When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 381: Trial failed

Latest URL: For a while, Li Xiu just wanted to find a place to drill down. When he wrote this, he didn't expect to see Yang Tianxiao again, nor did he think that Yang Tianxiao was not a humble person. He just wanted to find a reason quickly. Get things out of the way.

It's just that things have come to this point, and Li Xiu feels that it's not appropriate to say anything at this time.

If you explain it too seriously, it seems that you don't respect the bandit a little bit. If you don't explain it, it seems that you are a very casual person.

Many thoughts flashed through Li Xiu's mind in an instant, and he felt that at such a time, he must do the opposite, so as to resolve the current situation without embarrassment.

Looking at the gangster who was staring at him expressionlessly, Li Xiu straightened his body suddenly, faced the gangster, and said solemnly: "Then let's really give birth to three or five children with him, what do you think?"

The bandit was taken aback for a moment, and then said a little annoyed: "Whoever wants to have three or five children with you, go away."

After saying that, the bandit turned around and left, no longer caring about stepping on Li Xiu.

Li Xiu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he still knew the gangster quite well, he looked cold and ruthless on the outside, but in fact he was a very simple **** the inside, at least in terms of emotions. If others can give her one point, she can return others ten points.

Of course, if someone offends her, she is also the kind of person who must pay back ten times.

Essentially speaking, a bandit is a person who has a clear distinction between what he likes and what he hates, and Li Xiu also likes this kind of personality very much.

After the gangster went back, Li Xiu did not go back, but went directly to another trial gate. There was not much time before the president took him to the Sea of ​​​​Sky, so he had to get some **** gems as soon as possible, so that he could A real promotion to the **** position.

Although his current strength is not inferior to most god-level creatures, but after all, it is not the ability of the main body, and he will still suffer a bit when he meets an existence like Guan Jinghao.

Li Xiu kept entering various trial places, and he didn't know whether it was because of his bad luck recently, or because he ran out of luck before and killed several **** monsters in a row, but he couldn't get the **** gem .

A god-like demon spirit like a dark demon king was beheaded by Li Xiu, but nothing came out except the magic core, which was the god-level material for that body.

"It's not a mutated god. The chance of getting a **** gem is really too low. No wonder it's so difficult for the big families to find a **** without the help of the president." Li Xiu couldn't help shaking his head.

With the Evil Spirit Card and the Forbidden Spear dual gods, it is really not difficult for him to kill ordinary **** monsters, but it is useless if he can't get the **** gems.

There are two talent gems and a skill ring. These are good things, but for Li Xiu, they are still not as good as the qualitative changes that the **** gems can bring.

"I don't even know how many god-level gems are needed to be promoted to the god-level, let alone a few now, I can't even get one, this is not the way to go, it seems that we have to work **** the mutant god-level monsters .” Li Xiu felt that he had to change his previous plan.

He used to choose some god-level monsters that were easier to kill, and he only wanted to increase the chance of getting god-level gems through quantity. Now it seems that this way is not feasible.

Li Xiu thought again about the information about mutant monsters. In fact, among those materials, there were not many about mutant monsters.

Excluding the Great Demon King Fentian and the Ice Bone Yin Spirit Beast, there is actually only one mutant deity monster left for Li Xiu to choose from, and his name is Sharpshooter.

Li Xiu didn't even think about killing this mutant monster at first, because according to the records, the sharpshooter is a bug-like monster.

That sharpshooter is a humanoid demon, and he also possesses a natural demon weapon. What's even more frightening is that he has more than one demon weapon.

There are no clear records on how many there are, but it is only speculated that there should be at least two, one of which is a long-range weapon that can directly shoot and kill enemies thousands of miles away. 2 Before, after many testers stepped into the sharpshooter's territory, they were shot in the head without even seeing what the sharpshooter looked like.

The data also specifically reminded that the tester who was shot in the head

Among the cultivators, there was one who already possessed a **** position, and that cultivator at the rank of **** did not see where the sharpshooter was, nor did he know what he looked like.

The other weapon is large-scale. There was once a tester who wanted to use the magic spirit sea tactics to force the sharpshooter out. At that time, the tester invited a lot of immortals and asked them to kill the hordes of monsters. Forcibly rushed into the area where the sharpshooter was.

As a result, a terrifying light bomb exploded like an atomic bomb, directly exterminating thousands of demon spirits.

On the whole, the sharpshooter is definitely a very terrifying god-level monster. According to the analysis of the person who wrote the data, it is likely to be a mutant monster.

Ultra-long-distance attack means and wide-range attack ability. The key is that no one knows how much ability the sharpshooter has. Li Xiu didn't want to attack such an extremely dangerous demon.

If there is enough time, Li Xiu would rather kill some ordinary **** monsters than take risks with sharpshooters.

But now time is running out, Li Xiu can't wait any longer, so he can only go and see the situation first, hoping to find the sharpshooter's flaws.

"Welcome to the gunner's proving ground. The S-level trial, I am a sharpshooter, will start soon. The rules of the trial are as follows..." In a shooting range, the cold electronic synthesized sound came from the light screen.

