When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 357: Forge War

The latest website: The red and white light energy keeps shrinking. Li Xiu and Guan Jinghao are pulling hard, but no one can pull back the Taiji-like light cluster. The red magic suit creaks on Li Xiu's body. Many small lines appeared, which was a sign that the magic suit could no longer bear it due to overload, and soon those tiny lines would turn into cracks, causing the whole set of magic suit to collapse directly.

As an upgraded version of the Hand of God's super bottle suction, with the support of the extreme performance of the red magic suit, Li Xiu has already played to the extreme, but he still can't win the control of the Taiji Light Group.

Li Xiu was a little surprised. The Hand of God used by Guan Jinghao had obviously been improved. With almost the same performance of the magic suit, it was able to compete with his super bottle suction without losing the wind.


Two groups of gorgeous fireworks, one red and one white, bloomed in the sky, like flowers blooming, and shooting stars.

Of course, those were not real fireworks, but the magic outfits on Li Xiu and Guan Jinghao's bodies couldn't bear the overload and exploded directly.

With the explosion of the magic suit, the Taiji-like light group gradually annihilated silently, and there was no explosion.

That's because under the control of the ultimate power, the two forces have reached an extremely microsecond balance, canceling each other out, and there is no difference.

After the magic costume exploded, Guan Jinghao in a white dress floated in the sky, elegant as a son of a god.

Li Xiu was also suspended in the air, with a red light sword under his feet, like a celestial being controlling the sky.

"It seems that the current level of magic equipment is still not enough for you and me to decide the winner." Guan Jinghao said with some regret.

"It's a pity that those two sets of magic suits." Li Xiu said regretfully.

In the final eruption, the light energy emitted by those two sets of magic suits was already comparable to the power of casting spirits. Such magic suits were already top-notch.

"It's nothing to be sorry about. Things that can't carry their own mission are nothing but rubbish." Guan Jinghao said lightly, "In the future, I will create more advanced magic outfits and kill spirit-casting-level monsters, even god-level monsters. , it’s just a matter of time, plus the replicant army, as long as I have enough time, even if all the doors of the trial are opened, all the demon spirits will never even think about rushing out half a step.”

Li Xiu didn't want to refute Guan Jinghao, because he also hoped that what Guan Jinghao said would become a fact.

Maybe given enough time for Guan Jinghao, he could indeed create an invincible army of magicians to block all the doors of trials, but does he really have that much time?

Outside the space city, Lao Jia was leaning against a big tree, watching the situation in the sky, when he suddenly found someone standing in front of him, which shocked Lao Jia into a cold sweat.

That person was already less than two meters away from him, and he had just realized what a terrifying thing it was.

But after seeing clearly who the person was, Lao Jia immediately felt relieved, and hurriedly saluted, "President, when did you come?"

"I've seen everything I need to see." The president sat down on the grass next to him, then lay there reclined, with his head on one hand, looking at the two fighting in the sky, "President, don't you want to stop them?" Lao Jia said worriedly.

"Why stop it?" the president said with a smile.

"President Li is going to fight on your behalf, and time is running out...Guan Jinghao, he... It's not good to hurt anyone..." Old Jia Tun stammered. "Do you know why Li Xiufei came to find Guan Jinghao now?" the president said lightly.

"Isn't it because he wants to settle all the previous matters before representing you?" Old Jia said.

"You see that kid too pure, and what you said is only part of the reason." The president curled his lips.

"Then why did he have to take the risk to find Guan Jinghao at such a time?" Lao Jia asked in bewilderment.

The president said with a half-smile, "Of course it's to save my life."

"Save your life?" Lao Jia couldn't understand it now. He was obviously here to fight for his life, so how could he say it was to save his life?

The president explained: "The person who originally played should be Guan Jinghao, if he can't even win against Guan Jinghao, do you think that kid will

, would he risk his life? "

Lao Jia was dumbfounded: "You mean, if Mr. Li is not Guan Jinghao's opponent, he will run away?"

"That kid, he can definitely do such a thing. He is not the kind of person who would risk his life for the sake of face." The president laughed, "So, you should not only protect his safety, but also prevent him from That kid is running away, if he really wants to run, let me stare him down."

"It's unlikely, right? He should know that he can't escape..." Lao Jia said.

"That's not necessarily true. There are indeed some things in that kid that people can't see through." The president narrowed his eyes and said.

Lao Jia looked up at the sky in shock, this was the first time he heard the chairman comment on a person like this.

In the sky, Guan Jinghao looked at Li Xiu with a strange expression and said: "I originally wanted to use the magic costume to defeat you, but it seems that this wish cannot be realized, but using the method of a tester, even if I win you, it is still difficult for me. There is nothing to be happy about, I will ask you one last time, would you like to stand by my side and go forward with me?"

"Do you know the difference between you and Qiu Yi?" Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao and said slowly.

"Our personalities are completely different, there are too many differences, you don't need to compare me with him." Guan Jinghao said.

"No, your personalities seem to be different, but in fact they are still the same. Qiuyi looks gentle and not as domineering as you, but in his heart he is the same as you, the kind of person who is willing to give everything for his ideals, And you are also like that." Li Xiu said slowly.

