When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 359: battle (2)

Latest URL: Seeing that Guan Jinghao's body is full of forbidden flowers, Li Xiu's Forbidden Spear continuously and violently spits out light bullets. How much influence does it have on the **** level.

Don't kill, don't die, don't want to, ominous, don't sacrifice, don't seek, and immortality are the seven taboos. Don't kill generally only has an effect on demon spirits. Immortality is similar to a healing ability.

People who don't want to play can make their brains think differently from their physical behavior, and they can't act according to their own wishes.

Ominous bullets are often used by Li Xiu, which can make people who are shot deviate in behavior and develop in a bad direction.

Not offering sacrifices is a sealing ability, but it is not sealing the opponent's ability to move, but sealing some special abilities.

Li Xiu has not yet fully understood the function of not seeking bullets. This is an ability aimed at oneself, not for fighting the enemy, and is rarely used in normal times.

Immortal bullets are the most peculiar. Enemies hit by them will not only not be physically harmed, but will also gain a very strong body strengthening ability.

At the beginning, Li Xiu thought it was a defensive skill used against his own people, but later he realized that it was not the case.

Therefore, when Li Xiu usually confronts the enemy, the taboo bullets he shoots are generally three types: unwillingness to ominous and non-sacrifice. At most, he adds a non-kill bullet when killing demon spirits. Now reluctance, auspiciousness and non-sacrifice have played a role. Guan Jinghao was not able to destroy the light bullet just now, because when Li Xiu pressed the forbidden spear on Guan Jinghao's back, the blood vine casting spirit had already played a role. He left behind the power of taboo.

The Forbidden Spear possessed by Casting Spirit can be used as a weapon itself, and it doesn't have to shoot forbidden bullets.

The light bullets sprayed wildly, and Guan Jinghao, whose body was full of taboo flowers, wanted to chop off those bullets with his sword, but his behavior was different, and he didn't even swing out the sword light.

The hand holding the sword did not lift up, but the other hand did.

bang bang! bang bang!

The light bullet hit Guan Jinghao's body. Although it couldn't penetrate his armor, it still pushed Guan Jinghao's body back again and again, and the taboo flowers on his body bloomed more and more. Suddenly, the white light on Guan Jinghao's body rose like a volcanic eruption, engulfing his entire body in it.

In the intense white light, the taboo flower on his body was instantly turned into fly ash, and his original appearance was restored.

"The power of your deed can actually affect me at the **** level. It is indeed very powerful, but unfortunately your memory is not very good. I told you that my light of truth is called the only truth. Don't say it It’s just a mere casting of spirits, even if it’s the power of a god, it will be destroyed under my light of truth. Under my only light of truth, all methods are useless. Guan Jinghao raised the holy spirit in his hand again as he spoke. The lightsaber stared at Li Xiu coldly and said, "You have already demonstrated your ability, so you can go there with peace of mind."

Saying that, the holy light sword raised above his head cut directly, and the sword light with the only light of truth, almost like a giant blade cutting mountains and seas, slashed towards Li Xiu.

Such a terrifying sword light is incredibly fast, no different from the real speed of light.

Li Xiu stood there without any reaction, but the sword light did not slash at his body, but slashed past him, leaving a sword on the ground that was like a grand canyon. mark.

Guan Jinghao couldn't help being slightly taken aback, he had already destroyed all the forbidden flowers on his body, so why did the sword still miss it.

"You are too proud. From the beginning to the present, you have said that you want to fight me, but you have never really regarded me as an opponent. Otherwise, I would not be able to meet you, or I would have died long ago." Li Xiu looked at Guan Jinghao calmly and said.

On Guan Jinghao's body, although there was no taboo flower, the roots that had grown from the taboo flower before had penetrated into Guan Jinghao's white dress.

The streaks of blood, which were thinner than a hair, germinated and grew wildly in the white dress, and after a while, Guan Jinghao's body was covered with taboo flowers. Guan Jinghao frowned slightly, and the only light of truth rose up again, destroying all the taboo flowers.

white dress also

It was radiant, and the blood threads inside seemed to have been burned to ashes and disappeared.

But Guan Jinghao soon discovered that there were streaks of blood in the white dress again, and the number was gradually increasing.

Seeing the taboo flower blooming on his body again, Li Xiu also secretly admired the power of the taboo gun in his heart.

The reason why the Forbidden Flower could not be completely wiped out by Guan Jinghao was mainly due to the effect of the Immortal Bullet.

That seems to strengthen the opponent's immortal bullet, but actually makes the power of taboo on the opponent's body immortal. No matter how many times the opponent destroys the forbidden flower, the forbidden flower will bloom again.

However, even Li Xiu himself was a little surprised that the Forbidden Spear could play such a big role.

After all, the other party is a god, and the light of truth he possesses is the only truth that can break all dharmas. Even Li Xiu himself did not expect that the effect of the immortal bullet can withstand the elimination of the only light of truth.

Guan Jinghao looked down at the **** flowers all over his body, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up slightly, and he actually laughed.

