When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 379: micro city

The latest website: Li Xiu has seen all kinds of cities, but this is the first time he has seen a city like this. The whole city is slightly larger than a football field, and the gate tower of that city is not as tall as Li Xiu's calf, not to mention the buildings inside, most of them are much lower than the gate tower. This city is not too small if you say it is small. It is much larger than the castles built by children, and it is also much more exquisite. Most of the buildings are brick and wood structures, and the carved beams and painted buildings are very beautiful.

It would be unreasonable to say that it is big. One foot of Li Xiu is about the size of a house inside, which makes Li Xiu feel like he has come to a small country, or that he has become a giant.

There are tens of thousands of houses in the city, but it is strange that no one can be seen, as if this is a city of sand tables.

Li Xiu took a closer look at the city gate, and there are two magic words engraved on it, which should mean the meaning of the tiny city, but this is just Li Xiu's translation based on the meaning, the actual name should be better than Li Xiu's own translation Much more beautiful.

"This is Weicheng, it really lives up to its name." Bandit said, looking at the miniature city in front of him. "It should be here. The demon spirit is in Weicheng." Li Xiu said and walked towards the gate of Weicheng.

In front of the city gate is a square paved with stone slabs. There are gardens on both sides of the square. In the middle is a stone road leading directly to the city gate. There is a stone bridge in the middle of the stone road. Under the bridge is a green moat. After Li Xiu and A bandit stepped on the stone road, the further they walked, the buildings on both sides seemed to get bigger. When they reached the stone bridge, everything around them became the same size as normal

When the two stepped onto the stone bridge and reached the highest point of the arch bridge, they suddenly found that Weicheng, which seemed to have no one before, appeared out of thin air, and the city gate was very lively with people coming and going.

Even though Li Xiu already knew the magic of Weicheng from the materials, he still couldn't help sighing at this time: "This Weicheng is really a wonderful creation of heaven and earth. It's so ingenious that I can't tell whether it's us who have become smaller. , or this micro city has become bigger.”

"I think it should be that we have become smaller." A bandit said.

"Maybe, after you enter the city, you will do as I say. Those little people will not attack us humans, so we must not violate their taboos." Li Xiu warned.

Those people in Weicheng seem to be no different from human beings, but in fact they are not human beings, but a kind of demon spirit.

These micro-people are generally not high-level, but according to the information, there are two god-level micro-people in Weicheng, namely the king and queen of Weicheng.

However, Li Xiu didn't come here to kill their king and queen. Li Xiu's target was actually not inside Weicheng, but below Weicheng.

There is a god-level monster suppressed under Weicheng, and that is the monster Li Xiu came to kill this time. As for the tiny people, although they are also demon spirits, they look exactly like humans, and as long as they don't violate their taboos, they won't want to kill humans. If they can coexist peacefully, Li Xiu doesn't want to be with them either. For the enemy.

Of course, another reason is that the two kings of Weiren, according to the president's information, are very powerful gods, and there is no record about their own abilities.

The two walked into Weicheng. The lights and festoons in Weicheng were very lively, as if some kind of festival was going on.

Red lanterns were hung at the entrances of the shops on both sides of the street, and there were small vendors selling goods everywhere, and almost everyone had a beaming look on their faces.

Li Xiu and Bandit walked forward with the crowd, and the two of them remained silent all the way. It's not that they don't want to talk, but because as soon as they open their mouths, they will be heard by Weiren, and their identities will be exposed. Keeping silent is the best way to avoid trouble.

Fortunately, when Weicheng is viewed from the outside, it feels very small, not like a city at all, but from the inside, the city is unimaginably large, comparable to a top-level metropolis, and the number of Weiren is also extremely large. They don't all know each other, and no one will pay special attention to two strangers.

The journey went smoothly. The two walked and watched, and after a while, they came to the central area of ​​the city.

This place is more lively than before. There are many little children setting off firecrackers and fireworks.

There is no difference between a single city and a human city.

The two were walking on the street, when suddenly a person came up to him and blocked the gangster, chattering and gesticulating, as if very excited.

The bandit didn't know what he said, but even if she could understand, she would definitely not answer. She just raised her hand, pointed to her mouth, then pointed to her ear, and then shook her hand, meaning to tell This tiny person, she is a deaf-mute.

Originally thought that with such a gesture, that person should leave, but who knew that after he knew that the bandit was a deaf-mute, he did not retreat, and gestured to the bandit.

The bandit's head was getting bigger, and she was not really deaf and dumb. She had never learned sign language at all, so she couldn't understand what the man meant by comparing, so she just turned her head to look at Li Xiu.

Li Xiu is also big-headed. He has learned magic words. It is true, but the characters used by Weiren are magic words, but the words they speak are not magic words. It should be that they borrowed the words from the magic country, and they still use their own language for pronunciation. .

So Li Xiu couldn't understand at all, so he could only pretend to be a deaf-mute, and made gestures with that person, indicating that he couldn't hear and couldn't speak.