"Oh, according to what you said, then I should be the same as No. 4. Why don't you stand by my side like you are with No. 4?" Guan Jinghao looked at Li Xiu and said.

"Because you are very different. Although Qiu Yi is as persistent as you, he will not force others to obey his will. He will bear everything and give everything alone, but you are different." Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao said.

"I am for the world, but he is only for himself, so it is different." Guan Jinghao said.

"Maybe." Li Xiu was noncommittal, but expressed his attitude.

Guan Jinghao narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Li Xiu and said, "Since we are not the same way after all, let me see how much you have learned during your time as a tester."

While speaking, the white dress on Guan Jinghao's body gave off a strange gray-white brilliance, and the gray-white brilliance gradually condensed into a human-shaped casting spirit in the sky above him.

The appearance of the human casting spirit was somewhat similar to that of Guan Jinghao. He clasped his hands together and spread out a pair of wings of light behind his back. His appearance really resembled the legendary angel of light.

"This is my soul-casting savior angel. I will control its power to the level of casting souls. You can use what you have learned." Guan Jinghao said condescendingly. "So, you are really hard to like. If you want to fight, fight. Why talk so much nonsense." Li Xiu said, red light rose from his body, and a red light and shadow appeared in front of him. The red casting spirit of the spirit card.

As soon as the red casting spirit appeared, he punched Guan Jinghao directly, and the red light energy on the fist exploded like a volcanic eruption.

The angel of salvation appeared in front of Guan Jinghao as if teleporting, with his wings spread out, and his hands still closed together, as if he had no intention of fighting back.

The volcanic eruption-like red light energy spewed out on the body of the angel of salvation, like a burning fire, covering the angel of salvation in a terrifying stream of red light.

The body of the savior angel became weaker and weaker due to the burning of the red light, and his body became flickering, but he still had no intention of resisting. He just endured it silently, as if he would not fight back even if he was smashed. .

What is shocking is that the body of the red casting spirit is the same as that of the savior angel. The light energy on his body is getting weaker and weaker, as if it will dissipate at any time. The red casting spirit had to stop the bombardment. The moment the red light flow stopped, the damaged body of the savior angel immediately recovered its brilliance, but the red casting spirit did not recover immediately.

"What kind of power is that? It can make the enemy bear the damage it has suffered?" Lao Jia said a little

said in surprise.

"The power of karma, no matter how much the savior angel suffers, the person who hurts him will suffer the same damage. If he dies, the enemy will die as well," the president said casually.

"Isn't this all burning? If Li Xiu's cast spirits didn't stop attacking, wouldn't the two cast spirits die together?" Old Jia said.

"It's not that simple. If I'm not mistaken, the Angel of Salvation not only has the ability to heal itself, he should also have the ability to resurrect. The enemy is dead, and it can be resurrected." The president said.

There is such an ability in the world. Isn't the angel of salvation invincible? He can only kill others, but others cannot kill him. Otherwise, it would be suicide. With such power, if he represented you as the president, he should definitely win, right? "Old Jia said in horror.

"It's really strong, worthy of being her descendant." The president praised, then changed the topic and continued: "But if you want to say invincible, it may not be so. It depends on how that kid Li Xiu will deal with it."

Li Xiu obviously realized the problem, but he didn't stop the red casting spirit from attacking.

I saw the red casting spirit jumping up, like a ghost, came to the front of the salvation angel in an instant, and slapped the top of the salvation angel's head with a palm.

The angel of salvation remained indifferent, letting the palm of the red casting spirit slap on the top of his head fiercely.

"Li Xiu clearly knows that the other party can return the damage to his casting spirit, but he still attacks directly like this. What does he want to do? Does he think that casting spirit can not be affected by the ability of the angel of salvation if he directly attacks? It's too low, after all, Casting Spirit itself is a pure luminous body, so there is no difference between melee attack and long-range attack, right?" Lao Jia didn't understand what Li Xiu's operation meant.

"It's too simple for you to think." The president just said lightly.

The palm of the red casting spirit slapped the head of the savior angel, and did not cause any damage to the savior angel, not to mention smashing the head, not even a little injury. It's just that Guan Jinghao was a little surprised by the operation of the red casting spirit.

The red casting spirit held the head of the angel of salvation with one hand, and the light energy from the angel of salvation rushed into the palm of the red casting spirit like blood drawn out by a needle.

Through his palm, it was transmitted to the body, causing a large amount of off-white light energy to appear in the arms of the red casting spirit that was originally blood-red.

"Hey, is it a coincidence that Mr. Li's casting spirit can use the hand of God?" Lao Jia was greatly surprised.

The hand of God is a magic outfit skill, even if Li Xiu can learn a similar skill of a tester, it is impossible to transfer it to Casting Spirit.

After all, casting spirits are formed by the condensation of their own life deed and their own light energy. What kind of skills they possess are fixed in themselves. It is impossible for casting spirits to learn whatever they want.

Li Xiu's casting spirit was able to use a skill similar to God's Hand, if it wasn't a coincidence, it would be terrible.

