When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 355: the best choice

"Who are you?" Li Xiu stared at the little face and asked, wondering why this demon called him Chief.

"Who are you?" Xiaolian stared at Li Xiu and said the same thing.

Li Xiu immediately realized that Xiaolian didn't really know him, but was imitating their words. The members of the technician team used to call him chief, so Xiaolian called him chief.

"He is imitating and learning, we must kill it quickly." The old official said loudly.

"He is imitating and learning, so he must kill it quickly." Xiaolian also repeated what the old official said, and the tone began to be somewhat similar.

Li Xiuzhong no longer hesitated, the light bullets of the Forbidden Gun immediately poured out, but these bullets hit the demon spirit's body, they couldn't break its body at all, the light bullets hit the orange body like raindrops On top, was immediately bounced away.

Although these light bullets were useless, Li Xiu did not stop shooting, as if frantically strafing the whole body of the demon spirit.

"Tack...Tack...Ding...Ding..." Xiaolian even simulated the sound of the Forbidden Gun's shooting and the impact of the light bullets, giving people a strange and eerie feeling.

After countless light bullets were shot out, with a thought in Li Xiu's mind, the Blood Vine Casting Spirit wrapped around the Forbidden Spear bloomed with blood.

All the shot bullets flew up automatically and stuck to the demon spirit's body. Each light bullet was like a flower bone, blooming blood-colored flowers.

Blood-colored flowers bloomed on the monster's body, like a statue made of flowers.

"Is...is that..." Xiaolian showed a strange expression, opened his mouth, and immediately shot out orange light bullets like a stream of light, frantically spewing towards Li Xiu.

Li Xiu stood there without moving, but those light bullets flew past Li Xiu, and none of them could hit him.

The power of the Forbidden Spear played a role, making it completely impossible for the demon spirit's attack to hit Li Xiu.

The light bullet hit the wall, which immediately triggered the defense system of the No. 7 Courtyard itself. The light on the jade wall bloomed and collided with the jade light continuously, resulting in a terrifying explosion of light energy.

The Yuguang defense in the No. 7 courtyard forcibly stopped all the light bullets and did not spread outside the No. 7 courtyard. However, the shock wave generated by the explosion in the No. 7 courtyard smashed everything in the courtyard.

Fortunately, the old officials and the others had already made preparations. Everyone hid in the defensive circle formed by the setup, and was not affected by the shock wave generated by the explosion. Under the impact of the shock wave, the aperture formed by the equipment became flickering, as if it would be broken at any time.

Li Xiu frowned slightly. The taboo flower bloomed by the Forbidden Spear's Forged Spirit had a certain influence on the demon spirit, but it did not completely affect the demon spirit.

This is also because the demon spirit is learning and growing, and has not been able to fully exert its own power.

If it waits until it can fully control its own power, and then learns some skills, I am afraid that the influence of those forbidden flowers on it will become even smaller. With a thought in Li Xiu's mind, the blood vines on the Forbidden Spear bloomed with blood again, and the few light bullets buried on the demon spirit's body before also bloomed with flowers.

The small face that seemed to be very excited opened its mouth and wanted to release the light bomb attack again, but its eyes suddenly showed confusion. The light energy bred in the mouth could not be emitted, but exploded in its mouth.

"Sure enough, the taboo bullet that shoots through the body is more effective." Li Xiu was overjoyed when he saw this.

Not giving that little face any more chances, Li Xiu put aside the taboo gun, held a golden table knife in one hand, and a long-lived chopsticks in the other, jumped up and stabbed at the little girl who was still confused Face.


The blade of the golden table knife pierced Xiaolian's eyes, but there was a sound of metal and iron clanging, and it failed to penetrate.

And the longevity treasure chopsticks in the other hand forcibly pierced the other eye of the little face, piercing deeply.

The little face screamed in pain, twisting and struggling to shrink into the stomach of the demon corpse. The whole corpse was struggling crazily, but it was imprisoned by the rainbow net and could not struggle out.

嘭嘭 嘭嘭!

The rainbow net is broken one by one, and I am afraid that it will not last long, and it will no longer be able to control the demon.

