When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 378: blood line

Latest website: Li Xiu was a little hesitant. Although E Luo Wang's method is very unreliable, there is still room for manipulation.

The reason for the hesitation is not whether this method is feasible, but the consequences of using this method and the purpose of the Yellow Spring Worm.

Li Xiu suspected that why the Yellow Spring Worm had been chasing him had something to do with the larvae in his body, but the larvae hadn't responded.

Li Xiu still has no way to determine whether the demon larvae don't care about the Netherworld worms at all, or whether the Netherworld worms have nothing to do with the demon larvae at all.

"The place where the demon larva was discovered was near the gate of Haitian Trial. It is very likely that its parents came from the gate of Haitian Trial. Theoretically, the possibility that it should be related to Tianzhihai is relatively high. Huangquan Worm It came from the bottomless pit, it seems that it should not have anything to do with the demon larva, unless it has some special intentions." Li Xiu secretly calculated in his heart.

After much deliberation, Li Xiu still felt that it would be better to give it a try. Fortunately, with the lessons learned from Lao Jia, Li Xiu knew that short-term contact with Huangquan worms would not lead to major problems immediately, as long as he could cut off the flesh in time and decisively. , you can avoid the spread of cold power.

Although it is also possible to find someone to try instead of myself, but Li Xiu had other ideas and did not do that.

With a decision in his heart, Li Xiu stopped backing away, summoned the Forbidden Spear to transform into a flower armor, and possessed the red and blue twin casting spirits at the same time, then squatted down, stretched out a finger, and touched the crawling His **** worm.

With the protection of the Forbidden Flower armor and the red and blue cast spirits on his body, if there is any problem, Li Xiu does not seek meritorious deeds, but seeks no faults, just cut off the contact with the Yellow Spring worm.

When Li Xiu's fingertips touched the Huangquan worm, it felt like touching jelly, and the QQ bouncing felt very good.

The cold air on Huang Quan Chong's body is indeed very strong, or it should not be said to be cold air, but a kind of evil air, not just cold.

The strange thing is that Li Xiu didn't feel the damage to the flower armor, nor did he sense the invasion of cold air.

What surprised Li Xiu even more was that when his finger touched the Yellow Spring Worm, the Yellow Spring Worm stopped, like a puppy whose head was petted, and rubbed against Li Xiu's fingertips with its body, as if enjoying it appearance.

"How did this happen?" King Eluo said in surprise.

Although he has only heard about the horror of the Yellow Spring Worm, even if it is a bit exaggerated, it shouldn't be like this, right? Almost like a pug.

Li Xiu himself was a little surprised, and at the same time, he became more suspicious that the reason why the Huangquan worm was like this might be related to the demon larva.

While Li Xiu was thinking, the Yellow Spring Worm moved again, but this time, instead of climbing onto Li Xiu's body, it circled around Li Xiu.

Li Xiu looked a little puzzled. When the Yellow Spring Worm crawled before, it would leave some frost on the place it crawled. It is the same now, but the frost left this time is a little different.

The body of the Yellow Spring Worm is as transparent as crystal, and there is nothing hidden about its body. There is no blood or bone in it. But this time, where it crawled, frost the color of fresh blood appeared.

The blood frost drew a circle around Li Xiu, and every time it climbed a certain distance, its body shrank a circle. When it completed this circle, its body was less than half of its previous size. "What the **** is this? It can't be a skill like painting the ground as a prison, right?" Li Xiu thought to himself, and didn't act rashly.

After Huangquan Worm drew a complete blood circle, it stopped in front of Li Xiu again, and its body like a large silkworm baby was raised up, twisting in a strange posture.

"Lao Luo, what's the situation?" Li Xiu asked E Luo Wang.

Eluo Wang was obviously also confused, and said suspiciously: "Look at it, it's not using skills, those blood frosts are like its own energy essence, it looks like this, it's like a sacrificial ritual ceremony."

"Sacrifice ceremony? I'm not its father. What does it offer sacrifices to?" Li Xiu saw that Huangquan insect lowered its body from time to time, and then raised it up again. There were such movements several times, and it really seemed a bit like offering sacrifices. bye.