"It's really rare that you can improve the hand of God and let your casting spirit use it. This method can indeed avoid the power of karma from the savior angel." Guan Jinghao said in admiration.

The red casting spirit constantly uses the super bottle to absorb the light energy of the savior angel and convert it into its own light energy. The light energy lost a moment ago has been restored.

The casting spirit of the evil spirit card itself has no active skills, but he can fuse with Li Xiu. When used alone, he can also use the abilities that Li Xiu knows, which is exactly the opposite of the general casting spirit.

The general casting spirit is to allow the owner to have its ability, but the casting spirit of the evil spirit card is just the opposite.


While the red casting spirit was frantically absorbing the light energy of the angel of salvation, the hand holding the head of the angel of salvation was suddenly shaken away.

I saw a pair of wings of light appeared behind the angel of salvation, a gorgeous white light armor appeared on his body, and a white light helmet wrapped his head. "This is the second form of the Angel of Salvation, War Angel, you have to be careful." Guan Jinghao said calmly.

Li Xiu could clearly feel that the light energy of the War Angel was much stronger than that of the Salvation Angel, perhaps it was more than twice as simple as that.

The war angel, who had been motionless like a Buddha, suddenly moved.

While the four light wings were flapping, they appeared in front of the red casting spirit like a phantom, dancing gracefully, and their fists bombarded the red casting spirit like shooting stars.

The red casting spirit used angel wings to dodge, but found that the war angel also used angel wings.

With the same angel wings, the speed and strength of the war angel are more than twice as strong as that of the red casting spirit. How can the red casting spirit escape, and the body is immediately hit by the meteor-like fist.


Under the bombardment of the meteor shower, the red casting spirit's body was constantly distorted and deformed, like a ravaged balloon, as if it would burst at any time.


Seeing that the red casting spirit was about to be blown up, his body suddenly burst into red light, and a strange change occurred in his body.

Originally, the red casting spirit was just a human figure with light and shadow, but the outline of the whole body became clear, and facial features like evil spirits appeared on the face.

The originally relatively abstract image suddenly became three-dimensional.

The red casting spirit has also entered the second form. Li Xiu has been raising the level of the casting spirit some time ago. The double casting spirit of the evil spirit card and the blood vine casting spirit of the taboo gun have reached the third form.

The strange thing is that his casting spirit has not moved for a long time, not to mention the third form, even the second form has not appeared.

No matter how much energy he absorbs, his casting spirit doesn't change at all.

After the red casting spirit entered the second form, it immediately had the capital to contend with the war angel. Both casting spirits used angel wings and kept fighting in the air. No one could gain the upper hand for a while.

"That's interesting, but it's not enough. Since you want to fight, you have to fight refreshingly. Your casting spirit should be more than that." Guan Jinghao had already let the war angel enter the third form while speaking.

A pair of wings of light appeared behind the war angel, and the light on his body increased again, and a lightsaber that shone like a holy light condensed in his hand.

Guan Jinghao also looked at Li Xiu and said, "This is his third form, the Angel of Judgment."

Li Xiu didn't speak, but silently let the red casting spirit also enter the third form.

The red light on the red casting spirit bloomed again, but the casting spirit of the evil spirit card was really different.

Every time the casting spirit of someone else's family evolves, it will have all kinds of extraordinary and strange changes.

But every evolution of the red casting spirit makes him more and more like a person.

The details of the current red casting spirit are almost the same as those of human beings. You can even see the muscle lines on your body clearly, your facial features are becoming more and more agile, and even your hair has grown out.

If it wasn't for the fact that his body was transformed by pure light energy, exuding an evil red fluorescent light, he would have been no different from a real person. The long red hair of the red casting spirit fluttered in the wind, and those red eyes that seemed to contain evil spirits stared at the judgment angel, and the corners of the mouth turned up slightly like a human being, showing an evil smile.

"Interesting, there are cast spirits that evolve towards humans." Guan Jinghao looked at the red cast spirit with interest.

"The Qi in purgatory, the direction of evolution is actually human? There is an abnormal color in the president's eyes.

The gate of purgatory is a place that he has never entered.

After entering the gate of purgatory, there are only two people who can really come out alive, one is Li Xiu, and the other has become a lunatic.

The president has vaguely guessed what the trial in the gate of purgatory is like~www.readwn.com~ but he still didn't choose to venture there.

"Let me see what kind of power the power from a place like Purgatory has." The president's interest in the red casting spirit seems to be greater than the victory or defeat between Li Xiu and Guan Jinghao.

Lao Jia also kept looking at Li Xiu's red casting spirit, and he had never seen such a casting spirit before.

"Li Xiu, I really don't want to kill you,

It's a pity you are so stubborn. "Guan Jinghao sighed.

"It's useless to talk too much, after you kill me, it's not too late to be emotional." Li Xiu said coldly.

"That's right." Guan Jinghao's voice fell, and the holy light sword in the hand of the judgment angel suddenly slashed in the air.

Strangely, the holy lightsaber did not emit sword light, and it was still a long way from the red casting spirit.

But when the sword was slashed, a sword mark across the entire chest suddenly appeared on the body of the red casting spirit, and the blood-colored light inside gushed out from the sword mark.

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