When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 380: Engraved proposal

The latest website: "Nothing..." Yang Tianxiao saw that something was wrong, and quickly shook his head.

"You don't need to say it, then you can stay here." The bandit said expressionlessly. "I'm talking to you in a good voice, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Don't push yourself too hard, otherwise..." Yang Tian said with a smile and was about to leave.

"You don't need to be afraid of anyone." A bandit ignored Yang Tianxiao and summoned a deed that looked like a grenade.

"Hmph, do you think that kind of child's thing can scare me?" Yang Tianxiao snorted coldly. "I didn't intend to scare you, I just wanted to set off fireworks." The bandit said lightly. When Yang Tianxiao heard this, his expression changed, and he turned into a bitter face in an instant: "You lure all the little people here, and none of us can escape. What good is it for you?"

"I only listen to what I want to obey, and I don't need to say anything else." The gangster was not moved at all.

"Actually, it's nothing. I also wanted to act more realistically. I said that I don't care if you are married and have children, as long as you are willing to reproduce with me." At this point, Yang Tianxiao glanced at the gangster, Seeing that the bandit didn't respond at all, he continued: "Your husband just said, you love him so much that you love him so much that no one else cares about him except him. You can't walk away even if you kick him, and you can't run away when you beat him. You cling to him all day long. It’s up to him... He also said that the scar on your face... was for the purpose of proposing to him, and he put it on after being rejected by him.

"What else did he say?" The bandit's eyes twitched, as if he wanted to kill Li Xiu. "It's really gone this time, he's already talked about this, and my acting is almost done, so I gave up." Yang Tianxiao immediately swore after speaking: "I swear to God, I never said what blasphemy against you."

"You can look for the courtyards on both sides, don't move the middle courtyard." After finishing speaking, the bandit turned and left, and returned to guard in front of the main courtyard.

As Li Xiu was walking, he suddenly sneezed several times for no reason. He rubbed his nose and muttered to himself: "It's been a long time since I've sneezed. Could it be that those families in Changshengtian who borrowed resources from me scolded behind their backs?" And me?"

He just said that casually, and after turning around, he continued to stare at the front.

This is an underground palace, the entrance is just under the bed of the old house owner's house. Li Xiu walked through the labyrinth-like underground palace according to the map in his memory, and came to a huge main hall. He saw the suppressed **** at a glance. monsters.

It was a gray-black monster that looked like an elephant. Its body was locked by chains. Those chains penetrated its flesh and locked its bones.

There are many such bone-piercing chains on the limbs, back and neck.

Constrained by the chains, the demon spirit could not move at all, it could only lie down in the center of the palace, unable to even stand up.

Li Xiu looked around the palace, but he didn't see any miniature pictures that Yang Tian laughed about. He had already paid attention to it along the way, not to mention pictures, there were no murals in this palace, at most there were some reliefs Decoration, those reliefs and miniatures have nothing to do with it.

Seeing Li Xiu, the demon spirit struggled to get up. Just as he moved his body, he heard a painful hum.

"You might as well be dead if you're alive. Let me help you out." Li Xiu thought, and a flame-like red light appeared on the palm of his hand, which condensed into a knife and was about to slash at the demon spirit.

The demon couldn't move, and seemed to have resigned himself to his fate, lying there motionless, but in those eyes, big teardrops kept dripping down.

For a while, Li Xiu found it difficult to strike. When dealing with enemies, Li Xiu never knew what kindness meant.

If the demon spirit yelled at him fiercely, Li Xiu would have killed it cleanly. Now that the demon spirit looked so pitiful, Li Xiu couldn't bear it.

"My name is Li Xiu. If there really is a hell, if you want to sue after you go down, don't get the name wrong." Naturally, Li Xiu couldn't just let it go.

The reason why I came here at this time is because this **** monster should be the best **** level to kill, as long as his attack

If the strength can break through the defense, the demon spirit has no room to resist at all. Where can I find such an easy-to-kill demon spirit.

