Latest website: Regardless of the damaged body, the red casting spirit rushed towards the Angel of Judgment, attacking like a ghost.

The speed of the Angel of Judgment is not inferior, and the two lights and shadows move quickly in the sky.

The red casting spirit couldn't hit the Judgment Angel for a while, and couldn't use the light energy to attack directly from a long distance. It could only approach the Judgment Angel at high speed, hoping to catch him and **** the light energy away from him.

The Judgment Angel is completely different. No matter where the holy light sword in his hand cuts, sword marks will appear on the body of the blood-colored casting spirit. .

"Is this also the power of cause and effect? ​​With such power, Mr. Li has no chance of winning at all." Old Jia said in shock.

This kind of attack is really invincible, no matter where you are, no matter whether the sword can hit or not, it will hurt you, it is simply unsolvable.

"Whether it is the power of cause and effect depends on how you understand it." The president said something that seemed to mean something.

Lao Jia didn't understand, and the chairman didn't explain.

"In just a year or so, you have been able to go so far on the path of a tester. Even though I overestimate you, I am still a little surprised. It is a pity that a tester is not as pure as a magician after all." A career that relies on talent, no matter how good your posture is, it still needs time and resources to accumulate, this is not your path, on this path, you still have a long way to go, but you have no chance to go any further After going down, why do you have to stand opposite me?" Guan Jinghao sighed.

"I'm just walking my own way. I never thought of standing in front of anyone. It's just that our way is just on the opposite side." Li Xiu looked at the **** casting spirit who was constantly injured, and said expressionlessly.

"In this case, why not change the road?" Guan Jinghao said.

"Because just like what you said, some people are born with stubborn eyes, and they think that they are the protagonists of this world until they die. Since they are the protagonists of this world, the path I chose is naturally the most correct path. Change?" The moment Li Xiu's voice fell, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed. The red casting spirit was bruised and bruised by the angel of judgment, and blood-colored light energy spewed out everywhere in the sky.

The red casting spirit, which seems to be in danger, seems to have undergone unknown changes. The blood-colored light energy splashing in the air seems to have life, like tadpoles looking for their mothers, facing the body of the red casting spirit gather.

As the **** light energy rushed into his body, the wounds on the red casting spirit immediately healed, as if he had an immortal body.

The red casting spirit no longer dodged, and let the holy light sword of the judgment angel slash on him. The sword light left deep sword marks on his body, and each sword brought out a large amount of blood-colored light energy.

But in the next second, all the **** light energy returned to the red casting spirit, causing his injuries to heal instantly.

With an evil grin and a mouth full of jagged teeth, the red casting spirit walked towards the Angel of Judgment step by step against the attack of the Holy Light Saber.

"It's such a powerful self-healing ability. President Li's casting spirit is almost immortal." Lao Jia was overjoyed. Psychologically, he naturally hoped that Li Xiu would win.

"That's not some kind of self-healing ability. Self-healing can't reach that level, but the absolute control of energy. Every light energy particle on Zhu Ling's body has reached the point of being able to control it freely. No matter how your body is injured, even if your body is cut into pieces, as long as the light energy particles are not destroyed, they can return to their original position. The president added as if appreciative: "It is indeed a very strong casting A spirit, seemingly ordinary, possesses the most essential power, is this the benefit of casting a spirit with the method of light?"

Guan Jinghao frowned slightly, the attack of the angel of judgment became even more terrifying, the Holy Light Sword slashed rapidly, and the sword light cut countless scars on the body of the red casting spirit like a sword net.

But it was useless at all, the red casting spirit dragged its injured body, still grinning, and quickly approached the Angel of Judgment, getting closer and closer to the Angel of Judgment. The speed of the two casting spirits is almost the same, one does not need to dodge, but the other can only dodge, and the distance between the two can only be shortened.

Suddenly, the holy sword of light in the hand of the judgment angel

The awn glowed brightly and turned into a sky-slashing blade, sweeping across the sky.

Like a white rainbow moon, it quickly rushed into the distance.

