be some risks." The old official analyzed: "Although it doesn't understand anything now, and it doesn't even know how to drive its body to move, but if it is attacked, its instinct will make it seek a way out , when the time comes, maybe it will learn to act and fight instinctively, so if you want to kill it, it's best to get rid of it in a very short time, so that it has no chance to resist, otherwise you need to arrange some The means of repression, even if it will resist at that time, we can control the situation.”

"I don't have that great ability to suppress god-level demon spirits. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to kill them with one blow."

Li Xiu shook his head.

Li Xiu can also get some arrangements for the suppression, but it is unknown whether he can suppress the god-level demons.

"If these two ways don't work, then I have another proposal." The old official seemed to have planned it long ago, and continued after hearing the words: "We can take a more gentle method, first try to extract light energy from its body, When the light energy in its body is reduced to a certain level, it will naturally have no ability to resist, and it will be easier to control."

"Will the extraction of light energy cause it to develop a sense of resistance?" Li Xiu asked.

"This requires timely observation and manipulation, and you can slowly probe from the shallow to the deep... The old official roughly explained his plan.

"Alright, then do as you say." Li Xiu nodded slightly.

With Li Xiu's consent, the old official immediately started to prepare.

Although the research institute does not have many suppression methods of the testers, it is not difficult to use technological means to impose some restrictions and methods on an immobile demon.

Before they started to extract the light energy, they began to arrange various instruments and machinery to facilitate the control of the gods and demons.

In case something goes wrong, the demon can be restricted for a period of time, so that Li Xiu can have time to make other plans.

Some equipment needed to be fabricated and remodeled, but that alone took days.

In the past few days, Li Xiu has been using various resources to improve his casting spirit.

When they finished their preparations, Li Xiu was still not at ease. After discussing with the old official, he asked the old official to find a way to punch a few small holes in the unimportant position of the demon.

Ordinary materials simply cannot be used here

To leave traces on the corpse, it was because Professor Xu obtained a set of drill-like tools made of god-level materials that he managed to make small holes in the insignificant parts of the corpse.

It took almost two days to make a small hole less than one centimeter deep.

After punching a few small holes, Li Xiu summoned the Forbidden Spear and fired a bullet at each of the small holes.

If you let the old officials and the others start extracting the light energy of the demon spirit with confidence, the extracted light energy will be sent to the light energy container researched by Professor Xu. Li Xiu looked at the demon spirit who was imprisoned and connected by equipment everywhere, and saw an orange light energy being drawn out along the transparent pipe and slowly sent into the container.

The shape is like a gas tank, but its volume is several times larger. The upper half is transparent, and the lower half is a metal light energy container, gradually accumulating orange radiance.

The clusters of orange light made the container brighter and brighter. Lao Guan'er and the others have been closely watching the data on the demon's instrument.

"Everything is normal...the light energy activity in the corpse is stable...the value is 76. The value is 75. The researchers who stared at the various instruments kept reporting the values.

The old official and Professor Xu gave various instructions while listening to various data.

Everything went smoothly, the second delivery pipe also lit up, and the two pipes together extracted the light energy from the corpse.

Because the light energy contained in the body of the god-level demon spirit is too huge, if it is only extracted through one pipeline, it may take a year to reduce the light energy in the demon spirit's body to the level they need.

After the second channel was opened, the old official and Professor Xu were also a little nervous. While staring at the data, they kept actively asking for various values.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong. After the second pipeline was opened for a certain period of time, the condition of the corpse was still very stable.

An hour later, Qiu Tianyu asked: "Old officer, all values ​​are very stable, do you want to open the third channel?"

"Let's stop here today. We will maintain the two pipelines for the time being. Observe the situation for two days first. The old official wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Even he is under great psychological pressure at this moment, if one fails, it may cost a lot of lives, so he definitely dare not be careless.

Professor Xu also nodded and said: "Don't rush for success. You need to observe at least seven days to stabilize the two pipelines. During these seven days, you will be divided into two groups and take turns to be on duty. Once there is any data fluctuation, even if it is a very small abnormal fluctuation , must be reported as soon as possible. I and the elders will take turns to guard." Everyone responded, and under the command of Professor Xu, they were divided into two groups, one group went back to rest, and the other group continued to stare at the data.

Li Xiu has been watching from the side. He can't help with such a high-tech thing, so he can only watch.

The orange radiance emitted from the tall demon corpse was still very dazzling. Li Xiu was wearing the same special overalls as the researchers to prevent the body from being affected by the orange light.

His eyes never left the demon's body. Although the data showed that it was normal, Li Xiu felt a little uneasy.

Everything went so smoothly, even if it was an idiot monster, even an idiot should feel it.

