When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 356: The world can't tolerate you and me like this

Latest website: Li Xiu stared at Guan Jinghao with wide eyes. It was hard to imagine that Bai Qiuyi would be a replica based on Guan Jinghao.

He always thought that Bai Qiuyi was the source of the clone, but he had never thought that Bai Qiuyi was also a clone before.

He carefully looked at Guan Jinghao in front of him. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but now it seems that although the faces of the two people look a little different, their demeanor and temperament are also different, but their bodies are very similar in all aspects, except that they are fatter and thinner, and muscular. Something is different.

As if seeing the doubt in Li Xiu's heart, Guan Jinghao said indifferently: "It is not difficult to modify the genetic information of the five sense organs."

Li Xiu's mood gradually calmed down, he looked at Guan Jinghao and said, "Even if Bai Qiuyi was born using your genes, you are still two completely different people."

Guan Jinghao nodded and said: "It is true that they are two completely different people. There are some problems in the production process of No. 4, that is, Bai Qiuyi, which makes him have a personality that is different from mine, even different from my main body. But You can't deny that without me, there would be no Bai Qiuyi."

With that said, Guan Jinghao looked at Li Xiu, smiled and said, "You can be friends with No. 4, why can't we be friends?"

Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao for a long time before saying, "Because you are not Bai Qiuyi."

Guan Jinghao sighed: "Maybe this is fate. Bai Qiuyi from me can become your best friend, but my body can only become your enemy."

"I never thought of being your enemy, but you have always regarded me as an enemy." Li Xiu said.

"My enemy has never been you." Guan Jinghao said lightly.

"Then why do you make things difficult for me?" Li Xiu didn't think Guan Jinghao's statement was absurd. A person like him naturally has his reasons for doing things. Li Xiu just wanted to know what kind of reasons Guan Jinghao had.

"Because you became a tester, because you joined Changshengtian." Guan Jinghao said word by word.

"So, your enemies are Changshengtian and the testers? Do you want to kill all the testers? If there are no testers in the world, can magicians resist the invasion of demon spirits? Even if you dominate the world , so what?" Li Xiu understood what Guan Jinghao meant.

"You are wrong. My enemy is not Changshengtian, let alone a tester. There is only one enemy of mine." Guan Jinghao said lightly.

"Changshengtian's president? Did your elders die on behalf of the president?" Li Xiu asked with a frown.

Guan Jinghao didn't answer, stood up slowly, walked to the glass, stretched out a hand to press the glass, looked out the window and said, "What do you think is the greatest enemy of human beings?"

"What else can it be except demons?" Li Xiu said.

"Human beings have existed in this world for far longer than you can imagine. In such a long time, demons have never invaded on a large scale. When did the real invasion of demons begin?" Guan Jinghao said.

"You mean to say that the reason why the demons invaded was because of the president?" Li Xiu had heard about these things, and knew that the reason why the gates of trials appeared in large numbers was because Changshengtian was digging a gem mine. I don't know what went wrong, which caused a large number of trial gates to appear. Since then, a large number of demons have passed through the trial gates and come to Earth.

"That person is the root of all evil. Whether you believe it or not, I have only one goal and enemy." Guan Jinghao said with burning eyes.

"What about the evidence? Changshengtian's digging of the gemstone mine may have been just an accident, and they didn't know it would happen." Li Xiu stared at Guan Jinghao and said.

Guan Jinghao laughed: "Do you know where that gemstone mine is?"

Li Xiu originally wanted to say that he didn't know, but his heart moved, and he whispered, "Could it be Changshengtian?"

"It's good if you know." Guan Jinghao said coldly: "That person has already calculated everything. This world is just a bargaining chip in his hand. If you still stick to his side, the day the world is destroyed, You will be one of the accomplices, can you accept the consequences? Can you see your relatives and friends because of you?

and die, and their homes be destroyed because of you? "

"What you said is just speculation, I need evidence." Li Xiu frowned.

"What kind of evidence do you want, a person who wants to use you to destroy your home, will he tell you that I will destroy your home and family?" Guan Jinghao's expression became more and more gloomy.

"Why did he do that kind of thing? This is also his home. If he destroys his own home, what good will it do him?" Li Xiu said.

"What if this is not his home?" Guan Jinghao's words made Li Xiu startled.

"What do you mean?" Li Xiu stared at Guan Jinghao and asked.

"What if that person is not human?" Guan Jinghao stared at Li Xiu with burning eyes, and said every word.

"You said the president is not human? Then what is he? A demon?" Li Xiu didn't think the president was a demon.

"I don't know what he is. Maybe he is not a demon, but he is definitely not human, at least not human like us." Guan Jinghao said. "How do you know?" It was really hard for Li Xiu to believe Guan Jinghao's unconstrained statement.

"Do you want to know how I know?" Guan Jinghao turned around and looked at Li Xiu with a strange expression.

"Yes, I need to know your reason, otherwise it will be hard for me to believe what you said." Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao without flinching.

"Then do as you wish." Guan Jinghao said, reaching out and tearing off the clothes on his body, revealing a perfect body that can almost be said to be the ultimate human being. "What are you doing?" Li Xiu frowned.