Li Xiu raised his palm and was about to slash at the **** demon's neck, but suddenly his eyes narrowed, and the slashing palm stopped.

It wasn't that Li Xiu felt compassion, but when he stared at the demon spirit, he suddenly discovered that the gray-black color on the demon spirit's body was not its skin color, but tiny runes.

Because these runes were too small and spread all over the demon spirit's body, even Li Xiu's eyesight couldn't see that these runes were actually runes at first.

When he was about to slay the demon spirit, he concentrated his attention on it, and when he planned to cut it precisely, he saw some clues.

Li Xiu leaned closer to take a closer look, and sure enough, the devil's body was densely covered with extremely small runes.

The original body of the demon spirit was white, but it was because of the existence of these runes that it turned gray-black.

"Who did this kind of thing and tattooed runes all over the body of a god-ranked demon? Could this be the miniature picture that Yang Tianxiao said?" Li Xiu began to study it carefully.

After watching for a while, Li Xiu discovered that the first place of the magic text was on the forehead of the demon, and then connected together from the beginning to the end, it was a magic text.

Li Xiu temporarily gave up the idea of ​​killing the demon spirit. It would be bad if the magic text was destroyed, so he had to write down the magic text in its entirety first.

Li Xiu read and studied the content of the rune, his face gradually became a little weird. The magic text engraved on the demon spirit turned out to be an interpretation of truth.

The so-called truth interpretation is to explain the content of a certain truth. This truth interpretation is called "micro", and it talks about the essence of micro light.

If the myth with the faint light reads this interpretation of the truth, the understanding of the slight light can immediately rise to several levels, and it may even reach the point of perfection, and it may even break through to the peerless through this interpretation of the truth.

"Being able to write this interpretation of the truth, his realm must have been half-stepped into the peerless realm, even if it is not peerless. I never thought that there would be such a strong man in Weicheng. I don't know if it is the king of Weicheng, or His concubine." Li Xiu took it for granted that the strong man who can possess the light of the micro must be the humble people of Weicheng.

And the devil is trapped in this kind of place, who else is the person who suppresses it but a small person?

"Unfortunately, I don't have a micro-light. Even if I read this micro-blog, it won't be of much use. Is that micro-image that Yang Tianxiao mentioned is this micro-blog?" Li Xiu thought to himself. He thinks that this is probably the micro, but he doesn't know if Yang Tianxiao is deliberately bluffing them, or he doesn't know, the micro is not a picture at all, but an article.

"In your next life, let's become stronger." Li Xiu raised his palm again after writing down this message. Only this time, instead of using the light of the evil spirit of life, Li Xiu changed it to the light of the evil spirit of death.

This demon must not stay. The demon is already hostile to human beings. In addition, it has this interpretation of the truth on it. If a tiny person with a faint light sees this thing, wouldn’t it be another one? terrible enemy.

Li Xiu pressed his palm against the demon spirit's forehead with the blue light. The power of the light of the evil spirit of death can make the death of the demon spirit less painful and less painful.

The demon spirit had no will to resist at all, and had already closed its eyes when Li Xiu pressed it down.

The blue light instantly froze the demon spirit's body, turning it into a blue ice sculpture. The strange thing is that there seem to be countless facets inside the ice sculpture, shining with psychedelic brilliance. With a shake of Li Xiu's palm, the ice sculpture-like monster instantly disintegrated and shattered into small cubes of ice all over the place.

Li Xiu picked up the magic core with some disappointment, but did not find the gemstone.

With a thought in Li Xiu's mind, the light of the dead evil spirit dissipated, and the white light began to radiate from the corpse-shattered demon spirit. Finally, the white light condensed together and turned into a talent gem.

"The talent gem is good, but what I need now is the **** gem." Li Xiu sucked the talent gem in, and searched the dungeon carefully. After confirming that there was nothing else, he left the dungeon and returned to the big palace.

Inside the house.

When Li Xiu came out of the yard, he saw the bandit guarding the door looking at him, so he nodded, signaling to the bandit that he had succeeded.