Li Xiu carefully wrote down the rules. Although it was an S-level trial, the rules were very simple.

Li Xiu only needs to stand in the prescribed position, use the gun provided by the trial ground, and hit the target.

However, Li Xiu was required to hit the red heart with every shot, and there were ten targets in total. This kind of trial should not be difficult for Li Xiu.

In terms of the control of space trajectory, few people in the world can be better than Li Xiu.

The first few shots were indeed like this. Li Xiu was holding a semi-automatic pistol in his hand, and he could be said to shoot wherever he pointed. The first five targets were from 100 meters at the beginning to 500 meters at the fifth shot. It was far away, but Li Xiu always hit the center of the red heart with his gun, without even a single deviation. But when the sixth target appeared, Li Xiu's expression became serious.

Li Xiu knew that the difficulty of the following targets would definitely become higher and higher, but he didn't expect it to be this difficult.

He estimated that it might be a moving target, and even thought about it, it might be that kind of high-speed movement, with various obstacles, and even a limited time limit.

But he didn't expect that what he thought was too naive before, now it's not a question of difficulty, but it's simply impossible for Li Xiu to hit the target.

The sixth target didn't move at all, and there were no obstacles, and the time limit was the same as before, only it moved back another hundred meters.

Don't underestimate the 100 meters. After the previous shooting, Li Xiu has judged that the semi-automatic pistol provided by the gunner's training ground has a range of only more than 500 meters. This range refers to the maximum range, not the effective range.

That is to say, the bullets fired from this gun can't reach the target at all. No matter how accurate Li Xiu's marksmanship is, the bullets can't touch the target, let alone hit the red heart. 2 Li Xiu also tried to inject his own light energy into the pistol before, but the pistol is like a light energy insulator, it is impossible to use light energy to attach to the pistol, and it is impossible to use light to make the bullet fly farther.

Faced with this almost fatal rule, Li Xiu didn't panic, but just stared at the entire gunner's proving ground, thinking about something all the time.

Bullets are not arrows, even if Li Xiu shoots the bullet high into the sky, it is impossible for the bullet to fly to the target by the wind.

"Could it be that there are only A-level gunner trials in the data, but no information about S-level gunner trials? It seems that those who have participated in the S-level gunner trials should all be dead." Li Xiu looked at the gun in his hand, thinking How to make the bullet cross the impossible distance of tens of meters.

His position is fixed, it is impossible to move forward, and the range of the bullet cannot touch the target. Pistols are different from bows and arrows. The kinetic energy gained by the bullet is fixed, and there is no way to add extra force. Therefore, it is impossible for the second bullet to catch up with the first bullet and add kinetic energy to the first bullet. Li Xiu thought about it, I'm afraid there's only one way


Li Xiu glanced at the countdown that was not long left, and then turned his gaze to the five targets ahead.

After the previous five targets were hit, they were still in place and had not been removed.

The target is a target picture hanging between two poles. Li Xiu glanced at the poles on both sides of the target, and there was a small section protruding from the top of the pole.

Li Xiu stared at the target and moved his steps. After a few steps, he suddenly threw the automatic pistol in his hand like a boomerang.

The pistol spun in the air and flew towards the first target. The pistol was actually put on the target pole and spun.

There was only a bang, and the target rod pressed the trigger, causing the pistol to fire a bullet, and the bullet hit the heart of the sixth target inconceivably.

The recoil of the fired bullet caused the pistol to bounce out of the target pole again. Unfortunately, the force was not enough and it fell near the target.

Li Xiu had tried his best, and there was really no way to get the pistol back into his hands. If he didn't get a new pistol, then his trial this time would fail.

But other than that, Li Xiu really had no other choice.

Bullets and pistols are completely unaffected by light energy. There are really no other means available. Li Xiu has considered various possibilities. It is not difficult to hit the red heart, but it is really impossible to get the pistol back.

"Shouldn't you not give me a pistol for the next trial?" Li Xiu felt that even if it was an S-level trial, it would be impossible not to leave a way for people to survive. After all, the purpose of the trial is not to kill people.

"The S-rank gunner failed the trial...the tester is being cleared..."

But the sudden cold electronic sound on the light screen made Li Xiu startled: "How could the trial not be completed! Except for leaving the pistol, there is no other way to make the bullet with a range of only more than 500 meters hit 600." A target meters away!"

It's a pity that there is no time to worry about why the trial was not completed. Li Xiu's first reaction was to burst out all the light energy desperately, and then stared at the tester bracelet on his wrist. The tester bracelet was exuding danger. of light.

This is all he can do now. He has participated in so many trials, and he once wondered if he could get rid of the trialist bracelet on his hand. As a result, even with god-level power, it is difficult to destroy the bracelet and wipe it off. remove.

So Li Xiu didn't have a clue in his heart, and he didn't know whether the power of the tester's bracelet could kill the tester of the **** position.