Where is Li Xiu willing to give it a chance to retract, put aside the golden table knife, hold the longevity treasure chopsticks with both hands, pour all the strength of the whole body into the longevity treasure chopsticks, and stab it in rapid succession, leaving a scar on the small face. One deep hole after another.

The moment the little face was about to sink into the stomach, Li Xiu pierced its forehead with a chopstick, and the little face stopped shrinking immediately, and stood there motionless.

Li Xiu stabbed fiercely at the little face a few more times, and seeing that the little face was completely motionless, he let go of his hand, only feeling his whole body go limp. Just now, he tried his best to pour light energy into the Longevity Chopsticks, almost draining his own light energy.

I didn't feel much when I was working hard before, but now I just feel that my whole body is so weak that I can't stand anymore.

Suddenly, the brilliance of the devil's whole body gathered in front of the little face, which shocked Li Xiu and others.

After a closer look, it was discovered that the brilliance was condensed together and slowly crystallized, as if it was turning into an orange gemstone.

"Is it the talent gem or the **** gem?" Li Xiu stared at the orange crystal in the condensed brilliance.

God-level talent gems are very rare. In theory, if it is a special talent ability, it is more valuable than god-level gems.

But because there are not so many god-level testers, so for now, god-level gems are more useful.

More and more orange brilliance condensed into crystals, and not long after, under the gaze of everyone, an orange gemstone like an eye was condensed.

"It's a gem of a god!" After seeing it clearly, Li Xiu immediately saw that it was not a gem of talent, and was ecstatic in his heart.

All the orange brilliance on the monster's body was completely condensed on the gemstone, and the monster's body became dull, like a gray stone.

Generally, only the skeletons of demon spirits that have not condensed treasures can be used as materials. Such skeletons whose whole body light energy has been turned into gems are not of much use anymore, and cannot be used as god-level materials.

Li Xiu stretched out his hand to grab the falling gem, and then knocked open the head with a small face that had turned into a gray stone. Sure enough, there was an orange magic core the size of a pigeon egg inside.

Li Xiu was in a good mood. Originally, he only wanted to get a set of god-level materials, but he didn't expect to get another god-level gem, and an extra god-level magic core.

This is also thanks to Li Xianchun for contributing such a wonderful monster, it is like an idiot baby, otherwise it would not be so easy to kill it, even with the chopsticks of longevity.

If Li Xianchun knew this was the result, he would probably vomit blood out of anger.

"Congratulations, you have obtained another **** gem, and this gem is extraordinary." Li Ming'er, who had been watching inside the room, came over and said with a smile.

Although Li Xiu didn't ask Li Ming'er for help, she still kept an eye on the situation here, and if Li Xiu couldn't handle it, she would help. It's not that Li Xiu doesn't want to ask Li Ming'er for help, but he's just afraid that the president will find a reason to covet his achievements even if Li Ming'er is not in any danger if he finds out that he put Li Ming'er at risk.

It's just that he knew in his heart that even if he didn't say anything, Li Ming'er would definitely not ignore him. If it really got to the point where he couldn't handle it, Li Ming'er would definitely help. That's why Li Xiu had the confidence to make such a fuss in the No. 7 courtyard.

"Aren't they all gemstones? Is there anything special about this one?" Li Xiu didn't see any difference between this gemstone and his one.

"This demon is different, and it is very rare. I will tell you more about it later." Seeing so many people here, Li Ming'er was unwilling to say more.

Li Xiu also understood what Li Minger meant, so he asked someone to clean up the things in the yard, and asked the old official to go back with the research institute's equipment.

Of course, Li Xiu is not stingy, anyway, he has a lot of resources, so he just needs to give these researchers more benefits later.

Before leaving, the old official walked over with a smile on his face: "You should have no use for that magic core for the time being, why don't you study it for us, my magic outfit is short of one

A god-level magic core. "

Although Li Xiu also wanted a magic core, it was really not a necessity. The old officials and the others also put in a lot of effort and took such a big risk, it was hard to refuse. Li Xiu didn't say much, and directly gave the magic core of the **** position to the old official. Anyway, the magic core created in the future will still be used by him.