The man was very persistent. Seeing that Li Xiu and the bandit couldn't understand the sign language he was gesturing, he gestured to them to wait a moment, and then quickly ran to a nearby shop. Li Xiu and the bandit wanted to take this opportunity to leave quickly, but the man's movements were too fast. They had only taken a few steps before the man ran back and stopped them again, with paper and pen still in his hand .

The bandit knew what he wanted to do, but she could only look at Li Xiu for help. She hadn't studied magic script systematically, and at most she could understand a few common symbols.

Li Xiu gave her a reassuring look, as if saying that everything depends on me.

The man's hands and feet were quite nimble, he wrote a line of words in a few strokes, and then brought the written paper to the bandit.

Li Xiu couldn't understand their language, but he still knew the magic text. Maybe their usage was a little different from that of the people of the Demon Kingdom, but the general meaning was not much different. Li Xiu could also judge this by combining the content before and after. What is the meaning of Weiren's writing.

Bandit can only look at Li Xiu, but Li Xiu's expression is a bit strange at this time.

Li Xiu hesitated for a moment, reached out and took the paper and pen from the man's hand, and wrote a few magic words on it.

He imitated that humble man's writing style and habits, so that his writing looked good. In fact, if Li Xiu hadn't deliberately used some simple changes, he could have written exactly the same as that man. The little man read the magic text written by Li Xiu, his face was full of surprise, he looked at Li Xiu, then at the bandit, he didn't seem to believe it, so he took the paper and pen again, and wrote A few words.

Bandit can only stand by and watch the two communicate through text, but can't do anything. This feeling is quite unpleasant, making Bandit feel like a mentally retarded and illiterate. Of course, this is not what the bandit cares about. What she cares about is that every time after Li Xiu finishes writing, the little man looks at her with weird eyes. That kind of eyes are very strange. This kind of strange expression that the gangster has never experienced, and has never seen.

She really wanted to know what Li Xiu wrote, but it was a pity that the magic text was right in front of her eyes, but she couldn't understand it no matter how she looked.

Li Xiu and that little man wrote a lot of words. Finally, the little man seemed to suddenly realize that he saluted the bandit, chatted on the phone again, and finally scratched his hair and looked at the bandit. With a long sigh, he turned and left.

The man turned his head three times at a step, as if he was reluctant to part with him, which made the bandit even more puzzled, not knowing what was going on.

She was extremely curious, but she couldn't say anything, she could only walk forward with Li Xiu.

After passing through the central area of ​​the city, Li Xiu led the bandit into a small alley. Strange to say, this place is not far from the central area, and other nearby streets are quite lively and bustling, only this alley is dilapidated, small, and empty, and there is not a single ghost in sight from the entrance to the end of the alley.

"That's right here. The **** monster we're looking for is suppressed under the big mansion in front, and we can enter from there." Li Xiu said as he walked, his voice

Keep it as low as possible.

Although there should be no one here, it is better to be careful.

"What did you say to that person just now?" Bandit was obviously still thinking about the previous incident.

"He said that you are beautiful and have a good temperament, and he wants to invite you to be an idol star." Li Xiu said.

"Invite a deaf-mute person to become an idol star?" The bandit felt that Li Xiu was talking nonsense, and looked at Li Xiu with distrust.

"Yeah, that's what I told him too. How can a deaf-mute be an idol star? Guess what he said?" Li Xiu said as he pushed the door of the house, which was locked inside, but he couldn't open it.

"I can't say that I can rely on my face to eat. I just need to stand there without doing anything, and I can get money, right?" the bandit pouted.

"You are so smart. What he said is similar to what you said. I can believe this kind of nonsense. Of course, he helped you to dismiss him, but he is really sincere. He just feels that you can do it. When he leaves , and turned around every step of the way, that reluctance to part with you, I guess he really fell in love with you." Li Xiu said.

Bandit frowned and looked at Li Xiu. There was indeed nothing wrong with what Li Xiu said, but for some reason, she always felt that something was wrong. Li Xiu must have not told the truth, at least not completely, and there must be something hidden from her.

However, the gangster had no evidence, and at such a time, she didn't say much. A gleam of light flashed on Li Xiu's fingers, and he cut in along the crack of the door, and then stretched out his hand to push, and the locked door opened immediately.

The yard was in a mess, with a thick layer of dust. The stone tables and benches were tilted here and there, and a few dead trees were covered with dust. It seemed that no one had visited the yard for at least decades.

After the two entered the door, Li Xiu quietly closed the door, and then walked towards the main room. The door of the main room was also closed. Li Xiu heard that there was no movement inside, so he pushed it with his hand.

Originally thought that the door might also be locked, but who knew that he just pushed it lightly, and the door opened.

The gazes of the two couldn't help but look inside the door. After seeing it, their expressions froze slightly.

There was a person in the main room, who was bending over to light a lamp. At this moment, that person also saw Li Xiu and the bandit, with expressions similar to theirs, and a look of astonishment. He even forgot to light the lamp oil for the lit match in his hand.

The point is, this person Li Xiu and the gangster still know each other, he is the little man who stopped them on the street before.

This was a bit embarrassing, the bandit and Li Xiu looked at each other, and wanted to kill them. "Stop for me." The man suddenly shouted in a low voice, which stunned the gangster and Li Xiu who were about to make a move.