The moment the trialist's bracelet exploded, Li Xiu knew that he was finished. Everything in the proving ground was made for the trialist. The power of the bracelet explosion directly passed through his multiple light energy defenses , even the ultimate light was not able to block the strange power generated by the explosion of the bracelet, but it was only slightly weakened.

But even if it is partially weakened, the explosive power of the bracelet is still enough to obliterate Li Xiu's body. The bracelet of the tester is indeed the nemesis of the tester. As long as the trial fails, the **** position will not be spared. "You're going to die like this!" Countless thoughts flashed through Li Xiu's mind, but none of them could save his life.

At the moment when the strange force was about to kill Li Xiu, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed in front of Li Xiu's eyes.

The gold coin that Li Xiu had been wearing close to his body flew out automatically, suspended in front of him, and spun at a high speed. The strange light energy generated by the explosion of the bracelet was sucked into the gold coin like a tornado.

Li Xiu was surprised and delighted: "Hasn't the energy of the gold coin been exhausted? It can still be used? No, the deed cannot be used in the trial field, and the gold coin can still work?" The strange light produced by the explosion Being able to be sucked into the gold coin, the golden light that Li Xiu is familiar with once again bloomed on the gold coin.

Soon, Li Xiu heard a familiar voice again: "My cutest little princess, do you miss daddy... Only daddy is good in this world..."

Li Xiu looked at the golden light and shadow with a fatherly face, and listened to the embarrassing

The voice, at this time, did not feel awkward at all, but felt like the sound of nature, which was better than before.

Any song you've ever heard should be beautiful.

"Welcome to the Gunner Proving Ground. The S-rank trial is about to begin. The trial rules are as follows..." Guang

The voice on the screen sounded again.

Li Xiu looked down and found that there was another trial bracelet on his wrist.

Exactly the same as before.

At this time, Papa Han's song was finished, the image disappeared, and the gold coins returned to their previous form.

In this way, it fell back into Li Xiu's hands.

"Although we haven't really met each other yet, we have already saved me a few times, and I will go with my sister in the future.

When you see her father, you have to thank him well. Li Xiu changed his mind and thought again: "I don't know what level of powerhouse Papa Han is, but a gold coin he made has such an incredible ability."

Putting the gold coins away carefully, Li Xiu looked at the trial field again. The gunner trial had started again, and he had to hit ten more targets, and he could complete the trial by hitting the red heart ten times.

Li Xiu now knows that even if he destroys the tester's bracelet, as long as he doesn't complete the trial, he won't be able to get out. The trial field will open a new trial for him, and even the difficulty of the trial is exactly the same as before.

While experimenting with various methods, Li Xiu fired five shots. Li Xiu hit the hearts of the first five targets, but the results of the experiment were not satisfactory.

He tried every means to affect the bullets in the gun, hoping to make the bullets fly farther, but because the light energy was completely ineffective on the guns and bullets, he couldn't affect the flying distance of the bullets at all.

"Besides throwing the gun, I really can't think of how to make the bullet hit the target.

Li Xiu frowned secretly.

Time waits for no one, the countdown to the seventh shot has already started, and Li Xiu has no extra time and opportunity to experiment.

"You can't let go of the gun, otherwise the test will fail, but the range of the pistol is not enough, how can this pass the test?"

Looking at the target 600 meters away, Li Xiu suddenly thought of a possibility that even he himself found ridiculous: "Could it be..."

Seeing that the countdown was about to end, Li Xiu had no other choice, so he could only give it a try. Anyway, he had gold coins to save his life, so it would be a big deal to do it again.


Li Xiu pulled the trigger, and the bullet directly hit the bullseye 600 meters away, leaving a bullet hole in the red bullseye.

"I'm going to **** your sister, so it's really like this!" Li Xiu couldn't laugh or cry.

Originally, this pistol could automatically increase its range, but if it was replaced by a person who did not have such strong judgment and observation skills, he would not notice the range of the pistol, and would not have the problems Li Xiu encountered before.

Li Xiu, who sees through everything, stumbles in this impossible place for ordinary people. Although even Li Xiu thought it was ridiculous that he had failed, it also made him realize that the ability he was proud of was actually his weakness that was most likely to fail. The biggest enemy of a person may often be himself.

"Fortunately, I have the gold coins from Papa Han~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, I would have committed suicide." Li Xiu rubbed his nose mockingly.

The next trial was not difficult for Li Xiu. Starting from the eighth target, the targets began to move quickly. At the ninth target, all the targets moved and quickly exchanged positions. Most people even found the first target. Nine targets are difficult, let alone hit it in that speed of movement.

The tenth target was not only the farthest and faster, but also a strong light suddenly appeared in the training ground, which made it impossible for Li Xiu to use his eyesight effectively.

It's just that this kind of difficulty is still nothing to Li Xiu. He directly completed the trial and got the trial reward.

An S-level skill ring and an entry ticket.

Strangely, after coming to the stone table, Li Xiu didn't find Qi's shadow here, only the Changsheng Lantern was there alone.

Li Xiu had encountered a similar situation before, and was too lazy to study it, and followed the longevity lamp into the trial ground.


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