When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 382: last time

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In an unknown town, there are many wooden houses built in twos and threes, and there are many humans living here in the town.

Of course, these are not Earth humans, but the remnants of the Demon Kingdom.

Li Xiu looked at the demonic people in the town, but those demonic people seemed to be accustomed to the arrival of humans from the earth, not many people paid attention to Li Xiu, only a few children looked at Li Xiu curiously. Li Xiu already knew from the information that there are people from the Demon Kingdom here, and they are not too high level. They are a group of poor people who fled here to live in seclusion after the collapse of the Demon Kingdom.

Because the resources of the nearby monsters are scarce, it is difficult for them to achieve great achievements. One generation is not as good as the next generation. Now it is not so easy to find a light-based level.

Li Xiu ignored them, left the town directly, and walked towards the sunset in the desert.

The desert here is black, and the sand is gray-black particles. Under the scorching sun, the temperature of the black desert is much higher than that of ordinary deserts. Most people are prone to heat stroke in the black desert, and may even be in danger of dehydration. .

If there is no special deed, if you step on the sand, you will be burned.

Naturally, Li Xiu didn't have such troubles. He rode the Pink Nightmare in the black desert. The Pink Nightmare had just been fed to S-level by Li Xiu. Even the Super Spirit hadn't reached it yet, and the speed was much slower than the Fire Lotus Sword.

However, Li Xiu was not in a hurry and let the Pink Nightmare gallop across the black desert. When Li Xiu saw an oasis in the desert ahead, he stopped, put away the pink nightmare, and entered the oasis.

This oasis is the last safe area. After passing the oasis, it is the territory of the sharpshooter. If you are unlucky, you may just take a step out of the oasis, and you will be headshot by the sharpshooter who doesn't know where it is.

If you are lucky, maybe the sharpshooter is sleeping or doing other things, and if he is not found, he will be able to travel a little longer in the desert.

How far you can go depends on when you will be discovered by sharpshooters.

Li Xiu passed through the oasis and came to the edge of the oasis, staring at the endless black sand sea outside.

The previous desert was relatively undulating, with uneven sand dunes everywhere, but the desert here has very small undulations, and there are few high sand dunes. You can see the connection between the black sand sea and the blue sky at a glance.

Li Xiu hid behind a tree and stared at the sea of ​​sand in the distance. He didn't see anything as far as he could see. God knows where the sharpshooter is.

"It's a pity that I don't have Jiuxiaoyun's Moxing Shark. It's really difficult to find the sharpshooter. It seems that I can only try to see if I can block the sharpshooter's ultra-long-range sniper." Li Xiu was a little helpless.

Just like what he thought before, if he wanted to kill a sharpshooter, he had to try it himself, and there was no other way to go.

Of course, Li Xiu can also choose to approach the target incognito, but he hopes that before that, he can know how strong the sharpshooter is. He is here to startle the enemy.

Li Xiu didn't take chances either, he directly summoned the Forbidden Spear, and his whole body was wrapped in flower armor.

The light of the evil spirit of life and the light of the evil spirit of death are also secretly hidden under the flower armor, just in case.

Stepping out of the oasis, Li Xiu kept his eyes on the distance of the desert. He could be shot, but he had to judge the location of the sharpshooter while being shot, otherwise it would be meaningless for him to get shot.

After walking a few steps, no bullets appeared, Li Xiu didn't hesitate, and directly increased his speed, moving forward like lightning in the desert.

His own speed has long surpassed the Fire Lotus Sword, and when it was time to hurry, he still had to run by himself.

In a short while, Li Xiu had rushed thousands of miles, but he was never sniped by the sharpshooter, nor was he found.

"Could it be that my luck is so good that the sharpshooter is sleeping?" Li Xiu was a little puzzled, but he didn't dare to take chances. The speed under his feet did not slow down, nor did he relax his vigilance. During the high-speed dash, his eyes kept looking around. look up.

But except for the black sand sea, which is still black sand sea, he has run for tens of thousands of miles, but he still has nothing to do.