"You are right, I have never really regarded you as an opponent, but you are wrong about one thing, it is not because I am proud, but because I have never met an opponent except for that person. I don’t know how to treat you as an opponent. I have always admired you more than I hated you, maybe before this, I didn’t want to kill you at all.”

The smile on Guan Jinghao's face became more and more presumptuous, as if he was extremely happy:

"Now, I finally know what it feels like to have an opponent. This feeling is a little uncomfortable, but I don't know why, but I can't suppress the joy in my heart. This kind of joy is even worse than the feeling a woman brings to me. To be fascinating, I should really thank you, thank you for giving me a match."

Li Xiu didn't feel bad because of Guan Jinghao's description, because he could understand some of Guan Jinghao's feelings.

Just like when he was a magician before, the feeling of having no opponent really made him feel very boring.

If there is a magician who can make him feel oppressed, or even defeat him, not only will he not be angry, but he will be even more excited.

"I hope, you can make this feeling of mine last, and don't end it too early." Guan Jinghao said, opening his hands, as if letting go of his body and mind, feeling the frustration that Li Xiu brought him.

Suddenly, Li Xiu found that forbidden flowers bloomed on his body. In a short while, **** flowers bloomed all over his body.

"Now, we are standing together." Guan Jinghao said, staring at Li Xiu fanatically.

Li Xiu wasn't surprised. The Angel of Salvation had such abilities. It was just that Guan Jinghao didn't really regard him as an opponent before, so he didn't fight with all his strength.

Li Xiu tried to use the power of the Forbidden Spear to remove the forbidden power on his body, but it didn't work.

Although the power of taboo comes from the taboo gun, after acting on Li Xiu, the taboo gun cannot be lifted.

With a thought, Li Xiu used the super suction in the bottle to directly absorb the forbidden power from his body and use it for himself.

The power of taboo was indeed sucked away, and the flower of taboo on his body quickly decayed and disappeared, but a new flower of taboo bloomed again, with little effect.

Part of this is the effect of the immortal bullet, and more is the causal power of the savior angel. As long as the forbidden power on Guan Jinghao is not completely eliminated, the forbidden power on Li Xiu will continue and cannot be completely eliminated.

"Interesting." Li Xiu slowly raised the taboo gun in his hand, trying to aim at Guan Jinghao.

Guan Jinghao also laughed wildly, and slowly raised the holy light sword in his hand.

They were all trying to control their bodies, but whether it was Guan Jinghao or Li Xiu, their movements became out of shape, the light bullets of the Forbidden Gun sprayed randomly, and the sword light of the Holy Light Sword also flew around.

But every time the Forbidden Spear sprayed, and every time the Holy Light Sword slashed out a sword light, they were closer to each other.

They are all using their own thinking and abilities to fight against the influence of taboo forces.

Sounds, this kind of confrontation is not to erase the influence of the taboo power, but to correct the behavior after this influence.

"If this goes on like this, there will be no winner or loser, right?" Lao Jia said, looking at the president beside him.

"We will decide the winner soon."

This time, the president actually went on to explain: "Li Xiu's ability can cause confusion in his will and behavior, and his behavior will also become deviant. Under normal circumstances, they will never be able to hurt each other. .”

"That's right, how do they decide the outcome?" Old Jia asked puzzled.

"Since there will be deviations between will and behavior, they can change their will to correct this deviation. The president said.

"That is to say, just like shooting, if there is a deviation in the sight, you can deliberately miss it, but you can hit the target instead?"

Lao Jia understood what the chairman meant.

"Probably that's what it means, it's just more recovery. And what they need to overcome is not only the deviation between this will and behavior, but also the deviation of behavior." The president said.

"Behavioral deviations?" Li Jia didn't quite understand this time.

"Yes, anyone's behavior is biased, and there is no absolutely correct trajectory in theory."

The president made a metaphor: "For example, if you stand there motionless, it seems that there is no deviation, but in fact you are not absolutely still. Your body is beating inside, with blood flowing and nerve transmission. You You need to breathe, these will make your body unable to maintain an absolutely still state, so even if you stand there motionless, in fact, almost invisible changes have taken place in your body trajectory. When they get up, it will become bigger, and Li Xiu's deed has the ability to amplify this change, making the actual behavior deviation develop in the worst direction, so if they want to hit each other, they must overcome this deviation."

"How to overcome this?" Lao Jia couldn't imagine how to avoid such a deviation.

"Absolute control, as long as you can absolutely control your own trajectory without such a deviation, then there is no bad direction to choose, the worst result is the same as the best result, Li Xiu's ability is also It's useless."

The president stared at the two people in the sky whose behavior was gradually returning to normal and said.

"Absolute control... Is it really possible?" Lao Jia was a little unimaginable that someone could control his body to that extent.

"It's hard, but it looks like they're about to do it." The president said flatly.

Old Jia was startled when he heard the words, and quickly looked up. At this moment, he happened to see the light bullet ejected by Li Xiu, which went straight towards Guan Jinghao. "It actually did it!" Lao Jia was both surprised and delighted.

But in the next second, the holy light sword in Guan Jinghao's hand slashed out, and the light of the sword met Li Xiu's light bullet, and he did it too.