"How do I know this, I used to

I have never seen the Yellow Spring Worm, and I have only heard about it. "Eluo King muttered, and then continued: "I have some doubts now. The things I heard may not be all true. Maybe this Huangquan worm is not the clone of the peerless demon spirit, otherwise How could the arrogance of such an existence allow his clone to do such a thing?"

"If you say it, you don't say it." Li Xiu frowned.

When the two were talking, Huangquan Bug seemed to have completed the ceremony, and the body stopped the strange movements.

Li Xiu stared at the Yellow Spring Worm vigilantly, wanting to know what it would do next, when he suddenly saw a little red light inside the Yellow Spring Worm.

The moment the red light appeared, the blood circle it had drawn before also lit up at the same time, like a blood-red halo surrounding Li Xiu.

The body of the Huangquan worm shrank rapidly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had merged into the **** halo.

At the same time that the Yellow Spring Worm disappeared, the **** halo also rose from the ground at an incredible speed. Li Xiu immediately exploded with light energy all over his body, and his body jumped up at the same time, rushing into the air like lightning.

His speed was fast, and the speed of the **** halo was even faster. Just as Li Xiu's toes left the ground, the **** halo had already risen to his neck, and instantly contracted and strangled Li Xiu's neck. The light of truth bloomed on Li Xiu's hands, and he wanted to catch the shrinking **** halo, but in vain, the **** halo passed through the blood armor like a phantom, and then disappeared. Li Xiu immediately removed the blood armor, took out the mirror to look at it, and saw a circle of red bloodstains on his neck, as if someone had drawn a circle of red lines on his neck with red ink... ..

Except for Li Xiu feeling a bit cold when the **** halo just touched his body, now he doesn't feel anything anymore.

"Lao Luo, what's going on?" Li Xiu asked, touching the blood line on his neck.

The blood line seemed to be growing inside his flesh, and his fingers couldn't feel its existence at all.

"Don't ask me, I really don't know." Eluo Wang said helplessly.

Li Xiu didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, but he really didn't feel any hostility towards him from the Yellow Spring Worm just now, and he also faintly sensed that the demon larvae in his body seemed to have a strange reaction, otherwise, the Yellow Spring Worm would not have let the Yellow Spring Worm be so easy to complete that strange sacrificial ceremony.

The reaction of the larvae was also very strange. The reaction of the larvae before was to make Li Xiu feel hungry, but this time it was completely different. It seemed to be anticipation just around the corner, and there seemed to be some concerns, and some hesitation in the eagerness.

Originally, Li Xiu thought that when the Yellow Spring Worm moved, the larvae would also move. As a result, until blood lines appeared on his neck, the larvae did not move, and fell silent again. "Could it be that my judgment is wrong, and the larvae are not interested in Huangquan worms?" Li Xiu thought to himself.

Li Xiu tried to use the Fire Lotus Sword to cut open the skin where the blood line was, to see if he could erase the blood line.

As a result, after the wound healed, bloodlines still appeared on the newly formed skin, as if the bloodlines were his own.

Li Xiu tried some methods, but it was difficult to get rid of the bloodline, but the bloodline didn't seem to have any effect on his body, and he couldn't even sense the slightest energy fluctuation, just like an ordinary tattoo.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Li Xiu has no choice but to observe and observe the situation first. It is estimated that this matter can only be resolved by starting with the larvae.

Fortunately, Li Xiu also saw that the purpose of Huangquan Bug was not to kill him, otherwise he should have already done it.

Since it had no effect for the time being, Li Xiu ignored it for the time being, recalled the information about the god-level monsters he had seen, and planned to start frantically hunting the god-level monsters for the god-level gems.

Before going, Li Xiu went to his small treasury, and saw that the cat's eye gemstone was still inside, which was expected.

He took out the cat's eye gem and brought Jiu Xiaoyun over.

"I'll give you the cat's eye. You can keep it if you want to." After Jiu Xiaoyun came, Li Xiu gave him the cat's eye gem.

"The long-cherished wish of so many generations of my family,

Finally, there is a result, thank you chief, from now on, I, Jiuxiao Yunsheng, will be a member of the technician team, and death will be the ghost of the skill team. "Jiu Xiaoyun took the gem and said with a complicated expression.