Saw the trace of the sharpshooter.

Li Xiu didn't know where the sharpshooter was, so he could only continue to run forward. When he ran tens of thousands of kilometers, a lake appeared in front of him.

It was a white lake, like milk, although it was not clear, it made people feel very holy.

Li Xiu came to the edge of the milk lake, the lake exudes a refreshing fragrance, which is really weird.

But what surprised Li Xiu was not the mysterious milk lake, but that there was an island in the center of the milk lake.

There is also a wooden house built on the island in the middle of the lake. A monster that looks like a human is standing in front of the wooden house. It is wrapped in a black robe, with a hat on its head, a black scarf on its face, and a pair of scarlet scarves. Eyes, staring at him.

Li Xiu immediately realized that this person should be the sharpshooter. He had obviously discovered Li Xiu a long time ago, but for some reason, he didn't choose to snipe directly like he killed those testers before. It is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the oasis. If the sharpshooter really has such an ultra-long-range sniper ability, Li Xiu will have no power to fight back. He will never see the sharpshooter so far away. "That gun of yours comes from the sea of ​​sky?" The sharpshooter looked at the forbidden gun in Li Xiu's hand and said, his human language was very standard.

Li Xiu immediately realized that the sharpshooter didn't snipe him because of the forbidden gun in his hand.

"That's right." Li Xiu nodded.

"In that case, then I will give you a chance to fight fairly." The sharpshooter came to Li Xiu in a flash.

The wind blew through the black cloak and lifted a corner of the cloak. Only then did Li Xiu realize that there were two holsters hanging around the sharpshooter's waist. The two black pistols in the holsters were the same as Li Xiu's Forbidden Gun. They're all revolver style.

"How do you fight fairly?" Li Xiu asked, looking at the sharpshooter.

"As a gunner, of course you have to be faster and more accurate than anyone else's gun." The sharpshooter reached out and pulled out two revolvers from his waist. Although they were both black, one had a red rose pattern on it, and the other On the top of the gun is a pattern of white roses.

The sharpshooter pointed the red rose gun at the sky, fired a shot, and a red light bullet shot into the sky.

"The moment the bullet hits the sand, you and I shoot at the same time, life and death are at stake," said the sharpshooter.

"Okay." Li Xiu stared at the sharpshooter instead of looking at the light bullets falling in the sky, and held the trigger of the Forbidden Gun with his finger.

At such a short distance, whoever shoots first will get the first chance. As long as he slows down for a moment, he may not even have the chance to pull the trigger.

The sharpshooter still pointed his gun at the sky, while the other gun pointed at Li Xiu.

The moment the light bullet landed on the sand, almost at the same time, Li Xiu and the sharpshooter fired at the same time, and the light bullet sprayed out from the barrel, hitting each other's forehead almost at the same time.

Li Xiu's taboo bullet hit the sharpshooter's forehead, knocking off the opponent's hat, revealing his gray hair.

On Li Xiu's forehead, a white rose mark also appeared.

"Why don't you use real killing bullets?" The sharpshooter asked, staring at Li Xiu.

"How dare I use such bullets on you, Chairman?" Li Xiu put away the Forbidden Gun and said calmly.

The sharpshooter was slightly taken aback, then smiled and tore off the veil, and said curiously: "How did you find out? I asked myself that I already looked very similar, and even my breath imitated that of the sharpshooter, but you still recognized it." gone."

"No matter how much you change, you can't change the unique temperament on your body. I recognized you the first time I saw you. Otherwise, how could I agree to play such a childish duel game. What's more, I have been suspicious for a long time. , why is my luck so good that the sharpshooter just let me go, I don’t think I’m that special.” Li Xiu curled his lips and said, “President, what do you mean by that?”

"I just want to know how far you have grown, and whether you are qualified to play in my place." The president said with a smile.

"Am I qualified?" Li Xiu asked.

"Almost." The president nodded.