The light bullet was not the opponent of Jian Guang at all, it was cut into pieces by Jian Guang directly, the terrifying Jian Guang couldn't stop, and it came to Li Xiu in an instant.

And Li Xiu seemed to have foreseen it in advance, and moved his body away in advance, avoiding the terrifying sword light slash.

While moving at a high speed, Li Xiu continuously blasted out taboo bullets. He knew that the taboo bullets could not really hurt Guan Jinghao, but he still wanted to do this, and he didn't know what kind of plan he had.

Guan Jinghao was obviously aware of this too, instead of continuing to stand there and let the light bullets bombard him, he moved his body and rushed towards Li Xiu while dodging the light bullets, slashing at Li Xiu with the holy light sword in his hand.

The battle between the two didn't look that exciting, but Lao Jia knew that in fact, the battle was many times more complicated and exciting than it appeared.

Maybe now when they want to go left, they have to go right first, and when they want to go back, they have to go forward first, and it's much more complicated than that.

It looks like a simple battle, but in fact, the two people in the battle did not know how much effort and thought they put in.

"Ordinary people just think about swapping left and right, and it's already very difficult. In this kind of battle, an old man like me who is not very clear-headed, I'm afraid he will hit him and die within two strokes.

Only young people with good brains like them can play like this. "Old Jia sighed.

When he was young, he also played the game of irony. One person gives an order, and the other must execute it in reverse. If you tell him to stand, he must sit. If you tell him to sit, he must stand. Few times it goes wrong.

It was really hard for Lao Jia to imagine how fast Li Xiu and Guan Jinghao's brain would react in such a fight.

"Ordinary young people can't play this." The president said lightly.

"That's right, President Li and Guan Jinghao are both leaders in the world, but if the battle continues like this, once Guan Jinghao is completely free from the influence of that kind of power, President Li may suffer a big loss."

Lao Jia saw that Li Xiu's current situation was already very bad.

Before Li Xiu was able to fight Guan Jinghao, it was because Guan Jinghao hadn't fully adapted to fighting under the influence of taboo power, but as Guan Jinghao became more and more adapted to this kind of battle, the influence of taboo power on him became less and less, and God It was immediately obvious that the rank-level combat power was out of power, and Li Xiu's situation was getting worse and worse.

Regardless of strength or speed, Li Xiu was far behind. What's more, Guan Jinghao still has the only light of truth that can break through all dharmas. Li Xiu can't fight him head-on.

"If it is also at the **** level, Guan Jinghao has already lost just now." The president said.

"Didn't they also restrain the influence of that power? Why did you say that Guan Jinghao was defeated just now?" Lao Jia was puzzled.

"As you said, Li Xiu is just casting spirits. How can he deal with Guan Jinghao just now without losing the wind?" The president nodded.

You mean to say that President Li has adapted to the influence of that ability one step faster, that's why he was able to share the same level with Guan Jinghao before? "Old Jia reacted.

The president nodded and said: "So, if it is also at the **** level, Guan Jinghao has already lost just now. I have already reminded Li Xiu before that he should not come to Space City before he is promoted to the **** position, but he just wants to I think I'm smart, I came here before I was promoted to the **** position, if I don't let him suffer, I don't know what else he will do when I go to Tianzhihai, I have to teach him a lesson and make him behave better That's good."

Lao Jia suddenly understood why the chairman hadn't made a move all this time. He had already planned to teach Li Xiu a lesson.

"I'm afraid that President Li will be seriously injured, which will delay your important affairs, President." Old Jia said.

"I can't tell, you are so warm-hearted. You have only been with Li Xiu for so long, and you are just thinking about him." The president looked at Lao Jia with a half-smile.

Lao Jia trembled, and immediately bowed to the ground: "President Li is a good person, I really don't want to see him suffer, but this old slave is loyal to the president and has no second thoughts. Way to go to the Sea of ​​​​Sky on your behalf."

"Get up~www.readwn.com~ I asked you to follow him, just to protect him. You are right to think about him, so why should you do that." The president said lightly: "This battle of Tianzhihai, If you want to win with strength, even if Guan Jinghao goes, you are at most 30% sure, and the possibility of losing is even greater. You still need to think of ways in other aspects. In this regard, Li Xiu must be stronger, even if his hard power is weaker. , to go to the sea of ​​that day, the possibility of success is higher than that of Guan Jinghao."

"It's beyond the reach of physical strength, what kind of battle is that?" Lao Jia couldn't help asking.

"You said that you can't fight with strength. Guan Jinghao is too stubborn. If Li Xiu can put down his face, maybe he can win without fighting." The president looked at Li Xiu in the sky and said with a smile.

"You can win even if you can't fight?" Lao Jia couldn't imagine what kind of duel it was.

"Sometimes it is more useful to have a pleasing skin than to work hard. The president said something without thinking, which seems to mean something.

In the sky, Guan Jinghao had completely adapted to the influence of the taboo force, and swung the Holy Light Sword directly in his hand.

The terrifying sword light no longer restrained him, and directly slashed at Li Xiu, who was already unavoidable.

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