After the old official and the others left, Li Ming'er said to Li Xiu: "The demon spirit comes from the Flame Mountain, and its name is Zhenyang Xiegu. I once heard the three immortal corpses mention that the power of Zhenyang Xiegu is very important to the body. The Longevity Three Corpses are somewhat restraining, and even they are a little afraid."

"I haven't seen how powerful this demon spirit is?" Li Xiu felt that this demon spirit was not as powerful as Li Ming'er said, and even the top demon spirits like the three immortal corpses were afraid of it.

"You don't think it's powerful, that's because its body is controlled by a baby-like soul, and it can't exert its own strength at all. There is another important reason, the power of the real yang and evil bones can restrain the three long-lived corpses Function, on the other hand, the power of the three immortal corpses also has a restraining effect on the real yang and evil bones. The longevity treasure chopsticks are the treasure of Changsheng Island, and they also have a restraining effect on the real yang and evil bones. Otherwise, the small face is its weakness It is not so easy for you to kill the vital point." Li Ming'er explained the cause and effect.

"So that's it. I said why the longevity treasure chopsticks suddenly became so powerful." Li Xiu laughed. Originally, he had planned to use a bottle of truth liquid if the longevity treasure chopsticks were not strong enough.

"I just saw this, that's why I didn't help. Don't blame me." Li Ming'er said.

"How could I blame you?" Li Xiu reached out and rubbed Li Ming'er's head: "You have done enough for me, you are my lucky star."

"You're the only one who can talk." Li Ming'er rolled her eyes at Li Xiu, but that charming appearance didn't make people disgusted at all, instead it made people feel at ease. The movement in the No. 7 Courtyard alarmed many people, but no one knew what happened in the No. 7 Courtyard.

Many people inquired secretly, but they didn't get any news. Although there were many people in the No. 7 courtyard at that time, they were all old researchers of the research institute and Li Xiu's loyalists like Qiu Tianyu. No one leaked any news at all.

Li Xiu got another gem of a **** position. With a lot of resources in his hand, he didn't go out for a long time, desperately improving his cast spirit level, hoping to be promoted to the **** position before the agreed time.

The tester competition is still going on, and the casting spirit level powerhouses of each family have let the outsiders see the power of the top testers. Now the reputation of the testers is no less than that of the magician.

More and more people are willing to become testers, but the risk of becoming a tester is still very high. All major forces in the outside world are exploring the door of trials and seeking more resources, so that they can be used in the upcoming testers. The era takes its place.

Although the status of a magician is not as high as before, it is no longer the only choice for ordinary people, but it is still the first choice for ordinary people. After all, becoming a magician only requires talent, and you can immediately gain powerful combat power. For practitioners, it is much more difficult and the risks are much greater.

The new magic costumes displayed by Space City and the new magic costumes of White Night City also caused quite a stir.

space city.

Guan Jinghao stood on the top floor of the space building, the tallest building in the space city, looking at the brightly lit night view of the space city.

"City Master, Mr. Fu, please go over there. There is a problem with the research on the 13th." Shura walked over and said standing behind Guan Jinghao.

"I'm going to receive an important guest today." Guan Jinghao said unmoved, still looking into the distance.

"Guest? Who will come so late?" Shura asked with some doubts.

Guan Jinghao is a very self-disciplined person. If there is no special important matter, he always gets up early and goes to bed early. He will never see anyone at night, let alone wait for guests.

It was so late now, Guan Jinghao actually had to wait for a guest, this was something that had never happened before.

"Maybe it's an old friend." Guan Jinghao's eyes were a little strange, and he continued: "Turn off all the defense systems of the space building and let everyone leave. The gate doesn't need to be closed, just open it."

"Li Xiu is here?" Shura suddenly realized something and frowned.

Guan Jinghao didn't answer him, but said with a sigh: "Sura, do you believe in fate?"

"I believe." Shura replied affirmatively, and then continued: "Although we are all trying to control our own lives, who can really control their own lives? There are often opportunities that people cannot grasp. I believe in those It's fate."