The head of the red casting spirit was cut off directly, but the headless body of the red casting spirit had already hugged the judgment angel.

The beheaded head also flew back to the broken neck, still wearing that evil smile, and the whole body was tightly attached to the angel of judgment.

I saw that where the body of the judgment angel was in contact with the red casting spirit, the light energy poured into the red casting spirit uncontrollably, making the light energy in the red casting spirit's body stronger and stronger.

The light energy on the Angel of Judgment bloomed again and again, and even smashed the red casting spirit with his hands, but it was useless at all. The injury had no effect on the red casting spirit at all. Instead, the light energy in the Angel of Judgment's body was constantly being drawn .


A strange light appeared on the Angel of Judgment, that light was pure to white, like a shock wave, abruptly knocked the red casting spirit's body away, cutting off his chance to absorb light energy.

The body of the red casting spirit flew upside down for hundreds of meters in the air before stopping. There were scorched marks on the front of the body that looked like burns. Those scorched marks could not be recovered, which proved that the light energy particles in those parts had been destroyed. So there is no way to recover.

Guan Jinghao was not happy because the red casting spirit was damaged, and his face was even a little ugly, because the judgment angel had exploded with god-level power to be able to get rid of the red casting spirit. In a battle of the same level, his casting spirit had already been defeated. up.

"No. 4 is indeed right. You are a person who can perform miracles. Can we really not be friends? Guan Jinghao stared at Li Xiu and asked without a trace of expression on his face. He didn't really want to kill until now.

Li Xiu has only been a tester for a long time, and he has already reached the peak of casting spirits, and he is able to suppress the third form of the trial angel. With such abilities and talents, give him some more time, and God knows how far he will grow.

If Li Xiu was the only opponent in this world, Guan Jinghao would be willing to wait for Li Xiu to grow up, even happy to see him grow to the same level as himself, and then fight for the victory.

But his opponent is not only Li Xiu alone, he also wants to defeat the president, if such Li Xiu will stand by the president in the future, facing two people like that, even Guan Jinghao doesn't think he has any chance of winning.

"I tell you to give up your own path and take mine, are you willing?" Li Xiu took back the red casting spirit, looked at Guan Jinghao and said indifferently. "It seems that you and I can only live as one." Guan Jinghao stretched out his hand With one move, the Angel of Judgment flew towards him.

The palms made contact with his palms, and then the whole body merged with Guan Jinghao.

The white dress on Guan Jinghao's body glowed with a holy light, and three pairs of wings of light spread out from behind, holding a holy light sword in his hand, like a seraphim descending into the world.

"You are the only human being who is qualified to be my opponent. It would be too disrespectful to kill you with a cast spirit. I will send you on my way with my own hands."

As Guan Jinghao said, his eyes gradually turned away from Li Xiu's body, and he stared at the holy light sword in his hand. The light on that sword had already become pure and white without any impurities. "My light of truth is called the only truth, can you understand?" Guan Jinghao said slowly.

"With it in place, he is the only truth, right?" Li Xiu probably guessed what kind of ability Guan Jinghao's light of truth is. "Yes, the only light of truth can destroy any kind of light of truth. It can be said that it is an invincible ability even at the **** level." Guan Jinghao said.

"You have such a talent and ability, why don't you use it to slay demons and promote the development of testers, why do you choose to take the path of a magician?" Li Xiu asked with some doubts.

Guan Jinghao's situation is exactly the opposite of his. Such a powerful practitioner wants to make magic outfits instead of using his greatest advantage.

"Isn't what I said clear enough? That's what that person wants, how can I fulfill his wish and deliver this world to him to destroy it with my own hands?" Guan Jinghao stared at Li Xiu coldly. Said: "Take out your strongest strength, I hope you can die without any regrets."

At this point, Guan Jinghao still said this, and Li Xiu couldn't help being a little puzzled. Could it be that the president is really the one who wants to destroy the world as Guan Jinghao said?

It's just that it's useless to think about it now. With a thought, Li Xiu's red casting spirit merged with his body, and a red light burst out from his body. Without saying a word, Guan Jinghao raised the holy light sword in his hand high, and directly slashed it down.