"Don't you want to see the evidence? This is the evidence. Although there is only half of his blood flowing in this body, I know very well that this is definitely not the blood that humans should have." Guan Jinghao said, holding out his palm , the five fingers grabbed his waist like a blade.

With force, his five fingers slid from his waist to his shoulders in an instant, leaving five deep bloodstains on his body obliquely.

It's just that the blood in the bloodstain didn't flow out, it condensed at the wound, and the terrible wound healed in an instant.

"You are also the descendant of the president..." Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao blankly, a little in disbelief, but if Guan Jinghao is really the descendant of the president, it seems that many things can be explained.

Why did Space City and Changshengtian fight against each other, and Guan Jinghao wanted to kill the chairman, but the chairman acquiesced in the existence of Space City and Guan Jinghao, and never even attacked them.

Why should Guan Jinghao be the one who should go all out on behalf of the president? He can give himself the jade medal at will, and the president didn't make things difficult for him, but let himself go all the way instead of Guan Jinghao.

If Guan Jinghao is the descendant of the president, then all this makes sense.

But if all of this is true, as the president's son, why does Guan Jinghao want to kill the president so much? Li Xiu feels a little headache.

"How many seeds does that old guy keep outside? Is he a breeding pig?"

Li Xiu rubbed his temples, thinking about how credible Guan Jinghao's words are...

"I admit, you are very strong, so strong that even I am a little surprised. If you are willing to be with me, maybe we have a chance to kill him. Come with me, we can be friends." Guan Jinghao walked to Li Xiu In front of him, he stretched out his palm and said.

"What if I don't want to?" Li Xiu asked back.

"It's already very difficult to defeat that person. I don't want another opponent that even I find terrifying." Guan Jinghao's palm was still hanging stubbornly in front of Li Xiu.

"So, if I don't want to, you will kill me, right?" Li Xiu still didn't reach out, staring at Guan Jinghao and asked.

"I don't want that kind of thing to happen." Guan Jinghao said sincerely.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I can't promise you, at least not now." Li Xiu got up and said.

"What a pity, I thought you and I were the same person." Guan Jinghao slowly withdrew his palm.

On his body, a strange brilliance gradually faded, and the brilliance surrounded his body like a ribbon, gradually wrapped it, and turned into a white gorgeous

A beautiful dress, that is obviously a deed, and it is also a natal deed.

Li Xiu was not at all surprised that Guan Jinghao was a tester. Regardless of whether he was the descendant of the president or not, his elders were all born in the Longevity Heaven. It is naturally not surprising that people born in the Longevity Heaven are testers.

Moreover, Guan Jinghao had to fight on behalf of the president before, and it was impossible for the magician to enter the trial ground, so Guan Jinghao must be the trialer.

Coupled with the previous president's reminder, Li Xiu can be sure that Guan Jinghao is not only a tester, but has probably reached the level of a god

"I never regarded you as an enemy, why must you die?" Li Xiu stood up, looked at Guan Jinghao and sighed.

"Maybe it's because we were doomed to be enemies from the very beginning. This world can't accommodate two people like you and me." Guan Jinghao looked past Li Xiu and said calmly, "Since our fate started from the magic costume , then use the magic outfit to settle the matter, you choose first.”

Li Xiu turned his head and saw two sets of magic costumes in the display cabinet over there, one red and the other white.

The red set is very similar to the Honghualang he used before, while the white set is very similar to the silent set that Bai Qiuyi used most.

It's just obvious that these two sets of magic suits are more advanced than the ones they used before.

Li Xiu didn't say anything more. He couldn't be kinder today. He came here to solve the problem. Obviously, he couldn't solve the problem with his mouth. Li Xiu walked to the display cabinet, reached out and grabbed the activation device of the red magic suit. In an instant, the red magic suit was activated by him, and each part was wrapped around him.

It feels very comfortable and familiar. Although this magic suit is not Honghualang, the design of the content must refer to Honghualang, which is very suitable for Li Xiu's body and operating habits.

Guan Jinghao also grabbed the white magic suit and put it on on his body.

Looking at Guan Jinghao in the white magic costume, Li Xiu couldn't help feeling a little dazed, as if he saw Bai Qiuyi standing in front of him in the magic costume again.

"Come on, let me see how strong your talent is. There can only be one strongest human being in this world." The light patterns on the white magic suit bloomed, and Guan Jinghao jumped up, breaking through the glass roof, vertically Flew to the sky.

Li Xiu activated the magic outfit almost at the same time, and flew towards the sky.

Their battle must be very fierce. If the battle is fought in the city, the entire space city may be destroyed, and there will be countless casualties. This is also the result that Li Xiu does not want to see.

So even though he knew Guan Jinghao's plan, Li Xiu still followed.

Today's weather is good, the moon is bright and clear, and there is no dark cloud. Although it is only a crescent moon, it is clean and peaceful.

Deviated from the sky above the space city, two magicians, one red and one white, looked at each other.

"I'll ask you one last time, do you want to stand by my side or that person?" Guan Jinghao asked again aloud.