Without too much communication, the two of them prepared to leave the house one after the other.

"Brother, don't leave yet. We agreed that whoever finds the miniatures will share them together." Yang Tianxiao ran over from another courtyard and stopped Li Xiu. "I didn't see the thumbnail." Li Xiu said.

"Aren't you outrageous? If you didn't find the miniature, would you leave now?" Yang Tian said with a smile on his face.

"I really didn't find the thumbnail, I can swear to God, it's up to you to believe it or not." Li Xiu said.

"It's you instead, do you believe it?" Yang Tianxiao asked back.

"I don't believe it, so what do you want to do?" Li Xiu looked at Yang Tian and said with a smile.

"We share the thumbnails together, otherwise no one will leave." Yang Tian said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of disturbing ordinary people?" Li Xiu laughed.

"I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid that I won't get the thumbnails, so I can't explain it." Yang Tianxiao said lightly, "Besides, I've been pretending to be a small person for so many years. If we fight, I just need to shout and expose you. Human identity, you can still retreat safely when the time comes, I'm afraid you will not be so lucky."

"It's a good idea, you can try it." Li Xiu said calmly.

"Why do you have to make a mess? It's not good for anyone. Anyway, the thumbnail is only useful for the content. If you want the original version, I can take a step back and let you take the original version away." Yang Tianxiao said.

"Okay." Li Xiu was unexpectedly straightforward, and then said: "When did you find it, just give me the original version."

Yang Tianxiao was overjoyed at first, but after hearing what Li Xiu said next, his smile froze on his face.

"You really have to do this?" Yang Tianxiao restrained his smile and said with a gloomy face.

"I haven't seen a miniature at all, so naturally I can only wait for you to find it." Li Xiu said.

"If that's the case, then don't blame me...I'll go..." Yang Tian hadn't finished his joke yet, he suddenly let out a strange cry, and quickly backed away.

Li Xiu directly waved the light of the evil spirit of life and threw it over, and the brilliance like a flame knife instantly appeared in front of Yang Tianxiao.

The mysterious light on Yang Tianxiao's body was like a light, and his figure retreated quickly, but he still couldn't avoid the light of the evil spirit of life.

The flame knife-like brilliance struck Yang Tianxiao's body, and Yang Tianxiao's body burst open immediately, turning into a puff of black smoke.

The black smoke was directly ignited by the light of the evil spirit of life, and there was nothing left after burning instantly.

"What a sinister light of truth... who are you?" In another direction, another Yang Tianxiao unexpectedly appeared, staring at Li Xiu with burning eyes.

"Your skills are not bad. I also want to know who you are. Yang Tianxiao shouldn't be your real name, right?" Li Xiu said lightly.

"Since they are enemies and not friends, then there is no need to report names. Let me ask you one last time, will you submit the miniatures?" Yang Tianxiao asked coldly.

Li Xiu turned around and left, Yang Tianxiao stopped talking nonsense, raised his hand and shot a beam of light, shooting straight into the sky like an arrow, and then exploded in the air like fireworks.

This ray of brilliance immediately attracted the attention of the entire Weicheng people.

"Now the whole Weicheng is alarmed. Weicheng must have been blocked. I believe that the king and queen of Weicheng will come soon. By then, you will be dead. I will give you one last chance, give me Weikong Tu, I have a way to take you out of here alive." Yang Tianxiao stared at Li Xiu coldly and said.

Li Xiu was already too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and once again cut out the light of the evil spirit of life, Yang Tianxiao didn't fight Li Xiu recklessly.

His ability is very strange, as if he has countless clones, Li Xiu cut off one of his bodies, and another Yang Tianxiao appeared.

Li Xiu chopped off several Yang Tianxiaos, but the results were all like clones, and he couldn't tell where his real body was.

"time is limited

, if you don't agree again, even if I want to save your lives, I don't have the ability anymore. "Yang Tianxiao still persisted in persuading him, he seemed to have decided that Li Xiu must have got the miniature.