The pure and white sword light instantly reached the speed of light, without giving Li Xiu any chance to react, the chop had already reached him.

The power of a single blow is already the real speed of light.


The sword light failed to hit Li Xiu's body, but was blocked by a purple crystal-like stick.

Li Xiu held the longevity chopsticks in both hands, and his body flew back in the air like a cannonball. He flew back thousands of miles before barely stopping his figure.

His hands trembled violently, and a large puddle of blood spewed out from his mouth.

The power of that sword light was already so strong that he could hardly contend against it. If it wasn't for the treasured chopsticks of longevity, his body would have been cut in half. Yes, you cannot unleash its true power, you are too weak.

Guan Jinghao's room was in front of him, and his moving speed was as fast as light, which was unbelievable.

Guan Jinghao looked down at Li Xiu like a god, and then swung his sword casually, the power of this sword was even stronger.

"President, if you don't make a move, President Li may be in danger." Seeing Guan Jinghao appearing in front of Li Xiu, Lao Jia said anxiously.

"No hurry, let's see." The president didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and he continued to watch the battle with admiration.


Blue flames appeared on Li Xiu's body, intertwined with red flames, and merged into a strange colorful light.


He gritted his teeth and desperately raised the treasured chopsticks, once again blocking the holy light sword that Guan Jinghao slashed down.



The Holy Light Sword collided with the Longevity Chopsticks, and Li Xiu's body was instantly smashed down, falling like a high-speed shell, crashing into the forest below!

There was a huge noise in the forest, and the dirt, trees, and rocks rose up instantly, and the air waves were like mushroom clouds.

A huge pothole appeared on the ground, Li Xiu's body was sunk in it, and the skin all over his body turned bright red, as if all the capillaries under the skin had burst.

Even so, Li Xiu still maintained a standing posture, but his hands could no longer be lifted, hanging in front of him, and the fingers of the hand holding the chopsticks of longevity were twisted and deformed.

The real god-level power is much stronger than Li Xiu imagined, or Guan Jinghao's power is far beyond Li Xiu's expectation. The god-level monsters he killed before had more or less problems, and they couldn't be regarded as normal god-level combat power. Now when he fights with Guan Jinghao, he can be regarded as a real god-level combat power.

Guan Jinghao was suspended in the air, looking at Li Xiu who was standing in the huge pit, his eyes, tongue and nose were bleeding continuously, his eyes were also a little complicated, "You actually have twin casting spirits. On the road, I was not as good as you before, on the road of the tester, you should be not as good as me, now it seems that on the road of the tester, I am still not as good as you, at the same level, I am afraid that the person who will die may be me."

Guan Jinghao's expression became more and more complicated, with strong admiration and even more intense murderous intent.

"You may not be the one who died now." Li Xiu stood in the pit, and suddenly summoned the Forbidden Spear in Gatling state, madly aiming at Guan Jinghao in the sky


blah blah blah

One after another, light bullets like blood-colored seeds shot up into the sky like a river of stars, blasting towards Guan Jinghao in the sky.

Guan Jinghao waved the holy light sword in his hand expressionlessly, obviously only one sword light was swung, but suddenly there were criss-crossing sword lights in the sky, smashing the blood-colored light bullet flow like a galaxy.

The sword light has been continuously emerging, with how violent the light and bullet flow of the forbidden gun

, they still couldn't reach Guan Jinghao.

"End!" Guan Jinghao, who was suspended in the air, let go of the Holy Light Sword in his hand.

The Holy Light Sword pointed down, suspended straight in the air, and slowly fell towards Li Xiu. The speed at first was not fast.

"President, if you don't make a move, it will be too late." Lao Jia saw that Guan Jinghao was about to deliver a fatal blow, and he had already made up his mind to kill him, so he couldn't help reminding the president again.

"Look again." The president was still unmoved, and said lightly.

The speed at which the holy light sword fell was not fast, but every time it fell a certain distance, the speed doubled, and as it fell, one holy light sword after another appeared around the holy light sword.