"That means it's still a bit worse?" Li Xiu asked again.

The president smiled but did not answer: "I forgot to tell you before, it will take some time for us to reach the sea of ​​sky, so we have to leave early, and now there is not much time left for you." "How much longer? "Li Xiu frowned.

"I can give you another seven days at most," said the president.

Li Xiu walked directly in front of the president and stretched out his hand.

"What do you mean?" The president was puzzled by Li Xiu's action, and asked while looking at him suspiciously.

"The sharpshooter should have been killed by you, what about the things he exploded?" Li Xiu said. "I killed it, why should I give it to you?" The president pouted.

"The appointment of Tianzhihai is also yours, why should I fight on your behalf?" Li Xiu still stretched out his hand and said.

"It makes sense." The president was not angry at all, and took out a magic core and a skill ring and threw them to Li Xiu.

"Where's the gemstone?" Li Xiu asked with a frown as he caught the object.

"There is no **** gem, you think it is so easy to produce **** gems, kill hundreds of **** monsters, if you are lucky, you will only get one or two **** gems, if you are not lucky, you may not even have one, so I will kill them." Isn’t it normal for a sharpshooter not to have a **** gem?” said the president with a smile.

"Isn't the mutated demon spirit a must-see gem?" Li Xiu couldn't believe what the president said.

"Who told that the sharpshooter is a mutated monster? The information on the resources is only suspected, but in fact the sharpshooter is not a mutated monster." The president sighed: "I also hope that he is a mutant monster, but unfortunately it is not. If you want to blame it, blame you Bad luck."

"I risked my life to fight instead of you, you can't even give me a **** gem?" Li Xiu finally had such an opportunity, how could he just let the president go.

The president was still not angry, he laughed and said: "Okay, if you want the gem of a god, I can give it to you, but not now."

"When will it be? It won't be waiting for me to die, you will use the gemstone of the **** to make offerings to me, right?" Li Xiu said angrily.

"To be honest, I don't have any **** gems on hand, so even if I want to give it to you now, I can't get it out. But on the way to the sea of ​​​​the sky, there are many opportunities to hunt and kill **** monsters. When the time comes The gem of the **** is yours," said the president.

"What if it doesn't come out?" Li Xiu asked.

"Then you can only blame your own fate." The president paused, and then continued: "In fact, your current strength is enough. If you really want to fight, no matter how strong you are, it will be useless. In the end, you still have to lose. You just need to meet the minimum standard. If you want to win, you can’t rely on brute force, you have to find a way.”

"What do you mean?" Li Xiu didn't quite understand.

"How about Guan Jinghao's Fall of God?" The president didn't answer, but asked an unexpected question.

"Very strong." Li Xiu answered truthfully.

"If Guan Jinghao goes, he doesn't even have a 10% chance of winning. Do you think you can be sure of winning Guan Jinghao even if you are fully prepared?" said the president.

"So, isn't it certain that I will lose this battle?" Li Xiu frowned.

"That's why I said, your strength is enough, you have to use your brain to win." The president's expression was very playful.

"Since there is a way to win, why didn't you just tell me?" Li Xiu stared at the president and asked.

"There are some methods that won't work if you say them out. You have to realize it yourself, but you can rest assured that no matter you win or lose, I will guarantee you to come back alive." The president straightened his back. A strong sense of oppression, very different from the usual wretched old man.

Li Xiu knew that he couldn't get any results if he asked again, so he just turned around and left. He couldn't believe the president's guarantee at all, and he still hoped to provide his own strength as much as possible before going to Tianzhihai. Only his own strength is the best. Strong capital.

He wants to take advantage of the last seven days to hunt and kill as many **** monsters as possible, hoping to get a few **** gems.

The president did not stop Li

Xiu, just squinted his eyes to watch him leave, and when Li Xiu completely disappeared from his sight, the president murmured to himself: "This kid's character is really similar to Jing Hao, both of them are equally stubborn. Trust no one."