He said this sentence in human language, not only Li Xiu understood it, but also the bandit understood it.

"It turns out that you are also my own people. You pretended to be a deaf-mute before, and I was really blinded by you." The man said ouch, and shook his hands desperately. It turned out that the match had burned his hand. "The two of you are hardworking enough. You don't understand Weirenyu, and you still come to Weicheng. If you are exposed, it will be a dead end, and no one can save you." The man said and stroked another Matches, lit the oil lamp on the table.

Li Xiu and the bandit looked at the man, and couldn't tell for a moment whether he was a tiny man, a man from the Demon Kingdom, or a human from Earth, so they kept silent.

The man looked very talkative, curled his lips and said, "Why are you two pretending, no one will come here, as long as you don't make too much noise, you are safe."

As he said that, the man picked up the oil lamp and pointed it at the wall of the house: "You are also here for the miniatures, right? Since everyone has the same goal, let's look for it together, but this matter has to be first come, first served. Weicheng has been undercover for so many years, and finally found the whereabouts of the miniatures. I came here to find the pictures during the Twilight Festival, so the original pictures must belong to me. But you must have suffered a lot to find this place. It’s a big risk to pretend to be deaf and dumb. I can let you make a copy and take it away. Anyway, the important thing about the thumbnail is the content. As long as the content is correct, the original picture is the same. It doesn’t matter if it’s the original or not.”


Who are you going to do business with? "Li Xiu asked.

He knew that the reason why this person talked so much with them was not because he was really a chatterbox, but because he was afraid that Li Xiu and the bandit would start a fight and alarm the little people outside.

"You don't need to know this, just say, whether you two accept my proposal or not," said the man.

Li Xiu knew it was going to be bad as soon as he heard it, but he forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​turning his head to look at the bandit, pretending to be nonchalant.

Even if he didn't turn his head to look, Li Xiu could still feel the gangster's eyes staring at him. "Okay, we can accept your proposal, but you have to say something first. After we find the miniature, we have to look at it together." Li Xiu didn't know what a miniature was, but he was afraid that if the person continued to talk, he would really have no idea. Well done.

"Fresh, deal." The man stretched out his hand to Li Xiu, and said with a smile: "Let's get to know each other, my name is Yang Tianxiao, you can call me Lao Yang, or Brother Yang, depending on your age, you should be older than me." Smaller."

Li Xiu wasn't afraid to give his name, but he was afraid that Yang Tianxiao would go on talking, so he pretended to be cold and arrogant and said: "Don't talk so much nonsense, it's important to find the thumbnail, do you know where the thumbnail is?"

"I only found out that the miniature is in this house, and where it is. We can only find it together. And we must be quick. If we can't find it before the end of the Twilight Festival, we must leave immediately, otherwise we will find it There is no way to get out from here even if there is a miniature picture." Yang Tian said with a smile.

"Why can't you go out?" Li Xiu asked with a frown.

"You don't even know that Weicheng's twilight defense system will temporarily stop only during the Twilight Festival? Then how did you know you came here at this time?" Yang Tian smiled in surprise

Li Xiu really didn't know that there was such a thing, he only knew that the information said that he could only come in during this period of time, so he came to Weicheng first, and planned to take this opportunity to kill the suppressed mythical monster , and then go to other trial grounds.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, they're all here anyway, and it happens that everyone looks for it separately, which can save some time. I hope that we can find the thumbnails before the end of the Twilight Festival, and everyone will benefit by then." Yang Tian Pointing to the outside with a smile, he said, "This house happens to have three yards. Let's find a yard each, and contact other people immediately after we find it. We must not take it all by ourselves."

"Alright, we'll search this yard, you go to other yards." Li Xiu said.

This is the main courtyard of the house. If there is something, it is most likely to be here, and the suppressed demon is also here, so it needs to enter from here.

"Okay, I'll go to another courtyard. I, Yang Tianxiao, am a trustworthy person. If I say share, I will share. You must keep your promise." Yang Tianxiao said and went out to the courtyard on the left. "I'll help you find the wind, you get rid of that monster as soon as possible~www.readwn.com~ Ah Bandit said and went out.

Li Xiu nodded, turned around and entered the back room.

Yang Tianxiao had just entered the door when he suddenly heard a voice behind him. He turned his head and saw that it was a bandit, so he smiled wryly and said, "You couple are really suspicious. If you think the miniature is in this yard, then I'll go find someone else. Is it a yard?"

"What did you write with him on the street just now?" A bandit stopped Yang Tianxiao who wanted to go to another yard and asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not pretending to be a small person, so I have to abide by the rules of the small people. Twilight Festival is a festival for the small people to choose a spouse to reproduce. I think you are beautiful, so you can't see me. Being rejected by you, I was able to disappear for a while without arousing suspicion. Who knew it was such a coincidence that I chose you. I really didn't know that you were married and had three daughters. son, I don’t even know you still…”

Speaking of this, Yang Tianxiao didn't continue talking, but looked at the face of the gangster.

"What else do I have?" Bandit asked blankly.


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