The three of them could faintly hear loud shouts and footsteps in the alley, and Weiren was coming soon.

Yang Tianxiao flashed, appeared in front of the gate like a ghost, then pulled it hard, and shouted to the outside: "Humans have invaded Weicheng, don't let them escape."

The alley outside the door was already crowded with people. In the front were two people in gorgeous robes, a man and a woman. They should be the king and queen of Weicheng.

After Yang Tianxiao yelled these words to the King of Weicheng, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

The eyes of everyone outside the door glanced into the courtyard, and then looked at him again, and then stared at him without moving their eyes away, leaving Yang Tianxiao, who was about to take advantage of the chaos and escape, without a chance to move his feet.

"Your Majesty, the invading humans are here..." Yang Tianxiao turned around and pointed to the door, but he froze there.

There was no one in the courtyard, not to mention Li Xiu, even the bandit had disappeared.

"They are hiding, they must be inside..." Yang Tianxiao said hastily.

"There are indeed human beings in the yard, isn't that you?" The glamorous queen stared at Yang Tianxiao and said coldly.

Yang Tian's heart skipped a beat, knowing that something really bad happened this time.

The reason why the queen said this was because she could be sure that there was no trace of Li Xiu and the others in the house, but Yang Tianxiao really couldn't figure out how Li Xiu and the others escaped, why they were no longer in the house in a blink of an eye. Could it be that they will not be able to teleport.

Of course Li Xiu can't teleport, but he can become invisible. The moment Yang Tianxiao opened the door, he was already invisible.

Bandit is simpler, has the magical skill of waiver, and can leave the trial ground at any time. It is more difficult to block her in the trial ground than to block Li Xiu.

Yang Tianxiao was so depressed that he almost wanted to vomit blood, but now he had no other choice but to desperately.

Mysterious light bloomed on Yang Tianxiao's body, rushing outward like a ghost.

"If you are allowed to leave alive, I, the queen, will not do it." The queen's body burst into golden lights, piercing Yang Tianxiao like thousands of steel needles.

Yang Tianxiao's body was immediately riddled with holes, and exploded like an inflatable doll. At the same time, another Yang Tianxiao, who was exuding mysterious light all over his body, rushed into the crowd.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the invisible Li Xiu also escaped from the house, quickly rushed out of the alley, glanced at the alley that was still shining with divine light, Li Xiu was slightly surprised: "Who is this Yang Tianxiao? He’s really capable, so he can’t be from the former Demon Kingdom, right? Then who is it that he claims to be looking for miniatures?”

Li Xiu watched from a distance for a while, and knew that he might not be the opponent of the king and queen of Weicheng now, and Yang Tianxiao could only run for his life in embarrassment, so he no longer missed it, and left Weicheng quickly.

Back outside the gate of the trial, Bandit was waiting there.

"Don't worry~ www.readwn.com~ I'm fine, you don't have to worry so much." Li Xiu saw that the bandit was staring at him, thinking that the bandit was worried about his injury.

"How can I not be worried? You are the father of three daughters and two sons. If something happens to you, what will happen to the three daughters and two sons?" A bandit looked at Li Xiu and said coldly. Li Xiu immediately screamed that it was too bad, and let the bandit know.

"Don't listen to Yang Tianxiao talking nonsense." Li Xiu said hastily.

"Why would I listen to his nonsense?" The bandit's words made Li Xiu feel relieved, but the bandit went on to say, "I will only listen to you in this world. After all, I am so shameless to marry you. I am disobedient." If you don’t want me, then I don’t have to commit suicide.”

"Ahem, bandit, you also know the situation at that time. I just wanted to get out of trouble as soon as possible. I just said it casually, so I can't take it seriously..." Li Xiu smiled wryly.

"In ancient times, it was unforgettable, but now there is an engraved face to propose marriage. I have engraved it on my face. What can I do if I don't take it seriously?" the bandit looked at

Looking at Li Xiu, he said every word.


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