"I don't believe in fate. I have always believed that as long as I am strong enough, I can control everything, including fate." Guan Jinghao turned to look at Shura and said, "But someone told me to try to accept fate."

"Who?" Shura was a little curious, who would dare to say such things to someone like Guan Jinghao.

"Number four." Guan Jinghao sighed softly.

"I thought it was Li Xiu." Shura laughed.

"Go, he should be here soon." Guan Jinghao said with a slight smile, waving his hand.

Shura didn't say anything more. After leaving the top floor, he asked all the staff in the building to leave, not even a single guard.

Soon, the entire space building became empty, but it was still brightly lit.

It didn't take long for Li Xiu to arrive at the entrance of the Space Building. When he saw the open door without anyone guarding it, he knew that Guan Jinghao had known in advance that he was coming.

"Guan Jinghao is good at everything. He is indeed a man of excellence. Unfortunately, I just don't like him." Li Xiu sighed softly, walked into the building, and took the elevator directly to the top floor. He had already seen the man standing on the top floor Guan Jinghao in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass.


The elevator reached the top floor, and after it opened slowly, Li Xiu walked out, and saw Guan Jinghao sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, one person and one chair. "You already have the ability to step through the sky, why do you still have to step up? Don't you think it's a waste of time? Guan Jinghao didn't turn his head, but said indifferently.

"Isn't time just for wasting?" Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao's back and said.

"You're really extravagant." Guan Jinghao still didn't turn his head, and said calmly, "Come with me to see the night view of this space city?"

"Not interested." Li Xiu said.

"You have wasted so much time, why don't you want to spend a little time with me to see the scenery?" Guan Jinghao said.

"I'm only willing to waste time on people and things I like, and you're obviously not among them," Li Xiu said.

"Are you willing to waste time on Bai Qiuyi?" Guan Jinghao asked lightly.

"He is my friend, of course I am willing, but you are not." Li Xiu said.

"Since you are willing to waste time on Bai Qiuyi, you should accompany me to see the night view of this space city." Guan Jinghao said.

"What do you mean?" Li Xiu frowned.

"Isn't his matter worth wasting your time?" Guan Jinghao said with a smile.

Li Xiu didn't say anything, walked to the side and pulled a chair, came to sit next to Guan Jinghao.

"Since Bai Qiuyi brought me back, is it all within your plan?" Li Xiu said looking at the brightly lit city outside the window.

"I didn't have the ability to predict your existence, and I didn't know that he would meet you." Guan Jinghao said.

"So?" Li Xiu remained expressionless.

"So if I do it all over again, I think I'll take you as a copycat." Guan Jinghao looked at Li Xiu and said with a smile.

"Then why did you choose Bai Qiuyi this time? Three years should be enough for you to choose again many times." Li Xiu has always been puzzled by this question. He had been in Space City for three years, during which he had done some physical tests and experienced many battles. Guan Jinghao did have enough opportunities to obtain his body samples.

Wouldn't that be more straightforward, why bother to make Bai Qiuyi learn his various techniques ~www.readwn.com~ and then copy Bai Qiuyi.

"Because of self-confidence." Guan Jinghao said with a smile.

"Confidence?" Li Xiu still couldn't fully


"Do you think you are inferior to others?" Guan Jinghao looked at Li Xiu and asked.

"Could it be." Li Xiu suddenly realized something, and looked at Guan Jinghao in disbelief.

"Most people, when they were young, thought that they were the protagonists of the world, and the world revolved around them. But after entering the society, they were beaten by the society, and sooner or later they would realize that they were not important to the world. Just an insignificant grain of sand, life or death, doing or not doing, talking or not saying, thinking or not thinking, can not have any influence on this world, and gradually no longer think that oneself is the protagonist of this world. Some stubborn people, even when they die, will think that this world exists because of him, and if he dies, this world will have no meaning, and I am exactly that kind of person." Guan Jinghao looked at Li Xiuxuan Huan said: "I am Bai Qiuyi, and Bai Qiuyi is me, so I think that is the best choice."

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