No matter how stupid a person is, if blood is drawn from him, he should know the pain and fear.

But this monster didn't respond at all, like a vegetable.

Li Xiu didn't know if the vegetative person felt it. He hoped that the vegetative person didn't feel it, and hoped that it could go on smoothly.

"Chief, you should go back and rest first. We are watching here. If there is any abnormality, I will let you know as soon as possible." Professor Xu came over and said. "No, seven days is nothing to a tester." Li Xiu planned to watch from the beginning to the end, and if any accident happened, he would be able to solve it immediately.

"It's not a matter of a day or two. Can you stare for seven days, can you stare for a month? If you want to reduce the light energy of the **** monster to an ideal level, even if all the channels are activated at the same time, you need at least two It will take about a month to complete, can you stay awake for two months? The old official came over and said."

Old officer, I feel a little uneasy, are all the values ​​really stable? Li Xiu pondered and said.

"I've just seen it. It's very stable and there are no waves. Don't worry." The old official said.

"It's because there is no disturbance that I am a little uneasy. If there are any disturbances that are resolved by us, then it will be fine." Li Xiu said.

Professor Xu and the old official looked at each other, and Professor Xu said, "Your worry is not unreasonable. I have the same worry. It's just that it's so stable now, and there is no abnormal situation. You can't stop now, right?"

Without saying a word, the old official walked over to read the values ​​on all the instruments by himself. After reading it, he returned to Li Xiu and said, "All the values ​​are indeed stable, which makes people feel a little uneasy. What do you think?"

Li Xiu shook his head: "I don't have any thoughts, and I haven't found anything, I just feel a little uneasy, it's just a feeling."

"Anxiety is never a feeling, but what you have realized in your subconscious mind, so you are uneasy. Since we are all a little uneasy, let's stop."

The old official made a decisive decision and directly ordered the researchers to turn off the equipment for extracting light energy.

The two transparent pipes that transported orange light energy slowly dimmed, and finally stopped drawing light energy completely.

The staff walked over and removed the light-absorbing device attached to the demon.

The first light-absorbing device was successfully removed. When the staff was removing the second light-absorbing device, the demon's body suddenly shook. The staff was shocked and fell off the scaffolding. Li Xiu reacted quickly enough and came close in an instant, one with each hand, and caught the two staff in the air.

When Li Xiu fell, he saw the demon spirit's body trembling constantly, and in its abdomen, the orange-sapphire armor-like abdomen gradually swelled up, and soon became like a pregnant woman's. Average stomach.

Everyone's face changed drastically, and the old official and Professor Xu immediately ordered everyone to turn on various confinement devices.

One after another, the devices imprisoning the demon spirit's body were shining brightly, covering the demon spirit's body like rainbows, enveloping the demon spirit's body like a large net woven by rainbows.

The demon's body was shrouded in a net of light, and the shaking of his body was much smaller, but the protruding abdomen showed no sign of stopping, and was still getting bigger. The rainbow-like brilliance above has already entered its belly, but the belly is still getting bigger.

Li Xiu had activated the evil spirit card's twin casting spirits at the first time, allowing the two casting spirits, one red and one blue, to fuse with his body.

At the same time, the Forbidden Spear in the form of Gatling was summoned, and the cast spirit like blood vines also appeared on the gun body.

Li Xiu pointed the Forbidden Spear at the demon spirit, but did not attack immediately.

"Photoactivity...1785...986.059..Photoactivity began to decrease...1987..1682.957...571..271..168...88...has dropped to the normal range. .”

Although the various values ​​reported by the staff began to drop, and most of them had dropped to normal levels, no one thought that the demon had really returned to normal.

The demon spirit's swollen belly suddenly shrank, and it condensed into a strange face in the abdomen of the demon spirit's corpse.

The face is in the shape of a duck egg, much smaller than the three faces on the monster's head, and it looks like a face-shaped belt buckle on the abdomen.

The small face has ears, eyes, and a mouth~www.readwn.com~ but no nose. The mouth looks like a clown's smile, and the sides are slightly upturned.

Although the small face has eyes, it has no pupils, and the orange eyes are drooping and crescent-shaped.

As the mouth on the small face grinned, the small face that looked like a smiling face seemed to have turned into a ferocious devil, with jagged teeth exposed in the mouth.

The arrangement of the research worked, no matter how distorted the little face was, it was trapped by the rainbow light net, making it difficult to tear it apart.

Seeing that little face rushing out, everyone in the research institute breathed a sigh of relief.

Although these confinement can't last too long, it's better than not having any buffer time.

The old official was about to say something to Li Xiu, but suddenly heard a strange moment.

I saw that little face stopped twisting, staring at Li Xiu with drooping eyes, and made a strange voice: "Chief, are you going to kill me?"

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