In a short time, there were already countless holy lights swords, bombarding down like stars all over the sky.


The holy light sword that covered the entire mountain forest bombarded down wildly, and the nearby mountain peaks were directly torn apart by the rain of the holy light sword, collapsing continuously. The holy light sword rain kept appearing and bombarding, and it lasted for a few minutes. The original huge pit was bombarded by the holy light sword rain and became deeper and deeper. It was directly destroyed by the holy light sword rain for dozens of miles. The earth was in a mess, like a super The doomsday scene after the earthquake.

Originally, there were towering peaks and forests of ancient trees, but now there was only a huge pit with a diameter of tens of miles.

Lao Jia's face was a little ugly. Under the bombardment of such a terrifying force, even a mouse might not be able to survive, and Li Xiu might have been killed to ashes.

In fact, they couldn't find any trace of Li Xiu. There was no grass growing in the huge pit, and one could see the bottom at a glance. There was nothing inside, not even a bone **** left.

This is not over yet, Guan Jinghao in the sky stretched out his hand, and those sword lights that blasted into the ground and disappeared unexpectedly came out from the ground again, gushing out continuously like raindrops flying upside down in the sky, throwing the huge The deep pit was destroyed again.

Countless sword lights flew towards Guan Jinghao's palm, and condensed into one in front of his palm. Finally, all the holy light swords merged into one, and Guan Jinghao held it in his hand again.

"If there is a next life, I hope we will no longer be enemies. If you want to complain, then blame this fate." Guan Jinghao sighed.

Suddenly, Guan Jinghao's body froze slightly, and his pupils shrank.

Lao Jia was pleasantly surprised to find that Li Xiu appeared behind Guan Jinghao's back without knowing when, and the taboo spear in Gatling's state hit Guan Jinghao's back.

Li Xiu was covered in blood and seemed to be in a mess, but there was no fatal wound on his body.

"Don't blame fate for everything, even if there is a next life, I will not be friends with you." Li Xiu said coldly.

Guan Jinghao laughed: "You can surprise me every time. You are really an unimaginable guy. It's a pity that your heart is too soft. If you just shot directly, you might be able to touch me. It's a pity that you fired repeatedly The gun is so hesitant, now do you think you can still touch me?"

"Then I'll give it a try." As soon as Li Xiu finished speaking, the Forbidden Spear shot out light bullets.

But even though it was on Guan Jinghao's back, Guan Jinghao's figure disappeared the moment the light bullet was shot out, and the light bullet poured out from the Forbidden Gun flew out in the sky without being able to touch anything.

"With your strength, it's impossible to touch me, because you can't keep up with my speed." After the taboo gun stopped firing, Guan Jinghao appeared opposite Li Xiu, and said calmly.

"Really?" The corners of Li Xiu's mouth turned up slightly.

In the next second, Guan Jinghao's face changed slightly, and on his back, **** patterns spread across his light wings.

The light bullet that had already flown far seemed to be summoned by some kind of force, turned around and rushed towards Guan Jinghao again.

Dense light bombs passed across the sky like a torrential rain.

Guan Jinghao snorted coldly, and waved the Holy Light Sword in his hand again, a sword light flew out, but countless sword lights emerged, criss-crossing and cutting towards those light bullets.

A strange thing happened, those criss-crossing sword lights failed to hit those light bullets.

Jian Guang seemed to have eyes, deliberately avoiding the light bullets. Although most of the light bullets hit the sword light that criss-crossed like a sword net, some of them still passed through and hit Guan Jinghao's body. body.

Those light bullets couldn't pierce Guan Jinghao's clothes at all, but they stuck to his body. Each light bullet took root and sprouted like seeds. Bloodshots penetrated into the white dress, and the bullets themselves also bleed. colored buds.

In a short while, the blood buds bloomed and turned into blood-colored taboo flowers, which covered Guan Jinghao's whole body. From a distance, Guan Jinghao seemed to be wearing a blood-colored blood armor.

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