Li Xiu left the trial ground, and immediately went to other trial gates. Li Xiu spent seven days in different trial grounds.

I don't know if it's because the **** gems are really so rare, or because of his bad luck recently, he killed five **** monsters, but he didn't even touch a **** gem.

Seeing that the time was almost up, if he didn't go back, that old **** of the president would probably come to him in person, so Li Xiu could only go back to Longevity City resentfully.

"You are finally back. After the old official asked you to come back, I will go to the research institute immediately. It is very urgent." The bandit saw Li Xiu and said this.

"What happened to the research institute?" Li Xiu wondered.

"I don't know. The old official just said that he was in a hurry. He didn't say anything else. I asked him, but he refused to say anything." The gangster shook his head.

Li Xiu had no choice but to go to the research institute again. As soon as he arrived at the research institute, the old researcher at the door saw him and excitedly pulled him into the laboratory.

"Mr. Zhao, what's the situation?" Li Xiu looked at Lao Zhao's expression, it shouldn't be a bad thing, and he felt relieved.

"Chief, let the old man tell you in person." Lao Zhao refused to say, but just dragged Li Xiu into the laboratory.

"Xiao Lizi, you are finally back." Ximen officer said with a proud face when he saw Li Xiu.

When Li Xiu heard that Officer Ximen called him Xiao Lizi out of complacency, he knew that Officer Ximen must have made some big moves, otherwise he wouldn't be so arrogant.

"Your research has new results?" Li Xiu asked.

"As expected of you, smart, guess what new achievement it is?" Ximen Guan said with a smile. "It can't be that your magical outfit has been successfully developed, right?" Li Xiu pouted and said.

Officer Ximen was startled slightly, and said with some displeasure: "You really don't mean anything, forget it, come with me, I'm just waiting for your test."

"Is there no one in the magic outfit team who can test it?" Li Xiu said as he walked.

"If someone can test it, what are you waiting for?" Ximen officer dragged Li Xiu into the innermost laboratory.

"Where is your magic outfit?" Li Xiu scanned the entire laboratory, but he didn't see the magic outfit Ximen mentioned.

"There are times when you can't see it." Official Ximen proudly picked up something and threw it to Li Xiu. Li Xiu caught the thing and saw that it was a bracelet.

The bracelet seemed to be made of platinum, and it was inlaid with seven bean-sized gemstones, each of which had the same shape and size.

The high-grade gemstones that Li Xiu had seen had eight thousand if not ten thousand, but he really didn't recognize the types of these seven gemstones, at least not any kind of gemstones he had seen before.

"Is this a magic costume?" Li Xiu looked at such a small gemstone bracelet in his hand, it was really hard to imagine that it was a magic costume.

"Is it a magic suit? Just try it and you'll know. You have to activate seven gems at the same time to activate this magic suit." The old official didn't say a word. He had actually asked someone to test it. The magician with the strongest spiritual knowledge in the division brigade could barely activate the first gem.

Li Xiu didn't have much time~www.readwn.com~ didn't say anything else, he put the gemstone bracelet on his wrist, and then activated the magic outfit as Ximen Guan said.

Professor Xu and a group of researchers were all watching the situation inside the door, and some climbed on the glass to look in, all of them seemed very nervous.

They bet their lives on the magic outfit, but no one can activate it. Except for Li Xiu, the strongest magician can only activate the first gem, and the remaining six gems are very important for spiritual consciousness. The requirements will become higher and higher. If Li Xiu can't activate it, no matter whether this magical outfit is successfully developed or not, it will be a waste product.

Li Xiu tried it first, and he couldn't activate even a single gemstone when he failed the line. Professor Xu and the others were very nervous. Seeing that Li Xiu couldn't even activate a single gemstone for the first time, they immediately raised their voices.


But then they saw the gemstones on the bracelet light up one by one. In the blink of an eye, all seven gemstones were shining brightly, and the bracelet also had a miraculous change.

Strings of light extended from the bracelet, wrapping around Li Xiu's body as if they had life.

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