"It's just a gem, it won't be. After a while, I will go to the sea of ​​​​the sky. I don't know if this trip is a blessing or a curse, and I don't know if I will come back. These are just things outside of me. I never take it to heart. You It doesn't have to be like this." Li Xiu said lightly.

Jiu Xiaoyun smiled and said: "President, who do you think I am, Jiu Xiaoyun? Some people think that if you have a hundred yuan, it is good to give me ninety-nine yuan, but if you have ten thousand yuan, giving me a hundred yuan is nothing. But I don’t think so, no matter how much you have, it’s all your own hard work, you’ve already given me what I need, that’s what I’ve been kind to, how can I, Jiuxiaoyun, be a person who doesn’t repay kindness? As long as you are still the chief of the technician team, I, Jiu Xiaoyun, will always be a member of the technician team."

"What if I'm not here?" Li Xiu said softly.

"Then I'll support the technician team for you, and wait for you to come back." Jiu Xiaoyun said.

"In that case, I really have one thing to ask you." Li Xiu pondered.

"The chief's business is my business. Just give orders. I will do my best and will not be perfunctory. But I have to send the cat's eye back to the family. This matter is too important to my family. Please forgive me .” Jiu Xiaoyun said calmly.

Li Xiu nodded: "After I go to Tianzhihai, if I can't come back, I hope you can help me take care of Zaizai and raise her up."

"Didn't Miss Ming'er take good care of her?" Jiu Xiaoyun asked suspiciously.

"If I can't come back, I don't want Zaizai to get involved with Changshengtian again, and I don't want anyone from Changshengtian to see her again. Do you understand what I mean?" Li Xiu said.

"Understood, just rest assured, if you can't come back, I will take Zaizai and leave Changshengtian, go to a place where no one can find her, and raise her as my own daughter." Jiu Xiaoyun said seriously.

"So I'm relieved." Li Xiu nodded slightly.

After Jiu Xiaoyun left, Li Xiu called the bandit to go to the gate of trial together. Before he went to the sea of ​​heaven, he hoped that the bandit could have a certain ability to protect himself.

Passed the trial together with the bandit, and when they arrived at the trial site, the bandit suddenly stared at Li Xiu and asked, "Do you already know who the God who killed my whole body is?"

Li Xiu didn't mean to hide it, nodded and said: "Although I can't be sure if it's that person, but even if it wasn't him, the last person you will face will still be him. I am not his opponent yet, and neither are you."

"Guan Jinghao from Space City?" Bandit asked directly.

"Yes." Li Xiu said about Guan Jinghao's creation of replicas, and then sighed: "With Guan Jinghao's personality, he should disdain to kill ordinary people like your parents by himself. In all likelihood, it is his. Replicants."

"Got it, let's go." The bandit didn't ask any more questions.

Li Xiu took the bandit to look for the **** demon spirit, and gave the bandit some resources that he didn't need on the way, so that she could improve her strength as much as possible.

Li Xiu had a faint feeling in his heart that his trip to the sea of ​​​​the sky might cause a huge change, and he hoped that Bandit and the others could survive the big change.

In the laboratory of the Magic Dress Research Institute, a dress-like magic dress is connected with dense light threads, and those light threads are continuously sending light energy into the magic dress, making the light energy on the magic dress more and more intense. The stronger it is, the whole magic outfit is almost going to be lightened.

"Old officer, the value of the magic suit is fluctuating violently. Do you want to continue?" Several old researchers staring at the value kept reporting the value, looking very nervous.

"Continue." Unmoved, the old official said firmly.

"Old officer, if such violent fluctuations continue, there may be great risks. If something happens, your hard work for so many years will be ruined. I'm afraid it will be difficult to gather these materials." Xu Xu The professor reminded from the side.

The old official didn't look sideways, staring at the magic outfit that was about to lighten and said: "It's because those materials can no longer find substitutes, so I can only give it a try. If I don't try now, I will never know the result.

Fruit. Do you think if you do it again, you won't encounter the current problem? Besides, when will we be able to gather so many magic cores to do it again? "

"That's right, I just feel that it would be a pity if it is destroyed, you have devoted your whole life to this magic outfit..." Professor Xu said.