"Can I choose neither?" Li Xiu said.

"In the real world, there is no black and white. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Only the human heart has a middle ground." Guan Jinghao said flatly: "It seems that you have already made a decision, and it is useless to talk."

As soon as the words fell, a pair of white wings of light rose from behind Guan Jinghao, like a holy angel descending, drew a strange and beautiful arc, and instantly came in front of Li Xiu.

Li Xiu also got up together, and the red light streaks covered the entire magic costume, like a fire shadow facing Guan Jinghao.

Two lights and shadows, one red and one white, quickly intertwined and entangled in the sky, leaving countless afterimages.

Li Xiu trembled all over. With his spiritual sense not crossing the line, the performance of the red magic suit had been developed to the limit by him.

The performance of this set of red magic suits far surpassed that of the Honghualang he used before. Even without crossing the line, it was able to burst out at the level of the light-based level, and it was not very difficult, and the performance was not overdrawn.

Li Xiu's body trembled, not because the performance of this red magic suit was good enough, but because the opponent was too strong, which made him feel the long-lost excitement.


Ever since he became a magician and obtained the title of God, it was hard for him to feel excited in the battle of magic outfits.

This kind of excitement was only felt when he first met Bai Qiuyi.

And the pressure Guan Jinghao brought to him was far from what Bai Qiuyi could match before.

Li Xiu had to admit that Guan Jinghao was indeed a genius, a peerless genius.

The two of them also used angel wings, and Guan Jinghao's angel wings were no weaker than his. Until now, Li Xiu hadn't found a single flaw. The real strength of Angel Wings is not those physical skills, but the reasonable use of everything and psychological prediction.

Technology has no limits, but people have limits. When people's technology reaches a certain limit, but they still cannot defeat their opponents, they can only rely on psychological games and predictions.

Both of them are constantly speculating about each other's actions and intentions, and are constantly using some means to create false appearances for each other.

It's a pity that until now, Li Xiu has not been able to take advantage of it. He has seen through all of Guan Jinghao's intentions, and Guan Jinghao has also broken all his traps.

The two seem to be two equal chess players, both of them can see the opponent's thoughts and ideas clearly, neither can deceive the other, they can only continue to use various hard powers to play games.

From the beginning until now, the two of them haven't had a head-on collision yet, but they have spent an indefinite amount of effort.


Almost at the same time, both of them backed away, because they knew in their hearts that it was meaningless for them to continue this kind of battle, no matter whether it was technology or consciousness, they could not directly crush each other to win.

"Let me see your real ability, the kind of spiritual knowledge that far exceeds that of ordinary magicians." Guan Jinghao said with some fanaticism.

"Then come." The moment the spiritual consciousness crossed the line, Li Xiu's expression turned cold, and his whole person seemed to have become a machine without emotion.

As the spiritual consciousness crossed the line, the performance of the red magic suit was squeezed again, and the red light patterns were completely connected into one piece, and the whole set of magic suit was like a piece of red-hot iron. so-so.

Seeing that the light energy on Li Xiu's body is getting stronger and stronger, Guan Jinghao's white magic costume has also improved again. The white light energy makes the magic costume look like crystal jade. "So your spiritual sense can also pass the line." Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao and said expressionlessly.

"Originally, I couldn't. Ever since Bai Qiuguan got to know your spiritual knowledge beyond common sense, I have tried every means to make my spiritual knowledge reach and exceed yours. For this, I paid a price you can't imagine , but those don’t matter anymore, I don’t like being weaker than others, as long as I can be stronger than you, it’s worth everything, even if it’s worth it.” Guan Jinghao said.

"The day after tomorrow, you can raise your spiritual consciousness to the level of passing the line. You are really strong." Li Xiu said coldly.

"Maybe stronger than you imagined." Guan Jinghao said, the light energy emanating from the magic suit became stronger, like a bright jade-colored moon.

Li Xiu couldn't help being slightly surprised even when his spiritual consciousness had crossed the line.

The strength of Guan Jinghao's spiritual sense is indeed stronger than he imagined. In terms of the strength of spiritual sense, Guan Jinghao is the first person he has ever seen.

Even the spiritual consciousness of the vase monster ~www.readwn.com~ is not as powerful as Guan Jinghao's spiritual consciousness.

"Use your strongest strength to meet failure." Guan Jinghao's voice sounded like the words of an ancient demon god, followed by that shocking light energy that pierced through the sky like a white rainbow.

In the space city and nearby cities, people saw a white rainbow hanging above the night sky, a white rainbow in the night, what a strange and magnificent sight it was.

Countless people looked up at the starry sky and marveled at the beauty of the white rainbow. They hadn't realized how terrifying the white rainbow was.

In the next second, a red fire rainbow rose from the other end of the sky, facing the shocking white rainbow.

Two rainbows of light, one red and one white, meet at one point along the void, creating an unimaginably beautiful landscape.

There was no terrifying impact sound, and no explosion occurred. The moment the two rays of light came into contact, it was like a fusion of water.

Like, fused together. The two forces, one red and one white, continuously rolled together, forming a huge red and white light cluster in the air, just like Tai Chi across the sky.

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