The old official said with a sassy smile: "As long as I'm not dead, it's not considered a lifetime. If it's ruined, it's ruined. At worst, I'll start from scratch. If I don't even have this awareness, what kind of scientific research do I have?"

Professor Xu had no hesitation after hearing this, and laughed loudly: "It's true, if you don't fail, you will never know where you went wrong, so come on."

Under the command of the two, many researchers in the research institute are constantly busy, various instruments are constantly flashing, and the values ​​​​on the instruments are also fluctuating rapidly.


Suddenly, one of the light wires connecting the magic outfit broke.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, Ximen Guan and Professor Xu hurriedly commanded and adjusted, hoping to stabilize the situation.

But before the situation stabilized, the light filaments broke again, and the light filaments continued to break, one after another.

"The strength of the light energy transmission fiber is not enough. Although it is made of the material of that **** monster, it still cannot withstand such a strong light energy transmission..." Professor Xu said loudly.

"Stop the experiment." Officer Ximen made a decisive decision and ordered the experiment to be stopped, and sat down on the chair somewhat dejectedly.

Stopping the experiment means failure. This experiment has almost emptied the savings of the research institute. If it is done again, I don’t know how to wait for a few more years.

Professor Xu continued to instruct the researchers to cut off various instruments, and the light energy transmission fiber was still breaking apart, and many light filaments broke together at one time.

With the shutdown of the instrument, the light energy furnace also slowly stopped operating, and the light energy inside gradually weakened.

But once the solar furnace is in operation, it cannot be stopped all at once. It can only gradually control the light energy in the solar furnace and distribute it to the storage.

Seeing that the solar furnace was slowly stopping, it suddenly started running crazily again, outputting more lunatic energy than before.

The entire solar furnace is like red-hot steel. A large number of magic cores inside are detonated to release light energy, and the output light energy does not decrease but increases.

Those light energy transmission fibers couldn't bear such terrifying light energy, and they broke faster, and a large number of light energy transmission fibers were disconnected in a blink of an eye.

Less than one-third of the light thread connected to the magic outfit is left, but the light energy input into the magic outfit is several times more than before.

"Cut off the light energy transmission fiber..." The old official jumped up and rushed to the place where the light energy furnace was connected.

"Don't go there, the light energy is too strong, you can't get close!" Professor Xu desperately held the old official. The old researcher who wanted to cut off the light energy transmission fiber hadn't even approached, and the protective clothing on his body was already covered by the light. It can burn and burn directly.

Almost instantly, the man's body was on fire.

It was Qiu Tianyu who saw the opportunity quickly. Wearing a magic suit, he directly picked up the coolant and sprayed it on the man, extinguishing the fire on the researcher and pulling him out.

"All personnel evacuate immediately." The old official gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Old officer, you can't withdraw... withdraw now... everything will be gone... we can try again..." the old researcher shouted with red eyes.

"If you lose something, you can recreate it. Life is important." Professor Xu shouted loudly.

"We are all at this age, we are not afraid of death, let's try again." The old researcher did not back down at all, his eyes were already red.

They all knew in their hearts that if everything was ruined this time, it might be impossible for them to have a second chance in their lifetime.

"Old Xu, let's fight again." The old official said, staring at the solar furnace that might explode at any time.

"How to fight? It's out of control now, and the solar furnace will explode at any time..." Professor Xu said.

"If the solar furnace really explodes~www.readwn.com~ how far do you think we old guys can run?" Professor Xu was stunned by the words of the old official.

"Is the spectral editor still working?" The old official asked an old researcher who was guarding the instrument.

"Normal," roared the old researcher.

"What about the Light Energy Particle Collider?"



After a question and an answer, everyone was shouting desperately, as if this was the only way to be heard.

"Then bet the lives of us old guys, use our knowledge and technology to fight against the **** of death, and see if the **** of death will kill us first, or we will complete this final experiment first..." the old official Staring at the magic costume with burning eyes, he finally murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Old man, I have been here for half my life, and if we survive this last hurdle, we will all be free."


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